2,540 research outputs found

    Haalbaarheid hygiënestrategie bij tomatenbedrijven om vrij te blijven van pepinomozaïekvirus

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    Bij een zevental tomatentelers die absoluut vrij wilden blijven van een besmetting met het pepinomozaïekvirus is de teelt gevolgd en begeleid. Deze telers namen tevens deel aan een praktijknetwerk waarin ervaringen werden uitgewisseld

    Mixed mode data clustering: an approach based on tectrachoric correlations

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    In this paper we face the problem of clustering mixedmode data by assuming that the observed binary variables aregenerated from latent continuous variables. We perform a principalcomponents analysis on the matrix of tetrachoric correlations and wethen estimate the scores of each latent variable and construct adata matrix with continuous variables to be used in fully Guassianmixture models or in the k-means cluster analysis. The calculationof the expected a posteriori (EAP) estimates may proceed by simplyconsidering a limited number of quadrature points. Results on asimulation study and on a real data set are reported

    A cross-cultural comparison of student learning patterns in higher education

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    Marambe, K. N., Vermunt, J. D., & Boshuizen, H. P. A. (2012). A cross-cultural comparison of student learning patterns in higher education. Higher Education, 64(3), 299-316. doi:10.1007/s10734-011-9494-zThe aim of this study was to compare student learning patterns in higher education across different cultures. A meta-analysis was performed on three large-scale studies that had used the same research instrument: the Inventory of learning Styles (ILS). The studies were conducted in the two Asian countries Sri Lanka and Indonesia and the European country The Netherlands. Students reported use of learning strategies, metacognitive strategies, conceptions of learning and learning orientations were compared in two ways: by analyses of variance of students' mean scale scores on ILS scales, as well as by comparing the factor structures of the ILS-scales between the three studies. Results showed most differences in student learning patterns between Asian and European students. However, many differences were identified between students from the two Asian countries as well. The Asian learner turned out to be a myth. Moreover, Sri Lankan students made the least use of memorising strategies of all groups. That Asian learners would have a propensity for rote learning turned out to be a myth as well. Some patterns of learning turned out to be universal and occurred in all groups, other patterns were found only among the Asian or the European students. The findings are discussed in terms of learning environment and culture as explanatory factors. Practical implications for student mobility in an international context are derived

    Non-Vocal Behaviors Are More Frequent During the Decisive Negotiation Phases in Barn Owl Siblings.

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    Animals produce vibrations or noises by means of body movements, which can play a role in communication. These behaviors enhance signal transmission or receiver attention and could be specifically used during turn-taking phases of a reciprocal exchange of signals. In the barn owl Tyto alba, nestlings vocalize one after the other to negotiate which individual will have priority access to the impending prey item to be delivered by the parents. Owlets adjust their vocalization to their own hunger level and to their siblings' vocalization, withdrawing from the contest in front of highly vocal, and hence hungry, motivated nestmates. As sibling negotiation is a multicomponent display, we examined whether body movements could also be part of the negotiation process. To this end, we analyzed whether the vocalizations of one nestling affected its nestmate's movements in three separate experiments: in natural nests, in the lab, and using a playback procedure. Nestling barn owls move in a variety of ways, such as repeated tapping of the floor with a foot, scratching the floor with claws, or flapping wings. Body movements were more frequent during the turn-taking phases of vocal interactions, when siblings emitted longer calls and at a greater rate. Once an individual monopolized vocal activity, siblings became less vocal and less active. Moreover, owlets produced more noisy body movements during the phases of vocal interactions which are crucial to prevail in negotiation. Non-vocal physical activities might reinforce vocal signals during sibling to sibling (sib-sib) interactions, or reflect owlets' arousal, in the critical period during which they vocally settle which individual will dominate the competition

