289 research outputs found


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    A vegetable farmer group in Taeno Hamlet, Teluk Ambon District, Ambon City uses pesticides in farming. Based on interviews with farmer extension agents, the use of pesticides in Taeno Hamlet was not in accordance with regulations. Farmers also do not realize the importance of using PPE when applying pesticides and do not understand the correct attitude / method when spraying.  One indicator to monitor pesticide poisoning of farmers is blood cholinesterase testing. The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of Cholinesterase in the blood of farmers using pesticides in Taeno Hamlet, Teluk Ambon District, Ambon City. The research method used is descriptive experimental with laboratory testing. Cholinesterase examination will be carried out in Prodia's laboratory. The population in this study were 15 farmers in the "Taeno Mekar" group


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    A vegetable farmer group in Taeno Hamlet, Teluk Ambon District, Ambon City uses pesticides in farming. Based on interviews with farmer extension agents, the use of pesticides in Taeno Hamlet was not in accordance with regulations. Farmers also do not realize the importance of using PPE when applying pesticides and do not understand the correct attitude / method when spraying.  One indicator to monitor pesticide poisoning of farmers is blood cholinesterase testing. The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of Cholinesterase in the blood of farmers using pesticides in Taeno Hamlet, Teluk Ambon District, Ambon City. The research method used is descriptive experimental with laboratory testing. Cholinesterase examination will be carried out in Prodia's laboratory. The population in this study were 15 farmers in the "Taeno Mekar" group

    Algoritmos para el problema de Flujo Máximo

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    En el presente trabajo se introduce la teoría y herramientas correspondientes para presentar el algoritmo de Ford y Fulkerson y el algoritmo de preflujo. También se muestra un pequeño ejemplo para cada tipo de algoritmo en el que se puede observar ambos procedimientos.Posteriormente se realiza un estudio experimental para comparar los tiempos de ejecución de ambos algoritmos y se presentan las tablas y gráficas de tiempo correspondientes. <br /


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    Proses kehamilan, persalinan, bayi baru lahir, neonatus, nifas dan keluarga berencana pada dasarnya merupakan suatu kejadian yang fisiologis atau alamiah, namun dalam prosesnya dapat berkembang menjadi masalah atau komplikasi setiap saat yang dapat membahayakan jiwa ibu dan bayi, terutama pada ibu yang tidak dapat mendapatkan asuhan dari tenaga kesehatan. Tujuan dilakukannya asuhan Contunuity of care untuk deteksi dini adanya kelainan dan komplikasi agar dapat ditangani sehingga dapat menekan angka mortalitas dan morbiditas. Asuhan kebidanan pada “Ny. C” G1P00000 di PMB Ni Made Warthi Agung, Jl. Sunan Giri Gg I No. 06 Kebomas Gresik dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode continuity of care mulai dari kehamilan, persalinan, nifas, BBL, neonatus, dan KB sesuai dengan kompetensi bidan. Waktu yang diperlukan dalam pemberian asuhan kebidanan yaitu 7 bulan mulai bulan Januari sampai Juli 2019. Asuhan kehamilan pada trimester I dan II di peroleh dari data rekam medis, sedangkan pada trimester III di lakukan kunjungan sebanyak dua kali yaitu pada usia kehamilan 37 minggu keluhan ibu sering kencing, asuhan yang diberikan yaitu tanda bahaya trimester III, kebutuhan nutrisi dan perawatan payudara. Pada usia kehamilan 39 minggu ibu tidak ada keluhan. Asuhan yang diberikan yaitu KIE tanda-tanda persalinan, istirahat dan nutrisi, untuk nilai KSPR selama kehamilan 2. Asuhan persalinan berjalan dengan normal, kala I fase aktif tidak melebihi garis waspada, kala II tidak lebih dari 2 jam, bayi lahir spontan, menangis kuat, tidak ada kelainan kongenital. Asuhan yang diberikan yaitu segera setelah lahir dilakukan IMD, bayi mendapatkan salep mata tetracyclin, injeksi vit K 1 0,5 cc dan HB0 0,5 cc, diberikan setelah 1 jam pemberian vit K 1. Dan kala III 10 menit, laserasi derajat 3 dan melakukan penjahitan, pada kala IV dilakukan observasi selama 2 jam tidak ada komplikasi. Pada kunjungan nifas dilakukan sebanyak 4 kali, pada kunjungan pertama yaitu 6 jam postpartum ibu mengalami perut yang sedikit mules, TFU 2 jari dibawah pusat, lochea rubra. Asuhan yang diberikan pengurangan rasa nyeri dan tentang tanda bahaya nifas dan terapi obat pemberian amoxcilin, asmef, dan vitamin A yang di berikan 2 jam post partum dan vitamin ke-2 diberikan 24 jam setelah pemberian kapsul pertama. Pada kunjungan kedua yaitu 6 hari post-partum ibu tidak mengalami keluhan, lochea sanguinolenta, asuhan yang diberikan yaitu KIE ASI eksklusif dan nutrisi. Pada kunjungan ketiga yaitu 2 minggu postpartum ibu tidak mengalami keluhan, lochea serosa. Asuhan yang diberikan yaitu kebutuhan istirahat dan cara menyusui yang benar. Pada kunjungan keempat yaitu 6 minggu postpartum ibu tidak ada keluhan, lochea alba, asuhan yang diberikan yaitu konseling tentang KB. Kunjungan neonatus dilakukan 3 kali. Pada kunjungan pertama yaitu 24 jam, bayi sudah BAB/BAK, TTV dalam batas normal, tali pusat basah. Pada usia 3 hari bayi tidak ada kelainan, dan asuhan yang diberikan yaitu tanda bahaya neonatus, imunisasi selanjutnya. Pada kunjungan berikutnya yaitu 28 hari bayi tidak ada kelainan karena ibu tetap menyusui bayinya secara eksklusif. Pada usia 4 hari bayi mendapatkan imunisasi BCG dan polio 1. Asuhan keluarga berencana dilakukan saat kunjungan nifas 6 minggu, KU baik, TTV dalam batas normal, telah dilakukan informed choice pada kunjungan nifas ke empat, ibu telah diberikan motivasi untuk ber-KB dan telah dijelaskan viii macam-macam KB, keuntungan dan keterbatasan KB yang tidak mengganggu produksi ASI karena pasien berencana memberikan ASI secara Eksklusif dan dilanjutkan sampai 2 tahun. Ibu rencana menggunakan implant setelah bayinya berusia 6 bulan. Berdasarkan data di atas dalam pemberian asuhan kebidanan sudah sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keluhan yang dialami ibu. Telah dilakukan asuhan kehamilan dengan pelaksanaan ANC terpadu, persalinan, bayi baru lahir, nifas, neonatus dan keluarga berencana dengan pendekatan manajemen asuhan kebidanan. Diharapkan bidan menerapkan asuhan Continuity of Care secara tepat sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kebidanan

