9 research outputs found

    Contractual fine

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    Smluvní pokuta Klíčová slova Smluvní pokuta, náhrada škody Resumé Cílem této diplomové práce je analyzovat využití smluvní pokuty v občanskoprávních závazkových vztazích. Tento ve své podstatě velmi užitečný institut je sice využíván v široké paletě smluvních vztahů, mnohdy ale bohužel bez patřičných znalostí či dokonce za účelem poškodit druhou stranu. Za hlavní snahu této práce tedy lze trochu zjednodušeně považovat záměr vybavit účastníky závazkového vztahu návodem "Jak (ne)sjednat smluvní pokutu". Práce se skládá ze šesti kapitol, z nichž každá pojednává o jiném aspektu smluvní pokuty. První kapitola se zabývá hledáním co nejvýstižnější definice smluvní pokuty zejména v odborné literatuře a poukazuje na rozdílnost v úhlech pohledů jednotlivých autorů. Kapitola druhá se zabývá účelem smluvní pokuty a hierarchií jejich funkcí za účelem hlubšího porozumění situacím, ve kterých je možné a vhodné smluvní pokutu sjednat. Další kapitola se věnuje základní charakteristice smluvní pokuty zejména v porovnání s vlastnostmi institutu úrokem z prodlení, se kterým má některé funkce společné. Kapitola se rovněž zabývá otázkou souběhu těchto dvou institutů. Kapitola čtvrtá seznamuje s aktuální právní úpravou smluvní pokuty v občanském a obchodním zákoníku, rozebírá jejich odlišnosti a pokouší se je vysvětlit. Dále je...A Contractual fine Keywords Contractual fine, damages Summary The aim of this Master's degree thesis is to analyze the usage of contractual fine in civil-law relations. This essentially very useful institute is used in almost every possible contract although often without proper knowledge or sometimes even without good intention. The main goal of this study therefore may be simply to provide parts of the contract with a guide called "How to arrange (not)valid contractual fine". The thesis is composed of six chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the contractual fine. Chapter One searches for the best available definition of contractual fine both in specialized literature and in injudicial sources and points out differences in point of view of the authors. Chapter Two deals with the purpose of contractual fine and hierarchy of its functions in order to provide deeper understanding of situations suitable for arranging a contractual fine. Chapter Three focuses on the basic characteristic of contractual fine mainly in contrast to the attributes of punitive interests which is the institute of some similar functions. The Chapter also examines the questions of concurrence of these important institutes. Chapter Four examines relevant legislation both in Civil and Commercial Code, explains the...Department of Civil LawKatedra občanského právaFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    DNA hypomethylation and aberrant expression of the human endogenous retrovirus ERVWE1/syncytin-1 in seminomas

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    Additional file 3: Figure S1. Expression analysis of ERVWE1 and ERVFRDE1 loci normalized to the TBP gene. Expression from the ERVWE1 (A, B) and ERVFRDE1 (C, D) loci was analyzed by qRT-PCR in the panel of tumor samples. Both the full-length RNA (A, C) and spliced mRNA (B, D) forms were quantified. All the data were normalized to the expression of TBP. Each sample is represented by a dot and was measured as a technical triplicate. In each column, median with interquartile range is depicted. Significance was assigned as follows: **** for P-values <0.0001, *** for P-values <0.001, ** for P-values <0.01, * for P-values <0.05

    Contractual fine

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    A Contractual fine Keywords Contractual fine, damages Summary The aim of this Master's degree thesis is to analyze the usage of contractual fine in civil-law relations. This essentially very useful institute is used in almost every possible contract although often without proper knowledge or sometimes even without good intention. The main goal of this study therefore may be simply to provide parts of the contract with a guide called "How to arrange (not)valid contractual fine". The thesis is composed of six chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the contractual fine. Chapter One searches for the best available definition of contractual fine both in specialized literature and in injudicial sources and points out differences in point of view of the authors. Chapter Two deals with the purpose of contractual fine and hierarchy of its functions in order to provide deeper understanding of situations suitable for arranging a contractual fine. Chapter Three focuses on the basic characteristic of contractual fine mainly in contrast to the attributes of punitive interests which is the institute of some similar functions. The Chapter also examines the questions of concurrence of these important institutes. Chapter Four examines relevant legislation both in Civil and Commercial Code, explains the..

    Seizure of property of the obligor spouse in execution of judgement proceedings

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    1 ABSTRACT SEIZURE OF PROPERTY OF THE OBLIGOR SPOUSE IN EXECUTION OF JUDGEMENT PROCEEDINGS The topic of this rigorosum thesis is seizure of property of the obligor spouse in execution of judgement and execution proceedings. "Seizurable property" in this context is property in community property of spouses (the obligor and their spouse), together with other property values belonging to the obligor spouse, such as their pay, pecuniary claims and other property rights that are not part of community property of spouses. The question of seizure of these other property rights has been a subject of an ongoing debate to which this thesis aims to contribute. Not much attention was paid to the issue of seizure of property of the obligor spouse in the past, but over the course of the seven last years, it has seen three major legislative changes which have made it a subject of public debate. These modifications, however, have also made it difficult to grasp for parties to a case, courts and court executors in their practice. Therefore, the aim of the present thesis is to critically assess the relevant legislation in selected periods of time, analyse its bases as well as its impacts on the obligor spouse in execution of judgement proceedings, and to point out to facts that have escaped the notice of experts. The thesis..

    Transient melt formation and its effect on conversion phenomena during nuclear waste vitrification – HT‐ESEM analysis

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    International audienceAbstract Although the vitrification of nuclear waste has a decades‐long history, numerous opportunities still exist to improve its efficiency and to increase the waste loading in glass. This is especially true for the vitrification of low‐activity waste (LAW), which has been historically treated by other immobilization technologies and is less mature than high‐level waste (HLW) vitrification. In this work, we address one of the least understood phenomena during the conversion of nuclear waste feeds to glass—the formation of molten salt and transient glass‐forming melt. Using high‐temperature environmental scanning electron microscopy (HT‐ESEM) in combination with X‐ray diffraction, thermogravimetry, and evolved gas analysis, we have analyzed the complex chemical reactions and phase transitions as they occur during melting of representative HLW and LAW melter feeds. We evaluated the compositions of amorphous phases and the fractions of salt components, and estimated the fractions of molten salt phases present in the feeds as a function of temperature. We show that the maximum fraction of molten salts is ∼4 % and ∼28 % during HLW and LAW feed melting, respectively, and discuss the possibility of molten salt migration in LAW feeds. We also argue that the presence of significant fractions of molten salt phase can hinder the retention of rhenium (and, hence, radioactive technetium), and discuss how the properties of molten salt phase and transient glass‐forming melt are related to primary foam formation and behavior. Finally, we summarize key unanswered questions requiring further research to increase the understanding of the conversion process and enhance the nuclear waste vitrification efficiency