    Mapping QGP properties in Pb--Pb and Xe--Xe collisions at the LHC

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    A phenomenological analysis of the experimental measurements of transverse momentum spectra of identified charged hadrons and strange hyperons in \PbPb and \XeXe collisions at the LHC is presented. The analysis is based on the relativistic fluid dynamics description implemented in the numerically efficient \fluidum approach. Building on our previous work, we separate in our treatment the chemical and kinetic freeze-out, and incorporate the partial chemical equilibrium to describe the late stages of the collision evolution. This analysis makes use of Bayesian inference to determine key parameters of the QGP evolution and its properties including the shear and bulk viscosity to entropy ratios, the initialisation time, the initial entropy density, and the freeze-out temperatures. The physics parameters and their posterior probabilities are extracted using a global search in multidimensional space with modern machine learning tools, such as ensembles of neural networks. We employ our newly developed fast framework to assess systematic uncertainties in the extracted model parameters by systematically varying key components of our analysis.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Detectie en beheersing van bacterierot veroorzaakt door Pseudomonas cattleyae in Phalaenopsis

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    Phalaenopsis growers suffer from mayor losses up to 20% due to bacterial spot. This bacterial infection in caused by the Acidovorax avenae subsp. cattleyae. In practice this bacterial disease is also known as Pseudomonas. This bacterium is causing black leaf spots with a yellow border. Pseudomonas cattleyae is very contagious and is promoted by high temperatures en moist conditions. In this project Groen Agro Control laboratory (Delfgauw) has developed a molecular analysis method to detect Pseudomonas cattleyae in different matrices. The influence of the relative humidity on the development of Pseudomonas cattleyae is investigated during this research. The results show that a relative humidity of 90% strongly promotes infection of the bacteria. A relative humidity of 75% shows no extra dispersion of Pseudomonas cattleyae compared to a greenhouse compartment with a continuous relative humidity of 60%. This knowledge offers the opportunity to safe energy in the cultivation of Phalaenopsis. During this research the effects of water treatments on the dispersion of Pseudomonas cattleyae have been investigated. The results show that a treatment with hydrogen peroxide (20 ppm) offers the best reduction of dispersion. This treatment turns out to be better than the control and all other treatments. This research has led to new insights about the dispersal and optimal growing conditions of this bacteria, but leads to new questions. Questions, about other different dosages and the effects of other water treatments, but also about the optimal level to promote plant growth and reduce bacterial infections, have to be investigated in new research

    One is not the other:Predicting offending after discharge from secure residential care of male adolescents with four risk profiles

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    Purpose: Adolescents who are admitted to secure residential care have a high risk of delinquency after discharge. However, this risk may differ between subgroups in this heterogeneous population of adolescents with severe psychiatric problems and disruptive problem behaviour. In this study, the predictive validity of four risk profiles was examined for the number of minor, moderate, and severe offences after discharge from secure residential care.Methods: The sample comprised 238 male former patients of a hospital for youth forensic psychiatry and orthopsychiatry in the Netherlands. In three Poisson regression analyses, the relationship between four previously identified risk profiles and the number of minor, moderate, and severe offences after discharge was examined.Results: The results showed that the four risk profiles differed significantly in the number of minor, moderate, and severe offences after discharge. Post hoc analysis revealed no mediating effect of termination of treatment on the relationship between the risk profiles and the number of minor, moderate, and severe offending after discharge.Conclusion: Adolescents with many risk factors in multiple domains and adolescents with mainly family risks have an increased risk of persistent delinquency after discharge. Treatment should be tailored more effectively to the specific risks and needs of these adolescents

    Monitorial citizens or civic omnivores? Repertoires of civic participation among university students

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    In present-day societies, the extent to which young people still participate in civic life is an important matter of concern. The claim of a generational "decline" in civic engagement has been contested, and interchanged with the notion of a "replacement" of traditional engagement by new types of participation, and the emergence of the "monitorial citizen" who participates in more individualized ways. Concurrently, this study explored the assumption of a "pluralization" of involvement, advancing a new concept: the "civic omnivore," characterized by an expanded civic repertoire. Drawing data from a sample of 1,493 Belgian and Dutch university students, we identify five repertoires of participation such as, disengaged students, classical volunteers, humanitarian citizens, monitorial citizens, and civic omnivores. Our findings support the pluralization thesis, by showing that young citizens are not exclusively engaged in new monitorial ways, yet also expand their civic repertoire by combining traditional and new forms in more complex ways