15 research outputs found

    Toplinska udobnost i unutarnja kvaliteta zraka nakon djelomične energetske obnove prefabriciranog betonskog dječjeg vrtića izgrađenog 1980-ih u Sloveniji

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    The majority of kindergartens situated in the territory of former Yugoslavia need renovation. Apart from their enhanced energy efficiency, renovated buildings will presumably offer better indoor environmental quality. According to the current case study, children using a classroom with new windows installed are exposed to substantially poorer indoor air quality due to airtightness and improper ventilation, which calls attention to a vital technical issue of the current renovation process.Većini dječjih vrtića smještenih na teritoriju bivše Jugoslavije potrebna je obnova. Osim naglašene energetske učinkovitosti, obnovljene će zgrade vjerojatno ponuditi i bolju kvalitetu boravka u interijeru. Prema aktualnoj studiji slučaja, djeca u učionicama s instaliranim novim prozorima izložena su osjetno lošijoj kvaliteti zraka u zatvorenom prostoru zbog zračne nepropusnosti i neispravne ventilacije. U središtu pozornosti stoga treba biti tehnička problematika aktualnih procesa obnove

    Ojačavanje podnih konstrukcija CLT pločama - numerička studija

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    The purpose of this article is to provide an insight into the field of timber floor strengthening with cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels. A classic timber floor strengthened with CLT panels is therefore analysed according to the current building standards in the European Union, the Eurocodes. Seven different CLT panels, with thicknesses from 60 mm to 120 mm, are taken into consideration for the numerical study. Self-tapping screws with a diameter of 6 mm and length of 200 mm are used as shear connectors. The gamma method is used for calculating the effective bending stiffness. The design procedure is briefly presented, and the results for different configurations are compared.Cilj je ovog rada pokazati kako ojačati podne konstrukcije koristeći unakrsno laminirane drvene panele (CLT paneli). Kao predmet studije uzete su klasične drvene podne konstrukcije ojačane sa CLT panelima i uspoređene s Eurocode standardima, službenim graditeljskim standardom u EU-u. Sedam različitih tipova panela debljine od 60 do 120 mm su analizirani u numeričkoj studiji. Kao sredstvo sprezanja uzeti su samourezujući vijci promjera 6 mm i duljine 200 mm. Za proračun efektivne savojne krutosti korištena je gama metoda. U radu je kratko prikazana procedura dimenzioniranja te su uspoređeni rezultati različitih konfiguracija podnih konstrukcija

    Approach to refurbishment of timber preschool buildings with a view on energy and economic efficiency

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    The refurbishment of educational buildings usually involves a variety of measures aiming at reducing energy demands and improving building functionality to achieve higher living comfort. This paper aims to develop an approach for determination of comprehensive refurbishment strategy upon existing preschool buildings in Slovenia from the aspects of energy and economic efficiency. The main idea of the approach is to separate and individually analyse the investments into those related to energy efficiency improvements and those related to improvements of building functional quality through the step-by-step evaluation of individual measures. The proposed approach was applied on the case study of the existing timber preschool building in the city of Maribor. Generally, the highest energy savings are detected only in the case of combination of multiple renovation measures. Moreover, the economic indicators show low efficiency for almost all measures if they are treated separately. Additionally, the analysis reveals that certain measures are totally inefficient in terms of energy, yet they are highly beneficial from the viewpoint of building functional quality, which indicates the importance of the multi-perspective assessment of renovation process. The conclusions of this study can be implemented to similar building types and construction ages in similar climatic and economic environments

    Usporedba segmenata vanjskog zida zgrade na osnovu potencijala globalnog zagrijavanja

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    Lowering environmental impacts in the operational phase of the building’s life cycle has been achieved by introducing highly-insulated thermal envelopes in temperate and cold climates. However, the emissions and energy used in other life cycle phases should also be considered. The paper presents the comparison of the building’s external wall components based on global warming potential in the production phase. Four types of construction (reinforced concrete, brick, cross-laminated timber and timber-frame) and three types of insulation materials (rock wool, expanded polystyrene and wood fibre) used within external wall components are analysed. Three heat transfer coefficients of the wall components were selected and compared. The results of the study demonstrate the potential of lowering environmental impacts of building external wall components by selecting suitable materials and present the solutions for the optimization of thermal envelopes in the design phase.Korištenje sofisticiranih termalnih izolacija u operativnoj fazi vijeka trajanja zgrade je značajno smanjilo utjecaj na okoliš u područjima blage i hladne klime, no potrebno je uzeti u obzir emisije i potrošnju energije u drugim fazama vijeka zgrade. U ovom će se radu prikazati usporedba segmenata vanjskog zida zgrade na osnovi potencijala globalnog zagrijavanja, ali u fazi proizvodnje građevinskih materijala. Posebno će se analizirati četiri tipa gradnje (armirani beton, cigla, unakrsno lamelirane drvene panele i drveni okvir) i tri tipa izolacijskog materijala (kamena vuna, ekspandirani polistiren i drvna vlakna) koji su korišteni u segmentima vanjskog zida. Odabrana su i uspoređena tri koeficijenta provođenja topline za predmetne segmente zida. Rezultati analize su pokazali potencijal smanjenja utjecaja na okoliš segmenata vanjskog zida uslijed odabira odgovarajućih materijala što predstavlja rješenje optimizacije termalne izolacije u fazi projektiranja

