1,766 research outputs found

    On the Computational Complexity of MCMC-based Estimators in Large Samples

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    In this paper we examine the implications of the statistical large sample theory for the computational complexity of Bayesian and quasi-Bayesian estimation carried out using Metropolis random walks. Our analysis is motivated by the Laplace-Bernstein-Von Mises central limit theorem, which states that in large samples the posterior or quasi-posterior approaches a normal density. Using the conditions required for the central limit theorem to hold, we establish polynomial bounds on the computational complexity of general Metropolis random walks methods in large samples. Our analysis covers cases where the underlying log-likelihood or extremum criterion function is possibly non-concave, discontinuous, and with increasing parameter dimension. However, the central limit theorem restricts the deviations from continuity and log-concavity of the log-likelihood or extremum criterion function in a very specific manner. Under minimal assumptions required for the central limit theorem to hold under the increasing parameter dimension, we show that the Metropolis algorithm is theoretically efficient even for the canonical Gaussian walk which is studied in detail. Specifically, we show that the running time of the algorithm in large samples is bounded in probability by a polynomial in the parameter dimension dd, and, in particular, is of stochastic order d2d^2 in the leading cases after the burn-in period. We then give applications to exponential families, curved exponential families, and Z-estimation of increasing dimension.Comment: 36 pages, 2 figure

    Least squares after model selection in high-dimensional sparse models

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    In this article we study post-model selection estimators that apply ordinary least squares (OLS) to the model selected by first-step penalized estimators, typically Lasso. It is well known that Lasso can estimate the nonparametric regression function at nearly the oracle rate, and is thus hard to improve upon. We show that the OLS post-Lasso estimator performs at least as well as Lasso in terms of the rate of convergence, and has the advantage of a smaller bias. Remarkably, this performance occurs even if the Lasso-based model selection "fails" in the sense of missing some components of the "true" regression model. By the "true" model, we mean the best s-dimensional approximation to the nonparametric regression function chosen by the oracle. Furthermore, OLS post-Lasso estimator can perform strictly better than Lasso, in the sense of a strictly faster rate of convergence, if the Lasso-based model selection correctly includes all components of the "true" model as a subset and also achieves sufficient sparsity. In the extreme case, when Lasso perfectly selects the "true" model, the OLS post-Lasso estimator becomes the oracle estimator. An important ingredient in our analysis is a new sparsity bound on the dimension of the model selected by Lasso, which guarantees that this dimension is at most of the same order as the dimension of the "true" model. Our rate results are nonasymptotic and hold in both parametric and nonparametric models. Moreover, our analysis is not limited to the Lasso estimator acting as a selector in the first step, but also applies to any other estimator, for example, various forms of thresholded Lasso, with good rates and good sparsity properties. Our analysis covers both traditional thresholding and a new practical, data-driven thresholding scheme that induces additional sparsity subject to maintaining a certain goodness of fit. The latter scheme has theoretical guarantees similar to those of Lasso or OLS post-Lasso, but it dominates those procedures as well as traditional thresholding in a wide variety of experiments.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/11-BEJ410 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    L1-Penalized quantile regression in high-dimensional sparse models

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    We consider median regression and, more generally, quantile regression in high-dimensional sparse models. In these models the overall number of regressors p is very large, possibly larger than the sample size n, but only s of these regressors have non-zero impact on the conditional quantile of the response variable, where s grows slower than n. Since in this case the ordinary quantile regression is not consistent, we consider quantile regression penalized by the L1-norm of coefficients (L1-QR). First, we show that L1-QR is consistent at the rate of the square root of (s/n) log p, which is close to the oracle rate of the square root of (s/n), achievable when the minimal true model is known. The overall number of regressors p affects the rate only through the log p factor, thus allowing nearly exponential growth in the number of zero-impact regressors. The rate result holds under relatively weak conditions, requiring that s/n converges to zero at a super-logarithmic speed and that regularization parameter satisfies certain theoretical constraints. Second, we propose a pivotal, data-driven choice of the regularization parameter and show that it satisfies these theoretical constraints. Third, we show that L1-QR correctly selects the true minimal model as a valid submodel, when the non-zero coefficients of the true model are well separated from zero. We also show that the number of non-zero coefficients in L1-QR is of same stochastic order as s, the number of non-zero coefficients in the minimal true model. Fourth, we analyze the rate of convergence of a two-step estimator that applies ordinary quantile regression to the selected model. Fifth, we evaluate the performance of L1-QR in a Monte-Carlo experiment, and provide an application to the analysis of the international economic growth.

    On the computational complexity of MCMC-based estimators in large samples

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    In this paper we examine the implications of the statistical large sample theory for the computational complexity of Bayesian and quasi-Bayesian estimation carried out using Metropolis random walks. Our analysis is motivated by the Laplace-Bernstein-Von Mises central limit theorem, which states that in large samples the posterior or quasi-posterior approaches a normal density. Using this observation, we establish polynomial bounds on the computational complexity of general Metropolis random walks methods in large samples. Our analysis covers cases, where the underlying log-likelihood or extremum criterion function is possibly nonconcave, discontinuous, and of increasing dimension. However, the central limit theorem restricts the deviations from continuity and log-concavity of the log-likelihood or extremum criterion function in a very specific manner.