    Propuesta didáctica para Funciones en Matemáticas orientadas a las Enseñanzas Académicas de 3º de E.S.O.

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    En la presente memoria se desarrolla una propuesta didáctica para impartir en matemáticas académicas de 3º de ESO. En esta se han realizado diversos problemas y ejercicios atendiendo a los distintos campos de problemas, técnicas y tecnologías que se estudian con el objeto matemático de función. Por tanto, la finalidad de esta propuesta es que los alumnos adquieran dicho concepto, así como lo relacionen con situaciones cotidianas de la vida real. <br /

    Perilaku Penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri pada Petani Sayur

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    Farmers in the processing of land and plants need pesticides to eradicate pests and weeds. Pesticide is a material that has many benefits for the sustainability of the world of agricultural production. Many plant destruction organisms that can reduce yields can be minimized with pesticides, but on the other hand, pesticides can harm the health of the farmers. To prevent the danger of using pesticides against self-purification, one must use personal protective equipment (PPE) in a complete and precise manner. The purpose of this research is to determine what are the factors related to the use of personal protective equipment on pesticide user farmers in Taeno village in 2019. This research is analytical research with a cross-sectional approach. This research sample amounted to 105 farmers—data collection using questionnaires, interviews, and observation. The data obtained is then processed with a statistical test of chi-square. Based on statistical test bivariate of knowledge variables associated with APD, the attitude variables are not associated with the use of the PPE, and the action variables are associated with the use of the PPE. The results showed that the variables associated with PPE use are variable knowledge (ρ = 0.025) and action variables (ρ = 0.015). The unrelated variables are the attitude variables (ρ = 0.137)—knowledge&nbsp;and action variables associated with PPE use

    An evaluation of wind erosion hazard in fallow lands of semiarid Aragon (NE Spain)

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    32 Pags.- 5 Tabls.- 4 Figs. The definitive version is available at: http://www.jswconline.org/Long fallowing (16-17 months), in the cereal-fallow rotation, may favour soil losses by wind erosion in agricultural soils of semiarid Aragon (NE Spain). With the objective of evaluating the risk of wind erosion in this area, soil losses for the most critical period of fallow (February-April) were estimated from a total of 67 fallow fields by using the Wind Erosion Equation (WEQ). All soils were medium-textured soils being the loam the most frequent textural class (45%). The CaCO3 content in the soil was higher than 200 g kg-1 in 90% of the fields. Mouldboard plough, chisel plough, and disk harrow were the main primary tillage tools used by farmers during fallow. Soil cover by crop residues was negligible (20 Mg ha-1). The WEQ estimated erosion reductions to tolerable levels if reduced tillage, with chiseling as primary tillage, is adequately adopted in the dryland cereal production areas of semiarid Aragon.This research was supported by the Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (Grant no. AGF98-0261-CO2-02).Peer reviewe

