283 research outputs found

    The Cerebellum\u27s Relationship to Language Function Following Perinatal Stroke

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    While recent studies have demonstrated the association between the cerebellum and higher-order cognitive functioning, it is still unclear how volumetric differences of specific regions of interests within the cerebellum across typical and atypical development are related to language function. We have done so by measuring the volume of cerebellar subregions of healthy controls, and compared the volume to behavioral measures of language function. We then followed with an analysis of the cerebellum’s relationship to language function following perinatal stroke, which provides us with a greater knowledge of the impact of a cortical injury on cerebellar development and the cognitive outcomes of such changes by again measuring and comparing the volume of cerebellar subregions to language measures. We report several novel findings that contribute to the growing understanding of the cerebellum’s relationship to language function. We found that greater right laterality of lobules IV and VIIb predicted performance on expressive language measures in typical development. We also found that following an early injury to the cerebral cortex\u27s left hemisphere, there was a bilateral association of cerebellar lobules to language measures. Specifically, we found greater right laterality of the cerebellar cortex, lobule IV, and Crus I predicted higher scores on the Expressive Vocabulary Test. While greater left lateralization of lobule VI predicted expressive language and lobule VIIIa predicted grammatical judgment, especially early in development, and greater left lateralization of lobule IX predicted receptive vocabulary. Implications of the findings of volumetric association to language function and poststroke development within the cerebellum are discussed

    Instal·lació d'un edifici de moltes plantes

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    L’objectiu principal del present projecte és el disseny i el càlcul de la instal·lació elèctrica d’un edifici comercial. Inicialment era un edifici de tres plantes, llavors es va ampliar verticalment per tal d’aconseguir-ne tretze, les quals cinc són soterrades (el projecte de construcció no és objecte d’aquest projecte). A partir d’aquí es va realitzar la distribució detallada de cada una de les plantes tenint en compte el tipus d’activitat que s’hi realitzaria. L’edifici és propietat d’una persona, la qual serà llogater de vuit abonats, aquests tindran el seu propi comptador, quadre general de distribució i subquadre si s’escau. En el present projecte es calcula i es detalla elements com totes les línies d’enllumenat i força, proteccions, quadres generals de distribució, subquadres, derivacions individuals, centralitzacions de comptadors, escomeses i tots els elements necessaris pel correcta funcionament del citat edifici. Per determinar la il·luminació concreta s’ha elaborat un estudi luminotècnic, amb el qual es realitza el càlcul i el tipus de lluminàries que s’utilitzaran. Així obtenim les potències de les línies d’enllumenat. S’ha fet referència a la climatització i a la ventilació única i exclusivament per reservar línies de força per aquesta finalitat. També s’ha elaborat un estudi dels subministres d’emergència complementaris que seran necessaris en el mencionat edifici. El subministrament del citat edifici es realitzarà a través d’un centre de transformació propi de MT/BT, s’adjunta un annex amb l’estudi d’aquest, que s’ha realitzat amb l’ajuda d’un programa de Merlin Gerin (SIScet 6.0). I finalment s’ha realitzat un petit estudi de seguretat i salut pel muntatge de la instal·lació elèctrica de l’edifici

    Population Change, Economic Restructuring, and the Evolving Landscape of Retail Activities in the Rural Great Plains

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    Over the past 15 to 20 years, changes such as retail concentration (fewer, larger stores owned by fewer corporations), technological innovation, and new labor practices have transformed the retail industry. These broad changes affect rural communities where the retail sector still employs a large portion of the workforce. When combined with the declining population of many rural areas in regions like the Great Plains, the impact of retail change is even more significant. Explored in this paper is how restructuring in the retail sector is accelerating the loss of retail firms in many rural parts of the Great Plains, a region already suffering retail losses from depopulation processes and increased accessibility to larger urban retail centers. The analysis presented will show the changes in retail that took place between 1988 and 1999, and investigate how retail restructuring and demographic change interact at the county level to produce new rural economic landscapes for people in the Great Plains, a situation that is likely to be found in other rural areas with similar demographic structures

    Differential Population and Income Migration in the Great Plains, 1995- 1998

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    The depopulation of the Great Plains continues to draw the attention of rural scholars. However, a number of aspects of migration in the region remain poorly understood. For example, what differences exist among migrants in terms of their economic characteristics? Recent research shows that there is tremendous variability in the amount of income each migrant brings to or takes from a region. Using county-level Internal Revenue Service data for migration flows between 1995 and 1998, we explore the spatial patterns of income and population migration, while contrasting the income flows of in-migrants versus out-migrants. The results show that income flows out of the Great Plains exceed what might be expected given the pattern of net out-migration, and that many of the migration flows into the region may be reinforcing pockets of poverty. These findings should concern local officials worried about preserving public and private services in rural areas in the face of a declining population and tax base

    Le dromadaire profite-t-il du changement climatique ?

