43 research outputs found

    Niveles de hemoglobina glicosilada en pacientes con periodontitis crónica

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    OBJETIVO: Evaluar si existe relación entre el nivel de hemoglobina glicosilada y la presencia de periodontitis crónica. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: se evaluaron 77 pacientes, 64 varones y 13 mujeres, se agruparon en dos grupos en función a si presentaban o no periodontitis crónica asociada a placa dental. Los datos fueron recolectados en una ficha de recolección donde se tomaron datos de edad, género, índice de masa corporal (IMC) y antecedentes de dislipidemias, adicionalmente, se llenaron los periodontogramas para establecer al grupo de pertenencia de los pacientes, se les envió a laboratorio clínico para recabar y procesar las muestras de hemoglobina glicosilada. Todos los pacientes firmaron el consentimiento informado. RESULTADO: se obtuvo un 5,58% de HbA1c para el grupo con periodontitis crónica, y un 5,31% para el grupo sin periodontitis, valores sin ajustar, se determinó estadísticamente una diferencia significativa (P=0,000), al realzar el estudio de las variables de riesgo, se obtuvo que no hay influencia estadística del género ni del IMC. Aun considerando estos factores de riesgo la diferencia seguía siendo significativa (P=0,001). No se halló una diferencia significativa (P=0,921) entre los varones (5,58%) y mujeres (5,60%) con periodontitis crónica. En el grupo de pacientes sin periodontitis crónica tampoco hubo diferencia significativa (P=0,230) entre varones (5,33%) y mujeres (5,29%). CONSLUSIONES: Se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el porcentaje de Hemoglobina Glicosilada y la presencia de Periodontitis Crónica. No se halló diferencia significativa en los pacientes en función al género, tanto en el grupo con periodontitis crónica, como aquellos que no presentaban periodontitis crónica. El análisis de factores de riesgo, mostró que las causales de los niveles elevados de porcentaje de Hemoglobina Glicosilada fueron la presencia de periodontitis crónica, edad del paciente y la presencia de dislipidemias, más no del género y el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC). La periodontitis crónica está relacionada con valores elevados de Hemoglobina Glicosilada, ya sea de manera directa, o aun relacionado a factores de riesgo. PALABRAS CLAVE: Periodontitis Crónica – Hemoglobina Glicosilada--- OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the correlation between the level of glycosylated hemoglobin and the presence of chronic periodontitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 77 patients, 64 men and 13 women were evaluated were grouped into two groups according to whether or not Chronic periodontitis associated with dental plaque. Data were collected in a data sheet where took it data on age, gender, body mass index (BMI) and a history of dyslipidemia, additionally, periodontogram were filled to set the membership group of patients, were sent to clinical laboratory to collect and process samples glycosylated hemoglobin. All patients signed informed consent. RESULTS: HbA1c was 5.58% for the group with chronic periodontitis, and 5.31% for the group without periodontitis, unadjusted values, determined it statistically significant difference (P = 0.000), in conducting the study of risk variables it obtained no statistical influence of gender or BMI. Even considering these risk factors remained significant difference (P = 0.001). No significant differences were found (P = 0.921) among men (5.58%) and women (5.60%) with chronic periodontitis .In the group of patients without chronic periodontitis there is no significant difference (P = 0.230) between males (5.33%) and women (5.29%). CONCLUSIONS: A statistically significant difference was found in the percentage of Hemoglobin and the presence of chronic periodontitis. No significant difference was found in patients according to gender, both in the group with chronic periodontitis, such as those without chronic periodontitis. The analysis of risk factors showed that the causes of the high levels of percentage of Hemoglobin were the presence of chronic periodontitis, patient age and the presence of dyslipidemia, but not gender and Body Mass Index (BMI). Chronic periodontitis is associated with elevated levels of glycosylated hemoglobin, either directly, or even related to risk factors. KEYWORDS: Chronic Periodontitis – Glycosylated HemoglobinTesi

    Estrategias comunicativas y relaciones interpersonales en estudiantes de la Institución Educativa N° 82397, Maraypata, Celendín

