10 research outputs found

    Toplinska udobnost i unutarnja kvaliteta zraka nakon djelomične energetske obnove prefabriciranog betonskog dječjeg vrtića izgrađenog 1980-ih u Sloveniji

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    The majority of kindergartens situated in the territory of former Yugoslavia need renovation. Apart from their enhanced energy efficiency, renovated buildings will presumably offer better indoor environmental quality. According to the current case study, children using a classroom with new windows installed are exposed to substantially poorer indoor air quality due to airtightness and improper ventilation, which calls attention to a vital technical issue of the current renovation process.Većini dječjih vrtića smještenih na teritoriju bivše Jugoslavije potrebna je obnova. Osim naglašene energetske učinkovitosti, obnovljene će zgrade vjerojatno ponuditi i bolju kvalitetu boravka u interijeru. Prema aktualnoj studiji slučaja, djeca u učionicama s instaliranim novim prozorima izložena su osjetno lošijoj kvaliteti zraka u zatvorenom prostoru zbog zračne nepropusnosti i neispravne ventilacije. U središtu pozornosti stoga treba biti tehnička problematika aktualnih procesa obnove

    Energy performances of the traditional rammed earth house in Vojvodina.

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    Предмет спроведеног истраживања су енергетске перформансе традиционалне војвођанске кућа од набоја. Под појмом традиционалне војвођанске куће, за потребе спроведеног истраживања, подразумева се јединствен архитектонски феномен: троделна кућа од набоја, која је настајала и развијала се у периоду од краја XVIII, цео XIX и почетак XX на простору целе покрајине...The subject of the research is the energy performance of traditional rammed earth house in Vojvodina. Under the concept of a traditional house in Vojvodina, for the purposes of the conducted research, a unique architectural phenomenon is accepted: the tree-part rammed earth house that has been created and developed in the period from the end of XVIII, during the XIX and in the early XX century in the entire province of Vojvodina..

    Analysis of heat transfer coefficient of rammed earth wall in traditional houses in Vojvodina

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    Traditional Vojvodina house represents an important part of the building stock of the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina. The research examines the thermal transmittance of the walls of rammed earth, which is the basic structural and façade element of traditional Vojvodina house, in two ways: by calculations in accordance with Serbian regulations and by measuring in situ. Parameters obtained from the measurements are compared with the calculated values for the three typical traditional Vojvodina rammed earth single family residential houses. The comparison between the values of the heat transfer coefficient, obtained by the calculation, and the results determined by in situ measurements show significant differences. It indicates that the thermal characteristics are better than calculated ones according to national regulations, but at the same time that, due to the complexity of the rammed earth walls and differences in the rammed earth structures, the results differ from case to case and can not be standardized

    Priročnik za izvajanje meritev ogljikovega dioksida in-situ v stavbah predšolske vzgoje

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    VRTEC+ Razvoj modelov prenove stavb za predšolsko vzgojo in izobraževanje v Sloveniji

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    Energy performances of the traditional rammed earth house in Vojvodina.

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    Предмет спроведеног истраживања су енергетске перформансе традиционалне војвођанске кућа од набоја. Под појмом традиционалне војвођанске куће, за потребе спроведеног истраживања, подразумева се јединствен архитектонски феномен: троделна кућа од набоја, која је настајала и развијала се у периоду од краја XVIII, цео XIX и почетак XX на простору целе покрајине...The subject of the research is the energy performance of traditional rammed earth house in Vojvodina. Under the concept of a traditional house in Vojvodina, for the purposes of the conducted research, a unique architectural phenomenon is accepted: the tree-part rammed earth house that has been created and developed in the period from the end of XVIII, during the XIX and in the early XX century in the entire province of Vojvodina..

