94 research outputs found

    Motivation by, Perceived Quality of and Satisfaction with Sports Services among Young Athletes: A Psychological Approach

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    The aim was to assess the psychological approach of young athletes to sports services in terms of motivation, perceived quality and satisfaction. A total of 307 adolescents (55.7% male and 44.3% female) between 12 and 18 years old participated. Three questionnaires were applied: an ad hoc questionnaire, the Self-Report of Motivation to Practice Physical Exercise (AMPEF) and the Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Sports Services (EPOD2). A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted, applying regression analysis to determine the predictive nature of the factors in the questionnaires. Individual sports players and non-competitors rated the motivational factors lower than those who practised collective sports and competed, and the results were reversed with regard to the perceived quality of, satisfaction with and value of the service. They valued human and personal treatment more highly, correlating it moderately and positively with service value (r = 0.422 for the monitor and r = 0.442 for the organisation's staff) and satisfaction (r = 0.43 for the monitor and r = 0.552 for the organisation's staff). Satisfaction was a negative predictor of extrinsic motivation, and vice versa (beta = -0.207 and beta = -0.143). Young athletes, in general, have an orientation towards intrinsic motivation and therefore a low tendency towards sports dropout

    Injury profile in elite acrobatic gymnasts compared by gender

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    Acrobatic gymnastics is associated with injury risk. The aim of the study was to gain knowledge on injury incidence, type and severity in acrobatic gymnasts of both sexes. An epidemiologic, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted involving 54 gymnasts: 23 males and 31 females aged 14 to 23. The training characteristics (training time: days and hours), as well as the injuries suffered (site, type, severity and moment of injury) were assessed. A total of 89 injuries were recorded. Injury incidence was 9.85/1,000 h of exposure among women and 9.15 among men. The highest percentage of injuries was located in the lower limb, with no significant differences based on sex. Ligament injuries were the most common among women, while tendonitis prevailed among men. The majority of injuries occurred while performing group skills in the technical part of the session (27% during dynamic and 23.6% during static skills), bases suffered a greater number of injuries than tops. It was concluded that muscle and ligament injuries were the most common injury types, the lower limb the most frequently affected body region and moderate the most frequent severity level in both sexes. The variables sex and role were associated with injury incidence

    Influence of the satisfaction and importance of physical education on sports dropout in secondary school

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    El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la influencia que la satisfacción, aburrimiento e importancia que le atribuyen los estudiantes a la asignatura de educación física, tiene sobre el abandono deportivo extraescolar, asociando los factores y determinando los motivos de abandono. Se utilizó un diseño transversal con una muestra de 925 alumnos de secundaria con edades entre 12 y 18 años, de los que 263 habían abandonado la práctica deportiva. Se aplicó un cuestionario ad hoc, la Escala de satisfacción adaptada a la educación física (ES-EF), la Escala de Importancia de la Educación Física (IEF) y la Escala de Motivos de abandono de la práctica de actividad físico deportiva. El alumnado que había abandonado la práctica mostró valores intermedios de satisfacción e importancia respecto a la asignatura. El principal motivo de abandono fue la falta de tiempo. Las chicas mostraron mayores porcentajes de abandono deportivo. La satisfacción predijo negativamente los motivos personales de abandono, la importancia y el aburrimiento fueron predictores positivos de los motivos ambientales/sociales y los motivos actitudinales respectivamente. Como conclusión, los docentes de EF deben implantar metodologías que favorezcan la satisfacción, teniendo en cuenta el posible agotamiento de los estudiantes.The aim of the study was to analyse the influence that satisfaction, boredom and importance attributed by students to the subject of physical education have on extracurricular sports dropout, associating the factors and determining the reasons for abandon. A cross-sectional design was used with a sample of 925 secondary school students aged between 12 and 18, 263 of whom had dropped out of sport. An ad hoc questionnaire, the Satisfaction Scale adapted to physical education (ES-EF), the Importance of Physical Education Scale (IEF) and the Scale of Reasons for dropping out of physical activity were applied. Students who had abandoned out showed intermediate values of satisfaction and importance with the subject. The main reason for dropping out was lack of time. Girls showed higher dropout rates. Satisfaction negatively predicted personal reasons for abandon, importance and boredom were positive predictors of environmental/social and attitudinal reasons respectively. In conclusion, PE teachers should implement satisfaction-enhancing methodologies, taking into account possible student burnout

