30 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis between AHP and ANP in prioritization of ecosystem services - A case study in a rice field area raised in the Guadalquivir marshes (Spain)

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    [EN] Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Analytic Network Process (ANP) are helpful multi-criteria methods used by the decision-makers to prioritize the ecosystem services provided to humankind by a natural area. Despite being the most common in this field, as it is the easiest and quickest method, AHP simplifies reality by distributing criteria as a hierarchy. As many ecosystem services are firmly connected, this simplification can alter the results owing to the inherent subjectivity of the decision-makers¿ judgments when completing the required pairwise comparisons. In contrast, ANP considers the relationships among criteria, drawing a complex network that can help in reducing subjectivity and uncertainty. This study aims to compare how both the methods deal with these possible biases. This study prioritizes the ecosystem services provided by a farming area in an internationally recognized wetland with various interconnected services. The case study was conducted in a rice field area raised in the Guadalquivir marshes located within the Doñana Biosphere Reserve in Spain. After applying both methodologies, the results conclude that AHP considerably overestimates the most abstract services. Generally, decision-makers overvalue cultural services as they are socially more visible than others, and in AHP, they are not compared directly with other elements. Additionally, when a problem impacts the production and many people are affected, AHP also magnifies its importance because it is in the limelight. Therefore, ANP is an efficient method when a study requires higher accuracy and coexists with intangible assets despite the benefits and drawbacks of each multi-criteria method.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Politècnica de València. We would like to thank all the farmers, technicians, and organizations that have participated as experts and the local government of Isla Mayor and its mayor for facilitating us everything we needed during our stay in the rice field area.Jorge-García, D.; Estruch-Guitart, V. (2022). Comparative analysis between AHP and ANP in prioritization of ecosystem services - A case study in a rice field area raised in the Guadalquivir marshes (Spain). Ecological Informatics. 70:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2022.1017391117

    Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services by Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process and the Analytic Network Process. Comparative Analysis Between Both Methods in the Albufera Natural Park of València (Spain)

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    Assigned to WIT Press all rights under copyright that may exist in and to the Work and any associated written or multimedia components or other enhancements accompanying the Work.[EN] The Analytic Multicriteria Valuation Method (AMUVAM) was designed to value environmental assets. This method and its software allow one to incorporate all the experts' decisions in a global evaluation matrix and assign a degree of importance (weight) to the criteria. This multicriteria decision aid methodology has traditionally been based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Discounted Cash Flow. However, it can be substituted by the Analytic Network Process (ANP). Although it involves a higher complexity, it considers all the current relationships between the different alternatives and criteria so it should be more accurate. Therefore, the aim of the present work is to value the ecosystem services of an environmental area by using both methods and compare the results. A real application has been presented; therefore, this work has been applied to the valuation of the Albufera Natural Park in València (Spain). This area is considered one of the most important Mediterranean wetlands of the Mediterranean countries. Having obtained the results, the method can be carried out using either of the two processes when the aim of the assessment is to get the Total Economic Value. In this case, the AHP can be used as a less time-consuming and cheaper method. However, if the goal is to value the ecosystem services, there are significant differences between both methods. Some of the services are overvalued or underestimated when the AHP has been used.Jorge-García, D.; Estruch-Guitart, V. (2020). Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services by Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process and the Analytic Network Process. Comparative Analysis Between Both Methods in the Albufera Natural Park of València (Spain). International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics (Online). 15(1):1-4. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijdne.150101S1415

    The economic value of landscape aesthetics in Albufera natural park through the analytic multicriteria valuation method

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    [EN] The effective definition of public intervention goals and resource allocation for natural resource management requires decision makers to understand the monetary values of the full range of goods and services provided by landscapes, in other words, their Total Economic Value (TEV). Aesthetic enjoyment (AE) can be considered as part of such TEV of landscapes. For the estimation of the economic value of AE in Albufera Natural Park (Valencia, Spain), this paper applies the Analytic Multicriteria Valuation Method (AMUVAM). It is a combination of two established techniques: analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and discount cash flow (DCF). The economic value of non-market benefits under AMUVAM is obtained indirectly, by comparing the relative degrees of importance attached to the different components of TEV. In this way, not only does it estimate a monetary value of AE but also its importance relative to TEV. Results express that AE represents 7% of the TEV in Albufera Natural Park and 24% of the EV in Albufera Natural Park ( 176 million). Results reveal distinct patterns in the valuation of TEV and existence value (EV). In this way, together with the average, a range of values which show the different sensitivities of society is provided. The comparison of the TEV obtained for Albufera Natural Park with previous studies conducted on wetlands suggests its similarity in scale.Estruch-Guitart, V.; Vallés-Planells, M. (2017). The economic value of landscape aesthetics in Albufera natural park through the analytic multicriteria valuation method. International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. 12(3):281-302. doi:10.2495/DNE-V12-N3-281-302S28130212

