503 research outputs found


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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jumlah dana alokasi khusus terhadap akses dan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan untuk wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kabupaten Solok Selatan. Dana alokasi khusus (DAK) merupakan salah satu anggaran dari pemerintah pusat selain dana tugas pembantuan (TP). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey. Sebagai populasi dari penelitian ini adalah nagari yang berada di wilayah kerja puskesmas di Kabupaten Solok Selatan yang berjumlah 9 Puskesmas dengan wilayah kerja sebanyak 47 Nagari. Unit analisis penelitian adalah nagari. Analisis dilakukan terhadap sampel. Pemilihan responden sebagai sampel dilakukan secara purposive dengan kriteria yang mendasari pemilihan adalah tipologi daerah puskesmas menurut Permenkes nomor 75 tahun 2014. Dari masing-masing nagari yang terpilih sebagai sampel di pilih sebanyak 10 orang responden per nagari yaitu diambil dari daftar register pasien yang berkunjung ke puskesmas yang terpilih. Akses pelayanan kesehatan di ukur dengan kuesioner yang berisi 2 dimensi yaitu : keterjangkauan untuk berobat dan biaya berobat lebih murah sementara kualitas pelayanan kesehatan di ukur dengan kuesioner berisi 5 dimensi yaitu : tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance dan emphaty. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan program SPSS versi 17 menggunakan uji statistik Regresi Linier Sederhana dengan melakukan Uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah dana alokasi khusus memiliki pengaruh dalam penelitian ini di lihat dari hasil analisa regresi linier sederhana dengan melakukan Uji t dimana jumlah dana alokasi khusus berpengaruh secara signifikan dengan akses pelayanan kesehatan dengan nilai t hitung lebih besar dari nilai t tabel (2,186 > 2,002) maka Ho ditolak artinya ada pengaruh secara signifikan antara jumlah dana alokasi khusus dengan akses pelayanan kesehatan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas. Untuk jumlah dana alokasi khusus dengan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan didapat nilai t hitung lebih besar dari nilai t tabel (4,003 > 2,002) maka Ho di tolak artinya terdapat pengaruh secara signifikan antara jumlah dana alokasi khusus dengan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan. Kesimpulan penelitian ini bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara jumlah dana alokasi khusus dengan akses dan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan di wilayah kerja puskesmas Kabupaten Solok Selatan yang secara statistik signifikan. Disarankan kepada Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Solok Selatan untuk mengalokasikan jumlah dana alokasi khusus sesuai dengan perencanaan dan kebutuhan puskesmas menurut wilayah kerja sesuai Permenkes 75 Tahun 2014. Kata kunci : DAK, akses, kualitas pelayanan kesehata

    Progress Of The Prairie View Music Department Under Rudolph von Charlton

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to acquaint the community of Prairie View with the writings of Rudolph von Charlton and to review the progress of the Music department which Dr. von Charlton supervises. Statement Of The Problem Music has been taught as an activity in the education of the whole person. Among the questions to be answered are 1. Why is music essential in education; 2. What is the position of the art in the development of the individual? 3. Is music intended for only those talented or gifted? 4. Why teach music? Delimitations The material contained in this study are those collected from the speeches of Dr. von Charlton, and from his writings; the material that is included in addition to his, has been taken from interviews with his friends and acquaintances: Mr. William H. Stickney and Mrs. Ella W. Weaver. Sources of Data The W. R. Banks Library of the Prairie View A & M College has been the principal source of materials. The next source was Dr. von Charlton, who cleared the details needed for this study. Need For The Study Many parents, students, and school officials entertain the idea that music is an accessory to the school curriculum or to the education of the child and adult. The collection of materials contained in this study was intended to show the necessity of music as a discipline, an art, a science, and as an aspect in the development of the entire person. The omission of music In the education of students is as great a privation as would be the omission of correct speech, or of literature. In this presentation, the writer sought to reveal the need of music. Writings and facts are more readily accepted when they represent the thoughts, opinions, and scientific research of a person with whom people associate. This subject is near and dear to the hearts of many, as they have seen the privation suffered by children before they reach college. The need for the subject of music in the curriculum of the school must be recognized if the pupil is to develop into a completely educated person

    Progress Of The Prairie View Music Department Under Rudolph Von Charlton

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to acquaint the community of Prairie View with the writings of Rudolph von Charlton and to review the progress of the Music department which Dr. von Charlton supervises. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: Music has been taught as an activity in the education of the whole person. Among the questions to be answered are 1. Why is music essential in education; 2. What is the position of the art in the development of the individual? 3. Is music intended for only those talented or gifted? 4. Why teach music? DELIMITATIONS: The material contained in this study are those collected from the speeches of Dr. von Charlton, and from his writings; the material that is included in addition to his, has been taken from interviews with his friends and acquaintances: Mr. William H. Stickney and Mrs. Ella W. Weaver. SOURCE OF DATA: The W. R. Banks Library of the Prairie View A & M College has been the principal source of materials. The next source was Dr. von Charlton, who cleared the details needed for this study

