36 research outputs found

    Caracterização do Trabalho Experimental Realizado no Ensino Secundário e Estudo da Importância do mesmo na Aprendizagem da Química

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    A Química, enquanto disciplina individual ou integrada na disciplina de Ciências Físico- Químicas, atravessa tempos difíceis. Considerada pelos alunos uma disciplina difícil, ela é, muitas vezes, preterida em relação a outras onde conseguem obter melhores resultados. Contudo, a Química dispõe de um recurso com potencialidades enormes no que se refere à motivação dos alunos: o Trabalho experimental. Nos currículos é-lhe atribuído um papel preponderante, contudo, na prática, verifica-se que nem sempre isso acontece. Verificar até que ponto existem condições nas escolas para a sua concretização e para que os professores reconheçam essa importância e a ponham em prática, são questões que devemos colocar e às quais pretendemos, com a realização deste estudo, dar resposta. Caracterizar o tipo de Trabalho Experimental que é realizado nas Escolas Secundárias e avaliar qual a importância que ainda lhe é atribuída, por professores e alunos, constituíram, por isso, os grandes objectivos deste estudo. Este estudo, desenvolvido no âmbito da elaboração da dissertação de Mestrado em Química em Contexto Escolar foi efectuado com professores que leccionaram a disciplina de Física e Química A, e alunos que frequentaram esta disciplina no 10º e 11º ano, no ano lectivo 2008/2009. Foi alargado a Escolas, públicas e privadas, de várias regiões do País, com o intuito de obter um maior leque de resultados e de estudar eventuais diferenças. A metodologia seguida baseou-se recolha de dados através da aplicação de inquéritos por questionário, tendo sido os d analisados com recurso a métodos de Descoberta de Conhecimento em Bases de Dados. Optou-se pela Aproximação de Vizinhanças na tarefa de segmentação e pelas Árvores de Decisão para gerar modelos explicativos dos segmentos encontrados, de forma a atribuir um novo caso a um dado segmento. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que, independentemente da metodologia seguida, dos maiores ou menores recursos, a aposta na actividade do aluno e na realização de actividades experimentais constitui uma estratégia muito rica numa disciplina como a Química que é, por excelência, uma ciência experimental

    A Data Mining Approach to Study the Impact of the Methodology Followed in Chemistry Lab Classes on the Weight Attributed by the Students to the Lab Work on Learning and Motivation

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    This study reports the use of data mining tools in order to examine the influence of the methodology used in chemistry lab classes, on the weight attributed by the students to the lab work on learning and own motivation. The answer frequency analysis was unable to discriminate the opinions expressed by the respondents according to the type of the teaching methodology used in the lab classes. Conversely, the data mining approach using k-means clustering models, allowed a deeper analysis of the results, i.e., enabled one to identify the methodology to teach chemistry that, in students’ opinion, is important for learning chemistry and increasing their motivation. The sample comprised 3447 students of Portuguese Secondary Schools (1736 in the 10th grade; 1711 in the 11th grade). The k-Means Clustering Method was used, with k values ranging between 2 and 4. The main strengths of this study are the methodological approach for data analysis and the fact that the sample was formed by students with different school careers that enables the use of the individual as the unit of analysis

    Bioactivity of Monoterpene Alcohols as an Indicator of Biopesticidal Essential Oils against the Root Knot Nematode Meloidogyne ethiopica

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    The application of pesticides remains one of the most efficient control methods for phytophagous parasites in crops. Essential oils (EOs) are complex mixtures of highly active compounds that can be used as biopesticides against plant parasitic nematodes. In the present work, the antinematodal activity of the monoterpene alcohols geraniol, linalool, menthol or  -terpineol, which are generally found in high amounts in EOs of some aromatic and medicinal plants, was analyzed on the root knot nematode Meloidogyne ethiopica. Geraniol showed intense and lasting antinematodal activity, suggesting that EOs rich in this compound can be used in the development of nematicidal biopesticides to integrate sustainable pest management strategies against this pest

    The fight against plant-parasitic nematodes: current status of bacterial and fungal biocontrol agents

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    Plant-parasitic nematodes (PPNs) are among the most notorious and underrated threats to food security and plant health worldwide, compromising crop yields and causing billions of dollars of losses annually. Chemical control strategies rely heavily on synthetic chemical nematicides to reduce PPN population densities, but their use is being progressively restricted due to environmental and human health concerns, so alternative control methods are urgently needed. Here, we review the potential of bacterial and fungal agents to suppress the most important PPNs, namely Aphelenchoides besseyi, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, Ditylenchus dipsaci, Globodera spp., Heterodera spp., Meloidogyne spp., Nacobbus aberrans, Pratylenchus spp., Radopholus similis, Rotylenchulus reniformis, and Xiphinema index

    Potato Cyst Nematodes: geographical distribution, phylogenetic relationships and integrated pest management outcomes in Portugal

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    The identification and phylogenetic relationships of potato cyst nematodes (PCN) were studied to assess the potential value of geographical distribution information for integrated pest management of potato production in Portugal. This research focused on PCN species, Globodera pallida and Globodera rostochiensis. From 2013 until 2019, 748 soil samples from the rhizosphere of different potato cultivars were surveyed in the Portuguese mainland to detect and identify both species and track their location. PCN are widespread invasive species throughout Portugal. In fact, during the survey period an incidence of 22.5% was estimated for the tested samples. The patterns of infestation vary among regions, increasing from south to north, where PCN were first detected. Currently, both species are present in all potato producing regions of the country, with a greater incidence of G. pallida. Phytosanitary control measures are influencing to the observed results. The use of potato cultivars resistant to G. rostochiensis led to a decrease of this species but had no influence on G. pallida detections, which continues its reproduction freely since there are no effective resistant cultivars for this species. The relationship between the presence, infestation rate, spread and geographical distribution of PCN is discussed in terms of behavioral responses of the potato cultivars and the implications for developing new integrated crop protection measures