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    El presente trabajo de investigación titulado: Estrategias comunicativas y relaciones interpersonales en estudiantes de la Institución Educativa N° 82397, Maraypata, Celendín; tuvo como propósito: Determinar la relación entre las estrategias comunicativas y las relaciones interpersonales, en estudiantes de la Institución Educativa N° 82397, Maraypata, Celendín; y la hipótesis, que las estrategias comunicativas se relacionan de manera significativa con las relaciones interpersonales, en estudiantes de la Institución Educativa N° 82397, Maraypata, Celendín; la cual fue contrastada con la prueba paramétrica correlación de Pearson en una investigación de cohorte transversal. La investigación, de diseño no experimental, nivel descriptivo correlacional, usó dos grupos estadísticos independientes conformados por 9 niños de 09 años, y logró establecer como resultado principal que las estrategias comunicativas se relacionan con las relaciones interpersonales, en estudiantes de la Institución Educativa N° 82397, Maraypata, Celendín, a nivel global (0,043), mas no, a nivel de dimensiones (p1=0,883 , p2=0,457, p3=0,542).Tesi

    Peras ‘Packham’s Triumph’ processadas em diferentes tipos de corte e armazenadas em diferentes temperaturas

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    The deterioration rate of minimally processed fruit is proportional to its respiratory rate, and the storage temperature is one of the factors that most influence it. Damages caused by cutting increase respiration and biochemical reactions such as browning. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of three types of cuts (sliced, diced and in halves) and two storage temperatures (5°C and 8°C) on the respiratory rate and color attributes of ‘Triumph Packhams’ pears stored in closed rigid polyethylene containers for seven days. After processing, the respiratory rate of pears slices stored at 8°C and pear cubes stored at 5 and 8°C was 62% higher than the pear cut into slices and stored at 5°C. On day seven, the respiratory rate was lower at 5°C and did not show any differences according to the type of cut. The type of cut affected the color parameter L (lightness). The fruit cut in alves and cubes did not show any browning (L = 75.4 to 75.9), as opposed to the sliced fruit (L = 72.8). The values of a*, C* and Hab indicated that slices stored at 8°C showed the highest browning rate.O tempo de deterioração de frutas minimamente processadas é diretamente proporcional à sua taxa respiratória, sendo a temperatura de armazenamento um dos fatores que mais influenciam na vida de prateleira destes produtos. Os danos causados pelo corte aumentam a taxa respiratória e reações bioquímicas, tal como o escurecimento enzimático. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de três tipos de cortes (em fatias, cubos e metades) e duas temperaturas de armazenamento (5°C e 8°C) na taxa respiratória e na coloração de polpa de peras ‘Packhams Triumph’ minimamente processadas e acondicionadas em embalagem rígidas de polietileno com tampa durante sete dias de armazenagem. Logo após o processamento, a taxa respiratória das frutas submetidas ao corte em fatias e armazenadas a 8°C, e ao corte em cubos e armazenadas a 5°C e 8°C apresentou-se 62% maior que peras submetidas ao corte em fatias e mantidas a 5°C. Aos sete dias de armazenamento, a taxa respiratória foi menor a 5°C, sem diferenças quanto ao tipo de corte. O tipo de corte afetou o atributo L (escurecimento) da polpa, com as metades e cubos não apresentando escurecimento (L=75,4-75,9), como as fatias (L=72,8). Os valores de a*, Hab e C* indicam que houve maior escurecimento das fatias armazenadas a 8°C

    Glycated hemoglobin levels in patients with chronic periodontitis

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    Objetivo: Evaluar si existe relación entre el nivel de hemoglobina glicosilada y la presencia de periodon-titis crónica. Materiales y método: se evaluaron 77 pacientes, agrupados en función a si presentaban o no periodontitis crónica. Los datos fueron recolectados en una ficha donde se consideró edad, género, índice de masa corporal (IMC) y antecedentes de dislipidemias, se llenaron los periodontogramas para establecer al grupo de pertenencia de los pacientes, se les envió a laboratorio clínico para recabar y pro-cesar las pruebas de hemoglobina glicosilada. Todos firmaron el consentimiento informado. Resultado: se obtuvo un 5,58% de HbA1c para el grupo con periodontitis crónica (38 pacientes), y un 5,31% para el grupo sin periodontitis (39 pacientes), valores sin ajustar, se determinó una diferencia significativa (P=0,000), al realizar el estudio de las variables de riesgo, se obtuvo que no hay influencia estadística del género ni del IMC. Considerando estos factores la diferencia sigue siendo significativa (P=0,001). No se halló diferencia significativa (P=0,921) entre varones (5,58%) y mujeres (5,60%) con periodontitis crónica. Tampoco hubo diferencia significativa (P=0,230) entre varones (5,33%) y mujeres (5,29%) sin periodontitis crónica. Conclusiones: existe diferencia significativa en el porcentaje de hemoglobina glicosilada y la presencia de periodontitis crónica. No existe diferencia significativa en los pacientes en función al género, en los grupos con y sin periodontitis crónica. El análisis de factores de riesgo, mostró que los niveles elevados de Hemoglobina Glicosilada se deben a periodontitis crónica, edad del paciente y presencia de dislipidemias, más no del género y el IMC.Objective: To evaluate the correlation between the level of glycosylated hemoglobin and the presence of chronic periodontitis. Materials and method: 77 patients, were grouped according to whether or not chronic periodontitis. Data were collected where took it age, gender, body mass index (BMI) and a history of dyslipidemia, periodontal chart were written to set membership group of patients, they were sent to clinical laboratory to collect and process glycosylated hemoglobin samples. All signed informed consent. Results: HbA1c was 5.58% for chronic periodontitis group, and 5.31% for no periodontitis group, unadjusted values, determined it there was statistically significant difference (P = 0.000). Taking the risk variables it was obtained no statistical influence of gender or BMI. Even considering these risk factors, it remained significant difference (P = 0.001). No significant differences were found (P = 0.921) among men (5.58%) and women (5.60%) with chronic periodontitis. In the group of patients without chronic periodontitis there is no significant difference (P = 0.230) between males (5.33%) and women (5.29%). Conclusions: A statistically significant difference was found in the percentage of Hemoglobin and the presence of chronic periodontitis. No significant difference was found in patients according to gender, both in the group with chronic periodontitis, such as those without chronic periodontitis. The analysis of risk factors showed that the causes of the high levels of percentage of Hemoglobin were the presence of chronic periodontitis, patient age and the presence of dyslipidemia, but not gender and Body Mass Index (BMI)

