71 research outputs found

    Oli essenziali nelle dermatiti correlate alla Malassezia nel cane

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    RIASSUNTO I lieviti del genere Malassezia fanno parte dell'ordine Malasseziales, famiglia Cryptococcaceae, classe Ustilagomycetes , phylum Basidiomycota. La Malassezia e’ un lievito commensale che si trova ,fisiologicamente in numero ridotto, sulla superficie e sullo spessore dello strato corneo della cute di molti mammiferi,nel condotto uditivo esterno, nella zona periorale e nei sacchi anali. A causa perĂČ di alterazioni del normale microclima cutaneo, intolleranze alimentari, endocrinopatie , abbassamento del sistema immunitario, vengono a crearsi le condizioni ottimali per un aumento della crescita che a sua volta infiamma i tessuti e determina dermatiti ed otiti maleodoranti. Questa Ăš una condizione comune nel cane, rara nel gatto. Il trattamento convenzionale, prevede l’utilizzo dei comuni antifungini topici e sistemici come il Ketoconazolo o Fluconazolo per almeno due settimane, ma sono molto frequenti le recidive e i fenomeni di resistenza fungina. Lo scopo di questo lavoro Ăš ,pertanto,quello di valutare l’efficacia degli oli essenziali sia in vivo che in vitro nei confronti dei lieviti del genere Malassezia ,per offrire al medico veterinario una valida alternativa o un supporto alla terapia convenzionale

    Changes in morphological measurements and body condition scoring parameters in relation to actual body weight for EMS-horses during treatment with a SGLT2-inhibitor