    Influence of glazing on the energy efficiency of prefabricated timber buildings

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    Prispevek prikazuje numerično parametrično analizo vpliva povečanega deleža zasteklitev na energetsko učinkovitost montažnih lesenih enodružinskih hiš z osnovnim ciljem prikaza vpliva zasteklitve na južni strani, tako na novih velikopanelnih stenskih sistemih z različno toplotno prehodnostjo kakor tudi na starih malopanelnih sistemih, pri katerih predstavlja ustrezna izbira velikosti zasteklitve enega od mogočih načinov učinkovite energijske sanacije.Pri tem so parametrično na primeru dvoetažne stanovanjske hiše analizirani vplivi povečanega deleža steklenih površin ob upoštevanju klimatskih pogojev za Ljubljano. Kot rezultat študije je podana funkcijska odvisnost letnih energijskih potreb za ogrevanje in ohlajevanje v odvisnosti od deleža steklenih površin južne fasade objekta ob predpostavki, da se vplivi aktivnih sistemov ne spreminjajo. Rezultati so po eni strani potrdili nekatera že poznana dejstva izvedenih parametričnih analiz različnih avtorjev, po drugi strani pa dodatno privedli do nekaterih povsem novih ugotovitev, predvsem glede optimalnih vrednosti deleža zasteklitve na južni fasadi v odvisnosti od stopnje toplotne prehodnosti zunanjih lesenih stenskih elementov ob upoštevanju klimatskih pogojev za Ljubljano.The paper presents a numerical analysis of the increased proportion influence of glazing surfaces on energy efficiency of prefabricated timber single-familyhouses with a basic purpose to determine the influence of south oriented glazing area for new macro-panel wall elements of different thermal transmittances, as well as for old micro-panel wall elements, for which the installation of an optimal glazing size represents one of the possible energy efficient renovation methods. The research is based on a case study of a two-storey house and its parametric analysis of an increased-proportion-of-the-glazing-surfaces impact, taking into account the climate data for Ljubljana. As the result of the study, the annual energy demand for heating and cooling depending on the proportion of the glazing area in relation to the total surface area of the south oriented façade, under presumption that active systems are not changed, is presented. The results accord well with some findings of the existing parametrical analyses of different authors, while, on the other hand, they lead to some completely new findings regarding the optimal glazing share in south oriented external wall in dependence from the thermal transmittance of the wall element, considering climate data for Ljubljana

    Vpliv deleža steklenih površin na južni fasadi na energijsko učinkovitost montažnih lesenih stavb

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    The paper presents the reasonability of using an increased proportion of glazing surfaces in prefabricated timberframe structural systems with a special focus on the energy certification of the building. The research is based on a case study of a two-storey house with a prefabricated timber-frame as well as with cross-laminated structural system with a parametric analysis of an increased-proportion-of-the-glazing-surfaces impact on south side of thebuilding, taking the climate data for Ljubljana into consideration. The analysis was carried out on different exterior wall elements having different thermal properties, while the rest of the parameters, such as the ground plan of the model as well as the active systems, roof and floor slab assemblies remain constant. The graphical presentation includes a function curve showing the annual energy demand for heating and cooling depending on the proportion of the glazing area in relation to the total surface area of the south façade of the building.Prispevek prikazuje smiselnost uporabe povečanega deleža steklenih površin v montažni leseni gradnji s posebnim poudarkom na energijskem izkazu stavbe. Pri tem so parametrično na modelu dvoetažne stanovanjske hiše analizirani vplivi povečanega deleža steklenih površin na južni strani objekta ob upoštevanju klimatskih pogojev za Ljubljano. Objekt je obravnavan v okvirnem in križno lepljenem montažnem sistemu. Analizirani so različni tipi zunanjih sten z različno toplotno izolativnostjo, ostali parametri, kot so tloris objekta, sestava strehe, temeljne plošče, aktivni sistemi, pa v izračunu ne varirajo. Podana je funkcijska odvisnost letnih toplotnih izgub za ogrevanje in ohlajevanje v odvisnosti od deleža steklenih površin na južni fasadi objekta

