2 research outputs found

    The Influence of BYOD Concept on Development of Learning Process in Universities

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    Education is one of the largest markets promoting implementation of Bring Your Own Device BYOD. The BYOD model was originated in colleges and universities, being stimulated by technologically advanced students, who demanded it, and administrators of educational entities, who agreed that allowance to get access to the network using personal devices was a competitive advantage. Nowadays this concept attracts great attention. People depend on their personal devices and want to have the opportunity to use them anywhere in order to make their life simpler and more efficient. While BYOD implementation increases, teachers determine new methods of integration of mobile devices into learning. The use of personal mobile devices of students for learning seems to be attractive for universities, since these devices would help to reduce expenses and to support teaching and learning. The research objective: to detect the level of influence of BYOD concept on learning process. In the conclsuoins authors confirm that BYOD is the dominant model in universities

    The Influence of BYOD Concept on Development of Learning Process in Universities

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    Education is one of the largest markets promoting implementation of Bring Your Own Device BYOD. The BYOD model was originated in colleges and universities, being stimulated by technologically advanced students, who demanded it, and administrators of educational entities, who agreed that allowance to get access to the network using personal devices was a competitive advantage. Nowadays this concept attracts great attention. People depend on their personal devices and want to have the opportunity to use them anywhere in order to make their life simpler and more efficient. While BYOD implementation increases, teachers determine new methods of integration of mobile devices into learning. The use of personal mobile devices of students for learning seems to be attractive for universities, since these devices would help to reduce expenses and to support teaching and learning. The research objective: to detect the level of influence of BYOD concept on learning process. In the conclsuoins authors confirm that BYOD is the dominant model in universities.La educaci贸n es uno de los mercados m谩s grandes que promueve la implementaci贸n de Bring Your Own Device BYOD. El modelo BYOD se origin贸 en colegios y universidades, siendo estimulado por estudiantes tecnol贸gicamente avanzados, que lo demandaban, y administradores de entidades educativas, quienes coincidieron en que la concesi贸n para acceder a la red mediante dispositivos personales era una ventaja competitiva. Hoy en d铆a este concepto atrae una gran atenci贸n. Las personas dependen de sus dispositivos personales y quieren tener la oportunidad de usarlos en cualquier lugar para hacer su vida m谩s simple y eficiente. Mientras aumenta la implementaci贸n de BYOD, los maestros determinan nuevos m茅todos de integraci贸n de dispositivos m贸viles en el aprendizaje. El uso de dispositivos m贸viles personales de los estudiantes para el aprendizaje parece ser atractivo para las universidades, ya que estos dispositivos ayudar铆an a reducir los gastos y apoyar la ense帽anza y el aprendizaje. El objetivo de la investigaci贸n: detectar el nivel de influencia del concepto BYOD en el proceso de aprendizaje. En las conclusiones, los autores confirman que BYOD es el modelo dominante en las universidades