8,236 research outputs found

    Object identification and characterization with hyperspectral imagery to identify structure and function of Natura 2000 habitats

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    Habitat monitoring of designated areas under the EU Habitats Directive requires every 6 years information on area, range, structure and function for the protected (Annex I) habitat types. First results from studies on heathland areas in Belgium and the Netherlands show that hyperspectral imagery can be an important source of information to assist the evaluation of the habitat conservation status. Hyperspectral imagery can provide continuous maps of habitat quality indicators (e.g., life forms or structure types, management activities, grass, shrub and tree encroachment) at the pixel level. At the same time, terrain managers, nature conservation agencies and national authorities responsible for the reporting to the EU are not directly interested in pixels, but rather in information at the level of vegetation patches, groups of patches or the protected site as a whole. Such local level information is needed for management purposes, e.g., exact location of patches of habitat types and the sizes and quality of these patches within a protected site. Site complexity determines not only the classification success of remote sensing imagery, but influences also the results of aggregation of information from the pixel to the site level. For all these reasons, it is important to identify and characterize the vegetation patches. This paper focuses on the use of segmentation techniques to identify relevant vegetation patches in combination with spectral mixture analysis of hyperspectral imagery from the Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner (AHS). Comparison with traditional vegetation maps shows that the habitat or vegetation patches can be identified by segmentation of hyperspectral imagery. This paper shows that spectral mixture analysis in combination with segmentation techniques on hyperspectral imagery can provide useful information on processes such as grass encroachment that determine the conservation status of Natura 2000 heathland areas to a large extent. A limitation is that both advanced remote sensing approaches and traditional field based vegetation surveys seem to cause over and underestimations of grass encroachment for specific categories, but the first provides a better basis for monitoring if specific species are not directly considered

    Conjugate 18cm OH Satellite Lines at a Cosmological Distance

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    We have detected the two 18cm OH satellite lines from the z0.247z \sim 0.247 source PKS1413+135, the 1720 MHz line in emission and the 1612 MHz line in absorption. The 1720 MHz luminosity is LOH354LL_{\rm OH} \sim 354 L_\odot, more than an order of magnitude larger than that of any other known 1720 MHz maser. The profiles of the two satellite lines are conjugate, implying that they arise in the same gas. This allows us to test for any changes in the values of fundamental constants, without being affected by systematic uncertainties arising from relative motions between the gas clouds in which the different lines arise. Our data constrain changes in Ggp[α2/y]1.849G \equiv g_p [\alpha^2/y]^{1.849}, where yme/mp y \equiv m_e/m_p; we find ΔG/G=2.2±3.8×105\Delta G/G = 2.2 \pm 3.8 \times 10^{-5}, consistent with no changes in α\alpha, gpg_p and yy.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Minor changes to match published versio

    A human colonic crypt culture system to study regulation of stem cell-driven tissue renewal and physiological function

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    The intestinal epithelium is one of the most rapidly renewing tissues in the human body and fulfils vital physiological roles such as barrier function and transport of nutrients and fluid. Investigation of gut epithelial physiology in health and disease has been hampered by the lack of ex vivo models of the native human intestinal epithelium. Recently, remarkable progress has been made in defining intestinal stem cells and in generating intestinal organoid cultures. In parallel, we have developed a 3D culture system of the native human colonic epithelium that recapitulates the topological hierarchy of stem cell-driven tissue renewal and permits the physiological study of native polarized epithelial cells. Here we describe methods to establish 3D cultures of intact human colonic crypts and conduct real-time imaging of intestinal tissue renewal, cellular signalling, and physiological function, in conjunction with manipulation of gene expression by lentiviral or adenoviral transduction. Visualization of mRNA- and protein-expression patterns in cultured human colonic crypts, and cross-validation with crypts derived from fixed mucosal biopsies, is also described. Alongside studies using intestinal organoids, the near-native human colonic crypt culture model will help to bridge the gap that exists between investigation of colon cancer cell lines and/or animal (tissue) studies, and progression to clinical trials. To this end, the near native human colonic crypt model provides a platform to aid the development of novel strategies for the prevention of inflammatory bowel disease and cancer

    The properties of the gamma-ray blazars in the CJ-F VLBI sample

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    We present first results from the analysis of multi-epoch VLBI observations of the EGRET detected sources [9] in the CJ-F sample (Caltech Jodrell-Flat-spectrum, [10]). These objects form a subsample of 14 sources within the 293 AGN of the full CJ-F sample. 5 GHz VLBI snapshot observations of the CJ-F sources are continuously being performed in order to create a valid database for thorough statistical tests of pc-scale jet motion in AGN. All gamma-bright CJ-F AGN have been observed at least twice with the VLBA, which enables us to investigate jet component motions and paths. In particular, we concentrate on the analysis of those properties supposed to be essential for gamma-ray production, i.e., superluminal motion and bending. A paper discussing the possible relation between morphological changes and gamma-ray flaring/production is in preparation

    Подавление синхронной помехи в ЯКР с модуляцией Зеемана

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    Рассмотрены принципы частотной модуляции и модуляции Зеемана в ядерном квадрупольном резонансе и показаны преимущества последней. Предложен метод устранения синхронной помехи, вызываемой переключением магнитного поля. Приведены результаты наблюдения резонансной линии ¹⁴N с достоверной формой в образце гексаметилентетрамине массой 2 г.Розглянуто принципи частотної модуляції та модуляції Зеемана в ядерному квадрупольному резонансі та показано переваги останньої. Запропоновано метод усунення синхронної завади, спричиненої перемиканням магнітного поля. Наведено результат спостереження резонансної лінії ¹⁴N з достовірною формою у зразку гексаметилентетраміну масою 2 г.The principles of frequency and Zeeman modulation in nuclear quadrupole resonance were considered, and the advantages of the latter were shown. The authors propose a method to eliminate the synchronous noise caused by switching of the magnetic field. Results of observations of the resonance line with ¹⁴N in the hexamethylenetetramine sample weighing 2 g were given

