10 research outputs found

    "If you had the right to choose, would you vaccinate your child?"; Parental characteristics as predictors of attitudes towards vaccination and vaccination decision

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    Iako je cijepljenje najuspješnija medicinska intervencija u povijesti, kojom je spašeno više života nego bilo kojom drugom, (Imunološki zavod, 2019) u posljednjih nekoliko godina javlja se izraženije oklijevanje cijepljenju. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija proglasila je oklijevanje cijepljenju jednom od najvećih prijetnji globalnom zdravlju (WHO, 2019). Postavlja se pitanje jesu li dispozicijske karakteristike roditelja prediktivne za oblikovanje stavova i odluka o cijepljenju. Sukladno tome, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je provjeriti utjecaj individualnih karakteristika roditelja na oblikovanje stavova prema cijepljenju i na donošenje odluke o cijepljenju djece u slučaju mogućnosti izbora. Istraživanje je provedeno putem online ankete, a sudjelovalo je 816 sudionika, roditelja u dobi od 20 do 64 godine. Rezultati su pokazali da roditelji u prosjeku imaju blago pozitivne stavove prema cijepljenju, dok četvrtina roditelja pokazuje otpor prema cjepivima i cijepljenju. Individualne karakteristike roditelja pokazale su se značajnima u predviđanju stavova o cijepljenju i donošenju odluke o cijepljenju u slučaju mogućnosti izbora. Roditelji koji imaju otpor prema cijepljenju pokazuju negativnije stavove prema cijepljenju, imaju manje povjerenje u znanstvenike, niži aktivno otvoren um kao i manju sklonost kognitivnoj refleksivnosti. Nadalje, pokazuju izraženije emocionalno gađenje, sklonost kognitivnoj intuitivnosti te imaju izraženija paranormalna vjerovanja. Najboljim prediktorima stavova prema cjepivima i cijepljenju su se pokazale varijable iskustva s cjepivima i cijepljenjem, najčešće korišten izvor informacija, paranormalna vjerovanja i povjerenje u znanstvenike. Roditelji koji više vjeruju znanstvenicima, koji imaju manje izražena paranormalna vjerovanja, koji su imali pozitivnija prethodna iskustva s cijepljenjem, kao i oni koji informacije dobivaju iz formalnih izvora (npr. liječnik), pokazuju pozitivnije stavove prema cjepivima i cijepljenju.Although vaccination is one of the most successful medical interventions that saved more lives than any other (Imunološki zavod, 2019), there has been an increase in hesitation towards vaccination in the last years. World Health Organization proclaimed hesitation towards vaccination as one of the biggest threats for the global health (WHO, 2019). The question arises as to whether parental dispositional characteristics can predict attitudes and decisions about vaccination. In accordance with that question, objective of this study was to determine the influence that parental individual characteristics have on shaping attitudes towards vaccination and on making decisions about vaccination. Research was conducted online with sample consisting of 816 participants, age 20 to 84. Results indicate that one fourth of parents shows vaccine resistance. Parents who show vaccine resistance have negative attitudes towards vaccination, show less trust in scientists, have lower levels of actively open-minded thinking as well as lack of tendency towards cognitive reflection. Furthermore, they show greater emotional disgust as well as paranormal beliefs and have a tendency towards cognitive intuition. Predictors of attitudes towards vaccinations were: experiences with vaccines, the most common source of information, paranormal beliefs and scientific trust. Parents who have stronger trust in scientists, who have lower paranormal beliefs, who had more positive experiences with vaccines and those who obtain information from formal sources (e.g. physician), show positive attitudes towards vaccination


