145 research outputs found

    Military metaphor creating the image of migrants in Russian mass media

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    Military metaphor in Mass Media is a strong means of creation of the image of migrants as “foreign enemy”, “occupant-barbarian”. The article analyses military metaphors from different Russian Mass Media, which characterize negatively migration processes and arousing fear of attempt on the land, economical and social life of Russia. Mass Media make the conflict even stronger and fuel hostility between migrants and residents.Милитарная метафора в СМИ служит мощным оружием формирования восприятия образа мигранта как «внешнего врага», «захватчика-варвара». В статье анализируются милитарные метафоры из разных отечественных СМИ, негативно характеризующие миграционные процессы и вызывающие у россиян боязнь покушения со стороны иностранцев на территорию, экономическую и социальную жизнь России. Тем самым СМИ усиливают конфликт и разжигают неприязнь между мигрантами и коренным населением

    Metaphorical representation of migration in replies in free associative experiment

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    The article analyses answers received in the course of associative experiment for the word “migrant” held among students of Ekaterinburg. They make it possible to identify the attitude to migration fixed in the language consciousness of socially active citizens of Russia. It was proved that the Russians are tolerant or indifferent to migrants.В статье анализируются полученные в ходе ассоциативного эксперимента реакции студенческой молодежи Екатеринбурга на слово-стимул «мигрант», позволяющие судить о закрепленном в языковом сознании социально активных россиян восприятии миграции. Демонстрируется, что россияне относятся к мигрантам в основном терпимо/равнодушно

    The methodology of food design. Part 2. Digital nutritiology in personal food

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    Atherosclerosis (the main cause of a wide range of cardiovascular diseases) and other multifactorial diseases depend on several nutrition factors, defined in general by lifestyle that directly and constantly affects the human body. The modern level of science and technology development is able to form a diet, taking into account all personal characteristics in such a way that makes nutrition an effective preventive measure against diseases in order to keep a person healthy. The purpose of this article is to define and study all the limitations (the scope of its coverage in the scientific literature) that arose in the process of research aimed to formation of an integrated personal approach to designing of nutrition to prevent atherosclerosis. The object of the study was scientific literature, which is available in open source and free access databases: PubMed, ScienceDirect, eLIBRARY.RU, www.fips.ru, Patentscope. The language of search is Russian and English, search depth is 12 years. In the course of the research two food design concepts were found that affect process of digitalization in the food sector: the concept “FoodTech” (food technology) and digital nutritiology. It was established that in Russia only one company — LLC “City Supermarket” (Moscow), that works with the brand “Azbuka Vkusa” — acts in the sphere of “FoodTech” on the Russian market. This company selects personalized food, taking into account the results of personal nutrigenetic tests, in cooperation with LLC “Genotech” (Moscow). There is a need to use biological information, statistical information processing (nutrigenetic studies, nutrigenomic research) and machine-aided data processing (machine learning) for further generation of automatic algorithm that compiles personal recommendations. The relevance of generation of a national domestic database on chemical composition of food products (presented in the market) to simplify the preparation of individual personal diets is observed. We underline the necessity to use the test-organisms, i. e. dorio fish / zebrafish (Danio rerio) and nematodes (Caenorhabditis elegans)), which were used to determine the activity of candidate substances — the biologically active substances that feature antiatherosclerotic properties. In the future the authors plan to conduct a nutrigenomic and nutrigenetic study, using digital achievements. To collect information about consumers, it is necessary to apply digital devices, and use biological informatics to process the results; after that it is necessary to generate the algorithm for automatic selection of personalized dietary recommendations


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    The article presents the results of a study of interactions in a second language classroom. Using Conversation Analysis as the primary method of scientific inquiry the author investigates the student initiated departures from the Initiation-Response-Feedback (IRF) format claimed to be predominant in the educational contexts. The segment of the lesson analyzed in the present article is the “homework check” segment which traditionally initiates the lesson and is an example of a teacher-fronted classroom activity meaning that the time classroom interaction was unrolling in a very structured way. Still, the students were systematically finding ways of taking control over what is happening and reshaping interactional patterns in terms of content, form and participants of the classroom speech events. In particular, the students were actively self-selecting as the next speakers when not invited to speak by the teacher and using the turn allocated within IRF structure of interaction in order to stir the current interaction in the direction that couldn’t be planned or predicted by the teacher. This dynamism, however, seems dependent not only on the teacher’s willingness to sometimes “give the floor” to students but to level of agency exhibited by students. They raised questions and initiated discussions which ultimately contribute to deeper understanding of the grammatical phenomena studied and, through personal agency, position themselves as active participants in the learning process. Thus, it is demonstrated that departures from IRF create an alternative universe in which inferences, hypotheses, assumptions and expectations about language use are shared, explored, analyzed, adopted or discarded and it is this highly collaborative communicative process that provides second language learners with support and resources for further learning as well as opportunities of naturalistic conversation

