10 research outputs found


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    Yeryuvarında genişlemeli tektoniğin etkisinde bulunan alanlardan biri olan Ege Bölgesi (Batı Anadolu, Ege Denizi ve Yunanistan), bu tür alanların tipik özelliği olan çekirdek komplekslerini içerir. Batı Anadolu’da bulunan Menderes masifi, Oligosen’de gelişmeye başlayan asimetrik çekirdek kompleksi olarak Erken Miyosen’de ilk yüzeylemesini ger-çekleştirmiş ve sonrasında Orta Menderes masifi simetrik çekirdek kompleksi olarak tek-rar yüzeylemiştir. Bu makale Menderes masifinin yüzeyleme mekanizmalarını ve üzerinde gelişen sedimanter havzaların gelişimini yeni bulgular ışığında tartışmaktadır. Önerilen model, Oligosen Kale havzasının konumunu, Likya naplarının Datça-Kale Ana Ayrılma Fayı kuzey ve güney kesimlerinde farklı yönlere hareketini ve tüm Menderes masifinde baskın olarak görülen üst-KKD yönlü makaslamayı sorunsuz olarak açıklamaktadır


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    İnceleme alanı Alanya metamorfitlerinin doğu kesiminde yer alır. Bu kesimdeki yaygın kaya türlerini metapelit, metabazit, mermer ve kuvarsitler oluşturmaktadır. Saha gözlemleri ve petrografik incelemeler inceleme alanımızda yer alan Alanya metamorfitlerinin metamorfizma ve deformasyon tarihçesinin, batı kesimden oldukça farklı özellikler taşıdığı sonucunu vermektedir. Mineral bileşimleri, bu kayaların Barrovİyen tipi bir metamorfoz madan etkilendiğini göstermektedir. Özellikle metapelitik kayalarda stavrolit ve disten minerallerinin varlığı Alanya metamorfitlerinde metamorfizma koşullarının yüksek dereceli amfibolit fasiyesine kadar ulaştığını göstermektedir


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    A hydrothermal breccia zone 6 km long and 2 km wide, crossed by quartz-tourmaline veins, occurs to the south of the Late Cretaceous Kerkenez granite-monzonite massif in the northern part of the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex, Yozgat, Turkey. This breccia zone is characterized by numerous veins, a few millimeters to 1 meter in width, and display typical microtectonic features of multiple brecciation. Trace amounts of albite, K-feldspar, epidote, muscovite and rutile are associated with quartz and tourmaline. Petrographic features indicate three successive stages of tourmaline generation. The first generation is represented by feruvite, and the second and third generations consist of schorl. These distinct generations of tourmaline show successive enrichment in Al and Na, and depletion in Ti and Ca. The Na/(Na + Ca) values vary in the range 0.41-0.49 in the first generation, and 0.53-0.86 and 0.91-0.99 in the second and third generations. The development of the breccia zone and formation of three successive generations of tourmaline are most probably related to fluid-assisted brecciation and infiltration of low- to medium-pH hydrothermal fluids under subsolidus conditions. Successive enrichment in Na and Al in the younger generations is ascribed to late-stage fractionation in the B-rich granitic source

    Ar-39/Ar-40 ages from the Yozgat batholith: Preliminary data on the timing of Late Cretaceous extension in the central Anatolian crystalline complex, Turkey