    Determinación del valor del traspaso de jugadores de futbol profesional. Valoración multicriterio

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    [EN] Football is a sport that currently constitutes a sector of considerable social, cultural and economic significance, particularly in Europe and such countries as Spain, with one of the main professional football leagues in the world. The estimated economic impact of football in Europe, during the 2010/11 league, was more than 17.000 million euros. Only during 2010/11 season has been paid 525 million euros for the 20 expensive players. Despite the numbers and their importance in the football club balances nowadays there aren´t rules of economic evaluation of professional football rights. The aim of this paper is to present the application of the AHPRatio multicriterion method, to cover the absence of methodology.[ES] El fútbol es un deporte que en la actualidad constituye un sector de gran importancia social, cultural y económica, particularmente en Europa y en países como España, con una de las principales ligas de fútbol profesional. El impacto económico del fútbol en Europa, durante la Liga 2010/11, fue de más de 17.000 millones de euros. Solo en la temporada 2010/11 por los jugadores más caros se han pagado 525 millones de euros. A pesar de estas cifras y de su importancia en los balances de los clubes de fútbol, actualmente no hay normas sobre la valoración económica de los derechos del fútbol profesional. El objetivo de este documento es, presentar la aplicación de un método multicriterio, AHPRatio para cubrir esta falta de metodología.Aznar Bellver, J.; Estruch Guitart, V. (2012). Determinación del valor del traspaso de jugadores de futbol profesional. Valoración multicriterio. Revista Internacional de Derecho y Gestión del Deporte. (17):3-22. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/81547S3221

    Valoración de activos ambientales mediante métodos multicriterio. Aplicación a la valoración del Parque Natural del Alto Tajo

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    [EN] The valuation of these goods can be a relevant element for their conservation and improvement, though the intangible and immaterial aspects of environmental assets difficult the utilisation of the traditional methods of valuation. This work presents a methodology for the valuation of those assets combining multi-criteria methods, the Analytic Hierarchy Process and the Goal Programming and traditional method the Discounted Cash Flows. The combination of both techniques allows extracting an indicator of the Tota Economic Value (TEV) of an environmental asset, as well as of each partial value which make up the TEV, including tangible and intangible elements. The proposed methodology is applied to the valuation of the 'Alto Tajo' Natural Park.[ES] Calcular el valor de los activos ambientales puede ser un elemento importante para su conservación y mejora, pero con los métodos tradicionales de valoración la consideración tanto de sus aspectos intangibles como tangibles, es difícil, y en algunos casos imposible. En el presente trabajo se presenta una metodología de valoración de dichos activos que combina métodos multicriterio (Proceso Analítico Jerárquico y la programación por metas) con métodos tradicionales (método de actualización de rentas). La combinación de dichas técnicas permite deducir un indicador del Valor Económico Total de un activo ambiental y de los distintos valores parciales que lo componen, ya sean tangibles o intangibles. La metodología propuesta se ha aplicado a la valoración del Parque Natural del Alto Tajo.Los autores quieren expresar su reconocimiento a los miembros de la Junta Rectora del Parque Natural del Alto Tajo y muy especialmente a su Director por su colaboración, asimismo agradecer las sugerencias de los dos revisores anónimos que nos han permitido mejorar sensiblemente el trabajo original.Aznar Bellver, J.; Estruch Guitart, V. (2007). Appraisal of environmental assets by means of multi-criteria methods. Application to the natural park of the Alto Tajo. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 7(13):107-126. doi:10.7201/earn.2007.13.06SWORD10712671

    Ahorro hídrico y análisis económico del aprovechamiento del agua de lluvia y reutilización de aguas grises en edificios: estimación en una población del Levante mallorquín (España)