    Tackling atherosclerosis via selected nutrition

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    The development and pathogenesis of atherosclerosis are significantly influenced by lifestyle, particularly nutrition. The modern level of science and technology development promote personalized nutrition as an efficient preventive measure against atherosclerosis. In this survey, the factors were revealed that contribute to the formation of an individual approach to nutrition: genetic characteristics, the state of the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and environmental factors (diets, bioactive components, cardioprotectors, etc.). In the course of the work, it was found that in order to analyze the predisposition to atherosclerosis associated with nutrition, genetic features affecting the metabolism of nutrients are significant. The genetic features include the presence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of genes and epigenetic factors. The influence of telomere length on the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and circadian rhythms was also considered. Relatively new is the study of the relationship between chrono-nutrition and the development of metabolic diseases. That is, to obtain the relationship between nutrition and atherosclerosis, a large number of genetic markers should be considered. In this relation, the question arises: “How many genetic features need to be analyzed in order to form a personalized diet for the consumer?” Basically, companies engaged in nutrigenetic research and choosing a diet for the prevention of a number of metabolic diseases use SNP analysis of genes that accounts for lipid metabolism, vitamins, the body’s antioxidant defense system, taste characteristics, etc. There is no set number of genetic markers. The main diets effective against the development of atherosclerosis were considered, and the most popular were the ketogenic, Mediterranean, and DASH-diets. The advantage of these diets is the content of foods with a low amount of carbohydrates, a high amount of vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as foods rich in antioxidants. However, due to the restrictions associated with climatic, geographical, material features, these diets are not available for a number of consumers. The way out is the use of functional products, dietary supplements. In this approach, the promising biologically active substances (BAS) that exhibit anti-atherosclerotic potential are: baicalin, resveratrol, curcumin, quercetin and other plant metabolites. Among the substances, those of animal origin are popular: squalene, coenzyme Q10, omega-3. For the prevention of atherosclerosis through personalized nutrition, it is necessary to analyze the genetic characteristics (SNP) associated with the metabolism of nutrients, to assess the state of the microbiota of the GIT. Based on the data obtained and food preferences, as well as the individual capabilities of the consumer, the optimal diet can be selected. It is topical to exclude nutrients of which their excess consumption stimulates the occurrence and pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and to enrich the diet with functional foods (FF), BAS containing the necessary anti-atherosclerotic, and stimulating microbiota of the GIT nutrients. Personalized nutrition is a topical preventive measure and there are a number of problems hindering the active use of this approach among consumers. The key factors include weak evidence of the influence of a number of genetic features, the high cost of the approach, and difficulties in the interpretation of the results. Eliminating these deficiencies will contribute to the maintenance of a healthy state of the population through nutrition


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    Research on hyperhaline lakes began in 1977. Commercial interest to Artemia (at the stage of cysts) as a starting feed for hydrobionts served as the basis for monitoring of hyper haline lakes in the Altai Territory. Kulundinskoe lake is recognized as one of the largest basins in the Kulundinskaya plain of Ob-Irtyshskoye interfluve with population of fairy shrimp Artemia Leach, 1819. Comprehensive hydrobiological surveys in the growing season (April-October) 2018 show the dynamics of phytoplankton, zooplankton and stages of Artemia salina development in Kulundinskoe Lake . The researchers analyzed the impact of temperature regime and water salinity in the vegetation period of 2018 on Artemia salina status and productivity of the basin. Water mineralization varied within 83.4 - 93.0 g/l, which indicates lower salts concentration in the leach compared to the average many-year value which is explained by the change of water regressive stage to transgressive one. Monitoring of hyperhaline basin in the vegetation period of 2018 showed a depressive status of Artemia salina development due to demineralization of the basin. At the beginning of vegetation period, the temperature regime was unfavorable for Artemia salina development in the lake. That resulted in low numbers of copepods. Due to depressive development of Artemia salina in Kulundinskoye Lake in the vegetation period of 2018, the basin is seen to have lost its economic relevance.Исследовательские работы на гипергалинных озерах были начаты с 1977 г. Коммерческий интерес к артемии (на стадии цист) как к стартовому корму для гидробионтов послужил основой к мониторинговым исследованиям гипергалинных озер Алтайского края. Озеро Кулундинское отмечено как один из самых больших водоемов на территории Кулундинской равнины Обь-Иртышского междуречья с популяцией жаброногого рачка Artemia Leach, 1819. В результате комплексных гидробиологических съемок в вегетационный период (апрель – октябрь) 2018 г. представлена динамика показателей численности фитопланктона, зоопланктона и стадий развития рачков артемии в оз. Кулундинское. Проведен анализ влияния температурного режима и солености воды вегетационного периода 2018 г. на состояние рачка артемии и продуктивность водоема. Минерализация воды в описываемый период колебалась в пределах 83,4–93,0 г/л, что указывает на снижение количества солей в рапе по сравнению со среднемноголетним значением, обусловленным сменой регрессивной фазы водности на трансгрессивную. В ходе проведения мониторинговых исследований гипергалинного водоема в вегетационный период 2018 г. выявлено депрессивное состояние развития популяции рачка артемии в связи с опреснением водоема. Температурный режим в начале вегетационного периода текущего года был неблагоприятным для развития артемии в озере, что обусловило низкие численные показатели рачков. Учитывая депрессивное состояние развития популяции артемии в оз. Кулундинское в вегетационном сезоне 2018 г., водоем утратил свое хозяйственное значение

    An Approach to Unification of Application Programming Interfaces of Gaming Platforms for Artificial Intelligence

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    This paper explores several existing gaming platforms for training and testing artificial intelligence, their application programming interfaces analyzed in order to discover potential complications of porting intellectual systems between them. We present an approach to unification of programming interfaces in order to overcome these complications. Advantages and potential side effects of this approach are described. © 2019 IEEE

    Problems of professional training in early adolescence

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    The article analyzes the peculiarities of psychological development in adolescence. The stages of professional adaptation in this period are considered. The main problems of adaptation at the stage of vocational training and training are analyzed on the example of the implementation of for mid-level training programsВ статье анализируются особенности психологического развития в юношеском возрасте. Рассматриваются этапы профессиональной адаптации в юношеском возрасте. Анализируются основные проблемы профессиональной адаптации на этапе профессиональной подготовки и обучения на примере реализации программ под-готовки специалистов среднего звен