263 research outputs found

    Associative learning and memory retention of nectar yeast volatiles in a generalist parasitoid

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    Understanding how animals learn is crucial to interpreting animal behaviour. Flower-visiting insects, such as bees and parasitoids, are excellent animal models to study visual and olfactory learning, including memory phenomena. The diversity of resources flower-visiting insects exploit predisposes them to learn and remember the colours, shapes and odours associated with rewarding experiences (e.g. flowers), allowing them to focus on the most rewarding resources. Recent research has shown that nectar-living microbes release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that contribute to overall flower scent. Nevertheless, little is known about the extent to which nectar microbiota mediate insect learning of floral preferences. In this study, we investigated whether VOCs produced by nectar microbes serve as a learning cue to parasitoids and how long any developed preference is maintained. Experiments were performed using the generalist aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi and three nectar yeasts, including the nectar specialist Metschnikowia reukaufii and the generalist species Hanseniaspora uvarum and Sporobolomyces roseus. Results showed that naïve parasitoids had an innate preference for nectar fermented by the nectar specialist M. reukaufii, but not by the other two yeasts which had either a neutral (H. uvarum) or deterrent (S. roseus) effect. When parasitoids were conditioned with yeast-fermented nectar, they were strongly attracted to their odours 2 and 24h after conditioning, but not after 48h. Furthermore, when parasitoids were conditioned to one yeast-fermented nectar, they also showed increased attraction to other yeast-fermented nectars. This generalization suggests that their learning ability may have broader ecological consequences. However, this generalized response to other yeast VOCs lasted for only 2h. We conclude that parasitoids show conditioned responses to the scent of yeast-fermented nectar, and yeasts, therefore, may play an important but understudied role in shaping their foraging behaviour

    Modeling time delay in the NFκB signaling pathway following low dose IL-1 stimulation

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    Stimulation of human epithelial cells with IL-1 (10 ng/ml) + UVB radiation results in sustained NFκB activation caused by continuous IKKβ phosphorylation. We have recently published a strictly reduced ordinary differential equation model elucidating the involved mechanisms. Here, we compare model extensions for low IL-1 doses (0.5 ng/ml), where delayed IKKβ phosphorylation is observed. The extended model including a positive regulatory element, most likely auto-ubiquitination of TRAF6, reproduces the observed experimental data most convincingly. The extension is shown to be consistent with the original model and contains very sensitive processes which may serve as potential intervention targets

    Human Bocavirus NS1 and NS1-70 Proteins Inhibit TNF-α-Mediated Activation of NF-κB by targeting p65.

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    Human bocavirus (HBoV), a parvovirus, is a single-stranded DNA etiologic agent causing lower respiratory tract infections in young children worldwide. Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) transcription factors play crucial roles in clearance of invading viruses through activation of many physiological processes. Previous investigation showed that HBoV infection could significantly upregulate the level of TNF-α which is a strong NF-κB stimulator. Here we investigated whether HBoV proteins modulate TNF-α-mediated activation of the NF-κB signaling pathway. We showed that HBoV NS1 and NS1-70 proteins blocked NF-κB activation in response to TNF-α. Overexpression of TNF receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2)-, IκB kinase alpha (IKKα)-, IκB kinase beta (IKKβ)-, constitutively active mutant of IKKβ (IKKβ SS/EE)-, or p65-induced NF-κB activation was inhibited by NS1 and NS1-70. Furthermore, NS1 and NS1-70 didn't interfere with TNF-α-mediated IκBα phosphorylation and degradation, nor p65 nuclear translocation. Coimmunoprecipitation assays confirmed the interaction of both NS1 and NS1-70 with p65. Of note, NS1 but not NS1-70 inhibited TNF-α-mediated p65 phosphorylation at ser536. Our findings together indicate that HBoV NS1 and NS1-70 inhibit NF-κB activation. This is the first time that HBoV has been shown to inhibit NF-κB activation, revealing a potential immune-evasion mechanism that is likely important for HBoV pathogenesis

    T- and B-cell responses to multivalent prime-boost DNA and viral vectored vaccine combinations against hepatitis C virus in non-human primates.

