172 research outputs found

    Aerosol mass and black carbon concentrations, a two year record at NCO-P (5079 m, Southern Himalayas)

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    Aerosol mass and the absorbing fraction are important variables, needed to constrain the role of atmospheric particles in the Earth radiation budget, both directly and indirectly through CCN activation. In particular, their monitoring in remote areas and mountain sites is essential for determining source regions, elucidating the mechanisms of long range transport of anthropogenic pollutants, and validating regional and global models. Since March 2006, aerosol mass and black carbon concentration have been monitored at the Nepal Climate Observatory-Pyramid, a permanent high-altitude research station located in the Khumbu valley at 5079 m a.s.l. below Mt. Everest. The first two-year averages of PM<sub>1</sub> and PM<sub>1−10</sub> mass were 1.94 μg m<sup>−3</sup> and 1.88 μg m<sup>−3</sup>, with standard deviations of 3.90 μg m<sup>−3</sup> and 4.45 μg m<sup>−3</sup>, respectively, while the black carbon concentration average is 160.5 ng m<sup>−3</sup>, with a standard deviation of 296.1 ng m<sup>−3</sup>. Both aerosol mass and black carbon show well defined annual cycles, with a maximum during the pre-monsoon season and a minimum during the monsoon. They also display a typical diurnal cycle during all the seasons, with the lowest particle concentration recorded during the night, and a considerable increase during the afternoon, revealing the major role played by thermal winds in influencing the behaviour of atmospheric compounds over the high Himalayas. The aerosol concentration is subject to high variability: in fact, as well as frequent "background conditions" (55% of the time) when BC concentrations are mainly below 100 ng m<sup>−3</sup>, concentrations up to 5 μg m<sup>−3</sup> are reached during some episodes (a few days every year) in the pre-monsoon seasons. The variability of PM and BC is the result of both short-term changes due to thermal wind development in the valley, and long-range transport/synoptic circulation. At NCO-P, higher concentrations of PM<sub>1</sub> and BC are mostly associated with regional circulation and westerly air masses from the Middle East, while the strongest contributions of mineral dust arrive from the Middle East and regional circulation, with a special contribution from North Africa and South-West Arabian Peninsula in post-monsoon and winter season

    Sex-mediated changes in foraging behaviour according to breeding stage in a monomorphic seabird adapted to rural habitats

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    In contrast to sexually size-dimorphic species, monomorphic ones rarely show sexual differences in foraging behaviour as such variations have been primarily attributed to dissimilar body size. To investigate this aspect, we analysed foraging behaviour in breeding gull-billed terns, Gelochelidon nilotica, a monomorphic seabird adapted to rural habitats. We equipped 19 breeding birds with GPS devices and assessed differences in foraging behaviour and habitat use according to sex and breeding stage. Foraging trip distance and duration and daily frequencies were influenced by both breeding stage and sex, with females, but not males, performing closer, more frequent and shorter duration trips during chick rearing than incubation. Females, but not males, increased the repeatability of foraging metrics from incubation to chick rearing, while both sexes increased individual foraging site fidelity between the two breeding stages. Agricultural fields were the most exploited habitat for both sexes, but females made more use of aquatic habitats than males, especially during chick rearing. By foraging in different ways and in different habitats, the breeding pair can provide a wider range of prey types to their offspring, maximizing the chances of delivering high quantity and quality of food items under different environmental conditions. Our work provides new additional evidence of sex differences in foraging behaviour of monomorphic species, while highlighting the need to better understand underlying mechanisms driving foraging niche divergence and the consequences for fitness

