1,096 research outputs found
Performance and selection of winter durum wheat genotypes in different European conventional and organic fields
Sustainability is a key factor for the future of agriculture. Productivity in agriculture has more than tripled in developed countries since the 1950s. Beyond the success of plant breeding, the increased use of inorganic fertilizers, application of pesticides, and spread of irrigation also contributed to this success. However, impressive yield increases started to decline in the 1980s because of the lack of sustainability. One of the most beneficial ways to increase sustainability is organic agriculture. In such agro-ecosystem-based holistic production systems the prerequisite of successful farming is the availability of crop genotypes that perform well. However, selection of winter durum wheat for sub-optimal growing conditions is still mainly neglected, and the organic seed market also lacks of information on credibly tested winter durum varieties suitable for organic agriculture
Comparison of bread wheat varieties with different breeding origin under organic and low input management
The aims of the study were to compare 37 bread wheat varieties with different breeding origin under conventional and organic farming conditions in Hungary and Austria for three years and to identify traits highly sensitive to management systems that could be separated according to their suggested selecting environments. According to the results, heading date, sensitivity to leaf rust and powdery mildew had high heritability, thus, for economic reasons, it is reasonable to select for these traits in conventional fields even if the selection target is organic agriculture. On the contrary, selection for grain yield, test weight, leaf-inclination and vigorous growth should be done later in the target environment. It was concluded that the selecting environment has measurable effects on the performance of bread wheat varieties. Our results could help organic breeders in their selection work, especially in the continental climatic zone of Europe
Pertumbuhan Planlet Stroberi (Fragaria Ananassa D) Var. Dorit pada Beberapa Variasi Media Modifikasi In Vitro di Balai Penelitian Jeruk dan Buah Subtropika (BALITJESTRO
Stroberi (Vragaria ananassa Dutch) Var. Dorit merupakan buah yang populer di masyarakat dunia dengan ciri khas rasa buahnya yang asam manis dan segar. Penyediaan benih stroberi selama ini dilakukan secara konvensional dengan menggunakan stolon, sehingga volume perbanyakan relatif lebih sedikit dan tidak bebas penyakit. Oleh karena itu diperlukan metode kultur jaringan untuk budidaya stroberi. Kultur jaringan tanaman merupakan suatu teknik pengisolasian dan pemeliharaan sel atau potongan jaringan tanaman yang ditumbuhkan pada media buatan yang sesuai dan dalam keadaan aseptik. Medium yang dipergunakan pada kultur in vitro tumbuhan ada bermacam-macam. Medium yang digunakan dalam percobaan ini yaitu media MP yang merupakan kombinasi dari larutan MS (Murashige and skoog) dan pupuk cair. Dalam hal ini pupuk yang digunakan merupakan produk dari Balitjestro yang tentunya mengandung beberapa nutrisi dengan konsentrasi yang tepat untuk petumbuhan tanaman. Percobaan ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh berbagai modifikasi media MP serta mengidentifikasi konsentrasi kombinasi media MP yang sesuai terhadap pertumbuhan stroberi varietas dorit. Percobaan ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan perlakuan MP1: MS 25% + pupuk 75%, MP2: MS 50% + pupuk 50%, MP3: MS 75% + pupuk 25%, MP4: pupuk 100%, Percobaan di ulang 5x, sehingga diperlukan 20 unit percobaan. Setiap unit percobaan ditanam 5 planlet. Pertumbuhan tanaman stroberi varietas dorit yang ditanam pada media MP1, MP2, MP3 dan MP4 menunjukkan pengaruh perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan akar, pertumbuhan tunas dan pertambahan jumlah daun. Tanaman tersebut menunjukkan respon pertumbuhan yang paling cepat pada media MP3 karena mengandung konsentrasi larutan MS lebih banyak sehingga jumlah nitrogen yang dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan lebih tercukupi
Analisis terhadap Penolakan Perdamaian pada Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang (Pkpu) oleh Kreditur Separatis dalam Perkara Kepailitan
Suspension of Debt Payment is a certain period of time that is given to borrowers who can not pay off debts that have on due time or matured and can be billed, to submit a plan and negotiate to creditors. The peace in negotiation in PKPU ever happened to PT Maja Supreme Latexindo (PT MAL) proposed by one of the unsecured creditors namely Erwito. PT.MAL has a debt owed to unsecured creditors and creditors separatist, but one of the separatist creditors, namely PT. BRI, Putri Hijau Medan branch did not agree with the peace agreed upon by the other creditors by reason that the peace in violation of Article 285 Verse 2 part a, b, and c, 2 of Verse 281 of Law No. 37 of 2004 concerning with Bankruptcy and PKPU ( UUK and PKPU ).The objectives of this paper were, firstly to determine the application process of PKPU request by Erwito and peace proposed by PT . PT MAL against unsecured creditors. Secondly, to determine and analyze the reasons for the PT.BRI to reject peace proposed by PT . MAL. Thirdly, to know peace settlement efforts on PKPU between PT . BRI Putri Hijau Medan Br\qanch and PT . MAL . This type of research was normative juridical research.The conclusions drawn in this study were firstly, the application submitted by Erwito was in conformity with the requirement of the request PKPU namely Article 222 Verse 1 and 3 of UUK and PKPU and peace proposed by PT . MAL was in conformity with Article 281 UUK and PKPU. Secondly, the reason of PT BRI to reject peace agreed upon by debtor and other creditors referring to Article 285 , verse 2 a, b and c were not proven. Thirdly, the legal effort to do by PT BRI was to declare the debtor bankrupt if PT. MAL can not implement the agreement contents as stipulated in Article 255 Verse 1 of the UUK and PKPU and can apply for bankruptcy if it fulfills Article 2 Verse 1 of the UUK and PKPU. PT. BRI can also take legal actions to file an application in a civil case if the debt PT . MAL to PT BRI Putri Hijau Medan branch have not been paid.The suggestions to pose by the author is as follows. Firstly, for business doers, especially before applying for a declaration of bankruptcy should have enough knowledge about PKPU . Secondly , the judges verdict should explain the reason that the proposal is contrary to UUHT and peace achieved because of the conspiracy. Thirdly, bankruptcy regulation should provide an explanation of Article 285 , verse 2 , part b and c . Fourthly ,UUK and PKPU should first set before bankruptcy. Fifthly, the parties involved should do a peace treaty rights
Influência de luz na infecção da ferrugem da videira (Phakopsora euvitis).
