965 research outputs found

    Revolution and World War I Civil Rights?: Transnational Relations and Mexican Consul Records in Mexican American Educational History, 1910-1929

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    MacDonald and Guzmán demonstrate how the Mexican residents in the United States lobbied the Mexican government and Mexican consulates in the U.S. to secure their children\u27s access to schooling from 1910-1929

    Emprendimientos Asociativos, Empresas Recuperadas y Economía Social en la Argentina

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    Hacia fines de siglo XX Argentina atravesaba una crisis social, política y económica de dimensiones inéditas cuyos rasgos más significativos se tradujeron en el aumento de la pobreza y la desigualdad y en una crisis estructural del mercado de trabajo. En este contexto, han surgido numerosas estrategias de recuperación o generación de nuevas fuentes de trabajo, algunas de las cuales se las identifica como parte de un amplio y heterogéneo conjunto de experiencias de economía social. En particular, en este trabajo nos centraremos en el análisis de 611 emprendimientos Asociativos mercantiles y 50 empresas recuperadas de Argentina a fin de caracterizar estas experiencias y mostrar su desempeño en relación a la recuperación y creación de fuentes de trabajo. Para ello nos basaremos en los datos construidos en el estudio “Emprendimientos socioeconómicos asociativos: su vulnerabilidad y sostenibilidad” (ICO-UNGS, 2006).Towards the end of the twentieth century, Argentina faced a social, political and economic crisis of monumental dimensions. This emergency translated into increased poverty and inequality, and a structural crisis in the job market. In this context, a number of strategies arose, aimed at recuperating some of the loss, and generating new possibilities in the job market. Some of these strategies were identified as part of a wide-ranging and heterogeneous series of experiments in social economics. This work will focus on an analysis of 611 associate market initiatives and 50 recuperated companies in Argentina, for the purpose of characterizing these experiences and showing their drive to create and regenerate sources of employment. To achieve this, we will take as our starting point the data collected for the Study "Socio-Economic Associative Initiatives: Vulnerability and Sustainability" (ICO-UNGS, 2006)

    Estrategias de investigación para determinar sistematicidad y generalidad de los grupos armados organizados al margen de la ley

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    La ley 975 de 2005, denominada ley de Justicia y Paz, adoptó procedimientos especiales con el objeto de propiciar y facilitar la reincorporación a la sociedad civil de los grupos armados al margen de la ley con miras a lograr la consecución de la paz, la verdad, la justicia y la reparación. Este proceso de desmovilización evidenció complejas estructuras de macro criminalidad, las cuales operaban en gran parte del territorio nacional, lo que llevó a que la Fiscalía General de la Nación, diseñara mecanismos especiales de investigación para poder determinar responsabilidades penales frente a la ley.Law 975 of 2005, known as the Justice and Peace law, adopted special procedures in order to encourage and facilitate the reintegration into civil society of armed groups outside the law with a view to achieving peace, truth, justice and reparation. This complex showed demobilization macro structures crime, which operated in much of the country, which led to the Attorney General's Office, to design special investigative mechanisms to determine criminal responsibility before the law

    Connexin-Based Channels and RhoA/ROCK Pathway in Angiotensin II-Induced Kidney Damage

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    The incidence of chronic kidney diseases is increasing worldwide, and there is no efficient therapy to reduce this phenomenon. The main therapies currently available focus on the control of blood pressure and the optimization of the blockade of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). In addition, it is known that in several models of kidney damage, the amounts of connexins are altered. On the other hand, fasudil, a selective ROCK blocker, has shown renoprotective effects. The beneficial effects of blocking the RhoA/ROCK pathway in renal function may be related to its action of reducing macrophage infiltration, inflammation, and oxidative stress (OS), its expression of extracellular matrix genes and proteinuria, or to its effects on connexin abundance. Even though a correlation has been found between renal damage, caused by an increase in the RAS activity, connexins, and the RhoA/ROCK signaling pathway, it has not yet been possible to clearly determine its functional significance. Moreover, it has not been possible to identify the preponderance of this signaling pathway in the development of chronic kidney diseases. Here, we describe the advances in this subject

    Los problemas medioambientales de la ciudad y su tratamiento en Educación Infantil

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    El problema ambiental actual en las ciudades constituye un tema de interés social, es el ser humano el responsable del deterioro acelerado que sufre nuestro planeta y nuestras ciudades. La contaminación ambiental excesiva, el deterioro de zonas verdes o el uso indiscriminado de vehículos particulares son algunos de los puntos clave. Por ello, es necesario fomentar la educación ambiental en las escuelas como un medio de cambio en las generaciones actuales, se trata de transmitir la importancia del medio que nos rodea, crear hábitos y valores encaminados al cambio y al cuidado. Se trata de mantener el medio que tanto nos aporta.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Envejecimiento activo en el medio rural y el papel del asociacionismo. Un estudio de investigación cualitativa