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    Due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the faculties have been met with the task of modifying the traditional teaching environment to remote teaching. During two semesters of remote teaching, the students of the Department of Psychology from the Faculty of Hu- manities and Social Sciences of University of Mostar have been assessing their skills of using technologies, their motivation for class attendance and assignment completion, as well as their time ma- nagement skills; they have evaluated the teaching process, reported on technical difficulties and assessed the general satisfaction with the remote teaching process. The results of this research show that students have shown a greater assessment of skills of using tech- nology during the second semester of the remote teaching process, while no difference was established in the level of motivation for class attendance and assignment completion, and no difference was found in time management skills between the two semesters. As far as the satisfaction with remote teaching is concerned, the students marked the teaching process with an average grade of “very good” in both semesters, although the mark “excellent” was given more frequently in the second semester than expected per case. The avera- ge grade of satisfaction with the teaching process offers insight into the efficacy of adaption to remote teaching, and also opens up space for further improvement.Uslijed SARS-CoV-2 pandemije, na fakultete su postavljeni zahtjevi za modificiranjem klasične nastave u nastavu na daljinu. U dva semestra izvođenja nastave na daljinu, studenti Studija psi- hologije Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Mostaru procjenjivali su svoje vještine korištenja tehno- logija, motivaciju za praćenje nastave i izvršavanje radnih zadataka, kao i vještine organiziranja vremena; evaluirali su nastavni proces, izvijestili o tehničkim poteškoćama i procijenili generalno zadovoljstvo izvođenjem nastave na daljinu. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da su studenti u drugom semestru izvođenja nastave na daljinu pokazali više procjene vještina korištenja tehnolo- gija, dok nije utvrđena razlika u razini motivacije za praćenje nastave i izvršavanje radnih zada- taka, kao ni u vještini organiziranja vremena između dva semestra. Glede zadovoljstva nastavom na daljinu, studenti u oba semestra izvedenu nastavu ocjenjuju prosječnom ocjenom ‘vrlo dobar’. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u procjeni zadovoljstva nastavom između dva semestra izvođenja nastave, iako su u drugom semestru izvođenja nastave na daljinu češće dane ocjene ‘izvrstan’ nego što se očekuje po slučaju. Prosječna ocjena zadovoljstva izvedenom nastavom daje uvid u uspješnost prilagodbe na nastavu na daljinu, te ujedno otvara prostor za daljnja poboljšanja


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    Introduction: The use of music in midwifery is a new research field and further studies and clear evidence are needed to make it a valuable element of midwifery care. The aim of the study was to prove the influence of education of pregnant women and listening to classical music on the frequency and length of breastfeeding at discharge from the maternity hospital and 6 weeks after delivery. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Subjects and methods: A prospective randomized controlled study was conducted in 2019. The sample consisted of pregnant women from the area of Hercegbosna County, 198 of them (N=198). Results: No significant difference was found in the frequency of exclusive breastfeeding and feeding with supplementation between the experimental and control groups at discharge (88.9% vs 92.2%). A significantly larger number of subjects in the experimental group were exclusively breastfed compared to the control group after 6 weeks (χ²=4.541; df=1; p-0.033). Conclusion: The results indicate that investments in the development of the competencies of pregnant women and the creation of conditions in maternity hospitals can significantly affect the duration of exclusive breastfeeding

    Rules of Attraction: Attraction Assessment of Individuals with Personality Disorders