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    The Balearic Islands are characterized by large fluctuations in precipitation between winter and summer. The increase in demand by the tourism sector at the time of least recharge causes pressure on the natural water resource. In this context, it is important to establish alternatives that reduce extraction in aquifers, favouring the sustainability of the urban water cycle. Therefore, the objective of the research is to determine the water savings involved in the reuse, for non-drinking water uses, of rainwater and recycled grey water in the buildings of Son Servera (Spain). To do this, initially a geospatial analysis has been carried out and the methodology of the UNE-EN 16941-1 and 2 standards has been applied. Secondly, the economic profitability of these systems has been assessed. The results confirm different reductions in drinking water extraction depending on the use and type of building. Likewise, the single-family houses evaluated do not produce the payback on the investment, unlike in the multi-family houses and hotels. When the municipality has a supply of desalinated water, this strategy would reduce its production, particularly, in those periods of groundwater scarcity.Las Islas Baleares se caracterizan por tener grandes fluctuaciones de precipitación entre el invierno y el verano. El incremento de la demanda por el turismo en la época de menor recarga origina presión sobre el recurso hídrico natural. En esta contextualización es importante establecer alternativas que reduzcan la extracción en los acuíferos, favoreciendo la sostenibilidad del ciclo urbano del agua. Por tanto, el objetivo de la investigación es determinar el ahorro de agua que supone la reutilización, para usos no potables, del agua de lluvia y las grises recicladas en los edificios de Son Servera (España). Para ello, inicialmente se ha realizado un análisis geoespacial y aplicado la metodología de las normas UNE-EN 16941-1 y 2. En segundo lugar se ha valorado la rentabilidad económica de estos sistemas. Los resultados confirman diferentes reducciones de la extracción de agua potable en función del uso y la tipología del edificio. Así mismo, en las unifamiliares evaluadas no se produce la recuperación de la inversión, al contrario que en las plurifamiliares y hoteles. Cuando el municipio cuente con el suministro de agua desalada, esta estrategia reduciría su producción y, en particular, en aquellos periodos de escasez de recurso hídrico subterráneo

    Economic Valuation of the Goods and Services Offered by the High Relict High-Andean Ecosystem Located in the Districts of Chiguata, Characato and Pocsi, Arequipa, Peru

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    [EN] The relict high-Andean forest covered by associations of Polylepis Rugulosa found in the arid Andean region of southwestern Peru is a provider of a series of environmental goods and services such as water supply, climate regulation, erosion control, among others, that contribute to the wellbeing of societies. This investigation allows us to know the allocation of a range of economic value of the ecosystem services developed in the study area, based on different perspectives of analysis through the application of the multicriteria model Analytic Network Process (ANP) and the economic estimation of CO2eq sequestration. The results obtained range from USD 32,641,387 to USD 102,098,052.This study was financially supported by the Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa through contract NaTP-05-2019-UNSAAraca, J.; Estruch-Guitart, V.; Aznar Bellver, J.; Yufra, S. (2021). Economic Valuation of the Goods and Services Offered by the High Relict High-Andean Ecosystem Located in the Districts of Chiguata, Characato and Pocsi, Arequipa, Peru. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 30(6):5443-5452. https://doi.org/10.15244/pjoes/137371S5443545230

    Valoración de activos ambientales. Teoría y casos

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    La importancia del medioambiente y de los activos y recursos naturales cada vez es mayor. La determinación de un Indicador del valor económico de los activos ambientales es un parámetro de gran utilidad para la sensibilización de la sociedad, la conservación de los activos y como instrumento de gestión para la administración.En este libro tras unos capítulos de introducción a la economía ambiental y de repaso de algunos de los métodos clásicos de valoración ambiental,se presenta una nueva metodología AMUVAM basada en técnicas multicriterio que nos permite calcular, de los activos ambientales, su Valor Económico Total y el de sus componentesAznar Bellver, J.; Estruch Guitart, AV. (2020). Valoración de activos ambientales. Teoría y casos. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/160238EDITORIA

    Use of cause-effect indicators for the diagnosis of water sustainability in the Balearic Islands (Spain)