    Condición física-salud y autoconcepto físico en adolescentes canarios en función del género Physical condition-health and physical self-concept in adolescents from the Canary Islands according to gender

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar y comparar la condición física (CF) y el autoconcepto físico en estudiantes adolescentes y comprobar posibles asociaciones entre ambas variables función del género. La muestra estuvo formada por 91 adolescentes canarios (49 chicas y 42 chicos) entre 16 y 18 años. Se les aplicó la batería Alpha-Fitness y el cuestionario de autoconcepto físico. Se hallaron puntuaciones peores en todos los componentes de CF en las chicas. Se encontraron diferencias en el autoconcepto físico en las dimensiones Habilidades deportivas (U=634,000; p=,002; r=0,51) y Atractivo físico (U=600,000; p=,001; r=0,49) a favor de los chicos y en el Autoconcepto general en las chicas. Existió relaciones positivas entre la capacidad aeróbica y fuerza explosiva de piernas con tres dimensiones del autoconcepto físico: Habilidades deportivas (HD), Condición física y Atractivo Físico (AF) solo en los chicos mientras que en las chicas se dieron entre el salto y HD y la dinamometría con el AF y el Autoconcepto físico general. Igualmente se evidenció una asociación inversa entre el salto y el Course Navette con la prueba de velocidad agilidad 4x10 y el %GC con el salto en ambos géneros. Los resultados muestran comportamientos diferentes de la CF y el autoconcepto físico entre chicos y chicas. Los hallazgos podrían servir de ayuda a los profesores de Educación Física en planificaciones futuras de cara a mejorar la CF y el autoconcepto físico con mayor incidencia en las chicasThe aim of this study was to analyze and compare the physical fitness (PF) and physical self-concept in teenager students and to verify possible associations between both variables based on gender. The sample consisted of 91 adolescents from the Canary Islands (49 girls and 42 boys) between 16 and 18 years old. The Alpha-Fitness battery and Self-Concept Questionnaire were applied. The girls scored worse in all the PF tests. Differences were found in physical self-concept in the dimensions Sports skills (U=634,000; p=.002; r=0.51) and Physical attractiveness (U=600,000; p=.001; r=0.49) in the boys and in general self-concept in the girls. There were positive relationships between aerobic capacity and explosive leg strength with three dimensions of physical self-concept: Sports Abilities (HD), Physical Condition and Physical Attractiveness (PA) only in boys while in girls they occurred between jumping and HD and the dynamometry with the AF and general physical self-concept. Likewise, an inverse association was found between jumping and Course Navette with the 4x10 speed-agility test and the %GC with jumping in both gender. The results show different behaviors of CF and physical self-concept between boys and girls. The findings could help Physical Education teachers in future planning in order to improve PF and physical self-concept with a higher incidence in girl

    Anthropometric Profile in Different Event Categories of Acrobatic Gymnastics

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    There is a specific anthropometric profile for each sport, which may be differentiated even in relation to the position, role or event category within each sport discipline. However, there are few studies on acrobatic gymnastics, and the goal of this work was to determine the anthropometric profile depending on the event category, as well as factors that predisposed to performance in these categories. The sample consisted of 150 gymnasts from Spain, divided into 8 groups according to the event category and the role played. The kinanthropometric measurements were taken through the procedures established by the International Society for the Advancement of Kineantropometry. The anthropometric characteristics, including body mass index, somatotype, body composition and proportionality using the Phantom stratagem were analyzed, and the results obtained from the different groups were compared. A regression analysis was performed with particular groups of gymnasts. No significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed between groups of female tops or male bases, although differences were found between female group bases and female pair bases. It could be suggested that higher values of body height, sitting height, the minimum abdominal circumference, percentage of fat and low biliocristal breadth predispose female bases to work in pairs rather than in groups. The conclusion is that the anthropometric measurements are not decisive when guiding a gymnast toward choosing one event category or another, except for female bases

