195 research outputs found


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    In this paper we are going to point out the most important aspects of the conference interpretor’s praxis. As an important part of the modern world, the conference interpreter faces every day to different challenges. To fulfill his/her tasks he/she need to possess some knowledge and abilities. The most important knowledge and abilities are following: excellent knowledge of the active (target) and the passive (source) language, university degree, knowledge of current affairs, ability to analyze and construe facts, speed of reaction, power of concentration, above average physical and nervous staying-power, pleasant voice and public-speaking skills, intellectual curiosity, intellectual integrity, tact and diplomacy to deal with difficult situations ets

    Prevalence of Endodontic Perforations Committed by Bulgarian General Dental Practitioners

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    Abstract—Endodontic perforations that result in a communication of the root space with the periodontal tissues may occur occasionally during root canal treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of iatrogenic perforations committed by Bulgarian general dental practitioners. A total of 2460 cases of endodontic treatment were investigated and the incidence of iatrogenic perforations, committed by general dental practitioners inBulgaria for a period of 7 years was evaluated. Data were collected from clinical examination and observation of the periapical radiographs. In 137 cases of root canal treatment a different types of perforation were found. 100 of them were iatrogenic (4.06%), 34 (1.38%) were the result of carious process and 3 (0.12%) were the result of resorption. In the total number of perforations, the iatrogenic ones represented 72.99%. The most commonly affected tooth groups were mandibular molars (42%) and maxillary molars (22%). 59% of perforations were found in the lower jaw and 41% - in the upper jaw. The prevalence of iatrogenic perforations inBulgaria is relatively high. Therefore, emphasis on continuing education and post graduate courses in endodontics must be a priority

    Planned solutions in tourism in terms of COVID-19

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    The special situation in which the tourism industry finds itself requires the search for new paradigms for dealing with the emerging reality. This paper examines different approaches to planning activities in the tourism sector in an unprecedented pandemic environment. It is proposed to systematically solve the emerging problems through targeted-adaptive attitude to the environment. Attention is paid to the possibility for flexibility of the decisions in order to achieve optimality of the results, the possibilities for alternative in the choice of strategic and tactical solutions for dealing with problems are presented


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    The term equivalence is quite controversial in the translation studies. Its definition, relevance, and applicability within the field of translation theory have caused heated controversy and many different analyzes of the concept of equivalence. Till today equivalence has been studied in relation with the translation process by using different approaches, as results have been provided ideas for further studies on this topic. Despite the fact that this notion is quite debatable, because of the evident discrepancies in the views of various theorists, however, this term continuously is being used as most suitable in the most literature

    Estimación del coste de almacenamiento de una solución de preservación de la privacidad en archivos BAM reales

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    A menudo los científicos secuencian el ADN de un gran número de personas con el objetivo de determinar qué genes se asocian con determinadas enfermedades. Esto permite meóon del genoma humano. El precio de un perfil genómico completo se ha posicionado por debajo de los 200 dólares y este servicio lo ofrecen muchas compañías, la mayor parte localizadas en EEUU. Como consecuencia, en unos pocos a~nos la mayoría de las personas procedentes de los países desarrollados tendrán los medios para tener su ADN secuenciado. Alrededor del 0.5% del ADN de cada persona (que corresponde a varios millones de nucleótidos) es diferente del genoma de referencia debido a variaciones genéticas. Así que el genoma contiene información altamente sensible y personal y representa la identidad biológica óon sobre el entorno o estilo de vida de uno (a menudo facilmente obtenible de las redes sociales), sería posible inferir el fenotipo del individuo. Multiples GWAS (Genome Wide Association Studies) realizados en los últimos a~nos muestran que la susceptibilidad de un paciente a tener una enfermedad en particular, como el Alzheimer, cáncer o esquizofrenia, puede ser predicha parcialmente a partir de conjuntos de sus SNP (Single Nucleotide Polimorphism). Estos resultados pueden ser usados para medicina genómica personalizada (facilitando los tratamientos preventivos y diagnósticos), tests de paternidad genéticos y tests de compatibilidad genética para averiguar a qué enfermedades pueden ser susceptibles los descendientes. Estos son algunos de los beneficios que podemos obtener usando la información genética, pero si esta información no es protegida puede ser usada para investigaciones criminales y por compañías aseguradoras. Este hecho podría llevar a discriminaci ón genética. Por lo que podemos concluir que la privacidad genómica es fundamental por el hecho de que contiene información sobre nuestra herencia étnica, nuestra predisposición a múltiples condiciones físicas y mentales, al igual que otras características fenotópicas, ancestros, hermanos y progenitores, pues los genomas de cualquier par de individuos relacionados son idénticos al 99.9%, contrastando con el 99.5% de dos personas aleatorias. La legislación actual no proporciona suficiente información técnica sobre como almacenar y procesar de forma segura los genomas digitalizados, por lo tanto, es necesaria una legislación mas restrictiva ---ABSTRACT---Scientists typically sequence DNA from large numbers of people in order to determine genes associated with particular diseases. This allows to improve the modern healthcare and to provide a better understanding of the human genome. The price of a complete genome profile has plummeted below $200 and this service is ofered by a number of companies, most of them located in the USA. Therefore, in a few years, most individuals in developed countries will have the means of having their genomes sequenced. Around 0.5% of each person's DNA (which corresponds to several millions of nucleotides) is diferent from the reference genome, owing to genetic variations. Thus, the genome contains highly personal and sensitive information, and it represents our ultimate biological identity. By combining genomic data with information about one's environment or lifestyle (often easily obtainable from social networks), could make it possible to infer the individual's phenotype. Multiple Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) performed in recent years have shown that a patient's susceptibility to particular diseases, such as Alzheimer's, cancer, or schizophrenia, can be partially predicted from sets of his SNPs. This results can be used for personalized genomic medicine (facilitating preventive treatment and diagnosis), genetic paternity tests, ancestry and genealogical testing, and genetic compatibility tests in order to have knowledge about which deseases would the descendant be susceptible to. These are some of the betefts we can obtain using genoma information, but if this information is not protected it can be used for criminal investigations and insurance purposes. Such issues could lead to genetic discrimination. So we can conclude that genomic privacy is fundamental due to the fact that genome contains information about our ethnic heritage, predisposition to numerous physical and mental health conditions, as well as other phenotypic traits, and ancestors, siblings, and progeny, since genomes of any two closely related individuals are 99.9% identical, in contrast with 99.5%, for two random people. The current legislation does not ofer suficient technical information about safe and secure ways of storing and processing digitized genomes, therefore, there is need for more restrictive legislation

