332 research outputs found

    On the generating function and growth of the positive singular braid monoid

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    We prove that the generating function of the positive singular braid monoid is rational and we give the exact formula for such monoid on three strands.Comment: 8 page

    Studies of contribution of metals bonded with organic matter of seawater to the fluxes of total dissolved metals across water-sediment interface at Vistula Lagoon of Baltic Sea

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    © 2004 IEEE. Investigations of fluxes of a dissolved element across the water-sediment interface in Vistula Lagoon (Baltic Sea) were carried out in August 2001 and 2002, using chamber experiments. Oxygen, iron(II), total dissolved iron, manganese, copper and lead fluxes were calculated. For the first time the fluxes of metals bonded with organic matter of sea water were studied. The contribution of metals bonded with organic matter to the total flux was varied depending upon conditions and may reach up to 70 %. It was found that metal fluxes at the coastal zone are larger than at the center of the lagoon by the factor of 2-4

    Nilpotent Classical Mechanics

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    The formalism of nilpotent mechanics is introduced in the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian form. Systems are described using nilpotent, commuting coordinates η\eta. Necessary geometrical notions and elements of generalized differential η\eta-calculus are introduced. The so called ss-geometry, in a special case when it is orthogonally related to a traceless symmetric form, shows some resemblances to the symplectic geometry. As an example of an η\eta-system the nilpotent oscillator is introduced and its supersymmetrization considered. It is shown that the RR-symmetry known for the Graded Superfield Oscillator (GSO) is present also here for the supersymmetric η\eta-system. The generalized Poisson bracket for (η,p)(\eta,p)-variables satisfies modified Leibniz rule and has nontrivial Jacobiator.Comment: 23 pages, no figures. Corrected version. 2 references adde

    Studies of fluxes of dissolved iron and manganese in the Gulf of Finland

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    © 2004 IEEE. Metal fluxes (total dissolved iron and manganese) across the water-sediment interface were studied in situ in the Gulf of Finland in June 2002 and 2003 using an autonomous benthic lander. Distribution of these metals in the sediment and the porewater was also investigated. Focus was given to understand the behavior of the studied metals at various redox conditions and the influence when sediment resuspension is occurring. Our data indicate the importance of the redox conditions for the iron fluxes with no fluxes at oxic, intermediate at anoxic and high fluxes at suboxic conditions. The fluxes of manganese do not seem to have any correlation with the oxygen levels. Both metals were significantly affected by resuspension, which led to a rapid release


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    В докладе рассматриваются наиболее ранние форматы цифровых медиа и коммуникаций в Томске, особенности поиска связанных с ними источников и артефактов в период до 1996 года.The report examines the earliest formats of digital media and communications in Tomsk, the specifics of searching for related sources and artefacts in the period before 1996


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    Problem. To evaluate the total concentration (сΣ) of hydrocarbons (HBs) in natural and waste waters it is necessary to extract all HBs, separate them from non-HB substances and measure the generalized signal in the certain IR spectral region. Then one may to determine total HB index (с*) recalculated to the certain standard substance. The error δс = (с* - сΣ) / сΣ has to depend on the method of signal measuring but no systematic investigations of this problem  were early conducted.          Experiment.  The model mixtures of alkanes, cycloalkanes and alkilarenes in CCl4 were prepared. Two methods of generalized signal measuring were used.    Namely, one-wave IR-spectrometry (FT-801 Fourier-spectrometer) and IR-photometry (concentratometer ICN-025 with interference filters). The total HB index was determined for each sample, the same standard (Simard mixture) was used for all determinations. The  both  estimations for each sample were compared.          Results. For both methods resulting δс–values are repeatable and significant.  The measurement of the average absorbance near 3.3-3.5 mcm by IKN-025 concentratometer leads to more accurate (±20-30 % rel.) estimations of the total hydrocarbon content than the measurement of the monochromatic absorbance near 3.42 mcm by the FT-801 Fourier-spectrometer (errors to the point of 80 % rel.), with other equal conditions. The one-wave IR spectrometry in comparison with IR-photometry  has the only benefit - low LODs of  hydrocarbons. Discussion. Irrespective of the way to measure the signal, the error δс  arises mainly because the real mismatch of standard and model mixtures in composition exists. The other factor is the inequality of the absorption coefficients for different HBs. This hypothesis is confirmed, as we are able to predict δс–values taking into the consideration the absorption coefficients and the composition of mixtures to investigate.  The leveling of these absorption coefficients for various HBs leads  to more reliable estimations for сΣ. The probable mechanism for absorption coefficients leveling  is proposed  on the basis of  spectral data. Evidently, the multiwave IR-spectrometry and integral intensities measuring have to show the best accuracy of hydrocarbon content estimations and the low LODs simultaneously.  In the ”Conclusion” the fundamental and applied significances of the investigation are characterized.    Key words: aqueous analysis, total indices, petroleum products, one wave IR spectrometry, IR photometry, concentratometers, errors of the analysis, limits of detection.  (Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2014.18.1.010 M.A. Fedorova,  S.V. Usova,  V.I. Vershinin Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Omsk, Russian FederationПроблема. Для оценки суммарного содержания (сΣ) углеводородов (УВ) в природных и сточных водах их экстрагируют, очищают экстракт от неуглеводородных компонентов, измеряют обобщенный сигнал в ИК-области спектра и находят интегральный показатель «содержание нефтепродуктов» (с*) в пересчете на стандартное вещество. Погрешность  δс = (с* - сΣ) / сΣ  должна зависеть от способа измерения сигнала, но систематически этот вопрос ранее не  исследовался.  Эксперимент. Готовили модельные смеси алканов, циклоалканов и алкиларенов в CCl4. Обобщенные сигналы смесей измеряли методом  одноволновой ИК-спектрометрии (Фурье-спектрометр FT-801) и методом ИК-фотометрии (концентратомер ИКН-025 с интерференционными светофильтрами). Во всех случаях рассчитывали с* в пересчете на смесь Симарда и сравнивали значения δс, полученные при разных способах измерения сигнала. Результаты. В обоих случаях значения δс статистически значимы и хорошо воспроизводимы. При прочих равных условиях ИК-фотометрические измерения в области 3.3-3.5 мкм вели к более правильным оценкам суммарного содержания УВ,чем одноволновая ИК-спектрометрия при 3.42 мкм. Преимущество одноволновой ИК-спектрометрии по сравнению с ИК-фотометрией – более низкие пределы обнаружения.Обсуждение результатов. Независимо от способа измерения сигнала, погрешность δс возникает в основном из-за несовпадения состава анализируемой смеси и состава стандартного вещества, а также из-за разной чувствительности определения различных УВ. Это предположение подтверждается возможностью прогнозирования δс с учетом состава исследуемой смеси и коэффициентов поглощения ее компонентов. Нивелирование чувствительности определения разных УВ при измерении их сигнала с помощью концентратомера приводит к  более точным оценкам суммарных содержаний. На основании литературных данных  о спектрах поглощения УВ в ИК-области предложен вероятный  механизм нивелирующего эффекта. В «Заключении» охарактеризованы теоретическая и прикладная значимость проведенного исследования.  Ключевые слова: гидрохимический анализ, интегральные показатели, нефтепродукты,  погрешности анализа, ИК-спектрометрия, ИК-фотометрия,  концентратомеры,  пределы обнаружения.  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2014.18.1.010