11 research outputs found

    Environmental impacts of hydropower plants in Brazil: an identification guide

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    This paper presents a guide for identifying the environmental impacts of hydroelectric enterprises. The qualitative research used the following methods: case studies, systematic literature review (SLR), content analysis, and consultation with expe ts. Four sources of information were used, including Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), scientific articles, best practice guides, and expert consultation. All EISs of hydroelectric plants submitted to the Brazilian federal Environmental Licensing between 2010 and 2020 (8 EISs) were analysed. RSL identified 68 scientific papers eligible for analysis and collection of impacts. The results were compared with Canadian practice and discussed in a virtual workshop of 15 expe ts. The guide has 90 impacts and can be used by environmental consulting firms and environmental agencies in the preliminary identification of environmental impacts of hydroelectric dams, contributing to the improvement of planning carried out in the EIA scoping stage of future environmental studies of this type.This paper presents a guide for identifying the environmental impacts of hydroelectric enterprises. The qualitative research used the following methods: case studies, systematic literature review (SLR), content analysis, and consultation with expe ts. Four sources of information were used, including Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), scientific articles, best practice guides, and expert consultation. All EISs of hydroelectric plants submitted to the Brazilian federal Environmental Licensing between 2010 and 2020 (8 EISs) were analysed. RSL identified 68 scientific papers eligible for analysis and collection of impacts. The results were compared with Canadian practice and discussed in a virtual workshop of 15 expe ts. The guide has 90 impacts and can be used by environmental consulting firms and environmental agencies in the preliminary identification of environmental impacts of hydroelectric dams, contributing to the improvement of planning carried out in the EIA scoping stage of future environmental studies of this type.This paper presents a guide for identifying the environmental impacts of hydroelectric enterprises. The qualitative research used the following methods: case studies, systematic literature review (SLR), content analysis, and consultation with expe ts. Four sources of information were used, including Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), scientific articles, best practice guides, and expert consultation. All EISs of hydroelectric plants submitted to the Brazilian federal Environmental Licensing between 2010 and 2020 (8 EISs) were analysed. RSL identified 68 scientific papers eligible for analysis and collection of impacts. The results were compared with Canadian practice and discussed in a virtual workshop of 15 expe ts. The guide has 90 impacts and can be used by environmental consulting firms and environmental agencies in the preliminary identification of environmental impacts of hydroelectric dams, contributing to the improvement of planning carried out in the EIA scoping stage of future environmental studies of this type.This paper presents a guide for identifying the environmental impacts of hydroelectric enterprises. The qualitative research used the following methods: case studies, systematic literature review (SLR), content analysis, and consultation with expe ts. Four sources of information were used, including Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), scientific articles, best practice guides, and expert consultation. All EISs of hydroelectric plants submitted to the Brazilian federal Environmental Licensing between 2010 and 2020 (8 EISs) were analysed. RSL identified 68 scientific papers eligible for analysis and collection of impacts. The results were compared with Canadian practice and discussed in a virtual workshop of 15 expe ts. The guide has 90 impacts and can be used by environmental consulting firms and environmental agencies in the preliminary identification of environmental impacts of hydroelectric dams, contributing to the improvement of planning carried out in the EIA scoping stage of future environmental studies of this type

    Environmental licensing screening in Espírito Santo state: the practice for small Hydroelectric Power Plants

