617 research outputs found

    Human response to a frontal sled deceleration

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    IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impact, MUNICH, ALLEMAGNE, 18-/09/2002 - 20/09/2002Sled tests were conducted with cadavers to obtain data on the behaviour of the human body under frontal deceleration. Two series of three tests were conducted corresponding to two levels of severity and types of restraint systems. The restraint systems used for the tests included a 4kN force-limited shoulder belt and a static lap belt. A driver airbag was mounted for the series at highest severity. The results show that the restraint systems and the test conditions modify the behaviour of the cadaver. The restrained conditions are not reflected in the same way for different segment of the body. The influence of the airbag is well observed for the chest spine behaviour, and not for the first thoracic vertebra. This study suggests that the chest acceleration (T8) could be a better predicting parameter than the Tl resultant in a combined parameters injury criterion

    Claude Simon, Robert Rauschenberg « Quelque chose d'analogue... »

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    Dans La Fiction mot à mot (1972), Claude Simon, évoquant le grand tableau de Robert Rauschenberg Charlene (1954) - et l'importance que la « considération de [ses] propriétés » avait pu avoir dans la genèse d'Orion aveugle (1970) et du roman Les Corps conducteurs (1971) - déclare : « En plus du fait que Rauschenberg est américain, que j'ai pu voir (et photographier) à New York certaines boutiques, dans le Bowery ou ailleurs, dont les éléments (fragments de moulures, tôles rouillées ou papiers ..

    Participatory Mapping of Tree Equity, Preferences, and Environmental Justice in Portland, OR

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    Studies have shown that marginalized communities do not have the same access as more privileged groups to urban tree canopy cover due to historic and current processes of discrimination and disinvestment. This study explores the lived experiences, narratives, and values related to trees and greenspaces for residents of Portland, OR, through participatory mapping focus groups. It uses an environmental justice and urban political ecology framework to examine how values, lived experiences, and narratives compare for Portland residents across neighborhoods, socio-economic status, and racial or ethnic identity and how the changes that matter to residents can inform more just urban greening practices. Both mapping and qualitative data results showed that participants mostly valued trees in similar ways, but with some differences that were specific to racial and ethnic groups. Participants also had different lived experiences of tree canopy, based on whether they lived in a wealthier and more densely treed part of Portland, or in a low-income area with fewer trees. Memory and knowledge of Portland’s history played a significant role in shaping narratives about tree inequity, informing how recognition justice can be achieved by incorporating historic injustices and community memories into restoration practices that rectify past injustices in urban environments. Narratives about tree planting intersected with other concerns such as transportation safety, housing, and development, while tree maintenance narratives illustrated limited to no maintenance responsibility from the city and concerns about the inequitable burden of maintenance, indicating that procedural and restorative justice practices are needed. These values, lived experiences, and narratives, both different and shared, demonstrate that future policy needs to prioritize recognition and restorative justice practices in tree planting and other urban greening projects

    Jean Vezin : discurs llegit a la cerimònia d'investidura celebrada a la sala d'actes de l'edifici del Rectorat el dia 27 d'octubre de l'any 2010

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    Nascut a Vannes (Morbihan, França) l'any 1933, Jean Vezin va obtenir el títol d'Archiviste Paléographe per l'École des Chartes l'any 1958. Des d'aquest mateix any i fins al 1960 va ser membre de l'École des Hautes Études Hispaniques (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid) i, posteriorment, conservador de la secció de manuscrits de la Biblioteca Nacional de França, del 1962 al 1974. Ha estat professor de Paleografia a l'Institut d'Études Latines de la Sorbona i a la Universitat de París IV i professor de Paleografia i de Codicologia a l'École Nationale Supérieure des Sciencies de l'Information et des Bibliothèques. Des del 1974 ha estat directeur d'études de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études, secció de Ciències Històriques i Filològiques (Universitat de París-Sorbona) i, actualment, n'és emèrit. Ha estat també director de l'École des Bibliothécaires-Documentalistes de l'Institut Catholique de París des del 1985 fins al 1998. Cofundador i coresponsable de l'equip CNRS-EPHE (Étude des Pigments, Histoire et Archéologie), ha estat codirector de la col·lecció de les Chartae Latinae Antiquiores, Facsimile Edition of the Latin Charters prior to the Ninth Century, i cofundador i codirector de la col·lecció dels Monumenta palaeographica Medii Aevi. Autor de més de dues-centes publicacions, Jean Vezin és membre de prestigioses institucions acadèmiques i de comitès científics de caràcter nacional i internacional. Jean Vezin ha obtingut diferents guardons, entre els quals el premi Schlumberger de la Société Nationale des Antiquaires de França (1972), el premi de la Marquise de Maillé (1982), la primera medalla del Concours des Antiquités Nationales, de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (el 1977 i el 1990), i el premi La Fons Mélicocq de la mateixa Académie (1986). És commandeur de l'ordre des Palmes académiques i officier de l'ordre des Arts et des Lettres.Nomenament 01/02/2007, a proposta de Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres. Investidura 27/10/2010, padrí Jesús Alturo i Peruch