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    Ekvint metabolt syndrom (EMS) Ă€r ett vanligt sjukdomstillstĂ„nd hos hĂ€star och ponnyer dĂ€r insulindysreglering (ID) Ă€r en grundlĂ€ggande komponent. Insulindysreglering Ă€r ett övergripande begrepp som anvĂ€nds för att beskriva hĂ€star med insulinresistens (IR) och/eller hyperinsulinemi (förhöjda insulinkoncentrationer i blodet) vid fasta och/eller efter utfodring. Ekvint metabolt syndrom kĂ€nnetecknas utöver ID av fetma samt en ökad risk för att utveckla det smĂ€rtsamma sjukdomstillstĂ„ndet fĂ„ng vilket drabbar hĂ€stens hovar. För tillfĂ€llet finns inget veterinĂ€rmedicinskt lĂ€kemedel för behandling av EMS.  Detta kandidatarbete var en del av en större pĂ„gĂ„ende studie som undersökte effekten av en sodium-glucose co-transporter 2-hĂ€mmare (SGLT2-hĂ€mmare) för behandling av EMS hos hĂ€st. Syftet med detta kandidatarbete var att undersöka hur kroppsvikt, morfologiska mĂ„tt för skattning av kroppsvikt och hullbedömningsparametrar förĂ€ndrades hos hĂ€star och ponnyer med EMS efter fyra veckors behandling med en SGLT2-hĂ€mmare. Syftet var Ă€ven undersöka vilka morfologiska mĂ„tt och hullbedömningsparametrar som bĂ€st korrelerade mot hĂ€stens faktiska kroppsvikt (kg) och procentuell förĂ€ndring efter fyra veckors behandling med en SGLT2-hĂ€mmare. Följande parametrar undersöktes: bröstomfĂ„ng, medelvĂ€rde för nackomkrets (medelNO), body condition score (BCS), cresty neck score (CNS), vĂ€gd kroppsvikt (kg), kroppsvikt (kg) skattad enligt viktmĂ„ttband och enligt viktformler av Marcenac och Aublet (1964) och Jansson (2004). Totalt ingick Ätta hĂ€star i detta kandidatarbete varav sex behandlades med en SGLT2-hĂ€mmaren (tre behandlades med dosen 0,6 mg/kg, tre behandlades med dosen 1,2 mg/kg) och tvĂ„ ingick i en kontrollgrupp och behandlades med placebo. För att undersöka vilka morfologiska mĂ„tt och hullbedömningsparametrar som bĂ€st korrelerade mot hĂ€stens faktiska kroppsvikt (vĂ€gd vikt) genomfördes linjĂ€ra regressioner dĂ€r förĂ€ndring i vikt i kg samt procentuell förĂ€ndring i vikt studerades. Övriga jĂ€mförelser baserades pĂ„ deskriptiv statistik. Samtliga hĂ€star gick ner i vikt efter fyra veckors behandling med SGLT2-hĂ€mmare eller placebo. HĂ€starna som behandlades med en SGLT2-hĂ€mmare (0,6 mg/kg eller 1,2 mg/kg) visade en större procentuell viktminskning (1,6 % - 6 %) Ă€n hĂ€starna behandlade med en placebo (0,6 % och 1 %). ViktmĂ„ttbandet skattade i de flesta fall en större viktnedgĂ„ng i jĂ€mförelse med den faktiska viktnedgĂ„ngen enligt vĂ€gd vikt. En hög korrelation (r2>0,95) kunde ses mellan vĂ€gd kroppsvikt (kg) och kroppsvikt (kg) skattad enligt viktmĂ„ttband och enligt viktformlerna av Marcenac och Aublet (1964) och Jansson (2004) (P<0,001) bĂ„de före och efter fyra veckors behandling med en SGLT2-hĂ€mmare eller placebo. Ingen korrelation uppvisades dock mellan procentuell viktnedgĂ„ng enligt vĂ€gd vikt (kg) och utvalda morfologiska mĂ„tt och hullbedömningsparametrar (P>0,28). Ingen av parametrarna utvalda till detta kandidatarbete speglade pĂ„ ett bra sĂ€tt en lindrig viktnedgĂ„ng hos hĂ€star, vilket Ă€r i linje med vad som tidigare visats. Antalet hĂ€star i denna studie var för litet för att kunna dra generella slutsatser kring viktnedgĂ„ng och förĂ€ndringar i morfologiska mĂ„tt hos hĂ€star och ponnyer med EMS behandlade med en SGLT2-hĂ€mmare, fler studier kring detta behövs. Även studier som utvĂ€rderar hur olika parametrar för skattning av hull korrelerar mot vĂ€gd vikt i samband med viktnedgĂ„ng Ă€r nödvĂ€ndigt.Equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) is a common health and welfare problem in horses and ponies worldwide where insulin dysregulation (ID) is a known underlying factor. Insulin dysregulation is a collective term used to describe horses and ponies with fasting and/or postprandial insulin resistance (IR) and/or hyperinsulinemia (high blood concentrations of insulin). Equine metabolic syndrome is also characterized by obesity and an increased risk of the development of the painful condition laminitis. Currently there is no veterinary pharmaceutical treatment for EMS. This study was part of a larger ongoing study conducted to examine the effect of a sodiumglucose co-transporter 2-inhibitors (SGLT2-inhibitor) as a possible treatment of EMS in horses. The purpose of this study was to examine how different morphological measurements and body condition parameters changed in relation to changes in actual body weight in horses and ponies previously diagnosed with EMS after undergoing a four-week treatment with a SGLT2-inhibitor. This study also aimed to examine which morphological measurements and body condition parameters most accurately correlated to actual body weight (kg) and the percentual changes after a four-week treatment with a SGLT2-inhibitor. The parameters included in this study were: body condition score (BCS), cresty neck score (CNS), chest girth, average neck circumference, body weight (kg) by weight scale, weight estimated with a weight measurement tape (kg) and weight formulas by Marcenac and Aublet (1964) and Jansson (2004). In total eight horses were included in this study, six were treated with a SGLT2- inhibitor (three were treated with a dose of 0,6 mg/kg, three were treated with a dose of 1,2 mg/kg) and two were treated with a placebo. The percentual changes and correlation between actual body weight and morphological measurements and body condition parameters was analyzed by linear regressions. Remaining comparisons were based on descriptive statistics. All eight horses lost weight after their four-week treatment with a SGLT2-inhibitor or placebo. The horses treated with a SGLT2-inhibitor (0,6 mg/kg or 1,2 mg/kg) performed a higher percentual weight loss (1,6 %-6 %) than the horses treated with a placebo (0,6 %-1 %). In most of the cases the weight tapes estimated a higher weight loss in comparison to the actual weight loss shown by the weight scale. The correlation between body weight (kg), body weight (kg) estimated by weight tape and weight formulas by Marcenac and Aublet (1964) and Jansson (2004) was high (r2>0,95). No correlation (P>0,28) between percentual weight loss according to a scale and chosen morphological measurements and body condition parameters could be seen. None of the chosen morphological measurements or body condition parameters in this study reflected an early and minor weight loss in horses and ponies. The number of included horses was too small to draw general conclusions regarding weight loss and changes in morphological measurements in horses and ponies with EMS undergoing treatment with a SGLT2-inhibitor. Future studies in this area are needed. Furthermore, studies evaluating the correlation between body condition parameters and actual body weight during weight loss are necessary

