11 research outputs found

    Kaupunkiseutujen yhdyskuntarakenne maakuntakaavoissa – Arviointi valtakunnallisten alueidenkäyttötavoitteiden vaikuttavuuden kannalta

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    Selvityksessä on analysoitu sitä, missä määrin ja millä tavoin yhdyskuntarakennetta koskevat valtakunnalliset alueidenkäyttötavoitteet toteutuvat kaupunkiseutujen maakuntakaavoissa. Tarkastelussa olivat mukana valtakunnallisten alueidenkäyttötavoitteiden velvoitteet yhdyskuntarakenteen eheyttämisestä, henkilöautoliikenteen tarvetta vähentävästä liikennejärjestelmästä sekä palvelujen saatavuutta edistävästä keskusjärjestelmästä ja palveluverkosta. Selvitys on laadittu maakuntakaavoituksen kehittämiseksi ja sitä koskevan ohjauksen tehostamiseksi. Selvityksen perustana on ollut 16 kaupunkiseudun maakuntakaavan analysointi. Raportti sisältää tarkastelujen yhteenvedon ja johtopäätökset sekä tekijöiden suositukset tulevaa maakuntakaavoitusta silmällä pitäen. Raportti tarjoaa myös virikkeeksi liitteenä olevan kuvitteellisen Jossikkalan kaupunkiseudun maakuntakaavaan, joka on laadittu yhdyskuntarakennetavoitteiden edistämiseksi selvityksen johtopäätösten ja suositusten sekä hyvien esimerkkien pohjalta

    Effects of Using Standing Versus Sitting Workstations on the Well-­Being at Work of Software Professionals

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    Although people admittedly are one of the most valuable assets of many software companies, relatively little academic research has been done from the well-being at work aspect of software professionals. This intervention study aims to address this gap in prior research by examining the potential effects of using standing instead of sitting workstations on the well-being at work of software professionals in terms of physical activity, mental alertness, and stress. The two measurements before and after the intervention were conducted in June and September 2015 for 29 employees of a local site of a large Finnish software company by using questionnaires and the Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment service. The findings of the study suggest that using standing instead of sitting workstations results in only modest promotions of physical activity, does not to have an effect on mental alertness, and actually tilts the stress–recovery balance more towards stress, as least at the early phases of usage.peerReviewe

    How can learning experiences be explored in simulation-based learning situations?

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    The aim of our research is to investigate what methods can be used to explore learning experiences. In this case example, we describe how we extracted quantitative and qualitative data reflecting learning experiences from simulationbased learning (SBL) situations. Data collection was conducted in the fields of aviation and forestry. After the SBL situation, the students participated in a stimulated recall interview. The transcribed interview data were analysed using data-driven methods. To capture the dynamics in the (neuro)physiological signals associated with varying states of learning experiences, we recorded activity of the autonomic and central nervous systems. When analysing (neuro)physiological data, we focused on extracting reliable signatures reflecting both the state and the reactivity of the autonomic and central nervous systems. Later on, different data types will be integrated and analysed together. The aim of this article is to elaborate the extent to which different data types can be integrated in analysis to produce meaningful information about learning experiences. Our results based on the students’ interviews highlight the meaningfulness of the instructor’s guidance in SBL situations. We also show that it is possible to extract reliable features from (neuro)physiological signals measured during natural learning situations. These (neuro)physiological features also seem to vary depending on the phase of the simulation. Therefore, we conclude that by including (neuro)physiological measurements in research designs, it is possible to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of learning experiences. This type of multidisciplinary research is likely to provide novel insights in developing learning environments and guidance

    How can learning experiences be explored in simulation-based learning situations?

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    The aim of our research is to investigate what methods can be used to explore learning experiences. In this case example, we describe how we extracted quantitative and qualitative data reflecting learning experiences from simulation-based learning (SBL) situations. Data collection was conducted in the fields of aviation and forestry. After the SBL situation, the students participated in a stimulated recall interview. The transcribed interview data were analysed using data-driven methods. To capture the dynamics in the (neuro)physiological signals associated with varying states of learning experiences, we recorded activity of the autonomic and central nervous systems. When analysing (neuro)physiological data, we focused on extracting reliable signatures reflecting both the state and the reactivity of the autonomic and central nervous systems. Later on, different data types will be integrated and analysed together. The aim of this article is to elaborate the extent to which different data types can be integrated in analysis to produce meaningful information about learning experiences. Our results based on the students’ interviews highlight the meaningfulness of the instructor’s guidance in SBL situations. We also show that it is possible to extract reliable features from (neuro)physiological signals measured during natural learning situations. These (neuro)physiological features also seem to vary depending on the phase of the simulation. Therefore, we conclude that by including (neuro)physiological measurements in research designs, it is possible to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of learning experiences. This type of multidisciplinary research is likely to provide novel insights in developing learning environments and guidance.nonPeerReviewe

    Methodology Development in Adult Learning Research : Combining Physiological Reactions and Learning Experiences in Simulation-Based Learning Environments