    La experiencia de la red universitaria española de evaluación formativa y compartida: proceso y abordaje

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    Este trabajo recoge la visión de la evaluación que posee el profesorado de la Red y los resultados globales de las experiencias de innovación sobre evaluación formativa y compartida realizadas en el curso 2007-2008. Además de una evaluación formativa, basada en la mejoras de los procesos de aprendizaje y enseñanza, se postula una evaluación"compartida". La evaluación compartida considera a los agentes de estos procesos anteriores, incorporando al valor formativo un elemento democratizador y ético en nuestro planteamiento de enseñanza. 60 docentes de 22 universidades han participado en la elaboración de un estudio de casos múltiple sobre 80 asignaturas. Se parte de la selección de 6 aspectos clave de la evaluación formativa, sirviendo éstos como referencias para la organización de los resultados de los informes individuales de los profesores. Los informes se estructuraron en 4 apartados: ventajas, inconvenientes, rendimiento académico, y carga de trabajo. Seguidamente, y para mayor claridad, se agrupan los resultados en: conceptos asociados a la evaluación formativa, carácter ético de la evaluación formativa, y viabilidad en la práctica de la evaluación formativa

    PineEnemy - Exploring the NEmatode-MYcobiota interactions in Pine Wilt Disease

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    Pine wilt disease (PWD) is one of the most important threats to conifer forests in Europe [1] and worldwide [2], causing severe economic and environmental damages. This complex disease results from the interaction between three biological elements: the pathogenic agent Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, also known as pinewood nematode (PWN); the insect-vector (cerambycid beetles of the genus Monochamus) [3], and the host tree, mostly from Pinus spp. [4]. In 1999, B. xylophilus was firstly identified in maritime pines (Pinus pinaster) in Portugal and in Europe [1, 5]. Despite a nationwide monitoring system, enforcement of strict phytosanitary measures and constraints implemented after PWN detection, this devastating problem has spread quickly in Portuguese mainland, Madeira Island [5] and Northern Spain [6]. As a migratory endoparasite, once inside susceptible tree, PWN has the ability to feed on the living parenchyma of the epithelial cells in the resin canals, causing a reduction in water flux and ultimately cessation of resin flow. In the later stages of the disease, PWN assumes a mycetophagous phase. The development of the PWN population appears to be strongly associated with fungi that colonize the declining trees [3]. Fungi harboured in weakened pines are seen as essential for the ongoing development and completion of the PWN life-cycle, affecting not only PWN reproduction [8] but also the number of individuals carried by the insect-vector [9-10]. Through a spatio-temporal analysis, PineEnemy will focus on the characterization of the structure and dynamics of the nematode-fungi interactions through culturable and non-culturable approaches with special emphasis in metagenomics analysis. Our aim is to understand if PWN-associated mycobiota plays a key-role in the development of PWD, in interaction with PWN and insect-vector, and into which extend can be targeted to disrupt the disease cycle

    Insights into the role of fungi in Pine Wilt Disease

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    Pine wilt disease (PWD) is a complex disease that severely affects the biodiversity and economy of Eurasian coniferous forests. Three factors are described as the main elements of the disease: the pinewood nematode (PWN) Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, the insect‐vector Monochamus spp., and the host tree, mainly Pinus spp. Nonetheless, other microbial interactors have also been considered. The study of mycoflora in PWD dates back the late seventies. Culturomic studies have revealed diverse fungal communities associated with all PWD key players, composed frequently of saprophytic fungi (i.e., Aspergillus, Fusarium, Trichoderma) but also of necrotrophic pathogens associated with bark beetles, such as ophiostomatoid or blue‐stain fungi. In particular, the ophiostomatoid fungi often recovered from wilted pine trees or insect pupal chambers/tunnels, are considered crucial for nematode multiplication and distribution in the host tree. Naturally occurring mycoflora, reported as possible biocontrol agents of the nematode, are also discussed in this review. This review discloses the contrasting effects of fungal communities in PWD and highlights promising fungal species as sources of PWD biocontrol in the framework of sustainable pest management actions

    Nemátode-dos-citrinos: prevenir o declínio lento do pomar

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    Os citrinos são as fruteiras mais importantes em termos de produção a nível mundial, com cerca de 130 milhões de toneladas produzidas (World Citrus Organisation, 2020), repartin- do-se por mais de 125 países localizados entre os 40° de latitude a norte e a sul do Equador. Entre as várias ameaças à produção citrícola contam-se os nemátodes fitoparasitas. Os nemátodes fitoparasitas são pequenos animais, de aspeto vermiforme, cilíndricos e alongados, geralmente com menos de 1-2 mm de comprimento, que causam doenças às plantas. A maior parte habita no solo, infe- tando as raízes de onde se alimentam atra- vés do estilete (estrutura na cavidade oral que funciona como uma agulha hipodérmi- ca, sugando o conteúdo das células vegetais). Uns permanecem no exterior (ectoparasi- tas), enquanto outros penetram nas raízes (endoparasitas) e outros ainda avançam nos tecidos do hospedeiro, mas só com a parte posterior (cabeça e pescoço), permanecendo o restante corpo fora da raiz (semiendopara- sitas). O nemátode-dos-citrinos, Tylenchulus semipenetrans, é um semiendoparasita e daí a sua designação específica. De todos os ne- mátodes que podem afetar estas fruteiras, é aquele que tem maior impacte económico, sendo a única espécie presente em todas as regiões produtoras de citrinos do mundo