    Galactomannan as a potential modulator of intestinal ischemia–reperfusion injury

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    Background: Galactomannan (GAL), a polysaccharide present on the cell wall of several fungi, has shown an ability to modulate inflammatory responses through the dectin-1 receptor in human macrophages. However, studies evaluating the modulatory properties of this polysaccharide in in vivo inflammatory scenarios are scarce. We hypothesized that GAL pretreatment would modulate local and remote damage related to intestinal reperfusion after an ischemic insult. Materials and methods: Adult male Balb/c mice were subjected to intestinal ischemia–reperfusion injury by reversible occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery, consisting of 45 min of ischemia followed by 3 or 24 h of reperfusion. Intragastric GAL (70 mg/kg) was administered 12 h before ischemia, and saline solution was used in the control animals. Jejunum, lung, and blood samples were taken for the analysis of histology, gene expression, plasma cytokine levels, and nitrosative stress. Results: Intestinal and lung histologic alterations were attenuated by GAL pretreatment, showing significant differences compared with nontreated animals. Interleukin 1β, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, and IL-6 messenger RNA expression were considerably downregulated in the small intestine of the GAL group. In addition, GAL treatment significantly prevented plasma interleukin 6 and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 upregulation and diminished nitrate and nitrite levels after 3 h of intestinal reperfusion. Conclusions: GAL pretreatment constitutes a novel and promising therapy to reduce local and remote damage triggered by intestinal ischemia–reperfusion injury. Further in vivo and in vitro studies to understand GAL's modulatory effects are warranted.Fil: Stringa, Pablo. Hospital Universitario la Paz; EspañaFil: Toledano, Victor. Hospital Universitario la Paz; EspañaFil: Papa Gobbi, Rodrigo. Hospital Universitario la Paz; EspañaFil: Arreola, Miguel. Hospital Universitario la Paz; EspañaFil: Largo, Carlota. Hospital Universitario la Paz; EspañaFil: Machuca, Mariana. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Aguirre, Luis A.. Hospital Universitario la Paz; EspañaFil: Rumbo, Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Estudios Inmunológicos y Fisiopatológicos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Estudios Inmunológicos y Fisiopatológicos; ArgentinaFil: López Collazo, Eduardo. Hospital Universitario la Paz; EspañaFil: Hernández Oliveros, Francisco. Hospital Universitario la Paz; Españ

    ARTEMIS: A complete mission architecture to bridge the gap between humanity and near-Earth asteroids

