428 research outputs found

    Small-scale chicken production

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    Supernovae Origin for the Low-Latitude-Intermediate-Velocity Arch and the North-Celestial-Pole Loop

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    Supernova explosions attributed to the unseen companion in several binary systems identified by the Third Gaia Data Release (Gaia DR3) may be responsible for a number of well-known and well-studied features in the radio sky, including the Low-Latitude-Intermediate-Velocity Arch and the North-Celestial-Pole Loop. Slices from the Longitude-Latitude-Velocity data cube of the λ\lambda-21-cm galactic neutral hydrogen HI4PI survey (HI4PI Collaboration et al. 2016) show multiple signatures of an expanding shell. The source of this expansion, which includes the Low-Latitude-Intermediate-Velocity Arch on the approaching side, may be the neutron star candidate in the Gaia DR3 1093757200530267520 binary. If we make the simplifying assumptions that the expansion of the cavity is uniform and spherically symmetric, then the explosion took place about 700,000 years ago. The momentum is in reasonable agreement with recent model estimates for a supernova this old. The HI on the receding side of this cavity is interacting with the gas approaching us on the near side of a second cavity. The North-Celestial-Pole Loop appears to be located at the intersection of these two expanding features. The neutron star candidate in the Gaia DR3 1144019690966028928 binary may be (in part) responsible for this cavity. Explosions from other candidates may account for the observed elongation along the line of sight of this second cavity. We can use the primary star in these binaries to anchor the distances to the Low-Latitude-Intermediate-Velocity Arch and North-Celestial-Pole Loop, which are about 167 and about 220 pc, respectively.Comment: Published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Criação de galinhas em pequena escala

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    A Cold Nearby Cloud Inside the Local Bubble

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    The high-latitude Galactic H I cloud toward the extragalactic radio source 3C 225 is characterized by very narrow 21 cm emission and absorption indicative of a very low H I spin temperature of about 20 K. Through high-resolution optical spectroscopy, we report the detection of strong, very narrow Na I absorption corresponding to this cloud toward a number of nearby stars. Assuming that the turbulent H I and Na I motions are similar, we derive a cloud temperature of 20 (+6, -8) K (in complete agreement with the 21 cm results) and a line-of-sight turbulent velocity of 0.37+/-0.08 km/s from a comparison of the H I and Na I absorption linewidths. We also place a firm upper limit of 45 pc on the distance of the cloud, which situates it well inside the Local Bubble in this direction and makes it the nearest-known cold diffuse cloud discovered to date.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    On the Exchange of Kinetic and Magnetic Energy Between Clouds and the Interstellar Medium

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    We investigate, through 2D MHD numerical simulations, the interaction of a uniform magnetic field oblique to a moving interstellar cloud. In particular we explore the transformation of cloud kinetic energy into magnetic energy as a result of field line stretching. Some previous simulations have emphasized the possible dynamical importance of a ``magnetic shield'' formed around clouds when the magnetic field is perpendicular to the cloud motion (Jones et al. 1996, Miniati et al. 1998). It was not clear, however, how dependent those findings were to the assumed field configuration and cloud properties. To expand our understanding of this effect, we examine several new cases by varing the magnetic field orientation angle with respect to the cloud motion (\theta), the cloud-background density contrast, and the cloud Mach number. We show that in 2D and with \theta large enough, the magnetic field tension can become dominant in the dynamics of the motion of high density contrast, low Mach number clouds. In such cases a significant fraction of cloud kinetic energy can be transformed into magnetic energy with the magnetic pressure at the cloud nose exceeding the ram pressure of the impinging flow. We derive a characteristic timescale for this process of energy ``conversion''. We find also that unless the cloud motion is highly aligned to the magnetic field, reconnection through tearing mode instabilities in the cloud wake limit the formation of a strong flux rope feature following the cloud. Finally we attempt to interpret some observational properties of the magnetic field in view of our results.Comment: 24 pages in aaspp4 Latex and 7 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Optimizing frequency-to-electrode allocation for individual cochlear implant users

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    Individual adjustment of frequency-to-electrode assignment in cochlear implants (CIs) may potentially improve speech perception outcomes. Twelve adult CI users were recruited for an experiment, in which frequency maps were adjusted using insertion angles estimated from post-operative x rays; results were analyzed for ten participants with good quality x rays. The allocations were a mapping to the Greenwood function, a compressed map limited to the area containing spiral ganglion (SG) cells, a reduced frequency range map (RFR), and participants' clinical maps. A trial period of at least six weeks was given for the clinical, Greenwood, and SG maps although participants could return to their clinical map if they wished. Performance with the Greenwood map was poor for both sentence and vowel perception and correlated with insertion angle; performance with the SG map was poorer than for the clinical map. The RFR map was significantly better than the clinical map for three participants, for sentence perception, but worse for three others. Those with improved performance had relatively deep insertions and poor electrode discrimination ability for apical electrodes. The results suggest that CI performance could be improved by adjustment of the frequency allocation, based on a measure of insertion angle and/or electrode discrimination abilit

    Interstellar Filaments and the Statistics of Galactic HI

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    This paper presents a statistical explanation of filament formation in the galactic atomic hydrogen. Recently developed technique allows to determine the 3D spectrum of random HI density. We claim that even in the absence of dynamical factors the Gaussian field corresponding to the measured values of the spectrum of HI density should exhibit filamentary structure, the existence of which has long been claimed.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures (bitmapped). Original figures available from ftp://ftp.cita.utoronto.ca/ftp/cita/pogosyan/cita-96-17 (1.1MB

    Introduction to Magnetic Monopoles

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    One of the most basic properties of magnetism is that a magnet always has two poles, north and south, which cannot be separated into isolated poles, i.e., magnetic monopoles. However, there are strong theoretical arguments why magnetic monopoles should exist. In spite of extensive searches they have not been found, but they have nevertheless played a central role in our understanding of physics at the most fundamental level.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures. To be published in Contemporary Physic