    Is There Any Relation between the Architectural Characteristics of Kindergartens and the Spread of the New Coronavirus in Them?—A Case Study of Slovenia

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    The COVID-19 era is bringing changes to different parts of everyday life, redefining what people used to consider normal. As the world deals with this highly contagious disease, the issue of the built environment, buildings, their architecture and possible relations among their characteristics and the spread of the virus remains unclear. Preschool and school education is an essential part of society. However, with the spread of COVID-19, kindergartens and schools keep on partly or fully closing and reopening, trying to provide a safe and healthy environment for children. Instructions and recommendations from different experts and organisations worldwide were announced in terms of how to adjust the functioning of kindergartens in conditions of the uncontrolled spread of COVID-19. The measures include organisational and hygiene measures. Organisational measures are closely related to the architectural design of a building. At this point, the main question of this research was raised: is there any relation between the architectural characteristics of kindergartens and the spread of the new coronavirus in them? The research examined the architectural characteristics of kindergartens in Slovenia with reported COVID-19 cases among staff or children

    The thermal behavior of rammed earth wall in traditional house in Vojvodina: Thermal mass as a key element for thermal comfort

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    The conducted research examines the thermal behaviour of the rammed earth walls, which is the basic structural and façade element of traditional Vojvodina house. The traditional rammed earth house represents an important part of the total building stock of Vojvodina. Earth is a locally available, cheap, natural, environmentally friendly building material and has been used extensively for traditional family houses in Vojvodina. It has ecological and “green” characteristics, which can be assessed as very high quality, and they are of significant importance in the context of sustainable development and striving to reduce energy consumption today. The research examines thermal behaviour of rammed earth wall, including theoretical analysis of: the heat transfer coefficient, U, the thermal resistance, R, and thermal conductivity, λ. One of the basic elements of thermal behaviour, the thermal mass, has been analyzed both theoretically and by measuring in situ. The in situ measurements were conducted on the traditional house in Vojvodina by measuring inside and outside surface wall and air temperature in summer. Analyses of rammed earth wall thermal performances have shown that the wall has low thermal conductivity, high heat capacity and significant thermal mass effect which is the key element enabling thermal stability. The research indicates rather good thermal properties of the rammed earth walls. Potential of rammed earth wall in Vojvodina should be an issue of further analysis, although the possibility of improvement of existing facilities to meet current standards in terms of energy efficiency should be considered

    Analysis of heat transfer coefficient of rammed earth wall in traditional houses in Vojvodina

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    Traditional Vojvodina house represents an important part of the building stock of the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina. The research examines the thermal transmittance of the walls of rammed earth, which is the basic structural and façade element of traditional Vojvodina house, in two ways: by calculations in accordance with Serbian regulations and by measuring in situ. Parameters obtained from the measurements are compared with the calculated values for the three typical traditional Vojvodina rammed earth single family residential houses. The comparison between the values of the heat transfer coefficient, obtained by the calculation, and the results determined by in situ measurements show significant differences. It indicates that the thermal characteristics are better than calculated ones according to national regulations, but at the same time that, due to the complexity of the rammed earth walls and differences in the rammed earth structures, the results differ from case to case and can not be standardized

    The thermal behavior of rammed earth wall in traditional house in Vojvodina: Thermal mass as a key element for thermal comfort

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    The conducted research examines the thermal behaviour of the rammed earth walls, which is the basic structural and façade element of traditional Vojvodina house. The traditional rammed earth house represents an important part of the total building stock of Vojvodina. Earth is a locally available, cheap, natural, environmentally friendly building material and has been used extensively for traditional family houses in Vojvodina. It has ecological and “green” characteristics, which can be assessed as very high quality, and they are of significant importance in the context of sustainable development and striving to reduce energy consumption today. The research examines thermal behaviour of rammed earth wall, including theoretical analysis of: the heat transfer coefficient, U, the thermal resistance, R, and thermal conductivity, λ. One of the basic elements of thermal behaviour, the thermal mass, has been analyzed both theoretically and by measuring in situ. The in situ measurements were conducted on the traditional house in Vojvodina by measuring inside and outside surface wall and air temperature in summer. Analyses of rammed earth wall thermal performances have shown that the wall has low thermal conductivity, high heat capacity and significant thermal mass effect which is the key element enabling thermal stability. The research indicates rather good thermal properties of the rammed earth walls. Potential of rammed earth wall in Vojvodina should be an issue of further analysis, although the possibility of improvement of existing facilities to meet current standards in terms of energy efficiency should be considered