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    In the context of Environmental Licensing (EL), project screening is an essential process that establishes whether Environmental Impact Assessment is needed or not. This paper analyzes the EL screening of a type of Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (less than 3 MW) in Espírito Santo state and compares it with other states in Brazil. The methodological process involved document analysis, good practices criteria application, and comparative analyses of the case study. The document analysis allowed us to understand how EL procedures in Espírito Santo have changed over time. The good practices criteria application allowed us to discuss how well processes aligned with outlined objectives. Finally, the comparative analysis between Espírito Santo and other Brazilian states allowed us to identify possible improvements for Espírito Santo's EL system. For example, screening could be improved by considering environmental sensitivity metrics for project classification and establishing guidelines for case-by-case analyses.In the context of Environmental Licensing (EL), project screening is an essential process that establishes whether Environmental Impact Assessment is needed or not. This paper analyzes the EL screening of a type of Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (less than 3 MW) in Espírito Santo state and compares it with other states in Brazil. The methodological process involved document analysis, good practices criteria application, and comparative analyses of the case study. The document analysis allowed us to understand how EL procedures in Espírito Santo have changed over time. The good practices criteria application allowed us to discuss how well processes aligned with outlined objectives. Finally, the comparative analysis between Espírito Santo and other Brazilian states allowed us to identify possible improvements for Espírito Santo's EL system. For example, screening could be improved by considering environmental sensitivity metrics for project classification and establishing guidelines for case-by-case analyses.In the context of Environmental Licensing (EL), project screening is an essential process that establishes whether Environmental Impact Assessment is needed or not. This paper analyzes the EL screening of a type of Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (less than 3 MW) in Espírito Santo state and compares it with other states in Brazil. The methodological process involved document analysis, good practices criteria application, and comparative analyses of the case study. The document analysis allowed us to understand how EL procedures in Espírito Santo have changed over time. The good practices criteria application allowed us to discuss how well processes aligned with outlined objectives. Finally, the comparative analysis between Espírito Santo and other Brazilian states allowed us to identify possible improvements for Espírito Santo's EL system. For example, screening could be improved by considering environmental sensitivity metrics for project classification and establishing guidelines for case-by-case analyses.In the context of Environmental Licensing (EL), project screening is an essential process that establishes whether Environmental Impact Assessment is needed or not. This paper analyzes the EL screening of a type of Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (less than 3 MW) in Espírito Santo state and compares it with other states in Brazil. The methodological process involved document analysis, good practices criteria application, and comparative analyses of the case study. The document analysis allowed us to understand how EL procedures in Espírito Santo have changed over time. The good practices criteria application allowed us to discuss how well processes aligned with outlined objectives. Finally, the comparative analysis between Espírito Santo and other Brazilian states allowed us to identify possible improvements for Espírito Santo's EL system. For example, screening could be improved by considering environmental sensitivity metrics for project classification and establishing guidelines for case-by-case analyses


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    Industry data for pet products has revealed that most Brazilian families have pets in their homes and that that humans give a large amount of attention to their pets. Oral diseases are among the most quickly perceived and treated of pet pathologies; and the most common of these is periodontal disease, which can affect the pulp and requires endodontic treatment. Recently, the evelopment of superelastic nickel-titanium alloys has revolutionized endodontic therapy, as the alloys have been used to develop novel rotary instruments. The goal of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of such rotary instruments in the ex vivo shaping of canine dental root canal therapy. The sample consisted of 40 canine incisors that had been extracted due to periodontal disease. The endodontic access procedure was performed, and the root canal was prepared using ProTaper® rotary instruments. Before and after shaping the canals, teeth were examined radiographically. The cervical, middle, and apical thirds were analyzed using the Image Lab® program. Results showed that the ProTaper® rotary instruments removed significant amounts of dentine (cervical third: T=-13.225, p<0.0001; middle third: W=410, p<0.000 1; apical third: W=410, p<0.0001). Regarding shaping of the canal, the apical third had expanded significantly, and there was a positive correlation between measurements in all analyzed thirds (cervical third: r=0.924; middle third: r=0.980; apical third: r=0.993.) This demonstrates an increase in the surface area of the channels in all three thirds. In this study, we conclude that the rotary instruments used were efficient in shaping root canals.Keywords: Endodontics, rotary instruments, root cana

    Proposição de diretrizes considerando a vulnerabilidade ambiental para os Estudos de Impacto Ambiental de extração de rochas ornamentais / Proposition of guidelines considering the environmental vulnerability for the Environmental Impact Statement of extraction of ornamental rocks