    Post-l1-penalized estimators in high-dimensional linear regression models

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    In this paper we study post-penalized estimators which apply ordinary, unpenalized linear regression to the model selected by first-step penalized estimators, typically LASSO. It is well known that LASSO can estimate the regression function at nearly the oracle rate, and is thus hard to improve upon. We show that post-LASSO performs at least as well as LASSO in terms of the rate of convergence, and has the advantage of a smaller bias. Remarkably, this performance occurs even if the LASSO-based model selection 'fails' in the sense of missing some components of the 'true' regression model. By the 'true' model we mean here the best s-dimensional approximation to the regression function chosen by the oracle. Furthermore, post-LASSO can perform strictly better than LASSO, in the sense of a strictly faster rate of convergence, if the LASSO-based model selection correctly includes all components of the 'true' model as a subset and also achieves a sufficient sparsity. In the extreme case, when LASSO perfectly selects the 'true' model, the post-LASSO estimator becomes the oracle estimator. An important ingredient in our analysis is a new sparsity bound on the dimension of the model selected by LASSO which guarantees that this dimension is at most of the same order as the dimension of the 'true' model. Our rate results are non-asymptotic and hold in both parametric and nonparametric models. Moreover, our analysis is not limited to the LASSO estimator in the first step, but also applies to other estimators, for example, the trimmed LASSO, Dantzig selector, or any other estimator with good rates and good sparsity. Our analysis covers both traditional trimming and a new practical, completely data-driven trimming scheme that induces maximal sparsity subject to maintaining a certain goodness-of-fit. The latter scheme has theoretical guarantees similar to those of LASSO or post-LASSO, but it dominates these procedures as well as traditional trimming in a wide variety of experiments.

    Inference for High-Dimensional Sparse Econometric Models

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    This article is about estimation and inference methods for high dimensional sparse (HDS) regression models in econometrics. High dimensional sparse models arise in situations where many regressors (or series terms) are available and the regression function is well-approximated by a parsimonious, yet unknown set of regressors. The latter condition makes it possible to estimate the entire regression function effectively by searching for approximately the right set of regressors. We discuss methods for identifying this set of regressors and estimating their coefficients based on ā„“1\ell_1-penalization and describe key theoretical results. In order to capture realistic practical situations, we expressly allow for imperfect selection of regressors and study the impact of this imperfect selection on estimation and inference results. We focus the main part of the article on the use of HDS models and methods in the instrumental variables model and the partially linear model. We present a set of novel inference results for these models and illustrate their use with applications to returns to schooling and growth regression

    Post-Selection Inference for Generalized Linear Models with Many Controls

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    This paper considers generalized linear models in the presence of many controls. We lay out a general methodology to estimate an effect of interest based on the construction of an instrument that immunize against model selection mistakes and apply it to the case of logistic binary choice model. More specifically we propose new methods for estimating and constructing confidence regions for a regression parameter of primary interest Ī±0\alpha_0, a parameter in front of the regressor of interest, such as the treatment variable or a policy variable. These methods allow to estimate Ī±0\alpha_0 at the root-nn rate when the total number pp of other regressors, called controls, potentially exceed the sample size nn using sparsity assumptions. The sparsity assumption means that there is a subset of s<ns<n controls which suffices to accurately approximate the nuisance part of the regression function. Importantly, the estimators and these resulting confidence regions are valid uniformly over ss-sparse models satisfying s2logā”2p=o(n)s^2\log^2 p = o(n) and other technical conditions. These procedures do not rely on traditional consistent model selection arguments for their validity. In fact, they are robust with respect to moderate model selection mistakes in variable selection. Under suitable conditions, the estimators are semi-parametrically efficient in the sense of attaining the semi-parametric efficiency bounds for the class of models in this paper

    Pivotal estimation via square-root Lasso in nonparametric regression

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    We propose a self-tuning Lasso\sqrt{\mathrm {Lasso}} method that simultaneously resolves three important practical problems in high-dimensional regression analysis, namely it handles the unknown scale, heteroscedasticity and (drastic) non-Gaussianity of the noise. In addition, our analysis allows for badly behaved designs, for example, perfectly collinear regressors, and generates sharp bounds even in extreme cases, such as the infinite variance case and the noiseless case, in contrast to Lasso. We establish various nonasymptotic bounds for Lasso\sqrt{\mathrm {Lasso}} including prediction norm rate and sparsity. Our analysis is based on new impact factors that are tailored for bounding prediction norm. In order to cover heteroscedastic non-Gaussian noise, we rely on moderate deviation theory for self-normalized sums to achieve Gaussian-like results under weak conditions. Moreover, we derive bounds on the performance of ordinary least square (ols) applied to the model selected by Lasso\sqrt{\mathrm {Lasso}} accounting for possible misspecification of the selected model. Under mild conditions, the rate of convergence of ols post Lasso\sqrt{\mathrm {Lasso}} is as good as Lasso\sqrt{\mathrm {Lasso}}'s rate. As an application, we consider the use of Lasso\sqrt{\mathrm {Lasso}} and ols post Lasso\sqrt{\mathrm {Lasso}} as estimators of nuisance parameters in a generic semiparametric problem (nonlinear moment condition or ZZ-problem), resulting in a construction of n\sqrt{n}-consistent and asymptotically normal estimators of the main parameters.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AOS1204 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
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