311 research outputs found

    Smartphone-based Travel Surveys: A Review

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    Interest continues to grow in the use of smartphones for travel survey purposes. Their locational and interactive potential combined with their ubiquity and pragmatism as something people are likely to keep with them and charged, makes them particularly appealing. However, several challenges remain, particularly around battery life, user acceptance as an instrument for tracking mobility and a fundamental lack of concordance on how travel survey apps should be designed. The current paper provides a review of smartphone-based travel survey apps focusing on issues around functionality, participant burden, processing requirements, data quality and costs. We identify a typology of smartphone apps, that all passively collect route information but vary in the level of automation and user interaction required. All of the apps reviewed report reasonable levels of participant satisfaction irrespective of the levels of automation and user-app interaction required. However, the accuracy with which information is accurately inferred appears to vary markedly, largely a function of the quality of data collected, which in turn is heavily influenced by the make/model of phone, and the processing algorithms employed. One common issue is battery drain, which continues to be an issue for both highly automated apps and those requiring significant user interaction. Looking forward, while the intuitive appeal of smartphones will continue to grow, we argue that developments have been constrained by attempts to integrate existing survey approaches within a smartphone environment. More attention needs to be given to the design of apps that engage users to start and finish the survey, focusing on ‘smart’ use of the sensors and processing routines to minimise battery consumption and on providing additional benefits for users

    Willingness to participate in travel surveys: A cross-country and cross- methods comparison

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    Travel surveys are the primary source of data that feed into the analysis and modeling of travel behaviour. Numerous studies have found that the survey method, be it pen and paper, online, interview, smartphone app, or GPS, impacts participation, diligence and accuracy of reporting. In turn, this can lead to bias both in terms of the socio-demographic mix of respondents, and under/mis-reporting of trip information. To date, there is limited understanding of if/how preferences for particular travel survey methods vary across countries. In 2014, a survey of 17,510 adults from 24 countries was undertaken by an internationally-renowned market research firm to assess preferences for different survey methods. The current paper focuses on responses from five of these countries with long-standing household travel surveys - Australia, USA, France, Germany, and Japan. Results suggest that for a given survey method, willingness to participate in travel surveys varies across countries and within each group of respondents (classified by their socio-demographic characteristics). Australians tend to have a higher willingness to participate across different survey methods compared to their counterparts, particularly from Japan. In terms of socio-demographic characteristics, younger respondents tend to engage in travel surveys regardless of the method, while females are more likely to prefer diary-based methods than mobile-based methods. Respondents also appear to trade-off effort in completing travel surveys using traditional methods against privacy issues surrounding mobile-based methods. Results suggest that that there is no ‘one size fits all’ methodology for travel surveys, with designers needing to carefully consider both socio-demographic and cultural differences

    In Vitro Culture of Excised Tissues of Cotton

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    Identidad Audiovisual en las cadenas televisivas de Ecuador

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito analizar la identidad audiovisual en las cadenas televisivas en Ecuador y conocer el discurso de los canales a través de su continuidad. Este análisis está enfocado en las cadenas nacionales en señal abierta y se observarán los mensajes que transmiten para delimitar los principios que las rigen, también se analizarán los antecedentes de las cadenas televisivas, enfatizando en aquellas acciones relevantes que cambiaron la forma de hacer televisión, siendo este un aspecto primordial para poder entender el grafismo audiovisual en nuestros días. Durante el desarrollo de esta tesina se ha propuesto mostrar los conceptos, discursos y fundamentos más importantes para el conocimiento y el análisis de una identidad audiovisual, seguida de la continuidad de una cadena televisiva. Para esto se han analizado los elementos que forman parte de este lenguaje como son: imagen, tipografía, movimiento, sonido, espacio, tiempo, etc. Este proyecto plantea un análisis de la identidad y la continuidad de Ecuavisa y del manual de marca de Teleamazonas. Así mismo se verifica la tendencia que aplican los canales de televisión respecto a su grafismo, los gráficos en movimientoThe current investigation project aims to analyze the audiovisual identity of television networks in Ecuador and to know the speech of the channels through its continuity. This analysis focuses on national networks on open signal and shall observe the messages they convey to define the principles that rule on them, will be also analyzed the background history of television networks, with emphasis on those relevant actions that changed the way of doing television, being this a key aspect to understand the audiovisual graphic appearance nowadays. During the development of this thesis, it has been proposed to show the concepts, speeches and the more important fundaments for knowledge and the analysis of an audiovisual identity, followed by the continuation of a television network. For this, have been analyzed the elements that are part of this language such as: image, typography, motion, sound, space, time, etc. This project poses an analysis of the identity and continuity of Ecuavisa and Teleamazonas brand manual. Also, verify the tendence that television channels apply respect their graphic and motion graphics.Veliz Verzosa, FE. (2016). Identidad Audiovisual en las cadenas televisivas de Ecuador. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/75603TFG