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    Muitos projetos do setor de mineração de rochas ornamentais implantados são distintos dos projetos descritos durante os Estudos de Impacto Ambiental (AIA), o que dificulta ou impede a comparação entre os impactos previstos e aqueles verificados após a conclusão do empreendimento. Além disso, as perturbações provocadas pelas atividades de mineração, quando iniciadas, proporcionam diferentes respostas do meio em função das características naturais e humanas do local. Esta pesquisa considerou o conceito de vulnerabilidade ambiental para avaliar a qualidade dos Estudos de Impacto Ambiental e sua concordância com as resoluções e melhores práticas do setor, além de sugerir diretrizes para os termos de referência que norteiam a elaboração desses estudos. Foram aplicadas ferramentas que consideram 8 Variáveis Legais utilizadas para a análise da concordância com a legislação e 5 Variáveis Técnicas para a análise dos aspectos técnicos abordados. Foram consideradas as 267 empresas com maior volume de produção de rochas ornamentais com licenças de operação válidas sendo avaliados 65 Estudos de Impacto Ambiental. Os resultados indicaram que muitas empresas mineradoras não contemplaram itens fundamentais e de importância significativa na avaliação de impactos ambientais, tais como: a definição de área de influência indireta, descrição dos impactos e proposição de medidas sobre o meio antrópico, além da definição de programas de monitoramento. Ademais, defende-se que a determinação do tipo de Estudo de Impacto Ambiental não deveria ser somente baseada no porte do empreendimento e sua produção mensal, mas também considerar a vulnerabilidade ambiental das áreas de influência direta e indireta. Portanto, torna-se essencial que os estudos sejam revisados pelo órgão ambiental competente por meio de Termos de Referência de acordo com a vulnerabilidade ambiental. 

    Evaluation of anthropometric facial landmarks in woman with Blepharophimosis, Ptosis, and Epicanthus Inversus Syndrome (BPES)

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    Introduction: Blepharophimosis, ptosis, and epicanthus inversus syndrome (BPES) is a syndrome easily recognized by facial appearance. In this sense, the facial anthropometry is a simple and non-invasive way to evaluate the morphology of the facial surface of individuals, thus, defining the craniofacial dimensions. Objective: To evaluate the facial anthropometric measurements of a Caucasian female, aged 20 years, diagnosed with BPES and to compare these measures with the values described in the literature for non-syndromic woman.Material and methods: This research is an observational study of a Caucasian female, aged 20 years, who was diagnosed with BPES. Frontal photographs were taken, and the images analyzed by nine researchers calibrated in Image J® software. The facial measurements evaluated were head, face, orbits, nose, and labio-oral region and were compared with non-syndromic woman. Results: All vertical and horizontal face measurements were higher than that of otherfemales from Caucasian groups. BPES woman also presented bilateral ptosis and the main differences appear in the region of the orbits. Conclusion: The anthropometric facial analysis of BPES woman showed a significant change in the facial landmarks.Introduction: Blepharophimosis, ptosis, and epicanthus inversus syndrome (BPES) is a syndrome easily recognized by facial appearance. In this sense, the facial anthropometry is a simple and non-invasive way to evaluate the morphology of the facial surface of individuals, thus, defining the craniofacial dimensions. Objective: To evaluate the facial anthropometric measurements of a Caucasian female, aged 20 years, diagnosed with BPES and to compare these measures with the values described in the literature for non-syndromic woman.Material and methods: This research is an observational study of a Caucasian female, aged 20 years, who was diagnosed with BPES. Frontal photographs were taken, and the images analyzed by nine researchers calibrated in Image J® software. The facial measurements evaluated were head, face, orbits, nose, and labio-oral region and were compared with non-syndromic woman. Results: All vertical and horizontal face measurements were higher than that of otherfemales from Caucasian groups. BPES woman also presented bilateral ptosis and the main differences appear in the region of the orbits. Conclusion: The anthropometric facial analysis of BPES woman showed a significant change in the facial landmarks

    Effectiveness of environmental impact assessment on Espírito Santo State (Brazil)