    Changes in personality factors, locus of control and creativity after a Theater-therapy intervention. Preliminary data

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    OBJECTIVE: The study assessed whether Theater-therapy based on Grotowski's method can improve creativity, internal locus of control and personality by promoting personal wellbeing. This study investigates the effects of Theater-therapy on: 1) personality, according to the Big five Theory; 2) internal locus of control; 3) verbal and figural creativity. DESIGN: Eight adults took part in a 6-month intervention based on Theater-therapy and were administered the following tests at the beginning and at the end of the activity: Big five questionnaire, Locus of control scale, Torrance test of creative thinking. RESULTS: The results showed an increase in all personality factors of Big Five, a more internal Locus of control, and an increase in creativity in the dimensions of fluidity, elaboration, originality and flexibility. CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that Theater-therapy can be regarded as a tool promoting well-bein

    A new culture of innovation in Scotland - the case for Digital Health & Care Institute : an example of a new innovation model for the delivery of digital health and care in Scotland

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    Following the spending review of 2011, the Scottish Government decided that all the public service organisations should have a role to play in growing the Scottish economy. To that effect, ÂŁ124m were invested for setting up eight Innovation Centres in Scotland to create sustainable and internationally ambitious open-communities bringing together universities, academics, research institutes, businesses, health and care professionals and providers, third sector organisations and citizens, as well as the Scottish Government to deliver economic growth and other benefits for Scotland. This good practice case drills into the Digital Health and Care Institute (DHI) set up by a consortium formed by the University of Edinburgh, Glasgow School of Arts and the NHS24. The remit of the DHI is to transform the way health and care is delivered within Scotland by constructively disrupting health and care provision through idea generation, innovating the right products and services and establishing a new digital health and care economy for Scotland. The DHI operations are based on a unique triple-helix innovation model, which consists of an Exploratory (helping to define an area of investigation or innovation), Laboratory (product design and development) and Factory (moving a known solution towards a marketable product). Since opening its doors in October 2013 the DHI has supported and facilitated nearly 90 research and development projects in different phases of maturity

    Digital enablers for integrated care – a design workshop

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    In ‘Region A’, like in many other regions and countries, diabetes is a prevalent condition affecting one in twenty people. Type 2 diabetes is rapidly increasing in ‘Region A’, and currently accounts for about 87% of the cases in total. Diabetes has been recognized as an exemplar long term condition, both in terms of the growing number of people with type 2 diabetes, and in terms of the serious and expensive complications it can bring to the sufferers. Maintaining and improving the quality of diabetes services, according to the ‘Region A’s government, against the backdrop of increase in patient numbers and the increased pressure on the health and care services is one of the key challenges. Those involved in diabetes care include the individual, the carer, broader social groups, and public services at multiple levels. However, as with many condition groups, flow of information and decision making is often disjointed with poor communications between these players. The digital health and care innovation centre organised a multidisciplinary and inter-sectoral ecosystem event to explore the potential opportunities for better management of diabetes with a person centred approach. This event resulted in a call for innovation into digital solutions for managing diabetes. Seven project proposals were accepted by the Innovation Centre for further development. These seven projects offered partial solutions for the management of diabetes. As a result of the analysis of these projects, a comprehensive conceptual framework for connected health and care for the management of diabetes, has been developed. This conceptual framework has the potential to be applied to any other chronic care condition or multi conditions

    A New Culture of Innovation in Scotland - The Case for Digital Health & Care Institute