    Hábitos nutricionales en gimnastas: revisión sistemática

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    El objetivo fue realizar una revisión sistemática de los hábitos nutricionales en practicantes de deportes gimnásticos. Se revisaron las bases de datos WOS, Scopus, Pubdmed, Sport Discuss y Google Scholar, entre los años 2000-2020, siguiendo los principios de la declaración PRISMA. La selección fue realizada por dos investigadores en dos etapas (cribado y aplicación de criterios de elegibilidad). Se registraron edad, sexo, tamaño muestral, calidad metodológica, país, variables, instrumento y resultados en 15 artículos que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. La mayoría de los estudios resaltan que los hábitos nutricionales entre gimnastas son peores en el género femenino que masculino, sin cumplir en general con las recomendaciones para esta población. Los instrumentos más utilizados fueron el recordatorio dietético de 7 días 33,33% y el cuestionario de calidad de vida mediterránea y registro de 3 días, ambos 20%. Se concluye que los gimnastas en general, no tienen buenos hábitos alimentarios, consumiendo dietas desequilibradas. Es necesario desarrollar programas para promover hábitos nutricionales saludables en esta población

    Autoconceito em escolares sevilhanos de 12 a 14 años de acordó com o sexo

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    Resumen: Introducción: La etapa de la adolescentes se destaca por ser fundamental en el afianzamiento de la personalidad, siendo el autoconcepto uno de los constructos de gran interés. Objetivos: Evaluar el autococoncepto en adolescentes de un pueblo de la provincia de Sevilla en función del sexo. Métodos: Participaron 111 estudiantes (48 chicas y 63 chicos) entre 12 y 14 años. Se utilizó el cuestionario de AF5 para evaluar las dimensiones académica, social, emocional, familiar y física del autoconcepto. Resultados y discusión: Las dimensiones familiar en chicas y la física en chicos, presentaron mayores resultados en relación al resto, sin, existir diferencias significativas entre género en ninguna de las dimensiones. No hubo relación positiva entre el IMC con ninguna de las dimensiones del autoconcepto, pero si una asociación positiva entre el autoconcepto físico-familiar, familiar-académico, emocional-académico y académico-social. Conclusiones: Los adolescentes en general presentan un autoconcepto global aceptable, sin diferencias entre sexo, en ninguna de las dimensiones del mismo.Abstract: Introduction: The adolescent stage stands out for being fundamental in the strengthening of the personality, being the self-concept one of the constructs of great interest. Aim: to evaluate the self-concept in adolescents of a town in the province of Seville based on sex. Methods: 111 students (48 girls and 63 boys) between 12 and 14 years old participated. The AF5 questionnaire was used to evaluate the academic, social, emotional, family and physical dimensions of the self-concept. Results & discussion: The family dimensions in girls and physics in boys, presented greater results in relation to the rest, without there being significant differences between gender in any of the dimensions. There was no relationship between the BMI with any of the dimensions of self-concept, but there was a positive association between physical-family, family-academic, emotional-academic and social-social self-concept. Conclusions: Adolescents in general have an acceptable global self-concept, without differences between sex, in any of its dimensions.Resumo: Introdução: A etapa adolescente destaca-se por ser fundamental no fortalecimento da personalidade, sendo o autoconceito um dos constructos de grande interesse. Objectivos: Avaliar o autoconceito em adolescentes de uma cidade da provincia de Sevilha de acordó com o sexo. Métodos: Pariticparam 111 estudantes (48 meninas e 63 meninos) entre 12 e 14 años. O questionáirio AF5 foi utilizado para avaliar as dimensoes acadêmica, social, emocional, familiar e física do autoconceito. Resultados e discussão: As dimensoes da familia nas meninas e a física nos meninos apresentaram resultados superiores em relaçao ao restante, sem que houvesse diferenças significativas entre os sexos em nenhuma das dimensoes. Nao houve relaçao positiva entre o IMC com nenhuma das dimensoes do autoconceoito, mas houeve associaçao positiva entre autoconceito físico-familiar, familiar-acadêmico, emocional-acadèmico e académico-social. Conclusões:.Os adolescentes em geral apresentam um autoconceito global aceitável, sem diserenças entre os sexos, em qualquer uma de suas dimensoes