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    Esta pesquisa analisa o sistema de Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (AIA) do Estado do Espírito Santo. O objetivo é explorar uma lacuna existente na literatura crítica, chamando a atenção para as evidências empíricas em um estudo de longo prazo sobre a prática da AIA. A efetividade do sistema de AIA foi analisada considerando as dimensões procedimental, substantiva, transativa e normativa e utilizando como métodos: levantamento, pesquisa documental, estudos de caso, consulta a especialistas e entrevistas. Utilizando uma abordagem quali-quantitativa, a pesquisa foi amparada pela análise de 47 processos de tomada de decisão analizando os Estudo de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) e documentos submetidos em um período de dez anos (2007 a 2016). Os resultados indicam que o sistema de AIA se mostrou pontualmente efetivo, ainda que prevaleçam os resultados negativos. Foram identificados elementos de efetividade e evidências de influência da AIA sobre os projetos com resultados favoráveis ao meio ambiente, bem como elementos de aprendizagem a partir da prática da AIA que sinalizam para a perspectiva de aprimoramento do sistema. Como aspectos a serem destacados em busca deste aprimoramento, os resultados alcançados sinalizam para a necessidade de estabelecimento de parâmetros locacionais que possam orientar a triagem dos projetos encaminhados ao processo de AIA; realização de esforços para o aumento da qualidade das informações encaminhadas no EIA à tomada de decisão, sobretudo em relação à identificação e avaliação de impactos relevantes, consideração de impactos cumulativos, previsão de magnitude e avaliação da significância dos impactos. A qualidade dos EIA é apontada como fator que contribui decisivamente para o tempo de tramitação dos processos e custos relacionados à necessidade de reanálise de documentos complementares. Além disso, é importante promover a valorização dos princípios e fundamentos que orientam a AIA, com vistas a corrigir uma perspectiva desfocada quanto à sua prática e ao papel do órgão ambiental identificado no discurso dos atores que integram o órgão de meio ambiente, o que sugere um posicionamento basicamente reativo no âmbito do processo decisório. Embora os resultados indiquem que a prática da AIA ainda tenha um longo caminho para ser considerada efetiva no estado do ES, as evidências pontuais de boas práticas e as lacunas identificadas podem ser utilizadas para orientar ações voltadas para o aprimoramento do sistema de AIA bem como direcionar melhorias dos projetos de desenvolvimento implantados no estado.This thesis is investigating the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) system which is implemented in Espírito Santo State (Brazil). I aim to fill a gap in existing critical literature, by bringing attention to empirical evidence in a long-term study of EIA practice. The effectiveness of the EIA system was analyzed by applying an analytical framework focusing on four dimensions: procedural, substantive, transitive and normative effectiveness. As for the methods used during the analysis, they are: survey, documentary analysis, case studies, expert consultation and interviews. Using a qualitative-quantitative approach, the research was supported by 47 decision-making processes, analyzing the Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) and documents submitted in a period of ten years (from 2007 to 2016). The results indicate that the EIA system proved to be punctually effective, although the negative results prevail. Elements of effectiveness and evidence of EIA influence on the projects with favorable results to the environment were identified, as well as elements of learning from the EIA practice that signal to the perspective of improvement of the EIA system. However, the results indicate weakness related to the absence of locational parameters for the screening of EIA processes. Regarding the quality analysis of EIS, the results indicate faults in the information presented in the decision-making step. The main fragilities are associated with the identification and evaluation of relevant impacts, consideration of cumulative impacts, the prediction of magnitude and the evaluation of the significance of the impacts. The previously-mentioned deficiencies of the EIS information are the main contributors to a longer processing time and to an increase in the costs which is due to the need for reanalysis of complementary documents. In addition, the environmental agency\'s analysts\' opinion reveals a blurred perspective of EIA practice and regarding the role of the environmental agency. This obscure perspective suggests a passive and reactive positioning of actions and decisions within the environmental agency studied. Therefore, it is important to promote the valorization of the principles and foundations guiding the EIA in order to correct this perspective. Although the research findings suggest that EIA practice still has a long way to go in order to achieve effectiveness in the system studied, I identified evidence of best practice and weaknesses. This which can be used to guide actions aimed at enhancement of the EIA system as well as improvements of the development projects implemented in the State of Espírito Santo

    Effectiveness of environmental impact assessment on Espírito Santo State (Brazil)