    The Impact of Different Types of Assistive Devices on Gait Measures and Safety in Huntington's Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Gait and balance impairments lead to frequent falls and injuries in individuals with Huntington's disease (HD). Assistive devices (ADs) such as canes and walkers are often prescribed to prevent falls, but their efficacy is unknown. We systematically examined the effects of different types of ADs on quantitative gait measures during walking in a straight path and around obstacles. METHODS: Spatial and temporal gait parameters were measured in 21 subjects with HD as they walked across a GAITRite walkway under 7 conditions (i.e., using no AD and 6 commonly prescribed ADs: a cane, a weighted cane, a standard walker, and a 2, 3 or 4 wheeled walker). Subjects also were timed and observed for number of stumbles and falls while walking around two obstacles in a figure-of-eight pattern. RESULTS: Gait measure variability (i.e., coefficient of variation), an indicator of fall risk, was consistently better when using the 4WW compared to other ADs. Subjects also walked the fastest and had the fewest number of stumbles and falls when using the 4WW in the figure-of-eight course. Subjects walked significantly slower using ADs compared to no AD both across the GAITRite and in the figure-of-eight. Measures reflecting gait stability and safety improved with the 4WW but were made worse by some other ADs

    Euclid preparation: XXX. Performance assessment of the NISP red grism through spectroscopic simulations for the wide and deep surveys

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    This work focusses on the pilot run of a simulation campaign aimed at investigating the spectroscopic capabilities of the Euclid Near-Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer (NISP), in terms of continuum and emission line detection in the context of galaxy evolutionary studies. To this purpose, we constructed, emulated, and analysed the spectra of 4992 star-forming galaxies at 0:3 ≥ z ≥ 2:5 using the NISP pixel-level simulator. We built the spectral library starting from public multi-wavelength galaxy catalogues, with value-added information on spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting results, and stellar population templates from Bruzual & Charlot (2003, MNRAS, 344, 1000). Rest-frame optical and near-IR nebular emission lines were included using empirical and theoretical relations. Dust attenuation was treated using the Calzetti extinction law accounting for the differential attenuation in line-emitting regions with respect to the stellar continuum. The NISP simulator was configured including instrumental and astrophysical sources of noise such as the dark current, read-out noise, zodiacal background, and out-of-field stray light. In this preliminary study, we avoided contamination due to the overlap of the slitless spectra. For this purpose, we located the galaxies on a grid and simulated only the first order spectra.We inferred the 3.5δ NISP red grism spectroscopic detection limit of the continuum measured in the H band for star-forming galaxies with a median disk half-light radius of 0: 004 at magnitude H = 19:5 = 0:2ABmag for the Euclid Wide Survey and at H = 20:8 = 0:6ABmag for the Euclid Deep Survey. We found a very good agreement with the red grism emission line detection limit requirement for the Wide and Deep surveys. We characterised the effect of the galaxy shape on the detection capability of the red grism and highlighted the degradation of the quality of the extracted spectra as the disk size increased. In particular, we found that the extracted emission line signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) drops by 45% when the disk size ranges from 0: 0025 to 100. These trends lead to a correlation between the emission line S/N and the stellar mass of the galaxy and we demonstrate the effect in a stacking analysis unveiling emission lines otherwise too faint to detect

    Characterization of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) NAC transcription factors suggests conserved functions compared to both monocots and dicots

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The NAC transcription factor family is involved in the regulation of traits in both monocots and dicots of high agronomic importance. Understanding the precise functions of the NAC genes can be of utmost importance for the improvement of cereal crop plants through plant breeding. For the cereal crop plant barley (<it>Hordeum vulgare </it>L.) only a few <it>NAC </it>genes have so far been investigated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Through searches in publicly available barley sequence databases we have obtained a list of 48 barley <it>NAC </it>genes (<it>HvNACs</it>) with 43 of them representing full-length coding sequences. Phylogenetic comparisons to Brachypodium, rice, and Arabidopsis NAC proteins indicate that the barley NAC family includes members from all of the eight NAC subfamilies, although by comparison to these species a number of <it>HvNACs </it>still remains to be identified. Using qRT-PCR we investigated the expression profiles of 46 <it>HvNACs </it>across eight barley tissues (young flag leaf, senescing flag leaf, young ear, old ear, milk grain, late dough grain, roots, and developing stem) and two hormone treatments (abscisic acid and methyl jasmonate).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Comparisons of expression profiles of selected barley <it>NAC </it>genes with the published functions of closely related <it>NAC </it>genes from other plant species, including both monocots and dicots, suggest conserved functions in the areas of secondary cell wall biosynthesis, leaf senescence, root development, seed development, and hormone regulated stress responses.</p