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    Asteroid retrieval missions have recently attracted increasing interest from the community and could provide opportunities for scienti c exploration, resource utilisation and even the development of planetary defence strategies. This paper was developed as a result of a 6-month MSc group project, realised by a total of 14 students at Cran eld University pursuing the Astronautics & Space Engineering degree. An overall system design is proposed for a technology demonstrator mission to move a near-Earth asteroid into an easily-accessible location where it could be further explored by future missions. The target nal orbit is a southern halo orbit around the Lagrange point (L2) on the Sun-Earth system. ARTEMIS (Asteroid Retrieval Technology Mission) abides by ESAs constraints for a Large (L) mission call: realised in only one launch with Ariane 64, an operational duration of less than 15 years and a cost at completion of at most e1100M. The proposed mission combines the design of optimal trajectories, employs advanced solar electric propulsion and introduces a be tting level of spacecraft autonomy. The target is the 2006 RH120 asteroid, with an approximate diameter of 6.5 m and mass of roughly 350 tons. To re ne existing data, the ARROW CubeSat mission (Asteroid Reconnaissance to Research Object Worthiness) is to be launched a year prior to the main mission to probe the asteroid via a y-by. ARROW will provide valuable information, such as the asteroids spin rate, rotational axis and better mass estimate, increasing the overall chance of mission success. The main mission will then capture and secure the asteroid using a mechanism of arm-like booms with xenon- lled VectranTM bags. To allow for proper adaptability to the objects shape and mass distribution, as well as preserve the asteroid unaltered, the mechanism is fully contained in fabric that encapsulates the asteroid. The paper concludes that such a mission is conditionally feasible, and summarises the design process resulting in the nal overall mission baseline design. It also examines the practicality of the suggested design for future missions such as space debris removal or its ability to retrieve celestial bodies with variable mass and shape. Proper adaptation of the design could allow for retrieval of similar size or smaller objects. The future implementation of this mission may further the understanding of the origin of the solar system and act as a catalyst to a new celestial body exploitation industry

    Robotic repair of vesicovaginal fistulae with the transperitoneal-transvaginal approach: A case series

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    ABSTRACT ARTICLE INFO ______________________________________________________________ ______________________ Objective: To describe a novel technique of repairing the VVF using the transperitoneal-transvaginal approach. Materials and Methods: From June 2011 to October 2013, four patients with symptoms of urine leakage in the vagina underwent robotic repair of VVF with the transperitoneal-transvaginal approach. Cystoscopy revealed the fistula opening on the bladder. A ureteral stent was placed through the fistulous tract. After trocar placement, the omental flap was prepared and mobilized robotically. The vagina was identified and incised. The fistulous tract was excised. Cystorrhaphy was performed in two layers in an interrupted fashion. The vaginal opening was closed with running stitches. The omentum was interposed and anchored between the bladder and vagina. Finally, the ureteral catheters were removed in case they have been placed, and an 18 Fr urethral catheter was removed on the 14th postoperative day. Results: The mean age was 46 years (range: 41 to 52 years). The mean fistula diameter was 1.5 cm (range 0.3 to 2 cm). The mean operative time was 117.5 min (range: 100 to 150 min). The estimated blood loss was 100 mL (range: 50 to 150 mL). The mean hospital stay was 1.75 days (range: 1 to 3 days). The mean Foley catheter duration was 15.75 days (range: 10 to 25 days). There was no evidence of recurrence in any of the cases. Conclusions: The robot-assisted laparoscopic transperitoneal transvaginal approach for VVF is a feasible procedure when the fistula tract is identified by first intentionally opening the vagina, thereby minimizing the bladder incision and with low morbidity

    Galactomannan as a Potential Modulator of Intestinal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury

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    Background: Galactomannan (GAL), a polysaccharide present on the cell wall of several fungi, has shown an ability to modulate inflammatory responses through the dectin-1 receptor in human macrophages. However, studies evaluating the modulatory properties of this polysaccharide in in vivo inflammatory scenarios are scarce. We hypothesized that GAL pretreatment would modulate local and remote damage related to intestinal reperfusion after an ischemic insult. Materials and methods: Adult male Balb/c mice were subjected to intestinal ischemia–reperfusion injury by reversible occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery, consisting of 45 min of ischemia followed by 3 or 24 h of reperfusion. Intragastric GAL (70 mg/kg) was administered 12 h before ischemia, and saline solution was used in the control animals. Jejunum, lung, and blood samples were taken for the analysis of histology, gene expression, plasma cytokine levels, and nitrosative stress. Results: Intestinal and lung histologic alterations were attenuated by GAL pretreatment, showing significant differences compared with nontreated animals. Interleukin 1β, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, and IL-6 messenger RNA expression were considerably downregulated in the small intestine of the GAL group. In addition, GAL treatment significantly prevented plasma interleukin 6 and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 upregulation and diminished nitrate and nitrite levels after 3 h of intestinal reperfusion. Conclusions: GAL pretreatment constitutes a novel and promising therapy to reduce local and remote damage triggered by intestinal ischemia–reperfusion injury. Further in vivo and in vitro studies to understand GAL's modulatory effects are warranted.Facultad de Ciencias VeterinariasInstituto de Estudios Inmunológicos y Fisiopatológico