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    Ovim istraživanjem željelo se ispitati na koji se način procjenjuje privlačnost osoba koje imaju simptome poremećaja ličnosti te čine li to muškarci drugačije nego žene. Ispitivanje je provedeno na punoljetnim heteroseksualnim osobama. Istraživana je privlačnost osoba sa simptomima histrionskog, graničnog, opsesivno-kompulzivnog, ovisnog i shizotipnog poremećaja ličnosti. Sudionici su pročitali opise osoba s navedenim poremećajima i dali procjene o percepciji sviđanja odgovarajući na pet pitanja o svakoj opisanoj osobi koja se odnose na stupanj sviđanja i spremnosti ulaska u bliske odnose s opisanim osobama. Podatci su prikupljeni online metodom snježne grude. Pokazalo se da muškarci sustavno daju veće procjene na svakom pitanju. Muškarci najprivlačnijima procjenjuju žene s graničnim i ovisnim poremećajem ličnosti. Kao prijateljicu i dugoročnu partnericu najprikladnijima procjenjuju žene s ovisnim poremećajem ličnosti. Najviše su voljni ući u kratkoročnu vezu sa ženama koje imaju granični i histrionski poremećaj ličnosti. Žene najprivlačnijima procjenjuju muškarce s graničnim i ovisnim poremećajem ličnosti i njih najradije biraju za dugoročne partnere. Za prijatelje odabiru muškarce s ovisnim poremećajem ličnosti, a u kratkoročnu su se vezu najspremnije upustiti s muškarcima s graničnim poremećajem ličnosti.The aim of this study was to determine how attractiveness of persons with symptoms of personality disorders is assessed and whether there are differences between men and women. The study was conducted on adult heterosexual individuals. We investigated attractiveness of persons with the symptoms of histrionic, borderline, obsessive-compulsive, dependent and schizotypal personality disorders. Participants were given descriptions of persons with the above stated disorders and estimated their perceived likableness by answering five questions relating to a degree of liking and willingness to enter into close relationships with each person described. Data were collected online using the snowball method. It was found that men systematically assigned higher scores to each question. Women with borderline and dependent personality disorders were assessed by men as most attractive and women with dependent personality disorder as most suitable for friendship or long-term partnership. Men were most willing to enter into a short-term relationship with women with borderline and histrionic personality disorders. Women were most attracted to men with borderline and dependent personality disorders and preferred to choose them for long-term partnerships. Women chose men with dependent personality disorder for friends and were most willing to enter into a short-term relationship with men with borderline personality disorder


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    Introduction: Pregnancy is a unique experience accompanied by significant physiological, biochemical, and psychological changes that may affect a women\u27s health status.With the development of a holistic approach midwives have became continuous support during pregnancy and childbirth. Childbirth education is an intervention that affects delivery outcomes and the experience of childbirth. Music therapy has been proven to be a safe and effective non - pharmacological method to gain in pregnancy and puerperium. The study aimed to prove the impact of educating pregnant women and listening to classical music on the experience of childbirth pains and the occurrence of psychological symptoms during puerperium. Methods: A prospective randomized controlled trial (n=198) was conducted. The experimental group of pregnant women was educated during pregnancy and listened to classical music the rest of the pregnancy, while the control group received the usual care. The VAS scale was used to assess pain, and the 90 - point scale was used to assess the incidence of psychological symptoms. Results: The difference in pain assessment between the experimental and control groups was significant (p<0.001). The experimental group rated their childbirth pain as moderate (M=5.98), while the control group experienced severe pain (M=8.42). A significant difference in the incidence of psychological symptoms between groups was found in the dimensions of interpersonal sensitivity, hostility, phobic anxiety, and paranoid ideations (p=0.042; p=0.014; p=0.013; p=0.008). Conclusion: This study demonstrated the impact of midwifery education and listening to classical music on the perception of childbirth pain and mental health in the puerperium. The experimental group rated childbirth pain significantly lower compared to the control group and had significantly fewer psychological symptoms 6 weeks after delivery


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    Introduction: Pregnancy is a unique experience accompanied by significant physiological, biochemical, and psychological changes that may affect a women\u27s health status.With the development of a holistic approach midwives have became continuous support during pregnancy and childbirth. Childbirth education is an intervention that affects delivery outcomes and the experience of childbirth. Music therapy has been proven to be a safe and effective non - pharmacological method to gain in pregnancy and puerperium. The study aimed to prove the impact of educating pregnant women and listening to classical music on the experience of childbirth pains and the occurrence of psychological symptoms during puerperium. Methods: A prospective randomized controlled trial (n=198) was conducted. The experimental group of pregnant women was educated during pregnancy and listened to classical music the rest of the pregnancy, while the control group received the usual care. The VAS scale was used to assess pain, and the 90 - point scale was used to assess the incidence of psychological symptoms. Results: The difference in pain assessment between the experimental and control groups was significant (p<0.001). The experimental group rated their childbirth pain as moderate (M=5.98), while the control group experienced severe pain (M=8.42). A significant difference in the incidence of psychological symptoms between groups was found in the dimensions of interpersonal sensitivity, hostility, phobic anxiety, and paranoid ideations (p=0.042; p=0.014; p=0.013; p=0.008). Conclusion: This study demonstrated the impact of midwifery education and listening to classical music on the perception of childbirth pain and mental health in the puerperium. The experimental group rated childbirth pain significantly lower compared to the control group and had significantly fewer psychological symptoms 6 weeks after delivery