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito luz na infecção de P. euvitis.Suplemento, ref. 097, Edição dos Resumos do XXX Congresso Paulista de Fitopatologia, Botucatu, fev. 2007
Effect of Vacuum on Venous Drainage: an Experimental Evaluation on Pediatric Venous Cannulas and Tubing Systems.
Introduction: To observe how vacuum assisted venous drainage (VAVD) may influence the flow in a cardiopulmonary bypass circuit with different size of venous lines and cannulas.
Methods: The experimental circuit was assembled to represent the cardiopulmonary bypass circuit routinely used during cardiac surgery. Wall suction was applied directly, modulated and measured into the venous reservoir. The blood flow was measured with a flow-meter positioned on the venous line. The circuit prime volume was replaced with group O date expired re-suspended red cells and Plasmalyte 148 to a hematocrit of 28% to 30%.
Results: In an open circuit with gravity siphon venous drain, angled cannulae drain more than straight ones regardless the amount of suction applied to the venous line (16 Fr straight cannula (S) drains 90 ml/min less than a 16 Fr angled (A) with a siphon gravity). The same flow can be obtained with lower cannula size and higher suction (i.e. 12 A with and -30 mmHg). Tables have been created to list how the flow varies according to the size of the cannulas, the size of the venous tubes, and the amount of suction applied to the system.
Conclusions: Vacuum assisted venous drainage allows the use of smaller cannulae and venous lines to maintain a good venous return, which is very useful during minimally invasive approaches. The present study should be considered as a preliminary attempt to create a scientific-based starting point for a uniform the use of VAVD.
Keywords: cardio-pulmonary bypass; experimental study; vacuum assisted drainage
Ocorrência e intensidade de antracnose em viveiros de mudas e cultivos comerciais de pupunheira do Paraná e Santa Catarina.
Caracterização morfo-fisiológica e patogenicidade de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides da pupunheira.
Isolados de Colletotorichum sp. de folhas de pupunheira (Bactris gasipaes) com sintomas de antracnose foram comparados fenotipicamente, visando a sua caracterização e identificação. Foram analisados 17 isolados, oriundos dos Estados do Acre, Rondônia, Espírito Santo, São Paulo e Paraná. Caracterizaram- se os sintomas da doença e os isolados foram comparados em relação à forma e tamanho de conídios e apressórios, e quanto a coloração das colônias, crescimento micelial e esporulação em meio de cultura. A patogenicidade dos isolados foi confirmada em folhas de pupunheira destacadas. Todos os isolados foram identificados como Colletotrichum gloeosporioides e a fase meiospórica in vitro (Glomerella cingulata) ocorreu apenas em um isolado procedente de Linhares, Espírito Santo
Avaliação de fungicidas para o controle de antracnose em folhas de pupunheira (Bactris gasipaes).
A antracnose, causada pelo fungo Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, é uma doença foliar importante da pupunheira (Bactris gasipaes) nas fases de muda e planta jovem. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de fungicidas químicos no controle de antracnose em folhas de pupunheiras jovens, no Noroeste do Paraná. O ensaio foi conduzido com o delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos com fungicidas e uma testemunha sem fungicida, com quatro repetições. Foram utilizados os fungicidas chlorotalonil (2 g L-1), chlorotalonil+tiofanato metílico (1 + 0,4 g L-1), tebuconazole (0,2 g L-1), azoxistrobina (80 mg L-1) e calda Viçosa (3 g L-1 de ácido bórico; 5 g L-1 de sulfato de cobre; 6 g L-1 de sulfato de zinco; 3,5 g L-1 de cal hidratada). Cada fungicida foi pulverizado cinco vezes, com intervalo de 15 a 20 dias entre as aplicações. Verificou-se que todos os tratamentos com fungicidas proporcionaram redução estatisticamente significativa na intensidade da doença em relação à testemunha sem fungicida (P=0,05). Os fungicidas mais eficientes no controle da doença foram chlorotalonil e a mistura de tiofanato metílico+chlorotalonil.Nota técnica
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