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    [EN] In the Balearic Islands, the expansion of the tourism sector and the urban growth have meant a transformation of the uses of water increasing the extractions and the average provisioning in the urban supply. This study aims to establish in its Hydrographic Demarcation a comparative diagnosis of the use of the resource with sustainability in the management. For the analysis, a set of cause-effect indicators is applied following the framework of reference Drivers - PressuresState- Impact and Response (DPSIR). One of the limitations detected is the difficulty in collecting data given the large number of continental water exploitation systems in the Demarcation. The socioeconomic results evaluated indicate the big bet for an economy of the service sector, which has meant a coastal population increase and the progressive abandonment of the agricultural sector. In all the islands, although at different percentage levels, there has been detected overexploitation, salinisation and contamination of some of their groundwater body masses. The current model of development, in order to avoid risks of the resource and guarantee autonomy and security in the supply, requires mid-scale adaptations from an approach of progress towards integration and moderation in growth, obeying the environmental objectives proposed by the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in the foreseen terms.[ES] En las Islas Baleares, la expansión del turismo y el crecimiento urbanístico ha supuesto una transformación de los usos del agua incrementando las extracciones y las dotaciones medias urbanas. Este estudio pretende establecer en su Demarcación Hidrográfica un diagnóstico comparativo del uso del recurso con la sostenibilidad en el manejo. Para el análisis, se aplican un conjunto de indicadores causa-efecto siguiendo el marco de referencia Fuerzas Motrices-PresionesEstado-Impactos-Respuestas (FPEIR). Una de las limitaciones detectadas es la dificultad en la recogida de datos dado el gran número de sistemas de explotación de aguas continentales de la Demarcación. Los resultados socioeconómicos evaluados indican la gran apuesta por una economía del sector servicios, que ha supuesto un aumento demográfico litoral y el abandono progresivo del 2 sector agrícola. En todas las islas, aunque a niveles porcentuales distintos, se ha detectado sobreexplotación, salinización y contaminación de algunas de sus masas de agua. El actual modelo de desarrollo, para evitar riesgos sobre el recurso y garantizar la autonomía y seguridad en el abastecimiento, requiere adaptaciones medioplacistas desde un planteamiento de avance hacia la integración y la moderación en el crecimiento cumpliendo con los objetivos medioambientales propuestos por la Directiva Marco del Agua (DMA) en los plazos previstos.El presente trabajo ha sido posible gracias a un Convenio de Colaboración entre la Universitat Politècnica de València y la Universitat de les Illes Balears dentro de un programa individual de intercambio de doctorado del primer autor, en cuya tesis se integrará dicho trabajo. Los autores agradecen a las/os revisoras/es de este artículo sus observaciones y recomendaciones.Navarro-Sousa, S.; Estruch-Guitart, V.; García, C. (2020). Uso de indicadores causa-efecto para el diagnóstico de la sostenibilidad hídrica en las Islas Baleares (España). Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. 85:1-48. https://doi.org/10.21138/bage.2833S1488

    Analytical hierarchical process (AHP) as a decision support tool in water resources management

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    ©IWA Publishing 2011. The definitive peer-reviewed and edited version of this article is published in Acqua Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology, 60 6 p.343-351 2011 DOI 10.2166/aqua.2011.016 and is available at www.iwapublishing.com.Despite advances in water conservation, abstraction and transport, water demand has been increasing worldwide in the past few decades. This has resulted in an increased pressure on stakeholders to provide sustainable solutions to meet future water demands. The decision-making process to find those solutions is becoming increasingly complicated. First, owing to the arrival of new technologies or the evolution of existing ones, the number of available alternatives has increased. Additionally, economic criteria have been abandoned as the sole reference for the comparison of alternatives. The increase of both options and restrictions has complicated significantly the choice of the best alternative. Until now, the search for solutions has usually focused on the reduction of all parameters and restrictions to a common denominator or the use of complex and scarcely transparent models. This paper shows how to make use of the AHP technique to improve the decision-making process in order to satisfy new water demands in a local context. This methodology has been widely used in other fields and allows the combination of quantitative and qualitative criteria. Among the virtues of AHP are transparency, simplicity and the fact that it relies on actual opinions from experts. © IWA Publishing 2011.The Ministry of Education and Science of Spain through Project No CGL2008-01910/BTE has supported this research.Cabrera Rochera, E.; Cobacho Jordán, R.; Estruch Guitart, V.; Aznar Bellver, J. (2011). Analytical hierarchical process (AHP) as a decision support tool in water resources management. Journal of water supply : research and technology - Aqua. 60(6):343-351. https://doi.org/10.2166/aqua.2011.016S34335160