1,307 research outputs found

    Application of the travel cost method to estimate the economic value of cultural goods: Blockbuster art exhibitions

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    In recent years a growing number of studies have started to apply non-market valuation methods to estimate the economic value of cultural goods. The majority of these studies use stated preference techniques, such as the contingent valuation method. This study discusses the application of the travel cost method to estimate the economic value of a specific type of cultural good: special exhibitions. The empirical work focuses on the touring exhibition the ‘Ages of Mankind’, one of the first and most representative examples of a blockbuster art exhibition in Spain. This is the first time, as far as we know, that this method has been applied to a large temporary exhibition and is one of the few applications of this method in the valuation of cultural goods.Blockbuster arts exhibitions, non-market valuation, revealed preferences, travel cost method, cultural economics.

    Estimación de los beneficios económicos y sociales derivados de los proyectos de valoración del patrimonio cultural: el caso de 'Las Edades del Hombre'

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    Los bienes e instituciones patrimoniales constituyen un importante recurso no sólo cultural, sino también económico y social para las ciudades, regiones y países en los que se encuentran localizados. En los últimos años se viene constatando, en este sentido, un interés cada vez mayor por parte de investigadores, políticos y gestores culturales por conocer los beneficios económicos y sociales derivados de la provisión de bienes y servicios patrimoniales. Ello ha dado lugar a la aparición de numerosos estudios que tratan de estimar el valor económico de este tipo de bienes y servicios. La mayoría de los trabajos realizados hasta el momento son parciales, en la medida en que utilizan metodologías que únicamente permiten estimar el valor de algunos de los componentes que integran el valor económico de estos bienes. Por este motivo, en los últimos años se viene incidiendo, cada vez con mayor frecuencia, en la necesidad de utilizar distintas metodologías de valoración de forma combinada, con el objeto de poder realizar estimaciones más precisas y que reflejen el valor económico total de estos bienes y servicios. El objetivo de esta comunicación es explorar el potencial que presentan en la valoración del patrimonio cultural dos técnicas de medición muy diferentes entre sí: los estudios de impacto económico y las técnicas de valoración de atributos sin mercado, en concreto el método del coste de viaje. Estas dos metodologías se aplican en la estimación de los beneficios económicos y sociales derivados del desarrollo de las exposiciones 'Las Edades del Hombre'. La trayectoria y logros de este ciclo expositivo a lo largo de los últimos 24 años han convertido este innovador proyecto cultural en un referente como modelo de gestión y puesta en valor del Patrimonio, ampliamente reconocido e imitado. Esta iniciativa constituye, además, un claro ejemplo del potencial que presenta el patrimonio cultural para convertirse, mediante una adecuada puesta en valor, en un valioso recurso para el territorio y en un instrumento estratégico en los programas de desarrollo regional y local y en los planes de renovación y revitalización de las ciudades.Cultural heritage goods and institutions are an important resource not only cultural, but also economic and social for cities, regions and countries in which they are located. In recent years, a growing interest has arised among researchers, policy makers and cultural managers in order to know the economic and social benefits derived from the provision of heritage goods and services. This interest has led to the appearance of many studies that attempt to estimate the economic value of these goods and services. Most of these works are partial, as far as their methodologies estimate only some components that comprise the total economic value of these goods. For this reason, the need of using several valuation methodologies jointly has become patent, in order to make more accurate estimations and reflect the total economic value of these goods and services. The aim of this paper is to explore the potential of two valuation techniques in the assessment of cultural heritage: economic impact studies and travel cost method. These two methodologies are applied to the estimation of the economic and social benefits derived from the development of the exhibitions The Ages of Mankind. The achievements of this exhibition cycle over the last 24 years have made this innovative cultural project a widely recognized and imitated model for the management and valorization of Cultural Heritage. This initiative is also a clear example of the potential of the cultural heritage to become, through proper valorization, a valuable resource for the territory and a strategic instrument for regional and local development programs and for most renewal and revitalization plans of cities

    Cavity Backed Slot Antenna Fed by a Stripline with SIW Structure and Vertical Coaxial Transition for Microwave Solid State Heating Applications