    Effects of tillage on the soil water retention curve during a fallow period of a semiarid dryland

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    31 Pags.- 2 Tabls.- 7 Figs. The definitive version is available at: http://www.publish.csiro.au/srTillage practices have a significant influence on the soil hydro-physical properties. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of tillage on the α (a scaling factor) and n (a pore size distribution parameter) van Genuchten soil water retention curve parameters during an 18-month long fallow period in a semiarid dryland. Three different tillage systems employed during 23 years of trials were compared: conventional (CT), reduced (RT) and no-tillage (NT). Measurements of soil bulk density (ρb) and the soil water retention curve θ(ψ) were performed at 0–10, 10–20 and 20–30 cm soil depths. The θ(ψ) was determined with the Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)-pressure cells at the following pressure heads: 0.5, 1.5, 3, 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1500 kPa. From these data, α, n and the SDexter index were evaluated. The 0–40 cm depth soil volumetric water content, θ, was also measured in the field using the TDR technique. Compared with CT and RT, NT had the highest θ values during all the fallow period. No significant influence of soil depth on θ(ψ) was observed in all tillage treatments at each sampling date. Although under consolidated soil conditions no significant differences in ρb and the water content at saturation (θs) were observed among tillage treatments, NT had the highest and lowest values of ρb and θs, respectively. The loosening of soil due to tillage practices in CT and RT significantly decreased ρb and increased θ at the wet-end section of θ(ψ). Post-tillage rainfall resulted in significant decreases in θs, α and the maximum value of the pore size distribution (PSDmax). The different soil structure created by mouldboard ploughing (CT) and chiselling (RT) explained the higher PSDmax under RT than CT. The most important changes in θ(ψ) followed the first copious effective rainfall events (>10 mm) after tillage. These facts enabled the soil to recover the pre-tillage water retention curve shapes and the van Genuchten parameters pre-tillage values. Effective rainfall events in the late fallow had a minor effect on the water retention curve. Although tillage tended to increase n, this change was not significant. The SDexter index, which was also affected by tillage, was greater than 0.035 during all the fallow period, indicating good soil physical quality.Peer reviewe

    Sosialisasi Dampak Lingkungan Terhadap Penularan TB dan Filariasis di Negeri Hatuhenu Kecamatan Amahai Kabupaten Maluku Tengah

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    &nbsp; Negeri Hatuhenu, Amahai Sub-district, Central Maluku District, based on interviews with health officials and the government of the country, have various health problems such as clean and healthy living behavior, environmental sanitation problems that have an impact on the emergence of environment-based diseases such as tuberculosis, filariasis and malaria. To solve the above health problems, the lecturers and students of the Public Health Study Program in collaboration with health officials, the government of Hawahenu and Haatenu are conducting counseling on "Environmental Impacts on TB and Filariasis Transmission in Hawahenu State of Amahai Sub-district of Central Maluku" and public awareness to improve hygienic and healthy living behavior, improve environmental sanitation and preventive behavior of TB and filariasis transmission. The results of the service show that the community, the Government of Hawahenu, the Head of the Assembly of the Church and the tools of the ministry and the health staff of the Public Health Center and the Poskesdes Hengkenu Village responded positively and were greatly helped by the socialization activities in the effort to increase the knowledge of the community and the mass treatment that has been done.&nbsp; Negeri Hatuhenu, Kecamatan Amahai, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah, berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan petugas kesehatan dan pemerintah negeri, memiliki berbagai permasalahan kesehatan antara lain perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, masalah sanitasi lingkungan yang berdampak pada munculnya penyakit berbasis lingkungan seperti TB, Filariasis dan Malaria. Untuk memecahkan berbagai masalah kesehatan di atas maka dosen dan mahasiswa Program Studi Kesmas bekerja sama dengan petugas kesehatan, pemerintah Negeri Hatuhenu dan Jemaat Hatuhenu melakukan penyuluhan tentang “Dampak Lingkungan Terhadap Penularan TB dan Filariasis di Negeri Hatuhenu Kecamatan Amahai Kabupaten Maluku Tengah” sehingga dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran masyarakat untuk meningkatkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, meningkatkan sanitasi lingkungan serta perilaku pencegahan penularan TB dan Filariasis. Hasil pengabdian menunjukan bahwa masyarakat, Pemerintah Negeri Hatuhenu, Ketua Majelis Jemaat dan perangkat pelayan serta petugas kesehatan puskesmas dan poskesdes Negeri Hatuhenu memberikan respon positif dan sangat terbantu dengan kegiatan sosialisasi dalam upaya peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat dan pengobatan massal yang telah terlaksana