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    Isotopic dating of sheared and unsheared rocks can be important in understanding deformational processes in orogenic belts. This study examines Ar-40/Ar-39 dating of granitoids and mylonitic rocks to constrain intrusive and deformational events within the northern part of the central Anatolian crystalline complex (CACC). The Kerkenez granitoid within this complex, comprising primarily quartz monzonite and hornblende granite, contains discrete ductile shear zones. These zones are characterized by protomylonite and mylonite formations with metamorphism conditions that reach lower amphibolite facies, mylonitic foliations and lineations, and asymmetric kinematic indicators (e.g., asymmetric porphyroclasts, composite shear bands) with top-to-the-northwest shear senses. Considering the high closure temperatures (similar to 500 degrees C for hornblende and similar to 350 degrees C for K-feldspar), both hornblende quartz monzonite and hornblende granite in the Kerkenez granitoid may have cooled rapidly, suggesting that hornblende quartz monzonite may have been emplaced at around 81.2 +/- 0.5 Ma and that it is older than hornblende granite, which has a well-defined plateau age (72.6 +/- 0.2 Ma). On the basis of intrusive relations and our Ar-40/Ar-39 age data, we can constrain the upper age limit (similar to 81 Ma) on the regional metamorphism in the northern part of the CACC. The Ar-40/Ar-39 dating of hornblendes in two mylonite samples from a ductile shear zone yields plateau ages of 71.6 +/- 0.3 and 71.7 +/- 0.2 Ma, respectively. K-feldspars in the same samples yield plateau ages of 71.6 +/- 0.2 and 81.3 +/- 0.2 Ma. Therefore, we adopt 71.6 +/- 0.3 and 71.7 +/- 0.2 Ma as the cooling ages of hornblende and K-feldspar, respectively, in the ductile shear zone. On the other hand, an age of 81.3 +/- 0.2 Ma for deformed K-feldspar appears to reflect not the age of ductile deformation but rather the age of undeformed hornblende quartz monzonite. These age data suggest that the shear zones formed soon after the emplacement and cooling of hornblende granite. The cooling event of the shear zones is interpreted to be associated with the beginning of extension in the region. Furthermore, these data imply that metamorphism, emplacement, and cooling of the intrusives and ductile shearing of the intrusions were coeval in the region and occurred in the Late Cretaceous


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    Eskişehir Fay Zonu Türkiye’nin önemli neotektonik yapılarından biridir. Anadolu bloğunda yer alan Batı Anadolu genişleme bölgesi ile doğrultu atımlı fay etkisi altındaki kuzeybatı Orta Anadolu daralma bölgesini birbirinden ayırır. Eskişehir Fay Zonu’nun güneydoğu bölümü genel olarak kuzeyden güneye sırasıyla Ilıca, Yeniceoba ve Cihanbeyli ismini taşıyan üç bölüme ayrılır. Sağ yanal doğrultu atımlı Ilıca kolu yaklaşık 100 km uzunluğundadır ve kuzeybatı-güneydoğu doğrultusunda birçok parçadan oluşur. Fay yüzeyleri, ikincil kırıklar, kataklastik zon, kırık kontrollü drenaj yapısı, sağ yanal dere ötelenmeleri, Kuvaterner birim içinde sismik yansıma kesitlerinde gözlenen deformasyon ve bölgenin depremselliği Ilıca kolunun sağ yanal doğrultu atımlı aktif bir fay olduğunu göstermektedir. Ilıca kolunun Ankara’nın batı-güneybatısındaki daralmayla ilişkili yapıları güneyden sınırlandırdığı düşünüldüğünde, Orta Anadolu’daki daralmalı ve genişlemeli bölgeler arasında bir sınır fayı olarak ayrıca bölgesel tektonik anlamda bir önemi vardır

    Type 2B Von Willebrand Disease Mimicking Autoimmune Thrombocytopenia in the Neonatal Period

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    Background: Type 2B von Willebrand disease (VWD) is a hereditary bleeding disorder caused by changes in the von Willebrand factor (VWF), which increases the binding of VWF to platelets. Type 2B VWD may present with thrombocytopenia

    A missing-link in the tectonic configuration of the AlmacA +/- k Block along the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NW Turkey): Active faulting in the Bolu plain based on seismic reflection studies

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    The North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) starts to branch off in the western Bolu plain. The branches of the NAFZ in this location create the AlmacA +/- k block which is surrounded by the latest surface ruptures of significant earthquakes that occurred between 1944 and 1999, but its northeastern part remains unruptured. The most recently formed rupture, that was a result of the 1999 November 12 Duzce earthquake, ended to the northwest of the Bakacak Fault. The connection between the Bakacak Fault and the main branch of the NAFZ via the Bolu plain has until now remained unknown. This paper establishes that the route of the missing link runs through the Dagkent, Kasaplar and Burnuk faults, a finding achieved with the help of seismic reflection studies. The paper also argues that the cross cutting nature of these newly determined faults and a stress analysis based on focal mechanism solutions of recent earthquakes demonstrate the termination of the suggested pull-apart nature of the Bolu plain