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    Esta pesquisa analisa o sistema de Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (AIA) do Estado do Espírito Santo. O objetivo é explorar uma lacuna existente na literatura crítica, chamando a atenção para as evidências empíricas em um estudo de longo prazo sobre a prática da AIA. A efetividade do sistema de AIA foi analisada considerando as dimensões procedimental, substantiva, transativa e normativa e utilizando como métodos: levantamento, pesquisa documental, estudos de caso, consulta a especialistas e entrevistas. Utilizando uma abordagem quali-quantitativa, a pesquisa foi amparada pela análise de 47 processos de tomada de decisão analizando os Estudo de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) e documentos submetidos em um período de dez anos (2007 a 2016). Os resultados indicam que o sistema de AIA se mostrou pontualmente efetivo, ainda que prevaleçam os resultados negativos. Foram identificados elementos de efetividade e evidências de influência da AIA sobre os projetos com resultados favoráveis ao meio ambiente, bem como elementos de aprendizagem a partir da prática da AIA que sinalizam para a perspectiva de aprimoramento do sistema. Como aspectos a serem destacados em busca deste aprimoramento, os resultados alcançados sinalizam para a necessidade de estabelecimento de parâmetros locacionais que possam orientar a triagem dos projetos encaminhados ao processo de AIA; realização de esforços para o aumento da qualidade das informações encaminhadas no EIA à tomada de decisão, sobretudo em relação à identificação e avaliação de impactos relevantes, consideração de impactos cumulativos, previsão de magnitude e avaliação da significância dos impactos. A qualidade dos EIA é apontada como fator que contribui decisivamente para o tempo de tramitação dos processos e custos relacionados à necessidade de reanálise de documentos complementares. Além disso, é importante promover a valorização dos princípios e fundamentos que orientam a AIA, com vistas a corrigir uma perspectiva desfocada quanto à sua prática e ao papel do órgão ambiental identificado no discurso dos atores que integram o órgão de meio ambiente, o que sugere um posicionamento basicamente reativo no âmbito do processo decisório. Embora os resultados indiquem que a prática da AIA ainda tenha um longo caminho para ser considerada efetiva no estado do ES, as evidências pontuais de boas práticas e as lacunas identificadas podem ser utilizadas para orientar ações voltadas para o aprimoramento do sistema de AIA bem como direcionar melhorias dos projetos de desenvolvimento implantados no estado.This thesis is investigating the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) system which is implemented in Espírito Santo State (Brazil). I aim to fill a gap in existing critical literature, by bringing attention to empirical evidence in a long-term study of EIA practice. The effectiveness of the EIA system was analyzed by applying an analytical framework focusing on four dimensions: procedural, substantive, transitive and normative effectiveness. As for the methods used during the analysis, they are: survey, documentary analysis, case studies, expert consultation and interviews. Using a qualitative-quantitative approach, the research was supported by 47 decision-making processes, analyzing the Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) and documents submitted in a period of ten years (from 2007 to 2016). The results indicate that the EIA system proved to be punctually effective, although the negative results prevail. Elements of effectiveness and evidence of EIA influence on the projects with favorable results to the environment were identified, as well as elements of learning from the EIA practice that signal to the perspective of improvement of the EIA system. However, the results indicate weakness related to the absence of locational parameters for the screening of EIA processes. Regarding the quality analysis of EIS, the results indicate faults in the information presented in the decision-making step. The main fragilities are associated with the identification and evaluation of relevant impacts, consideration of cumulative impacts, the prediction of magnitude and the evaluation of the significance of the impacts. The previously-mentioned deficiencies of the EIS information are the main contributors to a longer processing time and to an increase in the costs which is due to the need for reanalysis of complementary documents. In addition, the environmental agency\'s analysts\' opinion reveals a blurred perspective of EIA practice and regarding the role of the environmental agency. This obscure perspective suggests a passive and reactive positioning of actions and decisions within the environmental agency studied. Therefore, it is important to promote the valorization of the principles and foundations guiding the EIA in order to correct this perspective. Although the research findings suggest that EIA practice still has a long way to go in order to achieve effectiveness in the system studied, I identified evidence of best practice and weaknesses. This which can be used to guide actions aimed at enhancement of the EIA system as well as improvements of the development projects implemented in the State of Espírito Santo