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    Immune responses against multiple epitopes are required for the prevention of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, and the progression to phase I trials of candidates may be guided by comparative immunogenicity studies in non-human primates. Four vectors, DNA, SFV, human serotype 5 adenovirus (HuAd5) and Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) poxvirus, all expressing hepatitis C virus Core, E1, E2 and NS3, were combined in three prime-boost regimen, and their ability to elicit immune responses against HCV antigens in rhesus macaques was explored and compared. All combinations induced specific T-cell immune responses, including high IFN-γ production. The group immunized with the SFV+MVA regimen elicited higher E2-specific responses as compared with the two other modalities, while animals receiving HuAd5 injections elicited lower IL-4 responses as compared with those receiving MVA. The IFN-γ responses to NS3 were remarkably similar between groups. Only the adenovirus induced envelope-specific antibody responses, but these failed to show neutralizing activity. Therefore, the two novel regimens failed to induce superior responses as compared with already existing HCV vaccine candidates. Differences were found in response to envelope proteins, but the relevance of these remain uncertain given the surprisingly poor correlation with immunogenicity data in chimpanzees, underlining the difficulty to predict efficacy from immunology studies.This work was supported by European Union contract QLK2-CT-1999- 00356, by the Biomedical Primate Research Centre, The Netherlands, and by the Swedish Research Council. We are grateful to Alexander van den Berg for technical assistance with the ICS, to our colleagues from Animal Science Department for technical assistance and expert care of the macaques, to the participants of the European HCVacc Cluster who provided help and support, and to Thomas Darton (Oxford Vaccine Group, UK) for input and advice on the manuscript. Christine Rollier is an Oxford Martin fellow and a Jenner Insitute Investigator.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group at https://doi.org/10.1038/gt.2016.55

    Megasatellites: a peculiar class of giant minisatellites in genes involved in cell adhesion and pathogenicity in Candida glabrata

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    Minisatellites are DNA tandem repeats that are found in all sequenced genomes. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, they are frequently encountered in genes encoding cell wall proteins. Minisatellites present in the completely sequenced genome of the pathogenic yeast Candida glabrata were similarly analyzed, and two new types of minisatellites were discovered: minisatellites that are composed of two different intermingled repeats (called compound minisatellites), and minisatellites containing unusually long repeated motifs (126–429 bp). These long repeat minisatellites may reach unusual length for such elements (up to 10 kb). Due to these peculiar properties, they have been named ‘megasatellites’. They are found essentially in genes involved in cell–cell adhesion, and could therefore be involved in the ability of this opportunistic pathogen to colonize the human host. In addition to megasatellites, found in large paralogous gene families, there are 93 minisatellites with simple shorter motifs, comparable to those found in S. cerevisiae. Most of the time, these minisatellites are not conserved between C. glabrata and S. cerevisiae, although their host genes are well conserved, raising the question of an active mechanism creating minisatellites de novo in hemiascomycetes

    A bacterially-expressed recombinant envelope protein from Usutu virus induces neutralizing antibodies in rabbits

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    Background: Recently, an emerging flavivirus, Usutu virus (USUV), has caused an epidemic among birds in Europe, resulting in a massive die-off in Eurasian blackbirds. Currently found only in Europe and Africa, it can be envisioned that Usutu virus will follow the path of other flaviviruses, like West Nile virus and Zika virus, and will spread via its mosquito vectors and bird hosts to other parts of the world. Several cases of human infections by Usutu virus have already been published. Anticipating this spread, development of an efficacious vaccine would be highly desirable. Method: This study describes the production in E. coli, purification, and refolding of a partial USUV envelope protein. Prior to immunization, the protein was characterized using size exclusion chromatography, transmission electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering, showing the limited presence of virus-like structures, indicating that the protein solution is probably a mixture of mono and multimeric envelope proteins. Results: Immunizations of two rabbits with the refolded E-protein fraction, mixed with a strong adjuvant, resulted in the generation of neutralizing antibodies, as evidenced in an in vitro assay. Discussion: The way forward towards a subunit vaccine against Usutu virus infection is discussed.Microscopic imaging and technolog

    Banana as adjunct in beer production: applicability and performance of fermentative parameters