    Neurophysiological correlates of face and identity learning through naturalistic exposure

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    Differential processing of familiar and unfamiliar faces is now well-established but surprisingly little is known about how familiarity develops over time. The aim of this thesis was to track the neural processes which accompany short- and long-term face and person learning, under more naturalistic conditions than those of previous, laboratory-based research. Using event-related brain potentials, the experiments examined how real-life learning affects the visual face representations (N250 familiarity effect) and the integration of person-related knowledge (Sustained Familiarity Effect, SFE). Chapter 2 revealed an increase in the N250 and the SFE from two to 14 months of familiarity but not afterwards, indicating that the first year of familiarity is critical for the development of the neural representations of visual familiarity and identity-specific knowledge. Chapter 3 tracked the development of these two effects during the first eight months of knowing a person and found a clear N250 and SFE at one month of knowing someone. While the N250 was fully established by five months of familiarity, indicating that the visual representations were fully developed substantially earlier than 14 months, no significant increase in the SFE was observed during the examined eight-month period, suggesting that the integration of identity-specific information needs longer to get fully established. Chapter 4 investigated face learning following a single brief real-life encounter and observed a significant N250 effect after a 10-minute interaction with an unfamiliar person, suggesting that 10 minutes are sufficient to establish initial visual representations. In sum, the present research suggests that image-independent visual face representations are initially established very quickly and get fully developed within the first five months of knowing a person. The integration of person-related knowledge, on the other hand, first emerges after one month of familiarity and gradually develops to the level of highly familiar identities by 14 months. These findings substantially improve our understanding of how we get to know people in everyday life by providing vital information about the time course of this process


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    Во фокусот на овој труд е анализата на согледаниот квалитет како клучна димензија на капиталот на брендот. Главната цел е да се дефинираат и сублимираат клучните специфики на димeнзијата квалитет, односно согледан квалитет и да се понуди можност за препознавање на начините кои компаниите можат да ги користат за унапредување на односот согледан квалитет – задоволство на потрошувачите – зголемена профитабилност. Резултатите од истражувањето водат кон заклучоци дека остварувањето високо ниво на квалитет не е доволно. Треба да се создадат или да се променат перцепциите на потрошувачите. Едноставно, да се пренесе конзистентна порака за квалитет во и околу компанијата


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    Во фокусот на овој труд е анализата на предностите и недостатоците на одделни стратегиски алтернативи за влегување во меѓународниот бизнис. Главната цел е да се дефинираат и сублимираат предностите и недостатоците на одделни стратегиски алтернативи, а преку анализа на клучните специфики на секоја од понудените алтернативи, се нуди можност за препознавање на најсоодветниот избор за проширување на бизнисот кој може да го применат претпријатијата. Резултатите од истражувањето водат кон заклучоци дека постои доминантност на СДИ како меѓународна стратегија во однос на останатите алтернативи, но потребно е да се нагласи дека најчесто оваа стратегиска алтернатива ја реализираат странски претпријатија во рамките на Република Македонија, а за жал ограничен број македонски претпријатија на странските пазари


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    Во овој труд се зборува за брендовите – зошто се важни, штопретставуваатза потрошувачите, кои се петте фази на моделот Пентагонво процесот на градење на вредност на брендот и што треба да праватфирмите за нивно правилноменаџирање. Главната цел е да се дефинираати сублимираат клучните специфики на успешниот бренд преку петтепоследователни фази на предложениот модел. Компанијата постои за даги оствари очекувањата на акционерите, па така, брендот постои со цел дагенерира долгорочен профит. Затоа, јадрото на брендот ги опфаќа 4-те Pна Philip Kotler како и пакувањето, услугата и проценката на добивката/загубата. Овие седум варијабли се адаптираат, како што брендот се градиниз одделните фази

    Building Brand Equity and Consumer Trust Through Radical Transparency Practices

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    The creation of business value and competitive advantage is crucial to any company in the modern corporate sector. By developing positive relationships with consumers, businesses can better maintain their customers’ loyalty. Building Brand Equity and Consumer Trust Through Radical Transparency Practices is an innovative reference source for emerging scholarly perspectives on the role of branding in organizational contexts and techniques to sustain a profitable and honest relationship with consumers. Highlighting a range of pertinent topics such as risk management, product innovation, and brand awareness, this book is ideally designed for managers, researchers, professionals, students, and practitioners interested in the development of value creation in contemporary business. Topics Covered The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to: Brand Awareness Corporate governance Employee Engagement Product Innovation Risk Management Supply Chain Management Workforce Qualit