448 research outputs found

    Seasonal patterns of oral antihistamine and intranasal corticosteroid purchases from Australian community pharmacies : a retrospective observational study

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    Acknowledgments The abstract of this paper was presented at the Respiratory Effectiveness Group 2016 Annual Summit as a poster presentation with interim findings. The poster’s abstract was published in “Poster Abstracts” in The Journal of Thoracic Disease (Vol. 8, Supplement 5, 5 July 2016). http://jtd.amegroups.com/article/view/8504.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Substrates of Factor XIII-A: roles in thrombosis and wound healing

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    Abstract FXIII (Factor XIII) is a Ca 2 + -dependent enzyme which forms covalent ε-(γ -glutamyl)lysine cross-links between the γ -carboxy-amine group of a glutamine residue and the ε-amino group of a lysine residue. FXIII was originally identified as a protein involved in fibrin clot stabilization; however, additional extracellular and intracellular roles for FXIII have been identified which influence thrombus resolution and tissue repair. The present review discusses the substrates of FXIIIa (activated FXIII) involved in thrombosis and wound healing with a particular focus on: (i) the influence of plasma FXIIIa on the formation of stable fibrin clots able to withstand mechanical and enzymatic breakdown through fibrin-fibrin cross-linking and cross-linking of fibrinolysis inhibitors, in particular α 2 -antiplasmin; (ii) the role of intracellular FXIIIa in clot retraction through cross-linking of platelet cytoskeleton proteins, including actin, myosin, filamin and vinculin; (iii) the role of intracellular FXIIIa in cross-linking the cytoplasmic tails of monocyte AT 1 Rs (angiotensin type 1 receptors) and potential effects on the development of atherosclerosis; and (iv) the role of FXIIIa on matrix deposition and tissue repair, including cross-linking of extracellular matrix proteins, such as fibronectin, collagen and von Willebrand factor, and the effects on matrix deposition and cell-matrix interactions. The review highlights the central role of FXIIIa in the regulation of thrombus stability, thrombus regulation, cell-matrix interactions and wound healing, which is supported by observations in FXIII-deficient humans and animals

    Characteristics of patients making serious inhaler errors with a dry powder inhaler and association with asthma-related events in a primary care setting

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    Acknowledgements The iHARP database was funded by unrestricted grants from Mundipharma International Ltd and Research in Real-Life Ltd; these analyses were funded by an unrestricted grant from Teva Pharmaceuticals. Mundipharma and Teva played no role in study conduct or analysis and did not modify or approve the manuscript. The authors wish to direct a special appreciation to all the participants of the iHARP group who contributed data to this study and to Mundipharma, sponsors of the iHARP group. In addition, we thank Julie von Ziegenweidt for assistance with data extraction and Anna Gilchrist and Valerie L. Ashton, PhD, for editorial assistance. Elizabeth V. Hillyer, DVM, provided editorial and writing support, funded by Research in Real-Life, Ltd.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Real-world effectiveness evaluation of budesonide/formoterol Spiromax for the management of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the UK

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    Acknowledgements: The authors thank Derek Skinner, Francis Appiagyei and Tanith Hjelmbjerg of the Observational and Pragmatic Research Institute for providing assistance with data analysis. The authors also thank Ian Grieve and Bill Watkins of Ashfield Healthcare Communications, part of UDG Healthcare, for providing medical writing support. The authors thank Teva Pharmaceuticals for providing a full review of the article. Funding: This study was supported by Teva Pharmaceuticals and undertaken by OPRI (http://opri.sg). Medical writing support was funded by Teva PharmaceuticalsPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Rationalization of the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of aluminium phosphates synthesized from different precursors

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    The aim of this paper is to clarify the assignments of X-ray photoelectron spectra of aluminium phosphate materials prepared from the reaction of phosphoric acid with three different aluminium precursors [Al(OH)3, Al(NO3)3 and AlCl3] at different annealing temperatures. The materials prepared have been studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy and high-resolution solid-state 31P NMR spectroscopy. A progressive polymerization from orthophosphate to metaphosphates is observed by XRD, ATR-FTIR and solid state 31P NMR, and on this basis the oxygen states observed in the XP spectra at 532.3 eV and 533.7 eV are assigned to P–O–Al and P–O–P environments, respectively. The presence of cyclic polyphosphates at the surface of the samples is also evident