    A Review of Therapeutic Techniques in Work with Children in the Grieving Process

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    Background: Grieving is a life-long process, and children in the grieving process are faced with memories of a loved one, which act as a trigger for emotional reactions that may hinder the grieving process.   Most children are able to cope with loss and complete the grieving process with the support of people close to them, however, some grieving children need the help of experts during the grieving process and adjustment to their loss, because they are at risk of developing long-term psychological difficulties.   Aims: The aim of this paper is to provide information to experts in the field of mental health on effective counselling and psychotherapeutic methods and techniques, as well as practical guidelines in work with grieving children. Methods: Four databeses were searched on November 1, 2023 for peer-reviewed literature on therapeutic approaches for working with bereaved children.  The key search terms were: “Child” OR “Children” OR “Adolescents” AND “Grief” OR “Grieving process” OR “Childhood bereavement” OR “Loss and trauma” OR “Traumatic grief” AND “Therapeutic techniques” OR “Psychotherapy” OR “Counselling” OR “Therapy” OR  “Interventions”.  The search was conducted in English. Twenty-eight articles/books published up until November 2023 that matched the inclusion requirements were found. Results: Two “category” of psychotherapy approach were identified, namely, evidence-based psychotherapy techniques and creative (expressive) techniques.  The psychotherapy techniques are based on individual or group treatment, psycho-education and work with family members and peers. Alongside evidence-based psychotherapy treatments, it is useful to use creative or expressive techniques as a supplement. Conclusion and implications: The effectiveness of psychotherapy and counselling intervention has been proven beyond doubt through a great deal of research, and therefore counselling and psychotherapy should be seen as the first choice in treatment of children in the grieving process.  The presented review results could guide clinicians in selectively implementing grief therapy in a way that will be the most helpful to bereaved children, adolescents, and their families

    "If you had the right to choose, would you vaccinate your child?"; Parental characteristics as predictors of attitudes towards vaccination and vaccination decision

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    Iako je cijepljenje najuspješnija medicinska intervencija u povijesti, kojom je spašeno više života nego bilo kojom drugom, (Imunološki zavod, 2019) u posljednjih nekoliko godina javlja se izraženije oklijevanje cijepljenju. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija proglasila je oklijevanje cijepljenju jednom od najvećih prijetnji globalnom zdravlju (WHO, 2019). Postavlja se pitanje jesu li dispozicijske karakteristike roditelja prediktivne za oblikovanje stavova i odluka o cijepljenju. Sukladno tome, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je provjeriti utjecaj individualnih karakteristika roditelja na oblikovanje stavova prema cijepljenju i na donošenje odluke o cijepljenju djece u slučaju mogućnosti izbora. Istraživanje je provedeno putem online ankete, a sudjelovalo je 816 sudionika, roditelja u dobi od 20 do 64 godine. Rezultati su pokazali da roditelji u prosjeku imaju blago pozitivne stavove prema cijepljenju, dok četvrtina roditelja pokazuje otpor prema cjepivima i cijepljenju. Individualne karakteristike roditelja pokazale su se značajnima u predviđanju stavova o cijepljenju i donošenju odluke o cijepljenju u slučaju mogućnosti izbora. Roditelji koji imaju otpor prema cijepljenju pokazuju negativnije stavove prema cijepljenju, imaju manje povjerenje u znanstvenike, niži aktivno otvoren um kao i manju sklonost kognitivnoj refleksivnosti. Nadalje, pokazuju izraženije emocionalno gađenje, sklonost kognitivnoj intuitivnosti te imaju izraženija paranormalna vjerovanja. Najboljim prediktorima stavova prema cjepivima i cijepljenju su se pokazale varijable iskustva s cjepivima i cijepljenjem, najčešće korišten izvor informacija, paranormalna vjerovanja i povjerenje u znanstvenike. Roditelji koji više vjeruju znanstvenicima, koji imaju manje izražena paranormalna vjerovanja, koji su imali pozitivnija prethodna iskustva s cijepljenjem, kao i oni koji informacije dobivaju iz formalnih izvora (npr. liječnik), pokazuju pozitivnije stavove prema cjepivima i cijepljenju.Although vaccination is one of the most successful medical interventions that saved more lives than any other (Imunološki zavod, 2019), there has been an increase in hesitation towards vaccination in the last years. World Health Organization proclaimed hesitation towards vaccination as one of the biggest threats for the global health (WHO, 2019). The question arises as to whether parental dispositional characteristics can predict attitudes and decisions about vaccination. In accordance with that question, objective of this study was to determine the influence that parental individual characteristics have on shaping attitudes towards vaccination and on making decisions about vaccination. Research was conducted online with sample consisting of 816 participants, age 20 to 84. Results indicate that one fourth of parents shows vaccine resistance. Parents who show vaccine resistance have negative attitudes towards vaccination, show less trust in scientists, have lower levels of actively open-minded thinking as well as lack of tendency towards cognitive reflection. Furthermore, they show greater emotional disgust as well as paranormal beliefs and have a tendency towards cognitive intuition. Predictors of attitudes towards vaccinations were: experiences with vaccines, the most common source of information, paranormal beliefs and scientific trust. Parents who have stronger trust in scientists, who have lower paranormal beliefs, who had more positive experiences with vaccines and those who obtain information from formal sources (e.g. physician), show positive attitudes towards vaccination


