30 research outputs found

    Primi dati sulla presenza di Shelfordella lateralis (Walker, 1868) (Blattodea: Blattidae) nell’Italia continentale e possibili scenari di espansione futura in Europa

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    Vengono qui presentati i primi dati di presenza di Shelfordella lateralis per l’Italia continentale in Veneto, Lombardia e Lazio, dopo la prima storica segnalazione sarda del 2007. L’osservazione diretta e continua di una popolazione prolifica in un’area industriale di Vicenza (Veneto), probabilmente presente in imballaggi di articoli sportivi confezionati in Romania, unita al vaglio di numerose nuove osservazioni registrate dalla citizen-science (sulla piattaforma iNaturalist), ha permesso di ridisegnare la presenza di questa specie non solo in Italia ma anche nel resto d’Europa. Numerose segnalazioni sono infatti apparse negli ultimi anni in diversi Paesi europei: dopo le già note Cipro e Spagna, ù stata registrata anche in Romania, Repubblica Ceca, Lussemburgo, Francia e Portogallo. Queste nuove segnalazioni vengono qui discusse in uno scenario di rapida espansione di questa specie, dovuta a cause antropiche ma ancora poco comprese su scala globale. Questa specie viaggia infatti in imballaggi di merci di vario tipo dove trova riparo, ma ù anche ampiamente allevata e venduta come cibo vivo per animali esotici. L’ecologia adattativa ed elusiva di questa blatta sembra trovare ora in Europa condizioni di permanenza particolarmente favorevoli. Infine, vengono fornite le chiavi per l’identificazione dei generi europei di Blattidae, per facilitare il futuro monitoraggio di questi scarafaggi sinantropici.The first occurrence records of Shelfordella lateralis for continental Italy in Veneto, Lombardy and Latium, after the historical Sardinian report in 2007, are presented here. The direct and continuous observation of a prolific population in an industrial area in Vicenza (Veneto), probably originated from packed sport goods coming from Romania, combined with the screening of numerous new observations recorded by citizen science (iNaturalist), allowed to redraw the presence of this species not only in Italy but also in the rest of Europe. Many reports have in fact appeared in recent years in several European countries: after the already known data from Cyprus and Spain, it has been recorded also in Romania, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, France and Portugal. These new occurrence records are discussed here in a scenario of a rapid expansion of this species, due to anthropogenic causes but still not well known on a global scale. Indeed, this species travels in packages of various kinds of goods where it finds shelter, but it is also widely bred and sold as live food for many exotic pets. The adaptive and elusive ecology of this species seems to find now in Europe particularly favorable conditions of permanence. Finally, keys for the identification of the European genera of Blattidae are provided to facilitate future monitoring and expansion of these synanthropic cockroaches

    Menopausia y Terapia Hormonal de la Menopausia Las recomendaciones 2018 de la Unidad de EndocrinologĂ­a GinecolĂłgica de ClĂ­nica Alemana de Santiago -Sociedad Italiana de la Menopausia y la Sociedad Chilena de EndocrinologĂ­a GinecolĂłgica

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    ABSTRACT In the last decade, the risk benefits ratio of MHT has been evaluated mainly in terms of cardiovascular risk. Present Consensus Statement is largely inspired by the Global Consensus on Menopausal Hormone Therapy in 2013 and 2016 by leading global menopause societies (The American Society for Reproductive Medicine, The Asia Pacific Menopause Federation, The Endocrine Society, The European Menopause and Andropause Society, The International Menopause Society, The International Osteoporosis Foundation and The North American Menopause Society). The aim of these Recommendations is to provide a simple and updated reference on postmenopausal MHT. The term MHT typically includes estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) and estrogen-progestogen therapy (EPT). EPT can be sequential (Seq) when progestogen is added to ERT for 10-14 days a month, or continuous combined (CC) when progestogen is administered continuously every day along with a fixed amount of estrogen. MHT also includes Tibolone and the Tissue Selective Estrogen Complex (TSEC)

    The evaluation of factor VIII antigen by means of a simple slide test.

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    Factor VIII von Willebrand may be detected by a Ristocetin-dependent platelet agglutination reaction. The authors have measured plasma levels of Factor VIII-related Ristocetin cofactor (VIIIR:RCoF) using formalin-fixed platelets tested by an aggregometric method or by a new, commercially available glass slide test. Plasmas were obtained from patients with von Willebrand's disease and Cushing's syndrome, and from normal controls. Von Willebrand factor (vWf) levels varied between 0-500% of the normal. A good correlation (r = 0.95) was found comparing the results obtained by the two methods over the entire range. If all patients were considered, a satisfactory correlation was obtained between VIIIR:RCoF and VIII-related antigen (VIIIR:Ag), both by the aggregometric method (r = 0.79) and by the glass slide method (r = 0.88). On the contrary, if values below 25% of the normal are taken into account, only a mild correlation was found between VIIIR: RCoF (aggregometric method) and VIIIR:Ag and no correlation between VIIIR:RCoF (glass slide method) and VIIIR:Ag. No correlation, regardless of the method used, was found between VIIIR:RCoF and VIIIR:Ag for values above 120%. I.F. 2,71