    Study workshops from energy efficiency of timber buildings

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    Usmerjanje arhitekturne in gradbene stroke v energetsko varčno načrtovanje in gradnjo je v slovenskem prostoru prisotno že dalj časa. Uspešnost pri iskanju novih rešitev je pogojena z združevanjem strokovnega znanja, industrije, praktičnih izkušenj in inovativnih idej. Vse navedeno skušamo na Univerzi v Mariboru, Fakulteti za gradbeništvo (UM FG) združevati v okviru študijskih delavnic, ki so se do sedaj izkazale kot izjemno zanimive za študente in mentorje ter tudi za partnerje iz gospodarstva. Na ta način želimo z omenjeno problematiko ozavestiti bodoče arhitekte in gradbenike. Tako smo že v letu 2010 izvedli prvo tovrstno študijsko delavnico na primeru enodružinskih montažnih okvirnih lesenih hiš, kjer smo uporabi povečanega deleža steklenih površin posvetili posebno pozornost. Letošnja delavnica je pomenila nekakšen preskok in logično nadgradnjo lanske, saj smo tematiko usmerili v izdelavo idejnih zasnov montažnih lesenih javnih objektov. Glede na predstavljene lastnosti ima namreč gradnja z lesom v kombinaciji z uporabo ustrezno orientiranih steklenih površin velik razvojni potencial tudi v gradnji javnih objektov, čemur se v Sloveniji zaenkrat žal še premalo posvečamo.The progressive orientation of the sciences of architecture and civil engineering towards energy-efficient planning and construction has been evident in Slovenia for a considerable period of time. Nevertheless, successful search for new solutions depends on integrating expert knowledge, industry, practical experience and innovative ideas. At the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Maribor, we strive for such integration through study workshops which proved to be highly interesting to students and their mentors on the one hand and to partners from the relevant branches of industry on the other, all of which helps our goal to build awareness about the mentioned issues among future architects and civil engineers. The first study workshop on energy-efficient timber buildings held in 2010 was focused on single-family prefabricated timber-frame houses with special attention being paid to the increased glazing size. The study workshop held in this year was focused to the public buildings and thus practically means a continuation and a progress in designing of prefabricated timber structures. Given its characteristics stated above, timber combined with properly oriented glazing surfaces certainly has a huge development potential also in constructing public buildings, i.e. in the field that has currently not reached enough interest or attention among Slovene manufacturers and investors

    Delavnica: Lesena nizkoenergijska hiša

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    Design approach for the optimal model of an energy-efficient timber building with enlarged glazing surface on the south façade

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    This paper presents the reasonability of using an increased proportion of glazing surfaces in prefabricated timber-frame buildings with a special focus on energy efficiency by using an enlarged glazing area in the south façade. The research is based on a case study of a two-storey house built in a prefabricated timber-frame structural system taking the climate data for Ljubljana into consideration. Parametric analysis is performed on the variation of an increased proportion of the glazing surface\u27s impact in the south side of the building according to the total surface of the south façade (AGAW) as a basic variable. The analysis was carried out on different exterior wall elements having different thermal properties, while the rest of the parameters, such as the ground plan of the model as well as the active systems, roof and floor slab assemblies, climate condition, etc. remain constant. The basic theoretical contribution of the presented research is the transformation of a complex energy related problem to only one single independent variable (Uwall-value) which becomes the only variable parameter to determine the optimal glazing area size value (AGAWopt) for all contemporary prefabricated timber construction systems

    Is There Any Relation between the Architectural Characteristics of Kindergartens and the Spread of the New Coronavirus in Them?—A Case Study of Slovenia

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    The COVID-19 era is bringing changes to different parts of everyday life, redefining what people used to consider normal. As the world deals with this highly contagious disease, the issue of the built environment, buildings, their architecture and possible relations among their characteristics and the spread of the virus remains unclear. Preschool and school education is an essential part of society. However, with the spread of COVID-19, kindergartens and schools keep on partly or fully closing and reopening, trying to provide a safe and healthy environment for children. Instructions and recommendations from different experts and organisations worldwide were announced in terms of how to adjust the functioning of kindergartens in conditions of the uncontrolled spread of COVID-19. The measures include organisational and hygiene measures. Organisational measures are closely related to the architectural design of a building. At this point, the main question of this research was raised: is there any relation between the architectural characteristics of kindergartens and the spread of the new coronavirus in them? The research examined the architectural characteristics of kindergartens in Slovenia with reported COVID-19 cases among staff or children