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    [EN] This paper presents a new approach to feed multimode cavities used as microwave applicators for industrial and domestic microwave ovens using solid-state sources operating in the 2.45 GHz ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) band (commonly used for industrial microwave applications). The feeding structure consists of a slot on the top side of the applicator cavity. The slot is fed by a shielded asymmetric stripline with a Substrate Integrated Waveguide structure (to preserve the stripline Transversal Electro-Magnetic (TEM) operation within the shield) and is N-connectorized. A first design of the antenna was obtained using state-of-the-art antenna theory assuming free-space radiation. Then, it was refined using a commercial simulation tool based on the Finite Element Method in the frequency domain to achieve VSWR values lower than 1.5 in the source bandwidth (from 2.42 to 2.48 GHz) when the antenna radiates into the applicator cavity. The design parameters of all the components making up this feeding structure are discussed throughout the paper. A prototype was built and measured in the laboratory. The experimental results are presented at the end of the paper along with the simulated ones, showing a very good agreement.This research was funded by Generalitat Valenciana, grant number FDGENT/2018/008.Santón, P.; De Los Reyes, R.; Balbastre Tejedor, JV. (2022). Cavity Backed Slot Antenna Fed by a Stripline with SIW Structure and Vertical Coaxial Transition for Microwave Solid State Heating Applications. Electronics. 11(3):1-10. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics1103032711011

    Economic assessment of railway policies: high speed or high-performance. A case of study

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    The objective of the present paper is to assess the railway investment project in Spain for the Santander-Madrid route, using the Cost-Benefit Analysis method. The paper aims at answering the following question - what is more viable: a High Speed Train for passengers between Santander and Madrid, or rather a High Performance Train for passengers and cargo between Santander and Madrid? Being able to answer this question is clearly key information for investment decision making in the field of government's or country's transport policy. In this study, a Cost-Benefit Analysis with two options for the railway project has been calculated: only passengers and combined passengers-cargo. In this case, results favour the passengers-cargo option rather than its alternative

    Social profitability threshold of high speed railway: a benefit-cost analysis

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    In this study, the benefit-cost analysis technique for projects evaluation is applied to determine the minimum level of demand that makes a high-speed rail project economically viable in Spain. To get this goal, it is nec- essary to take into account not only the costs and benefits of the high speed railway but also the analysis of the costs and benefits linked to other alternative transport modes, such as plane, private car or bus. The re- sults show that the high-speed rail studied is socially profitable from a traffic volume of 6.5 million passen- gers and for a social discount rate of 4%. Given the benefits associated with network effects, which magni- tude grows parallel to the extension of the high-speed network, this threshold could be significantly reduced in subsequent projects

    Presas del búho campestre (Asio flammeus) en un agroecosistema subtropical de Paraguay

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    Fil: Torres Monges, Julio Cesar. Universidad Nacional de Asuncion; ParaguayFil: Teta, Pablo Vicente. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales; ArgentinaFil: De la Sancha, Noé U.. Chicago State University. Integrative Research Center; Estados Unidos. The Field Museum of Natural History; Estados Unido

    Assessing the green transition priorities of SMEs: A large scale web mining approach

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    [EN] Company websites are a rich source of data that exhibit the activities, intentions, and strategies of the respective companies. Aggregating that information at a sector, company size, and country level has the potential to reveal the underlying behavior of the different units. This paper presents a pilot study in which a sample of more than 32,000 companies from Germany, France, Italy, and Spain has been analyzed to assess their evolution in the sustainability transition over the last 15 years.Doménech I De Soria, J.; Vicente, M.; Martínez Cabanes, H.; De Pedraza García, P. (2022). Assessing the green transition priorities of SMEs: A large scale web mining approach. En 4th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2022). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 278-278. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18976027827

    Publicidad, comunicación y ecoturismo sostenible en el entorno protegido de Cabo de Gata - Níjar

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    Este TFG consiste en dar a conocer el entorno natural protegido de Cabo de Gata - Níjar a través del ecoturismo. Debido a su gran valor natural y evitando la masificación de turistas en verano, el ecoturismo es una buena herramienta para evitar el deterioro del Cabo de Gata - Níjar. A través de aquellas empresas que sean realmente sostenibles y con la creación de un blog, se intentará llegar a un público objetivo que busque visitar este lugar a través del ecoturismo.Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública