401 research outputs found

    Speckle Statistics in Adaptively Corrected Images

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    (abridged) Imaging observations are generally affected by a fluctuating background of speckles, a particular problem when detecting faint stellar companions at small angular separations. Knowing the distribution of the speckle intensities at a given location in the image plane is important for understanding the noise limits of companion detection. The speckle noise limit in a long-exposure image is characterized by the intensity variance and the speckle lifetime. In this paper we address the former quantity through the distribution function of speckle intensity. Previous theoretical work has predicted a form for this distribution function at a single location in the image plane. We developed a fast readout mode to take short exposures of stellar images corrected by adaptive optics at the ground-based UCO/Lick Observatory, with integration times of 5 ms and a time between successive frames of 14.5 ms (λ=2.2\lambda=2.2 μ\mum). These observations temporally oversample and spatially Nyquist sample the observed speckle patterns. We show, for various locations in the image plane, the observed distribution of speckle intensities is consistent with the predicted form. Additionally, we demonstrate a method by which IcI_c and IsI_s can be mapped over the image plane. As the quantity IcI_c is proportional to the PSF of the telescope free of random atmospheric aberrations, this method can be used for PSF calibration and reconstruction.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, ApJ accepte

    Optical Seeing at Sierra Negra

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    Optical seeing measurements carried out at Sierra Negra, the site of the Large Millimeter Telescope, are reported. The site, one of the highest peaks of Central Mexico, offers good coverage of Northern and Southern hemispheres and we have undertaken several campaigns to investigate the astronomical potential of the site in the optical. Here we report on our campaign aimed at establishing the seeing quality of the site. We present data of the first three campaigns of optical seeing monitoring covering from February 2000 to May 2002, carried out with a Differential Image Motion Monitor. The results clearly indicate a sub-arcsec seeing, better statistics during the dry season and no dependence with the time of night. We find no dependence of our results with the integration time used.Comment: Accepted for publication in the July 2003 issue of the PAS

    Lucky Imaging: High Angular Resolution Imaging in the Visible from the Ground

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    We use a Lucky Imaging system to obtain I-band images with much improved angular resolution on a ground-based 2.5m telescope. We present results from a 10-night assessment campaign on the 2.56m Nordic Optical Telescope and quantify the performance of our system in seeings better than 1.0''. In good seeing we have acquired near diffraction-limited images; in poorer seeing the angular resolution has been routinely improved by factors of 2.5-4. The system can use guide stars as faint as I=16 with full performance and its useful field of view is consistently larger than 40" diameter. The technique shows promise for a number of science programmes, both galactic (eg. binary candidates, brown dwarfs, globular cluster cores) and extragalactic (eg. quasar host galaxies, damped Lyman-alpha absorbers).Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, submitted to A&A. For further information, see http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~optics/Lucky_Web_Site

    The best skies for astronomy

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    Seminario impartido por Casiana Muñoz-Tuñón (IAC) el 15 de noviembre de 2016 en las Oficinas del CIAI en Santa Cruz de Tenerife

    Dome C site testing: surface layer, free atmosphere seeing and isoplanatic angle statistics

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    This paper analyses 3.5 years of site testing data obtained at Dome C, Antarctica, based on measurements obtained with three DIMMs located at three different elevations. Basic statistics of the seeing and the isoplanatic angle are given, as well as the characteristic time of temporal fluctuations of these two parameters, which we found to around 30 minutes at 8 m. The 3 DIMMs are exploited as a profiler of the surface layer, and provide a robust estimation of its statistical properties. It appears to have a very sharp upper limit (less than 1 m). The fraction of time spent by each telescope above the top of the surface layer permits us to deduce a median height of between 23 m and 27 m. The comparison of the different data sets led us to infer the statistical properties of the free atmosphere seeing, with a median value of 0.36 arcsec. The C_n^2 profile inside the surface layer is also deduced from the seeing data obtained during the fraction of time spent by the 3 telescopes inside this turbulence. Statistically, the surface layer, except during the 3-month summer season, contributes to 95 percent of the total turbulence from the surface level, thus confirming the exceptional quality of the site above it

    A New Strategy for Deep Wide-Field High Resolution Optical Imaging

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    We propose a new strategy for obtaining enhanced resolution (FWHM = 0.12 arcsec) deep optical images over a wide field of view. As is well known, this type of image quality can be obtained in principle simply by fast guiding on a small (D = 1.5m) telescope at a good site, but only for target objects which lie within a limited angular distance of a suitably bright guide star. For high altitude turbulence this 'isokinetic angle' is approximately 1 arcminute. With a 1 degree field say one would need to track and correct the motions of thousands of isokinetic patches, yet there are typically too few sufficiently bright guide stars to provide the necessary guiding information. Our proposed solution to these problems has two novel features. The first is to use orthogonal transfer charge-coupled device (OTCCD) technology to effectively implement a wide field 'rubber focal plane' detector composed of an array of cells which can be guided independently. The second is to combine measured motions of a set of guide stars made with an array of telescopes to provide the extra information needed to fully determine the deflection field. We discuss the performance, feasibility and design constraints on a system which would provide the collecting area equivalent to a single 9m telescope, a 1 degree square field and 0.12 arcsec FWHM image quality.Comment: 46 pages, 22 figures, submitted to PASP, a version with higher resolution images and other supplementary material can be found at http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~kaiser/wfhr

    European Extremely Large Telescope Site Characterization II: High angular resolution parameters

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    This is the second article of a series devoted to European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) site characterization. In this article we present the main properties of the parameters involved in high angular resolution observations from the data collected in the site testing campaign of the E-ELT during the Design Study (DS) phase. Observations were made in 2008 and 2009, in the four sites selected to shelter the future E-ELT (characterized under the ELT-DS contract): Aklim mountain in Morocco, Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (ORM) in Spain, Mac\'on range in Argentina, and Cerro Ventarrones in Chile. The same techniques, instruments and acquisition procedures were taken on each site. A Multiple Aperture Scintillation Sensor (MASS) and a Differential Image Motion Monitor (DIMM) were installed at each site. Global statistics of the integrated seeing, the free atmosphere seeing, the boundary layer seeing and the isoplanatic angle were studied for each site, and the results are presented here. In order to estimate other important parameters such as the coherence time of the wavefront and the overall parameter "coherence \'etendue" additional information of vertical profiles of the wind speed was needed. Data were retrieved from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) archive. Ground wind speed was measured by Automatic Weather Stations (AWS). More aspects of the turbulence parameters such as their seasonal trend, their nightly evolution and their temporal stability were also obtained and analyzed.Comment: 46 pages and 17 figures. Accepted to be published in PAS
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