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    Following the spending review of 2011, the Scottish Government decided that all the public service organisations should have a role to play in growing the Scottish economy. To that effect, ÂŁ124m were invested for setting up eight Innovation Centres in Scotland to create sustainable and internationally ambitious open-communities bringing together universities, academics, research institutes, businesses, health and care professionals and providers, third sector organisations and citizens, as well as the Scottish Government to deliver economic growth and other benefits for Scotland. This good practice case drills into the Digital Health and Care Institute (DHI) set up by a consortium formed by the University of Edinburgh, Glasgow School of Arts and the NHS24. The remit of the DHI is to transform the way health and care is delivered within Scotland by constructively disrupting health and care provision through idea generation, innovating the right products and services and establishing a new digital health and care economy for Scotland. The DHI operations are based on a unique triple-helix innovation model, which consists of an Exploratory (helping to define an area of investigation or innovation), Laboratory (product design and development) and Factory (moving a known solution towards a marketable product). Since opening its doors in October 2013 the DHI has supported and facilitated nearly 90 research and development projects in different phases of maturity

    in vitro activity of essential oils against pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from infected hip implants

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    Introduction: Essential oils have been used since ancient times and are known for their anti-inflammatory, anti-depressive, antiseptic, antifungal and antimicrobial properties. Methodology: in this study the antimicrobial activity of two essential oils from Melaleuca alternifolia and Thymus vulgaris–red thyme geraniol was tested against 16 multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa strains from infected hip implants as well as the "in vitro" cytotoxic activity on normal human Wong-Kilbourne derivative (WKD) cells. Results: Thymus vulgaris–red thyme geraniol showed lower antimicrobial activity when compared to Melaleuca alternifolia. All tested oils were cytotoxic at concentrations lower than 0.12%. Conclusion: Increase in drug resistance and lack of new antibiotics may encourage the development of natural treatments together with higher concern on environmental issues and natural lifestyle

    Effective Neutralizing Antibody Response Against SARS-CoV-2 Virus and Its Omicron BA.1 Variant in Fully Vaccinated Hematological Patients

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    SARS-CoV-2 and its variants cause CoronaVIrus Disease 19 (COVID-19), a pandemic disease. Hematological malignancies increase susceptibility to severe COVID-19 due to immunosuppression. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies protect against severe COVID-19. This retrospective real-life study aimed to evaluate seropositivity and neutralizing antibody rates against SARS-CoV-2 and its Omicron BA.1 variant in hematological patients. A total of 106 patients with different hematologic malignancies, who have mostly received three or more vaccine doses (73%), were included in this study. Serum was collected between May and June 2022. The primary endpoint was anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody response against ancestral (wild type; wt) and Omicron BA.1 virus, defined as a neutralizing antibody titer ≄ 1:10. Adequate neutralizing antibody response was observed in 75 (71%) and 87 (82%) of patients for wt and Omicron BA.1 variants, respectively.However, patients with B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders and/or those treated with anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies in the prior 12&nbsp;months showed a lower seropositivity rate compared to other patients against both Omicron BA.1 variant (73% vs 91%; P = 0.02) and wt virus (64% vs 78%; P = 0.16). Our real-life experience confirmed that full vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 induces adequate neutralizing antibody protection for both the wt virus and Omicron BA.1 variants, even in hematological frail patients. However, protective measures should be maintained in hematological patients, especially those with B-cell lymphoproliferative diseases treated with anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies, because these subjects could have a reduced neutralizing antibody production

    The reference site collaborative network of the european innovation partnership on active and healthy ageing

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    Seventy four Reference Sites of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) have been recognised by the European Commission in 2016 for their commitment to excellence in investing and scaling up innovative solutions for active and healthy ageing. The Reference Site Collaborative Network (RSCN) brings together the EIP on AHA Reference Sites awarded by the European Commission, and Candidate Reference Sites into a single forum. The overarching goals are to promote cooperation, share and transfer good practice and solutions in the development and scaling up of health and care strategies, policies and service delivery models, while at the same time supporting the action groups in their work. The RSCN aspires to be recognized by the EU Commission as the principal forum and authority representing all EIP on AHA Reference Sites. The RSCN will contribute to achieve the goals of the EIP on AHA by improving health and care outcomes for citizens across Europe, and the development of sustainable economic growth and the creation of jobs