    Post mortem human subject and dummy response in frontal deceleration

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    28ème congrès de la société de biomécanique, POITIERS, FRANCE, 11-/09/2003 - 12/09/2003In the European Union, the assessment of die protection offered by a vehicle to a restrained occupant in case of frontal collision, is based on biomechanical data measured on the Hybrid III crash test dummy as described by the European Frontal Directive (Directive 96/79/EC). Ibis dummy was developed in the 70's and is based on biomechanical knowledge from that time. The Thor dummy (Test device for Human Occupant Restraint) developed by NHTSA (USA Administration) is based on more recent biomechanical knowledge. Many parts of the dummy have been designed and modified to produce a more humanlike response to frontal impact loading. The general objective of the FID European research program (improved Frontal Impact protection through a world frontal impact Dummy) is a European contribution to the evaluation of a worldwide dummy in the frontal impact. The paper presents new biomechanical data, based PMHS (Post Mortem Human Subject) tests, under different frontal impact conditions. The same tests with exactly the same instrumentation mounted at the same location were performed with Hybrid III and with the Thor-alpha to assess die biofidelity of these dummies with respect to these biomechanical data

    Characterization of the Mechanical Properties of the Human Aortic Arch Using an Expansion Method

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    Analyzing cardiovascular diseases leads to multidisciplinary problems which require transversal and complementary approaches. This study focuses on the identification of the mechanical properties of the aortic arch. Stereo-correlation technique is used to measure the strain field in the aortic arch during its expansion. The aorta is immersed in water which allows better results in terms of measurement method and to take into account the residual stress and strain effects. Results are obtained at different values of expansion: 9 samples are collected, 7 of them are frozen before the experiment and 2 are fresh. The mean age is 76 years old at the volunteers? time of death. 4 samples did not lead to conclusive results because of the quality of the arterial wall and leaks that happened during the experiment preventing a proper expansion. The horizontal and vertical displacements are relatively homogeneous for all the samples: two preferred radial and longitudinal directions are observed. The strain fields associated with these directions show heterogeneities and have significant differences between fresh and frozen specimen. The final objective is to perform virtual surgical simulation of the whole endovascular stent graft procedure for an aortic aneurysm. This procedure has a high rate of short-term success and its indication compared to open surgery is increasing but it needs to be more reliable and secure. In this context, it is important to identify the mechanical properties of the aorta for further numerical simulations

    Experimental and Ab Initio Characterization of Mononuclear Molybdenum Dithiocarbamates in Lubricant Mixtures

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    Molybdenum dithiocarbamates (MoDTCs) are a class of lubricant additives widely employed in automotives. Most of the studies concerning MoDTC take into account the dimeric structures because of their industrial relevance, with the mononuclear compounds usually neglected, because isolating and characterizing subgroups of MoDTC molecules are generally difficult. However, the byproducts of the synthesis of MoDTC can impact the friction reduction performance at metallic interfaces, and the effect of mononuclear MoDTC (mMoDTC) compounds in the lubrication has not been considered yet in the literature. In this study, we consider for the first time the impurities of MoDTC consisting of mononuclear compounds and combine experimental and computational techniques to elucidate the interaction of these impurities with binuclear MoDTC in commercial formulations. We present a preliminary strategy to separate a commercial MoDTC product in chemically different fractions. These fractions present different tribological behaviors depending on the relative amount of mononuclear and binuclear complexes. The calculations indicate that the dissociation mechanism of mMoDTC is similar to the one observed for the dimeric structures. However, the different chemical properties of mMoDTC impact the kinetics for the formation of the beneficial molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) layers, as shown by the tribological experiments. These results help to understand the functionality of MoDTC lubricant additives, providing new insights into the complex synergy between the different chemical structures
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