
Due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the faculties have been met with the task of modifying the traditional teaching environment to remote teaching. During two semesters of remote teaching, the students of the Department of Psychology from the Faculty of Hu- manities and Social Sciences of University of Mostar have been assessing their skills of using technologies, their motivation for class attendance and assignment completion, as well as their time ma- nagement skills; they have evaluated the teaching process, reported on technical difficulties and assessed the general satisfaction with the remote teaching process. The results of this research show that students have shown a greater assessment of skills of using tech- nology during the second semester of the remote teaching process, while no difference was established in the level of motivation for class attendance and assignment completion, and no difference was found in time management skills between the two semesters. As far as the satisfaction with remote teaching is concerned, the students marked the teaching process with an average grade of “very good” in both semesters, although the mark “excellent” was given more frequently in the second semester than expected per case. The avera- ge grade of satisfaction with the teaching process offers insight into the efficacy of adaption to remote teaching, and also opens up space for further improvement.Uslijed SARS-CoV-2 pandemije, na fakultete su postavljeni zahtjevi za modificiranjem klasične nastave u nastavu na daljinu. U dva semestra izvođenja nastave na daljinu, studenti Studija psi- hologije Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Mostaru procjenjivali su svoje vještine korištenja tehno- logija, motivaciju za praćenje nastave i izvršavanje radnih zadataka, kao i vještine organiziranja vremena; evaluirali su nastavni proces, izvijestili o tehničkim poteškoćama i procijenili generalno zadovoljstvo izvođenjem nastave na daljinu. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da su studenti u drugom semestru izvođenja nastave na daljinu pokazali više procjene vještina korištenja tehnolo- gija, dok nije utvrđena razlika u razini motivacije za praćenje nastave i izvršavanje radnih zada- taka, kao ni u vještini organiziranja vremena između dva semestra. Glede zadovoljstva nastavom na daljinu, studenti u oba semestra izvedenu nastavu ocjenjuju prosječnom ocjenom ‘vrlo dobar’. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u procjeni zadovoljstva nastavom između dva semestra izvođenja nastave, iako su u drugom semestru izvođenja nastave na daljinu češće dane ocjene ‘izvrstan’ nego što se očekuje po slučaju. Prosječna ocjena zadovoljstva izvedenom nastavom daje uvid u uspješnost prilagodbe na nastavu na daljinu, te ujedno otvara prostor za daljnja poboljšanja

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