    Effectiveness of environmental impact assessment on Espírito Santo State (Brazil)

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    Esta pesquisa analisa o sistema de Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (AIA) do Estado do Espírito Santo. O objetivo é explorar uma lacuna existente na literatura crítica, chamando a atenção para as evidências empíricas em um estudo de longo prazo sobre a prática da AIA. A efetividade do sistema de AIA foi analisada considerando as dimensões procedimental, substantiva, transativa e normativa e utilizando como métodos: levantamento, pesquisa documental, estudos de caso, consulta a especialistas e entrevistas. Utilizando uma abordagem quali-quantitativa, a pesquisa foi amparada pela análise de 47 processos de tomada de decisão analizando os Estudo de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) e documentos submetidos em um período de dez anos (2007 a 2016). Os resultados indicam que o sistema de AIA se mostrou pontualmente efetivo, ainda que prevaleçam os resultados negativos. Foram identificados elementos de efetividade e evidências de influência da AIA sobre os projetos com resultados favoráveis ao meio ambiente, bem como elementos de aprendizagem a partir da prática da AIA que sinalizam para a perspectiva de aprimoramento do sistema. Como aspectos a serem destacados em busca deste aprimoramento, os resultados alcançados sinalizam para a necessidade de estabelecimento de parâmetros locacionais que possam orientar a triagem dos projetos encaminhados ao processo de AIA; realização de esforços para o aumento da qualidade das informações encaminhadas no EIA à tomada de decisão, sobretudo em relação à identificação e avaliação de impactos relevantes, consideração de impactos cumulativos, previsão de magnitude e avaliação da significância dos impactos. A qualidade dos EIA é apontada como fator que contribui decisivamente para o tempo de tramitação dos processos e custos relacionados à necessidade de reanálise de documentos complementares. Além disso, é importante promover a valorização dos princípios e fundamentos que orientam a AIA, com vistas a corrigir uma perspectiva desfocada quanto à sua prática e ao papel do órgão ambiental identificado no discurso dos atores que integram o órgão de meio ambiente, o que sugere um posicionamento basicamente reativo no âmbito do processo decisório. Embora os resultados indiquem que a prática da AIA ainda tenha um longo caminho para ser considerada efetiva no estado do ES, as evidências pontuais de boas práticas e as lacunas identificadas podem ser utilizadas para orientar ações voltadas para o aprimoramento do sistema de AIA bem como direcionar melhorias dos projetos de desenvolvimento implantados no estado.This thesis is investigating the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) system which is implemented in Espírito Santo State (Brazil). I aim to fill a gap in existing critical literature, by bringing attention to empirical evidence in a long-term study of EIA practice. The effectiveness of the EIA system was analyzed by applying an analytical framework focusing on four dimensions: procedural, substantive, transitive and normative effectiveness. As for the methods used during the analysis, they are: survey, documentary analysis, case studies, expert consultation and interviews. Using a qualitative-quantitative approach, the research was supported by 47 decision-making processes, analyzing the Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) and documents submitted in a period of ten years (from 2007 to 2016). The results indicate that the EIA system proved to be punctually effective, although the negative results prevail. Elements of effectiveness and evidence of EIA influence on the projects with favorable results to the environment were identified, as well as elements of learning from the EIA practice that signal to the perspective of improvement of the EIA system. However, the results indicate weakness related to the absence of locational parameters for the screening of EIA processes. Regarding the quality analysis of EIS, the results indicate faults in the information presented in the decision-making step. The main fragilities are associated with the identification and evaluation of relevant impacts, consideration of cumulative impacts, the prediction of magnitude and the evaluation of the significance of the impacts. The previously-mentioned deficiencies of the EIS information are the main contributors to a longer processing time and to an increase in the costs which is due to the need for reanalysis of complementary documents. In addition, the environmental agency\'s analysts\' opinion reveals a blurred perspective of EIA practice and regarding the role of the environmental agency. This obscure perspective suggests a passive and reactive positioning of actions and decisions within the environmental agency studied. Therefore, it is important to promote the valorization of the principles and foundations guiding the EIA in order to correct this perspective. Although the research findings suggest that EIA practice still has a long way to go in order to achieve effectiveness in the system studied, I identified evidence of best practice and weaknesses. This which can be used to guide actions aimed at enhancement of the EIA system as well as improvements of the development projects implemented in the State of Espírito Santo