    Altered RECQ Helicase Expression in Sporadic Primary Colorectal Cancers

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    AbstractDeregulation of DNA repair enzymes occurs in cancers and may create a susceptibility to chemotherapy. Expression levels of DNA repair enzymes have been shown to predict the responsiveness of cancers to certain chemotherapeutic agents. The RECQ helicases repair damaged DNA including damage caused by topoisomerase I inhibitors, such as irinotecan. Altered expression levels of these enzymes in colorectal cancer (CRC) may influence the response of the cancers to irinotecan. Thus, we assessed RECQ helicase (WRN, BLM, RECQL, RECQL4, and RECQL5) expression in primary CRCs, matched normal colon, and CRC cell lines. We found that BLM and RECQL4 mRNA levels are significantly increased in CRC (P = .0011 and P < .0001, respectively), whereas RECQL and RECQL5 are significantly decreased (P = .0103 and P = .0029, respectively). RECQ helicase expression patterns varied between specific molecular subtypes of CRCs. The mRNA and protein expression of the majority of the RECQ helicases was closely correlated, suggesting that altered mRNA expression is the predominant mechanism for deregulated RECQ helicase expression. Immunohistochemistry localized the RECQ helicases to the nucleus. RECQ helicase expression is altered in CRC, suggesting that RECQ helicase expression has potential to identify CRCs that are susceptible to specific chemotherapeutic agents

    Distribution, Temporal Stability and Appropriateness of Therapy of Patients With COPD in the UK in Relation to GOLD 2019

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    Funding Observational and Pragmatic Research Institute (OPRI). Acknowledgements/Funding This work was funded by OPRI with no external contributions.Peer reviewedPublisher PDFsupplementary_dat

    Historical database cohort study addressing the clinical patterns prior to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) diagnosis in UK primary care

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore the clinical pathways, including signs and symptoms, and symptom progression patterns preceding idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) diagnosis. DESIGN AND SETTING: A historical cohort study was conducted using primary care patient records from the Optimum Patient Care Research Database. PARTICIPANTS: Patients included were at least 30 years, had IPF diagnosis, identified via clinical-coding and free-text records and had a consultation with a chest specialist prior to IPF diagnosis. OUTCOME MEASURES: The signs and symptoms in the year prior to IPF diagnosis from clinical codes and free-text in primary care electronic records included: cough, dyspnoea, dry cough, weight loss, fatigue/malaise, loss of appetite, crackles and clubbed fingers. The time course of presentations of clinical features and investigations in the years prior to IPF diagnosis were mapped. RESULTS: Within 462 patients identified, the majority (77.9%) had a respiratory consultation within 365 days prior to the chest specialist visit preceding the IPF diagnosis recorded in their primary care records. The most common symptoms recorded in the 1 year prior to IPF diagnosis were dyspnoea (48.7%) and cough (40.9%); other signs and symptoms were rarely recorded (<5%). The majority of patients with cough (58.0%) and dyspnoea (55.0%) in the 1 year before IPF diagnosis had multiple recordings of the respective symptoms. Both cough and dyspnoea were recorded in 23.4% of patients in the year prior to diagnosis. Consultation rates for cough, dyspnoea and both, but not other signs or symptoms, began to increase 4 to 5 years prior diagnosis, with the sharpest increase in the last year. Cough and dyspnoea were often preceded by a reduction in measured weight over 5 years leading to IPF diagnosis. CONCLUSION: Prolonged cough and/or progressive dyspnoea, especially if accompanied with weight loss, should signal for a referral to specialist assessment at the earliest opportunity

    Site-Specific Integration and Expression of an Anti-Malarial Gene in Transgenic Anopheles gambiae Significantly Reduces Plasmodium Infections

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    Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes have a devastating impact on global health and this is worsening due to difficulties with existing control measures and climate change. Genetically modified mosquitoes that are refractory to disease transmission are seen as having great potential in the delivery of novel control strategies. Historically the genetic modification of insects has relied upon transposable elements which have many limitations despite their successful use. To circumvent these limitations the Streptomyces phage phiC31 integrase system has been successfully adapted for site-specific transgene integration in insects. Here, we present the first site-specific transformation of Anopheles gambiae, the principal vector of human malaria. Mosquitoes were initially engineered to incorporate the phiC31 targeting site at a defined genomic location. A second phase of genetic modification then achieved site-specific integration of Vida3, a synthetic anti-malarial gene. Expression of Vida3, specifically in the midgut of bloodfed females, offered consistent and significant protection against Plasmodium yoelii nigeriensis, reducing average parasite intensity by 85%. Similar protection was observed against Plasmodium falciparum in some experiments, although protection was inconsistent. In the fight against malaria, it is imperative to establish a broad repertoire of both anti-malarial effector genes and tissue-specific promoters for their expression, enabling those offering maximum effect with minimum fitness cost to be identified. In the future, this technology will allow effective comparisons and informed choices to be made, potentially leading to complete transmission blockade

    Physiological predictors of peak inspiRatory flow using Observed lung function results (POROS) : evaluation at discharge among patients hospitalized for a COPD exacerbation

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    This study was supported by AstraZeneca. The abstract of this paper was presented at the American Thoracic Society International Conference 2017 as a poster presentation with interim findings.Peer reviewedPublisher PD