    Tax Compliance in Indonesia: A Meta-Analysis

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    Purpose: This study aims to summarize existing research ïŹndings regarding the determinants of tax compliance in Indonesia by using Meta-analysis. Methods International databases (Scopus) and Indonesian-accredited journals (Sinta 2) are employed to collect data. A targeted search is conducted using the keyword “compliance” in connection with tax compliance, tax avoidance, tax evasion, and related terms. We used Harzing’s Publish application in searching for related papers. We begin with an initial sample of 71 meta-analyses and finally have 39 studies as the final sample of our literature review. Results: We found that a penalty is not the best way to solve compliance issues. In contrast to the traditional (enforcement) paradigm, our investigation revealed that sanctions could not fully explain compliance. Taxpayers should not feel heavily penalized when there is a delay in reporting. Sanctions that are low and less tangible make taxpayers underestimate existing sanctions. Furthermore, tax reform policies such as the Sunset policy (SP), are not regular provisions that are used consistently. SP is a particular tax policy that eliminates tax penalties for individual taxpayers who have recently registered and amended their tax returns. Implications: This study has substantial implications for the Directorate General of Taxes (GDT) concerning the policy approaches in dealing with tax non-compliance. The Indonesian tax authority needs to shift from sanction to voluntary compliance by framing a friendly approach in dealings with taxpayers. Originality: To our knowledge, this is the first study to review the determinants that influence tax compliance specifically in Indonesia using a meta-analysis lens. Limitations: Some important studies are not accessed because of budget limitations

    mRNA Extraction from Gill Tissue for RNA-sequencing

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    Adaptation is thought to proceed in part through spatial and temporal changes in gene expression. Fish species such as the threespine stickleback are powerful vertebrate models to study the genetic architecture of adaptive changes in gene expression since divergent adaptation to different environments is common, they are abundant and easy to study in the wild and lab, and have well-established genetic and genomic resources. Fish gills, due to their respiratory and osmoregulatory roles, show many physiological adaptations to local water chemistry, including differences in gene expression. However, obtaining high-quality RNA using popular column-based extraction methods can be challenging from small tissue samples high in cartilage and bone such as fish gills. Here, we describe a bead-based mRNA extraction and transcriptome RNA-seq protocol that does not use purification columns. The protocol can be readily scaled according to sample size for the purposes of diverse gene expression experiments using animal or plant tissue.Peer reviewe

    Mercury in snow cover and rainfail in Finland 1983—1984

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    Sadeveden ja lumen elohopeapitoisuus Suomessa 1983—198

    Hydrological data registers of the Water Research Institute

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    Vesihallituksen vesientutkimuslaitoksen hydrologiset rekisteri

    The effect of airborne mercury and peatland drainage on sediment mercury contents in some Finnish forest lakes

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    llmalevintÀisen elohopean ja metsÀojituksen vaikutus sedimentin elohopeapitoisuuteen erÀissÀ Suomen metsÀjÀrviss

    From Infanticide to Activism: The Transformation of Emotions and Identity in Self-Help Movements

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    Taylor and Leitz trace processes of collective identity construction and politicization among women suffering from postpartum psychiatric illness who have been convicted of infanticide. Joining a growing body of research suggesting that self‐help and consumer health movements can be a significant force for change in both the cultural and political arenas, Taylor and Lietz examine one such movement, a pen‐pal network of women incarcerated for committing infanticide. Taylor and Leitz show how a sense of collective identity fostered by the pen‐pal network triggered a profound emotional transformation in participants, allowing them to convert shame and loneliness into pride and solidarity, and encouraging their participation in efforts to change how the medical and legal system treat postpartum psychiatric illness.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/peace_books/1000/thumbnail.jp


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    Abstrak Di Indonesia saat ini sedang terjadi wabah virus covid-19 yang merupakan suatu penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus yang dapat menular melalui droplet dari orang yang terinfeksi virus tersebut. Hal tersebut menyebabkan turunnya aktivitas fisik yang disebabkan karena pembatasan aktivitas yang mengharuskan semua orang bekerja, belajar dan melakukan aktivitas apapun di rumah untuk mengurangi penyebaran virus. Semua orang tanpa terkecuali termasuk para atlet yang diharuskan untuk latihan di rumah. Hal tersebut akan sangat mempengaruhi aktivitas fisik yang dimiliki atlet.  Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mengetahui perbandingan status aktivitas fisik sebelum adanya pandemi dan selama pandemi berlangsung. Populasi dari penelitian ini yaitu atlet ekstrakulikuler bola basket di SMAN 1 Puri Mojokerto. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Sampel dari penelitian ini berjumlah 20 atlet yang terdiri dari 10 atlet perempuan dan 10 atlet laki-laki. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dari perhitungan SPSS yang dilakukan, maka memperoleh hasil terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara aktivitas fisik sebelum adanya pandemi dan selama pandemi terjadi. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dari hasil uji T yang menyatakan nilai signifikan 0.00 yang berarti nilai sig. < 0.05. Kata Kunci: covid-19; aktivitas fisik; status gizi   Abstract In Indonesia, the covid-19 virus is currently happening, which is a disease caused by a virus that can be transmitted through droplets from people infected with the virus. This causes a decrease in physical activity caused by activities that require everyone to work, study and do any activity at home to reduce the spread of the virus. Everyone without exception includes athletes who are required to train at home. This will greatly affect the physical activity of the athlete. The aim of research is to see the status of physical activity before the pandemic and during the pandemic. The population of this study were basketball extracurricular athletes at senior high school 1 Puri Mojokerto. Sampling using purposive sampling technique. The sample of this study consisted of 20 athletes consisting of 10 female athletes and 10 male athletes. Based on the results of data analysis from the SPSS calculations carried out, a significant difference was obtained between physical activity before the pandemic and during the pandemic. This is evidenced by the results of the T test which states a significant value of 0.00 which means the value of sig. <0.05. Keywords: covid-19; physical activity; nutritional statu