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    International audienceLe dromadaire est un animal emblématique des écosystèmes désertiques auxquels sa physiologie remarquable lui permet de s’adapter (Yagil, 1985 ; Wilson, 1989) : il résiste aussi bien à la chaleur et à la déshydratation (Bengoumi et Faye, 2002) qu’à la sous-nutrition protéo-énergétique (Bengoumi et al., 2005) et minérale (Faye et Bengoumi, 2000) en pratiquant un pâturage ambulatoire (Richard et al., 1985a) et se satisfaisant de ressources de maigre qualité (Chehma et al., 2010)

    The Cerebellum’s Relationship to Language Function

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    The idea that the cerebellum impacts language function and development is currently supported by a small but increasing number of empirical studies. This theory is further strengthened by the recognized cerebellar-ponto-cerebellar connectivity between the left perisylvian cortex and the right cerebellar hemispheres, particularly lateral regions Crus I, Crus II, and VIIb. To study the relationship between tissue volumes of manually parecellated sub-regions of the cerebellum in structural MRI and a variety of receptive and expressive language measures, we looked at 18 typical individuals (aged 9-38 years). This initial data indicated a relationship between expressive language and the volume of lateral cerebellar sub-regions. To create a laterality index across regions, we calculated the volume of cerebellar sub-regions and determined difference= (right- left)/ (right+ left) for the Crus I, Crus II, and VIIb regions. These difference scores were then connected to language outcomes. Our results showed that better expressive language scores on the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals CELF-expressive; p \u3c .01) were predicted by greater volume of the right VIIb region, and greater volume of the right Crus I region was correlated with worse performance (p\u3c .01). The Crus II difference measure (p\u3e .05) yielded no associations. Though these findings are introductory, they may allow for the development of therapeutic methods for language recovery after cortical insult through better understanding of cerebellar function and its connections to language

    Methodological approach to assess and risk mapping for the groundwater contamination. Contributions of the Geography

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    Se presenta una metodología para la evaluación y cartografía del riesgo de contaminación de acuíferos bajo una aproximación integradora, característica de la Geografía. Así, el riesgo se obtiene como resultado de la combinación de la peligrosidad de las actividades humanas y la vulnerabilidad de los acuíferos, junto con la exposición y vulnerabilidad de la población y bienes de la sociedad dependiente de los recursos hídricos subterráneos, con una perspectiva holística del problema. La metodología ha sido aplicada al acuífero carbonático Sierra de Mijas, Costa del Sol occidental (Málaga), y los resultados indican que aunque no se han detectado zonas de elevado riesgo de contaminación de las aguas subterráneas, como es propio de zonas con un bajo potencial industrial, sin embargo, al considerar el impacto socio-económico y demográfico potencial de la contaminación, el riesgo aumenta sus valores respecto a las cartografías habituales fundamentadas en los componentes parciales del riesgo (peligrosidad y vulnerabilidad intrínseca).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Universidad de las Islas Baleares, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, Colegio de Geógrafos, Centro e Ciencias Humanas y Sociale

    Adaptation of the Rao-Wu rescaling bootstrap for seroprevalence estimation in complex survey studies

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    The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has highlighted a need for accurate seroprevalence estimators in order to monitor virus transmission and mortality rates. Furthermore, seroprevalence data is used to inform public health policy. Adjustments for diagnostic test sensitivity and specificity in seroprevalence estimation are complicated by concerns regarding proper confidence interval (CI) coverage and width given that the proportion of a population considered seropositive may be relatively small. As such, these methods are not widely implemented at present, particularly for complex survey studies. This paper presents a two-stage, non-parametric bootstrap method, adapted from the Rao-Wu rescaling bootstrap, for adjusted CI construction. Simulation of a stratified, multi-stage cluster sample was conducted to assess the performance of the proposed method as measured by empirical bias, 95% CI coverage, and CI width. Across 500 simulations, the mean empirical bias was 0.0008 (range, -0.0411–0.0348), the CI empirical coverage was 95.6%, and CI width was 0.0487. Further application of the proposed method to preliminary study data from a Chatham County, North Carolina seroprevalence study demonstrated directionally appropriate adjustments for the diagnostic test sensitivity and specificity. The proposed method, paired with the Rogan-Gladen estimator for true prevalence, will allow for sensitivity-specificity adjusted seroprevalence estimation in complex survey designs while minimizing the CI width and coverage issues that are common for small proportions.Bachelor of Science in Public Healt
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