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    El envejecimiento activo es el paradigma que permite a las personas mayores envejecer de acuerdo a sus preferencias, promoviendo la participación, la salud, la seguridad y el aprendizaje permanente. El medio rural se encuentra con dificultades a la hora de desarrollarlo debido a sus peculiaridades sociodemográficas. Para la administración pública es un reto garantizar la promoción del envejecimiento activo a las personas mayores del medio rural debido a la escasa población y a la dispersión de los núcleos de población, por lo que el asociacionismo surge como alternativa y solución a esta problemática. La presente investigación da a conocer los beneficios del desarrollo del envejecimiento activo en el medio rural a través del asociacionismo. Del mismo modo, evidencia el sentimiento de abandono por parte de la administración pública manifestado por los participantes de la investigación. Así mismo, da a conocer un modelo de envejecimiento activo que puede ser aplicado en contextos similares para garantizar el bienestar y calidad de vida de las personas mayores del medio rural.Active ageing is the paradigm that allows older people to age following their preferences, promoting participation, health, security and lifelong learning. The rural environment faces a difficult situation in its development due to the sociodemographic features it presents. Ensuring the promotion of active ageing for the elderly in rural environments is a challenge for the public administration, as a result of the lack of population and geographic dispersion. These factors make associationism arise as an alternative and solution to this issue. The present research shows the benefits of the development of active ageing in the rural environment through associationism. Likewise, it shows the abandonment the participants of the research feel caused by the public administration. It also presents a model of active ageing that can be applied in similar contexts to guarantee the well-being and high quality of life of older people in rural areas.Grado en Trabajo Socia

    Mercado de trabajo y políticas sociales como instrumentos de reproducción social : Dinámicas recientes en el Gran Córdoba (2003-2013)

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    Beyond the Altruistic Donor: Embedding Solidarity in Organ Procurement Policies

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    Altruism and solidarity are concepts that are closely related to organ donation for transplantation. On the one hand, they are typically used for encouraging people to donate. On the other hand, they also underpin the regulations in force in each country to different extents. They are often used indistinctly and equivocally, despite the different ethical implications of each concept. This paper aims to clarify to what extent we can speak of altruism and solidarity in the predominant models of organ donation. It also raises the ethical question of whether these categories are adequate as a basis for such models, bearing in mind that organs are a scarce resource and that a shortage of them may mean that fewer lives are saved or improved.INEDyTO [Investigation on the Ethics of Organ Donation and Transplantation]Spanish Government European Commission MINECO FFI2017-88913-P"Bioethics and end-of-life practices" (INEDyTOII) MINECO PID2020-118729RBSpanish Government FPU19/06027La Caixa Foundation LCF/BQ/DR20/1179000

    PreP+07: improvements of a user friendly tool to preprocess and analyse microarray data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Nowadays, microarray gene expression analysis is a widely used technology that scientists handle but whose final interpretation usually requires the participation of a specialist. The need for this participation is due to the requirement of some background in statistics that most users lack or have a very vague notion of. Moreover, programming skills could also be essential to analyse these data. An interactive, easy to use application seems therefore necessary to help researchers to extract full information from data and analyse them in a simple, powerful and confident way.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>PreP+07 is a standalone Windows XP application that presents a friendly interface for spot filtration, inter- and intra-slide normalization, duplicate resolution, dye-swapping, error removal and statistical analyses. Additionally, it contains two unique implementation of the procedures – double scan and Supervised Lowess-, a complete set of graphical representations – MA plot, RG plot, QQ plot, PP plot, PN plot – and can deal with many data formats, such as tabulated text, GenePix GPR and ArrayPRO. PreP+07 performance has been compared with the equivalent functions in Bioconductor using a tomato chip with 13056 spots. The number of differentially expressed genes considering p-values coming from the PreP+07 and Bioconductor Limma packages were statistically identical when the data set was only normalized; however, a slight variability was appreciated when the data was both normalized and scaled.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>PreP+07 implementation provides a high degree of freedom in selecting and organizing a small set of widely used data processing protocols, and can handle many data formats. Its reliability has been proven so that a laboratory researcher can afford a statistical pre-processing of his/her microarray results and obtain a list of differentially expressed genes using PreP+07 without any programming skills. All of this gives support to scientists that have been using previous PreP releases since its first version in 2003.</p