275 research outputs found

    La Música, pero también Música: nuevos cánones de Tomás de Iriarte

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    Tomás de Iriarte has gone down in history as one of the most important Spanish Neoclassicism writers. Beyond, he contributed to the theory of sound art in the 18th century with his didactic poem La música. However, Iriarte was also an amateur player of instruments like the viola and he had important activity as a composer. In spite of this, until now we only know the music of his melologist Guzmán el Bueno and a collection of seventeen canons. These canons are preserved in a source of the Superior Music Conservatory of Madrid and they have been published only a decade ago. Nevertheless, in this research, we present another oldest and most complete canons collection than the aforementioned. It is unpublished to date and it contains more than twenty works different from those collected in the Madrid source.Tomás de Iriarte ha pasado a la historia como uno de los escritores más relevantes del neoclasicismo español, pero también por haber contribuido decididamente a la teoría del arte de los sonidos en el siglo XVIII con su poema didáctico La música. No obstante, también fue un intérprete aficionado de instrumentos como la viola y desarrolló una significativa actividad como compositor, aunque hasta el momento solo se conozca la música de su melólogo Guzmán el Bueno y una colección de diecisiete cánones, estos últimos conservados en una fuente del Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid publicada hace solo una década. Sin embargo, en este trabajo de investigación damos a conocer otra colección de cánones más antigua y completa que la citada, inédita hasta la fecha, que contiene una veintena más de obras distintas a las recogidas en la fuente madrileña

    Historiografía musical de las parroquias en España: estado de la cuestión

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    Most of the studies carried out in Spain about religious music have taken the cathedrals and collegiate churches as their source of study, classifying and transcribing works, analyzing the musical resources of the centers, the circulation of interpreters among them, the way the ecclesiastical economy affected their music or the evolution and acceptance of the different styles. However, the musical study of the parish churches did not have the same success, although it was there where the works that most of the people listened were played and sometimes they had the material and human resources typical of churches with collegiate and even cathedral standing. So in this article it is covered the Spanish musical historiography about parish churches, determining the state of the topic and thus favoring future studies about the subject.La mayoría de los trabajos realizados en España sobre música religiosa han tomado como objeto de estudio las catedrales y colegiatas, catalogando y transcribiendo obras, analizando los recursos musicales de los centros, la circulación de intérpretes entre ellos, la forma en que la economía eclesiástica afectó a su música o la evolución y aceptación de los diferentes estilos. Sin embargo, el estudio musical de las iglesias parroquiales no ha tenido la misma suerte, a pesar de que era en éstas donde se interpretaban las obras que escuchaba la mayoría de la población y que, en ocasiones, dispusieron de recursos materiales y humanos propios de templos con rango colegial e incluso catedralicio. Por ello, en este artículo se hace un recorrido a la historiografía musical española sobre parroquias, determinando el estado de la cuestión y favoreciendo así la realización de futuros estudios sobre el tema

    Propuestas para la atención a la diversidad del alumnado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria de Andalucía en música a través de la optatividad

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    Este artículo estudia la atención a la diversidad como uno de los principios básicos del sistema educativo español y, en consecuencia, también de la educación en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía. En concreto, a lo largo del trabajo se hacen diversas propuestas para atender a la diversidad del alumnado ofertando materias optativas de música en los cuatro cursos de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, de forma que se dé respuesta a las necesidades educativas específicas y a los intereses y expectativas de los alumnos/as

    Requirement for pectin methyl esterase and preference for fragmented over native pectins for wall-associated kinase-activated, EDS1/PAD4-dependent stress response in arabidopsis

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    Background: The wall-associated kinases (WAKs) serve as pectin receptors. Results: A pectin methyl esterase and two transcription factor mutants suppress a dominant WAK allele. Conclusion: De-esterification of pectin is required for WAK activation though EDS1 and PAD4. Significance: The results provide a mechanism for the state of pectins to activate two different pathways. © 2014 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc


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    The malacofauna associated with a maerl bottom was studied, at 9 m in depth, in the Ría de Ferrol (Galicia, NW Spain). A total of 2663 specimens belonging to 66 species, were collected. The gastropods are the most represented with a specific richness of 48 and a 85,96% dominancy. Each species and the composition of the population are discussed, and we compare our data with those available in the bibliography about these corallinacea algae biocoenosis.Se estudia la fauna malacológica asociada a un fondo de maerl, en un banco situado a 9 m de profundidad en la Ría de Ferrol (Galicia, NO España). Fueron recolectados un total de 2.663 ejemplares repartidos en 66 especies, de las que los Gasterópodos destacan con una riqueza específica de 48 y una dominancia de 85,96%. Se comenta cada una de las especies recolectadas y se discute la composición del poblamiento, comparandolo con los escasos datos bibliográficos sobre estas biocenosis de algas coralináceas o maerl

    Chemical pulldown combined with mass spectrometry to identify the molecular targets of antimalarials in cell-free lysates

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    Here, we provide a protocol using chemical pulldown combined with mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to identify drug targets in Plasmodium falciparum. This approach works upon the principle that a resin-bound inhibitor selectively binds its molecular target(s) in cell-free lysates. We describe the preparation of drug beads and P. falciparum lysate, followed by chemical pulldown, sample fractionation, and LC-MS/MS analysis. We then detail how to identify specifically bound proteins by comparing protein enrichment in DMSO-treated relative to drug-treated lysates via quantitative proteomics. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Milne et al. (2022).(1

    Geomorphic impact and assessment of flexible barriers using multi-temporal LiDAR data: The Portainé mountain catchment (Pyrenees)

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    Multi-temporal digital elevation models (DEMs) obtained from airborne LiDAR surveys are widely used to detect geomorphic changes in time and quantify sediment budgets. However, they have been rarely applied to study the geomorphic impact of engineering structures in mountain settings. In this study, we assessed the influence and behavior of flexible sediment retention barriers in the Portainé catchment (Spanish Pyrenees), using three LiDAR data sets (2009, 2011 and 2016) that covered a 7-year period. Densely forested mountainous areas present some limitations for reliable DEM analysis due to spatial variabilities in data precision, accuracy and point density. A new methodological approach for robust uncertainty analysis along channels, based on changes in cross-sectional elevations, was used to discriminate noise from real geomorphic changes. The obtained results indicated that erosion occurs along most reaches covering a large area, whereas deposition is localized in specific areas such as those upstream of sediment retention barriers and in the debris cone. Despite the presence of 15 flexible sediment retention barriers, the channels presented net degradation during both 2009-2011 and 2011-2016, with 2838 and 147m3 of material exported from the basin, respectively. For the same periods, the barriers retained 33% and 25% of the total deposition (up to 1300m3 per barrier), respectively, but also induced lateral and downstream incision, the latter reaching 703m3 for a single barrier. We detected a horizontal displacement of the net of up to 1.2m in filled barriers, resulting from net flexion. The interference of the natural river evolution by defense measures has resulted in a complex erosion-deposition pattern. The presented methods show high potential for the hydrogeomorphic study of mountain catchments, especially for a high-resolution assessment of flexible barriers or other engineering structures in remote areas