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    We aim to clarify whether physiological measurement technologies can be used in combination with traditional educational research methods to investigate learning experience. We developed an interdisciplinary research design for multilevel investigation of adult learning experience. We collected data in aviation simulations and forestry simulations, to show both similarities and differences between different learning situations. Both settings utilize high quality virtual simulations allowing learning to occur in near authentic situations. The learning situations were structured pedagogically in a similar way. They involve learner-instructor interaction in a one-on-one setting and follow a traditional simulation-based learning protocol with preparation, action and debriefing. The instructor guides the learner through progressively more difficult simulation exercises, allowing to extract experiential, physiological and neurophysiological correlates that reliably associate with the demands of the learning in a naturalistic situation. 12 students and 4 teachers took part in the study. One student and one teacher were measured simultaneously during the learning situation. The data collection methods included both quantitative measures (synchronized heart rate variability, HRV, and electroencephalography, EEG, as well as structured questionnaires) and qualitative measures (individual interviews and video recordings). In addition to data collection during and immediately after the learning situations (1-2 hours measurements), HRV measures with an electronic diary were collected during a baseline period of 4 days. All learning situations were video recorded, and the recorded simulation exercises were annotated by the students during the interviews with a special emphasis on pointing out the episodes which were memorable and had particular meaning for learning. The qualitative and quantitative data are first analysed independently. For the quantitative data, the focus is on extracting reliable artefact-free signatures that reflect the state and reactivity of autonomic and central nervous system along different learning situations and task demands. The analysis of qualitative data emphasises understanding the episodes that participants considered meaningful during learning. In the next stage, qualitative and quantitative data is interpreted together to identify the reproducible elements in physiology that reflect emotionally and learning-wise meaningful episodes, in the learner and instructor separately, and in the interaction (synchrony measures) between learner and instructor. First priority is to establish understanding of the feasibility of achieving reliable physiological and neurophysiological correlates of learning experience during naturalistic learning situations. Second, if feasible, this type of design enables us to more comprehensively understand the factors that influence the individual experiences and success of learning interaction. Current theories concerning adult learning mainly approach learning at experiential (and psychological) level, and there is a lack of proper framework for integrating physiological measures in the same theory. Our holistic approach to adult learning thus enables also new research lines that can integrate individual experience, emotions, physiological and neurophysiological reactions during learning interaction.peerReviewe

    Facilitating Collaborative Learning with Virtual Reality Simulations, Gaming and Pair Programming

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    The chapter presents socio-interactional functions that support collaborative learning through three case examples. The examples stem from our long line of empirical research in which we have explored the possibilities of using various types of emerging digital technologies for enhancing collaborative learning and interaction. We present case examples from technology-enhanced simulation-based learning environments, Vive/Minecraft applying XR/VR and pair programming in a creative media project design with Scratch, which are all regarded as powerful experiential learning contexts that can provide engaging opportunities for collaborative learning.peerReviewe

    Pre- and In-Service Teachers’ Teamwork Behaviour in Integrated Teacher Training

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    Teamwork and collaboration skills are regarded as essential proficiencies in the current worlds of work, study and everyday life. A relevant question is whether and how pre-service teachers have opportunities to begin acquiring professional collaboration skills during their studies. In the current study, Finnish pre- and in-service teachers participating in a joint training programme were engaged in reflection tasks to evaluate their teamwork behaviour during a challenging pedagogical design task in mixed teams. The aim of this study was to examine how pre- and in-service teachers perceived their teamwork practices while performing authentic training activities together. The participants reflected on their own and their teams’ behaviour in two ways: using a digital reflection survey tool repeatedly during the process and writing a reflection text. In the surveys, the participants scored both team behaviour and their own behaviour in the team relatively highly, but their own behaviour was evaluated as somewhat better than the overall team behaviour. In the reflective writing assignments, team behaviour was addressed more often than one’s own behaviour. Experiences were mostly positive, but the participants also reported varying challenges. Based on the results, it can be suggested that to better guarantee the development of pre- and in-service teachers’ collaboration skills, systematic guidance with adequate tools, is the requisite.peerReviewe

    Unaufmerksamkeit auf öffentlichen Plätzen: Praktiken zum Normalisieren ungewöhnlicher Ereignisse

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    This article builds on GOFFMAN's work to study how pedestrians display their orientation to unusual events in public places. It focuses on the mobile and embodied conduct of those passing a smartmob event in which a performing group "froze" in a busy transit hub for four minutes. The data comprise audio-video recordings of the event. We identify and analyse routinised mobile and embodied practices by which passers-by "normalise" the unusual event. These include different organisations of body behaviour and the ways in which passers-by walk around and between the performers as individuals and groups. The findings are supported with illustrations.URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs120375Este artículo se construye a partir del trabajo de Goffman para estudiar como los peatones se orientan hacia eventos inusuales en lugares públicos. Se enfoca en las conductas móviles y corpóreas de las personas que pasan durante una multitud inteligente (smartmob) en la cual un grupo "se congela" en un pasaje transitado durante cuatro minutos. Los datos incluyen grabaciones de audio y video del evento. Hemos identificado y analizado prácticas móviles y corpóreas rutinizadas de los paseantes mediante las cuales se "normaliza" el evento inusual. Éstas incluyen diferentes organizaciones de comportamiento corporal y las formas en que los paseantes caminan alrededor y entre los ejecutantes en tanto individuos y grupos. Se apoyan los hallazgos con ilustraciones.URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs120375Dieser Beitrag behandelt eine Studie, in der im Anschluss an GOFFMAN untersucht wurde, wie Fußgänger/innen mit ungewöhnlichen Ereignissen auf öffentlichen Plätzen umgehen. Im Zentrum stehen die Verhaltensweisen von Vorübergehenden während eines Smartmobs, bei dem eine Personengruppe in einer dicht bevölkerten Passage für vier Minuten "eingefroren" war. Als Datenmaterial wurden Audio- und Videoaufzeichnungen genutzt. Im Verlauf der Analyse konnten spezifische Praktiken und Bewegungsmuster identifiziert werden, die die Vorübergehenden nutzten, um das Ereignis zu "normalisieren". Hierzu gehörten unterschiedliche Körperhaltungen und Laufwege, um sich durch die Gruppe hindurch oder um sie herum zu bewegen. Die Ergebnisse werden durch Abbildungen veranschaulicht.URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs12037