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    Traditionally, the raw materials for beer production are barley, hops, water, and yeast, but most brewers use also different adjuncts. During the alcoholic fermentation, the contribution of aroma compounds from other ingredients to the final beer flavor depends on the wort composition, on the yeast strain, and mainly on the process conditions. In this context, banana can also be a raw material favorable to alcoholic fermentation being rich in carbohydrates and minerals and providing low acidity. In this work, the objective was to evaluate the performance of wort adjusted with banana juice in different concentrations. For this, static fermentations were conducted at 15 °C at pilot scale (140 L of medium). The addition of banana that changed the concentration of all-malt wort from 10 °P to 12 and 15 °P were evaluated (°P is the weight of the extract or the sugar equivalent in 100 g solution, at 20 °C). The results showed an increase in ethanol production, with approximately 0.4 g/g ethanol yield and 0.6 g/L h volumetric productivity after 84 h of processing when concentrated wort was used. Thus, it was concluded that banana can be used as an adjunct in brewing methods, helping in the development of new products as well as in obtaining concentrated worts.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)EMATER-MGJohnson-DiverseyFapesp (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo/Brasil)Wallerstein Industrial & CommercialNovozymesCAPES (Coordenação para Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino Superior/ Brasil)Malteria do ValeGRICES (Gabinete de Relações Internacionais da Ciência e do Ensino Superior/Portugal

    XSTREAM: A practical algorithm for identification and architecture modeling of tandem repeats in protein sequences

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Biological sequence repeats arranged in tandem patterns are widespread in DNA and proteins. While many software tools have been designed to detect DNA tandem repeats (TRs), useful algorithms for identifying protein TRs with varied levels of degeneracy are still needed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To address limitations of current repeat identification methods, and to provide an efficient and flexible algorithm for the detection and analysis of TRs in protein sequences, we designed and implemented a new computational method called XSTREAM. Running time tests confirm the practicality of XSTREAM for analyses of multi-genome datasets. Each of the key capabilities of XSTREAM (e.g., merging, nesting, long-period detection, and TR architecture modeling) are demonstrated using anecdotal examples, and the utility of XSTREAM for identifying TR proteins was validated using data from a recently published paper.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We show that XSTREAM is a practical and valuable tool for TR detection in protein and nucleotide sequences at the multi-genome scale, and an effective tool for modeling TR domains with diverse architectures and varied levels of degeneracy. Because of these useful features, XSTREAM has significant potential for the discovery of naturally-evolved modular proteins with applications for engineering novel biostructural and biomimetic materials, and identifying new vaccine and diagnostic targets.</p

    The yeast Cyc8-Tup1 complex cooperates with Hda1p and Rpd3p histone deacetylases to robustly repress transcription of the subtelomeric FLO1 gene

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    AbstractWe demonstrate that the yeast flocculation gene, FLO1, is representative of a distinct subset of subtelomeric genes that are robustly repressed by the Cyc8–Tup1 complex. We have examined Cyc8–Tup1 localisation, histone acetylation and long-range chromatin remodelling within the extensive FLO1 upstream region. We show that Cyc8–Tup1 is localised in a DNase I hypersensitive site within an ordered array of strongly positioned nucleosomes around −700 base pairs upstream of the transcription start site. In cyc8 deletion mutant strains, Tup1p localisation is absent, with concomitant histone hyperacetylation of adjacent regions at the FLO1 promoter. This is accompanied by extensive histone depletion across the upstream region and gene activation. The yeast histone deacetylases, Hda1p and Rpd3p, occupy the repressed FLO1 promoter region in a Cyc8–Tup1 dependent manner and coordinate histone deacetylation, nucleosome stabilisation and gene repression. Moreover, we show that the ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling complex Swi–Snf occupies the site vacated by Cyc8–Tup1 in a cyc8 mutant. These data suggest that distinctly bound Cyc8–Tup1 cooperates with Hda1p and Rpd3p to establish or maintain an extensive array of strongly positioned, deacetylated nucleosomes over the FLO1 promoter and upstream region which inhibit histone acetylation, block Swi–Snf binding and prevent transcription
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