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    Due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the faculties have been met with the task of modifying the traditional teaching environment to remote teaching. During two semesters of remote teaching, the students of the Department of Psychology from the Faculty of Hu- manities and Social Sciences of University of Mostar have been assessing their skills of using technologies, their motivation for class attendance and assignment completion, as well as their time ma- nagement skills; they have evaluated the teaching process, reported on technical difficulties and assessed the general satisfaction with the remote teaching process. The results of this research show that students have shown a greater assessment of skills of using tech- nology during the second semester of the remote teaching process, while no difference was established in the level of motivation for class attendance and assignment completion, and no difference was found in time management skills between the two semesters. As far as the satisfaction with remote teaching is concerned, the students marked the teaching process with an average grade of “very good” in both semesters, although the mark “excellent” was given more frequently in the second semester than expected per case. The avera- ge grade of satisfaction with the teaching process offers insight into the efficacy of adaption to remote teaching, and also opens up space for further improvement.Uslijed SARS-CoV-2 pandemije, na fakultete su postavljeni zahtjevi za modificiranjem klasične nastave u nastavu na daljinu. U dva semestra izvođenja nastave na daljinu, studenti Studija psi- hologije Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Mostaru procjenjivali su svoje vještine korištenja tehno- logija, motivaciju za praćenje nastave i izvršavanje radnih zadataka, kao i vještine organiziranja vremena; evaluirali su nastavni proces, izvijestili o tehničkim poteškoćama i procijenili generalno zadovoljstvo izvođenjem nastave na daljinu. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da su studenti u drugom semestru izvođenja nastave na daljinu pokazali više procjene vještina korištenja tehnolo- gija, dok nije utvrđena razlika u razini motivacije za praćenje nastave i izvršavanje radnih zada- taka, kao ni u vještini organiziranja vremena između dva semestra. Glede zadovoljstva nastavom na daljinu, studenti u oba semestra izvedenu nastavu ocjenjuju prosječnom ocjenom ‘vrlo dobar’. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u procjeni zadovoljstva nastavom između dva semestra izvođenja nastave, iako su u drugom semestru izvođenja nastave na daljinu češće dane ocjene ‘izvrstan’ nego što se očekuje po slučaju. Prosječna ocjena zadovoljstva izvedenom nastavom daje uvid u uspješnost prilagodbe na nastavu na daljinu, te ujedno otvara prostor za daljnja poboljšanja