    Retos y soluciones tecnológicas en logística y transporte refrigerado de frutas y hortalizas

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    La presente Monografía, integrada en las publicaciones de la Red Temática FRUTURA, de CYTED, recoge las aportaciones de sus miembros en su tercera reunión científico-técnica, dando continuidad a las celebradas en Madrid y Sao Paulo en 2009. Se denominó “Situación actual, retos y soluciones en logística y transporte refrigerado internacional de frutas y hortalizas” y se celebró en la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, España, en junio de 2010. El evento se desarrolló durante tres jornadas, incluyendo el III Seminario Internacional de Transporte Frigorífico Marítimo, el I Seminario Internacional de Transporte Frigorífico Terrestre y Aéreo y el Foro Empresarial: Desafíos y Oportunidades del Intercambio Comercial Hortofrutícola España-Iberoamérica. La temática se enmarcó dentro del principal objetivo de la Red, el desarrollo de un sistema integral de mejora de la calidad y seguridad de las frutas durante la manipulación, el transporte y la comercialización, mediante nuevas tecnologías de inspección y monitorización. Las frutas y hortalizas frescas se producen frecuentemente en lugares alejados de los centros de consumo. Grandes volúmenes de productos, con frecuencia muy perecederos, se transportan diariamente a pequeñas o grandes distancias, tanto dentro de los propios países productores, como entre las naciones y Continentes. Paralelamente, los consumidores exigen de ellos una calidad cada día más elevada, no solo organoléptica, sino también nutricional, con especial garantía de la seguridad y el respeto del medio ambiente. Esto implica una alta exigencia al planificar el transporte y las operaciones omplementarias, para optimizar la calidad global y minimizar las pérdidas. Los aspectos asociados al transporte hortofrutícola en fresco, tanto en España como en Iberoamérica se abordaron a través de conferencias relacionadas con la situación en cada país participante. Así, se trataron los principales problemas y desafíos del transporte terrestre en Argentina y Uruguay, y de la exportación marítima desde Brasil, desde España (incluyendo tratamientos cuarentenarios) y desde Chile (con la modelización del envasado en atmósfera modificada a escala de pallet, los atributos de calidad en el transporte terrestre y aéreo y el seguimiento de la calidad de la fruta cortada mediante imágenes hiperespectrales). La calidad de las contribuciones recogidas en esta monografía, son un buen indicador del alto nivel científico de los miembros de la Red, cuyas aportaciones se vieron enriquecidas con el debate entre ponentes y participantes. Ello facilitó el intercambio de experiencias, la discusión de las temáticas en los diferentes ámbitos, la ampliación de conocimientos y la posibilidad de colaborar para llevar adelante nuevos avances tecnológicos. Asimismo, permitió identificar las limitaciones, problemas y desafíos que presenta el sector. Son aún muchos los condicionantes que surgen durante el transporte de productos perecederos, en especial de frutas y hortalizas, que requieren una solución técnica y económica. Durante las jornadas se realizaron diversas vistitas técnicas al Puerto de Cartagena, en sus áreas de logística, terminales y sistemas operativos de carga y descarga, contenedores isotermos y frigoríficos y cámaras frigoríficas de almacenamiento, organizadas por la Agencia Marítima Erhardt, S.A., Consignataria de buques de Cartagena (Murcia); la sede de la Autoridad Portuaria de Cartagena, donde se analizaron el desarrollo y previsiones de crecimiento de sus instalaciones portuarias en el futuro inmediato; la plataforma logística de exportación del Grupo Caliche S.A., ubicada en San Javier (Murcia) y la central hortofrutícola exportadora de cítricos y hortalizas de SAT San Cayetano, también en San Javier (Murcia). El interés por la temática de esta reunión quedó demostrado por la elevada participación durante las jornadas de empresarios, técnicos, investigadores y profesionales iberoamericanos. Pensamos que el fin último, que fue conocer en más profundidad la realidad presente del transporte terrestre, marítimo y aéreo en Iberoamérica mediante el acercamiento entre Universidades y Centros de Investigación y las Empresas del sector (exportadoras, importadoras y transportistas), se alcanzó plenamente. Deseamos agradecer al Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (AC2010-00017-00-00), a la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia, a la Fundación Séneca de la Región de Murcia (14506/OC/10) y al Ayuntamiento de Cartagena su valiosa colaboración para la realización de este evento. Igualmente destacamos la ayuda desinteresada de los miembros del Grupo de Postrecolección y Refrigeración y del Instituto de Biotecnología Vegetal de la UPCT, quienes contribuyeron enormemente al éxito de la reunión