    The Zea mays mutants opaque-2 and opaque-7 disclose extensive changes in endosperm metabolism as revealed by protein, amino acid, and transcriptome-wide analyses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The changes in storage reserve accumulation during maize (<it>Zea mays </it>L.) grain maturation are well established. However, the key molecular determinants controlling carbon flux to the grain and the partitioning of carbon to starch and protein are more elusive. The <it>Opaque-2 </it>(<it>O2</it>) gene, one of the best-characterized plant transcription factors, is a good example of the integration of carbohydrate, amino acid and storage protein metabolisms in maize endosperm development. Evidence also indicates that the <it>Opaque-7 </it>(<it>O7</it>) gene plays a role in affecting endosperm metabolism. The focus of this study was to assess the changes induced by the <it>o2 </it>and <it>o7 </it>mutations on maize endosperm metabolism by evaluating protein and amino acid composition and by transcriptome profiling, in order to investigate the functional interplay between these two genes in single and double mutants.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that the overall amino acid composition of the mutants analyzed appeared similar. Each mutant had a high Lys and reduced Glx and Leu content with respect to wild type. Gene expression profiling, based on a unigene set composed of 7,250 ESTs, allowed us to identify a series of mutant-related down (17.1%) and up-regulated (3.2%) transcripts. Several differentially expressed ESTs homologous to genes encoding enzymes involved in amino acid synthesis, carbon metabolism (TCA cycle and glycolysis), in storage protein and starch metabolism, in gene transcription and translation processes, in signal transduction, and in protein, fatty acid, and lipid synthesis were identified. Our analyses demonstrate that the mutants investigated are pleiotropic and play a critical role in several endosperm-related metabolic processes. Pleiotropic effects were less evident in the <it>o7 </it>mutant, but severe in the <it>o2 </it>and <it>o2o7 </it>backgrounds, with large changes in gene expression patterns, affecting a broad range of kernel-expressed genes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although, by necessity, this paper is descriptive and more work is required to define gene functions and dissect the complex regulation of gene expression, the genes isolated and characterized to date give us an intriguing insight into the mechanisms underlying endosperm metabolism.</p

    Euclid: Forecasts from redshift-space distortions and the Alcock-Paczynski test with cosmic voids

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    Euclid is poised to survey galaxies across a cosmological volume of unprecedented size, providing observations of more than a billion objects distributed over a third of the full sky. Approximately 20 million of these galaxies will have their spectroscopy available, allowing us to map the three-dimensional large-scale structure of the Universe in great detail. This paper investigates prospects for the detection of cosmic voids therein and the unique benefit they provide for cosmological studies. In particular, we study the imprints of dynamic (redshift-space) and geometric (Alcock-Paczynski) distortions of average void shapes and their constraining power on the growth of structure and cosmological distance ratios. To this end, we made use of the Flagship mock catalog, a state-of-the-art simulation of the data expected to be observed with Euclid. We arranged the data into four adjacent redshift bins, each of which contains about 11000 voids and we estimated the stacked void-galaxy cross-correlation function in every bin. Fitting a linear-theory model to the data, we obtained constraints on f/b and DMH, where f is the linear growth rate of density fluctuations, b the galaxy bias, D-M the comoving angular diameter distance, and H the Hubble rate. In addition, we marginalized over two nuisance parameters included in our model to account for unknown systematic effects in the analysis. With this approach, Euclid will be able to reach a relative precision of about 4% on measurements of f/b and 0.5% on DMH in each redshift bin. Better modeling or calibration of the nuisance parameters may further increase this precision to 1% and 0.4%, respectively. Our results show that the exploitation of cosmic voids in Euclid will provide competitive constraints on cosmology even as a stand-alone probe. For example, the equation-of-state parameter, w, for dark energy will be measured with a precision of about 10%, consistent with previous more approximate forecasts