1,189 research outputs found

    21st century skills: Fomentando la expresión oral en las aulas de primaria como mejora del autoconcepto a través del aprendizaje cooperativo

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    XXI Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials (Any 2016)La finalidad de este trabajo de fin de grado es describir y determinar la importancia que tiene el desarrollo de la competencia de hablar en público desde temprana edad como preparación futura a través del aprendizaje cooperativo y su relación con el acrecentamiento del autoconcepto. Estos tres aspectos combinados pueden responder a dos urgencias educativas: la educación para el diálogo y la educación para la convivencia. Para poder lograr este objetivo se ha llevado a cabo un estudio experimental mediante la observación directa, una intervención didáctica en un aula de cuarto de primaria y un estudio de campo para comprobar el grado de percepción que tienen los estudiantes a la hora de expresarse en público y si estos resultados varían cuando se aplica el trabajo cooperativo con la pretensión de que mejorando las habilidades de comunicación se conseguiría un efecto positivo en su rendimiento escolar, personal y profesional. De los resultados hallados se desprende la necesidad de trabajar esta habilidad comunicativa en el aula mediante estrategias didácticas adecuadas que implican el trabajo cooperativo; la motivación, que es la razón que empuja a la implicación emocional, y una evaluación eficaz y razonada. Finalmente se plantea la necesidad de un mayor periodo de tiempo de estudio y de una posible línea de investigación en la que se considere el control de las emociones por su peso en cualquier habilidad social y comunicativa

    Professional activism in journalism and education in gender equality through Twitter

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    This article analyses professional activism by women journalists' organisations which, through their Twitter accounts, contribute to extend the value of equality between men and women, which is activism that embodies the ethical or deontological codes of this profession. The tweets of these groups not only propose improvements in the expression and writing of news, after reporting biased, stereotypical or denigrating uses of language by large Spanish media, but also recognise and applaud contents that dignify women or place them in the public sphere that they deserve. A content analysis methodology was followed by applying both quantitative and qualitative analyses to a sample of 7,424 tweets. To interpret the language, not only linguistic and visual, but also ethical criteria, were applied in accordance with the fundamental democratic citizenship values. The results indicate that communication professionals insufficiently apply the value of equality to their social task of informing and educating from a gender perspective. This lack of professional self-demand and citizen commitment is especially observed in the media with greater circulation and outreach. Thus we conclude about the need for self-regulation and professional dialogue practices like those herein presented

    A critical view to current economic topics through an Online-Forum activity

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    [EN] In order to address the critical thinking and the knowledge of contemporary problems an online forum activity is proposed in this paper. The activity was applied within the World Economy subject in the degree of Business Administration.  The main aim of this teaching proposal is to discuss some current issues and events in the international economic context which likely are not addressed in the syllabus. Through an online forum both teacher and pupils posted comments about some relevant topics related with the subject content. Students have the opportunity to express their own opinion and provide additional information and resources such as news links, documentaries, Youtube videos and other kind of audio-visual material. Despite of this activity was non mandatory, the response was positive, high proportion of pupils (67.1%) were involved in it and 877 comments were published. Thus, the result was satisfactory but there was also some aspects to improve. In addition, this activity is suitable for other subjects or even other university degrees as well and can be easily adapted and modificated.Acknowledges to the project EstadísTIC@ i MatemàTIC@, Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovacio Educativa (SFPIE) de la Universitat de València.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Caballer Tarazona, V.; Caballer Tarazona, M. (2018). A critical view to current economic topics through an Online-Forum activity. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 221-227. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.7953OCS22122

    Marine ecosystem services in Xàbia, north of Alicante (Spain): an economic valuation via multicriteria analysis

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    This paper provides an estimation of the economic value of the Ecosystem Services (ESs) in the marine coastal strip of Xàbia, north of Alicante, Spain. The proposed method combines an Analytic Network Process (ANP) and a Discounted Cash Flow model. We confirmed the presence of seven ESs in this natural area (including seafood, climate regulation, waste treatment, biological control, lifecycle maintenance, gene pool protection, recreation, cultural heritage, and knowledge development) based on the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity classification. Our results reveal substantial economic value attached to non-marketed services provided by the underwater environment

    En lluita permanent per l'escola pública valenciana

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