    Multilevel reflectance switching of ultrathin phase-change films

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    Several design techniques for engineering the visible optical and near-infrared response of a thin film are explored. These designs require optically active and absorbing materials and should be easily grown on a large scale. Switchable chalcogenide phase-change material heterostructures with three active layers are grown here using pulsed laser deposition. Both Fabry-Perot and strong interference principles are explored to tune the reflectance. Robust multilevel switching is demonstrated for both principles using dynamic ellipsometry, and measured reflectance profiles agree well with simulations. We find, however, that switching the bottom layer of a three-layer device does not yield a significant change in reflectance, indicating a maximum in accessible levels. The pulsed laser deposition films grown show promise for optical display applications, with three shown reflectance levels. Published under license by AIP Publishing.</p

    A Multi-Epoch VLBI Survey of the Kinematics of CJF Sources; Part I: Model-Fit Parameters and Maps

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    Context: This is the first of a series of papers presenting VLBI observations of the 293 Caltech-Jodrell Bank Flat-Spectrum (hereafter CJF) sources and their analysis. Aims: One of the major goals of the CJF is to make a statistical study of the apparent velocities of the sources. Methods: We have conducted global VLBI and VLBA observations at 5 GHz since 1990, accumulating thirteen separate observing campaigns. Results: We present here an overview of the observations, give details of the data reduction and present the source parameters resulting from a model-fitting procedure. For every source at every observing epoch, an image is shown, built up by restoring the model-fitted components, convolved with the clean beam, into the residual image, which was made by Fourier transforming the visibility data after first subtracting the model-fitted components in the uv-plane. Overplotted we show symbols to represent the model components. Conclusions: We have produced VLBI images of all but 5 of the 293 sources in the complete CJF sample at several epochs and investigated the kinematics of 266 AGN.Comment: Figure 1 and Table 2 are only available in electronic form at the CDS and soon at http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/sbritzen/cjf.htm

    A multi-epoch VLBI survey of the kinematics of CFJ sources

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    Context. This is the second in a series of papers presenting VLBI observations of the 293 Caltech-Jodrell Bank Flat-spectrum (hereafter CJF) sources and their analysis. Aims. We obtain a consistent motion dataset large enough to allow the systematic properties of the population to be studied. Methods. We present detailed kinematic analysis of the complete flux-density limited CJF survey. We computed 2D kinematic models based on the optimal model-fitting parameters of multi-epoch VLBA observations. This allows us to calculate not only radial, but also orthogonal motions, and thus to study curvature and acceleration. Statistical tests of the motions measured and their reliability were performed. A correlation analysis between the derived apparent motions, luminosities, spectral indices, and core dominance and the resulting consequences is described. Results. With at least one velocity in each of the 237 sources, this sample is much larger than any available before, so it allows a meaningful statistical investigation of apparent motions and any possible correlations with other parameters in AGN jets. The main results to emerge are as follows: - In general motions are not consistent with a single uniform velocity applicable to all components along a jet. - We find a slight trend towards a positive outward acceleration and also adduce some evidence for greater acceleration in the innermost regions. - We find a lack of fast components at physical distances less than a few pc from the reference feature. - Only ~4% of the components from galaxies and <2% of those from quasars undergo large bends i.e. within 15° of ± 90°. - The distribution of radial velocities shows a broad distribution of velocities (apparent velocities up to 30 c). Fifteen percent of the best-sampled jet components exhibit low velocities that may need to be explained in a different manner to the fast motions. - Some negative superluminal motions are seen, and in 15 cases (6%) these are definitely significant. - We find a strong correlation between the 5 GHz luminosity and the apparent velocity. - The CJF galaxies, on average, show slower apparent jet-component velocities than the quasars. - The mean velocity in the VLBA 2 cm survey (Kellermann et al. 2004, ApJ, 609, 539) is substantially higher than in the CJF survey, the ratio could be roughly a factor of 1.5-2. This supports the observed trend toward increasing apparent velocity with increasing observing frequency. Conclusions. This AGN survey provides the basis for any statistical analysis of jet and jet-component properties

    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Solution for Difficult to Heal Acute Wounds? Systematic Review

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    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is used to treat various wound types. However, the possible beneficial and harmful effects of HBOT for acute wounds are unclear. We undertook a systematic review to evaluate the effectiveness of HBOT compared to other interventions on wound healing and adverse effects in patients with acute wounds. To detect all available randomized controlled trials (RCTs) we searched five relevant databases up to March 2010. Trial selection, quality assessment, data extraction, and data synthesis were conducted by two of the authors independently. We included five trials, totaling 360 patients. These trials, with some methodologic flaws, included different kinds of wound and focused on different outcome parameters, which prohibited meta-analysis. A French trial (n = 36 patients) reported that significantly more crush wounds healed with HBOT than with sham HBOT [relative risk (RR) 1.70, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.11-2.61]. Moreover, there were significantly fewer additional surgical procedures required with HBOT (RR 1.60, 95% CI 1.03-2.50), and there was significantly less tissue necrosis (RR 1.70, 95% CI 1.11-2.61). In one of two American trials (n = 141) burn wounds healed significantly quicker with HBOT (P <0.005) than with routine burn care. A British trial (n = 48) compared HBOT with usual care. HBOT resulted in a significantly higher percentage of healthy graft area in split skin grafts (RR 3.50, 95% CI 1.35-9.11). In a Chinese trial (n = 145) HBOT did not significantly improve flap survival in patients with limb skin defects. HBOT, if readily available, appears effective for the management of acute, difficult to heal wound