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    This case study attempts to determine the lived experiences of early pregnancy among high and low performing students in terms of the causes, effects, challenges and their coping mechanisms. The naturalistic paradigm was used in the study with the purposively chosen informants with varied tools to cross-check their responses. Results show that curiosity, lack of sexual knowledge, financial and family problems and uncontrolled emotions cause pregnancy among teenagers. Teenage mothers face a lot of challenges after pregnancy like providing proper care and needs of their child. High performing teenage mothers are college levels and work for a living to support the needs of their child. Low performing teenage mothers ended up as housewives. Teenage mothers have less possibility to finish their studies after engaging in early pregnancy. Taking care of the baby and providing financial assistance are challenges they encountered and tried to cope up with. The academic performance, the financial status and support of the family of teenage mothers determine if they can pursue their studies and achieve their dreams in life. Sex and sexuality education should not just be a concept but should be developed further as a complete discipline and much more research should be conducted to that regard

    Crystallographic patterns in Philippine indigenous textiles

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    The aim of this study was to analyze a representative sample of Philippine indigenous textiles in order to capture the range of symmetries and color symmetries present. This paper examines the existence of symmetries in finite designs, and classifies the plane-group and frieze-group symmetry types of the repeated patterns in woven textiles. The tendency of a particular symmetry to be more or less common than another can indicate relationships between the symmetries and the weaving technique or the culture that produced them. This paper will also examine designs and patterns with color symmetry found in these textiles. The sample consisted of 588 repeated patterns and finite designs in textiles (389 plane, 166 frieze and 33 finite) culled from well known museums in the Philippines, personal collections of scholars, existing literature on Philippine textiles and field visits

    Superior Mesenteric Artery originating from the celiac axis: A rare vascular anomaly

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    The knowledge of the vascular anatomy of the concerned region is an important prerequisite for planning surgical intervention. The awareness of the existing vascular anomalies enhances the insight regarding that region. We report a patient undergoing preoperative evaluation with CTA finding of Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) originating from the celiac artery. This celiac-mesenteric trunk is rare (<1%)

    Development of a Gamified Number Line App for Teaching Estimation and Number Sense in Grades 1 to 7

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    Fraction knowledge is known to be a gatekeeper to more advanced mathematical learning. On the basis of the literature on early number learning, a number line mobile application called Catch the Carrot was designed to develop students’ knowledge of whole number and fraction magnitude. This paper aims to describe the design of the Catch the Carrot app and discusses the rationale for using number lines as representational scaffolds for developing children’s understanding of numbers, particularly their estimation and number sense skills. The gamification features of the app, as well as strategies for integration in a classroom are also presented. This app, which utilizes number line representations, is expected to deliver the benefits associated with using number lines in instruction as suggested by the literature. The next step is to investigate the extent to which the gamified number line app promotes number sense and mathematical competence

    Development of an App and Videos to Support the Fraction Learning Trajectory from Grades 1-7

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    Lack of procedural fluency in fractions impedes access to advanced mathematical courses and limits opportunities for entry into STEM-related fields. This paper describes the design and pedagogical basis of the Moving Fractions app and supplementary fraction videos for promoting fraction learning. Moving Fractions utilizes game-design factors to draw students through a trajectory of fraction learning from part-whole comparisons to a more robust understanding of the measurement concept of fractions. The supplementary video immerses students in a broad range of fraction representations. The app and video are intended to form a fraction learning package for distribution in Philippine schools. Future work involves the gathering of empirical data for validating the expected benefits associated with the application of mathematics education research in the app and video design