    Systematic review of flexibility tests in gymnastics

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    The aim of this study was to review the tests used to measure flexibility in gymnastic disciplines. The search was conducted on PubMed, WOS, Scopus, Sport Discus and Google Scholar databases, and included studies in English and Spanish that assessed flexibility in gymnasts and were published between January 2005 and March 2020. Twenty-seven manuscripts were selected, rhythmic and women’s artistic gymnastics being the most frequently studied disciplines. Flexibility was most commonly assessed in the hip and shoulder joints. Within the wide variety of tests performed, the most commonly used ones were the split, shoulder flexibility, bridge and sit-and-reach tests. Linear measurements were usually used, followed by the angular ones. In conclusion, in spite of flexibility being a determining capacity in gymnastic disciplines, several studies did not provide information on the validity of their results. Further studies including validated tests applied to larger samples and using longitudinal approaches are needed, with the aim to confirm test predictive validity and to allow for greater generalisation

    Systematic review of flexibility tests in gymnastics

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    The aim of this study was to review the tests used to measure flexibility in gymnastic disciplines. The search was conducted on PubMed, WOS, Scopus, Sport Discus and Google Scholar databases, and included studies in English and Spanish that assessed flexibility in gymnasts and were published between January 2005 and March 2020. Twenty-seven manuscripts were selected, rhythmic and women’s artistic gymnastics being the most frequently studied disciplines. Flexibility was most commonly assessed in the hip and shoulder joints. Within the wide variety of tests performed, the most commonly used ones were the split, shoulder flexibility, bridge and sit-and-reach tests. Linear measurements were usually used, followed by the angular ones. In conclusion, in spite of flexibility being a determining capacity in gymnastic disciplines, several studies did not provide information on the validity of their results. Further studies including validated tests applied to larger samples and using longitudinal approaches are needed, with the aim to confirm test predictive validity and to allow for greater generalisation

    Aeróbic deportivo: importancia del conocimiento previo del error en el aprendizaje y retención de una habilidad gimnástica de salto

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    El objetivo de este estudio ha sido, por un lado intentar plantear un sistema de entrenamiento técnico indicando los errores a evitar establecidos por el Código de Puntuación en esta modalidad deportiva, y por otro lado, ver los efectos de un entrenamiento global (basado en mini-circuitos) empleado con éxito en otra disciplina deportiva como es la Gimnasia Artística (Carrasco, 1977; Vernetta, 1995, Vernetta y López, 1997, 98). En el presente trabajo, hemos utilizado tres grupos experimentales formados por alumnos/as de la asignatura de Alto Rendimiento en Gimnasia Aeróbica de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y Deporte de la Universidad de Vigo con un rango de edad de 19 a 22 años. La finalidad ha sido delimitar la eficacia diferencial de tres tipos de entrenamiento (Analítico progresivo, Global con Mini-circuito y Mini-circuito con conocimiento previo del error a evitar) sobre el aprendizaje y retención de una habilidad gimnástica de salto del Aeróbic Deportivo. Los resultados obtenidos van a verificar la hipótesis planteada, constatándose las mayores ganancias de aprendizaje y retención en el grupo que se benefició del Mini-circuito con conocimiento previo del error a evitar