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    The Environmental Licensing and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process does not end with the preparation of the Environmental Impact Study (EIS), being the crucial monitoring to ensure the implementation of the proposed environmental actions. Thus, the information presented in the EIS should be a support to the EIA follow-up, which continues throughout the life of the project. This paper analyzes the relationship between expected impacts and follow-up actions established in the licensing process of a Brazilian port. Are used a case study, document and content analysis of the EIA documents. Despite the lack of detail and standardization of the EIS, in addition to structural errors, a relationship was identified between the expected impacts and the proposed follow-up actions. In addition, the actions proposed in constraints were related to the impacts expected for the project. It is expected that the results will contribute to the improvement of the follow-up stage of the EIA, resulting in the improvement of its practice.El proceso de Licenciamiento y Estudio de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) no termina con la elaboración del Estudio de Impacto Ambiental (EIA), ya que el seguimiento es crucial para garantizar la implementación de acciones ambientales propuestas. Por lo tanto, la información presentada en el EIA debe respaldar la etapa de seguimiento del EIA, que continúa a lo largo de la vida del proyecto. Este trabajo analiza la relación entre impactos previstos y acciones de seguimiento establecidas en el proceso de Licenciamiento de un puerto brasileño. Se utilizó un estudio de caso y análisis de documentos y contenidos realizados en el EIA y en documentos contenidos en el proceso de Licenciamiento. A pesar de la falta de detalle y estandarización en el EIA, además de errores estructurales, se identificó una relación entre los impactos previstos y las acciones de seguimiento propuestas. Además, las acciones propuestas en condiciones se relacionaron con los impactos previstos para el proyecto. Se espera que estos resultados contribuyam a la mejora de la etapa de seguimiento de la EIA, redundando en la mejora de su práctica.O processo de Licenciamento e Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (AIA) não finda com a elaboração do Estudo de Impacto Ambiental (EIA), sendo o acompanhamento crucial para garantir a implementação das ações ambientais propostas. Assim, a informações apresentadas no EIA devem ser suporte para a etapa de acompanhamento da AIA, que segue durante toda vida do projeto. Este trabalho analisa a relação entre os impactos previstos e as ações de acompanhamento estabelecidas no processo de Licenciamento de um porto brasileiro. A pesquisa utilizou estudo de caso e análises documental e de conteúdo realizadas no EIA e em documentos contidos no processo de Licenciamento. Apesar da falta de detalhamento e padronização do EIA, além de erros estruturais, foi identificada uma relação entre os impactos previstos e as ações de acompanhamento propostas. Além disso, as ações propostas em condicionantes ambientais tinham relação com os impactos ambientais previstos para o projeto. Espera-se que o resultado desta pesquisa contribua para a melhoria da etapa de acompanhamento da AIA, resultando na melhoria da efetividade da sua prática

    Teaching Environmental Impact Assessment in Brazil: is it just a ‘Make-believe’ approach?

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    Abstract Teaching Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is fundamental for EIA effective practice. Nevertheless, this topic has not been addressed sufficiently, yet. In this context, this paper analyzes EIA teaching in Brazil based on the curriculum of EIA courses within Environmental Engineering programs, considering best practice principles. In addition, we proposed an analytical framework that categorizes nine EIA teaching profiles. The results show that EIA teaching is present in all the programs assessed. However, the prevailing teaching profiles reveal a limited perspective of EIA, not addressing the minimum necessary for understanding EIA as an environmental policy instrument. The weaknesses highlighted indicate that EIA teaching may be negatively influencing EIA practice and vice versa, creating a vicious cycle. Thus, this highlights the urgency for improving EIA teaching in Brazil, which should contribute to Brazilian EIA practice