1,170 research outputs found

    The use of out-of-hours primary care during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    BACKGROUND: In the Netherlands, General Practitioners (GP) are usually the first point of contact with a health professional for most health problems. Out-of-hours (OOH) primary care is provided by regional OOH services. Changes in consultation rates at OOH services may be regarded as a warning system for failures elsewhere in the healthcare system. Therefore in this study, we investigated how the COVID-19 pandemic changed the use of primary care OOH services during the first year of the pandemic. METHODS: Routine electronic health records data were used from 60% of OOH services in the Netherlands, collected by the Nivel Primary Care Database. We compared consultation rates per week (2020) for COVID-19-like symptoms and other health problems (e.g. small traumas, urinary tract infections), for different age groups, the proportion of remote consultations, and different levels of urgency during the pandemic compared to the same period in 2019. RESULTS: The number of consultations for COVID-19-like symptoms peaked at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, while consultations for other health problems decreased. These changes in consultation rates differed between age groups. Remote consultations took place more frequently for all health problems, while the proportion of non-urgent health problems increased. CONCLUSION: There were significant changes in the number of consultations and the proportion that were remote for COVID-19-like symptoms and other health problems. Especially care for babies and young children decreased, while the number of consultations for older adults remained stable. The continued use of OOH services by older adults suggests there were unmet care needs elsewhere in our healthcare system. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12913-022-08096-x

    Effects of organically and conventionally produced feed on biomarkers of health in a chicken model

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    Consumers expect organic products to be healthier. However, limited research has been performed to study the effect of organic food on health. The present study aimed to identify biomarkers of health to enable future studies in human subjects. A feeding experiment was performed in two generations of three groups of chickens differing in immune responsiveness, which were fed identically composed feeds from either organic or conventional produce. The animals of the second generation were exposed to an immune challenge and sacrificed at 13 weeks of age. Feed and ingredients were analysed on macro- and micronutrients, i.e. vitamins, minerals, trace elements, heavy metals and microbes. The chickens were studied by general health and immune parameters, metabolomics, genomics and post-mortem evaluation. The organic and conventional feeds were comparable with respect to metabolisable energy. On average, the conventionally produced feeds had a 10 % higher protein content and some differences in micronutrients were observed. Although animals on both feeds were healthy, differences between the groups were found. The random control group of chickens fed conventional feed showed overall a higher weight gain during life span than the group on organic feed, although feed intake was mostly comparable. The animals on organic feed showed an enhanced immune reactivity, a stronger reaction to the immune challenge as well as a slightly stronger ‘catch-up growth’ after the challenge. Biomarkers for future research were identified in the parameters feed intake, body weight and growth rate, and in immunological, physiological and metabolic parameters, several of these differing most pronounced after the challeng

    Inter-practice variation in diagnosing hypertension and diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional study in general practice

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies of inter-practice variation of the prevalence of hypertension and diabetes mellitus showed wide variations between practices. However, in these studies inter-practice variation was calculated without controlling for clustering of patients within practices and without adjusting for patient and practice characteristics. Therefore, in the present study inter-practice variation of diagnosed hypertension and diabetes mellitus prevalence rates was calculated by 1) using a multi-level design and 2) adjusting for patient and practice characteristics. METHODS: Data were used from the Netherlands Information Network of General Practice (LINH) in 2004. Of all 168.045 registered patients, the presence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus and all available ICPC coded symptoms and diseases related to hypertension and diabetes, were determined. Also, the characteristics of practices were used in the analyses. Multilevel logistic regression analyses were performed. RESULTS: The 95% prevalence range for the practices for the prevalence of diagnosed hypertension and diabetes mellitus was 66.3 to 181.7 per 1000 patients and 22.2 to 65.8 per 1000 patients, respectively, after adjustment for patient and practice characteristics. The presence of hypertension and diabetes was best predicted by patient characteristics. The most important predictors of hypertension were obesity (OR = 3.5), presence of a lipid disorder (OR = 3.0), and diabetes mellitus (OR = 2.6), whereas the presence of diabetes mellitus was particularly predicted by retinopathy (OR = 8.5), lipid disorders (OR = 2.8) and hypertension (OR = 2.7). CONCLUSION: Although not the optimal case-mix could be used in this study, we conclude that even after adjustment for patient (demographic variables and risk factors for hypertension and diabetes mellitus) and practice characteristics (practice size and presence of a practice nurse), there is a wide difference between general practices in the prevalence rates of diagnosed hypertension and diabetes mellitu

    Anatomical, histomorphological and molecular classification of cholangiocarcinoma

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    Cholangiocarcinoma constitutes a heterogeneous group of malignancies that can emerge at any point of the biliary tree. Cholangiocarcinoma is classified into intrahepatic, perihilar and distal based on its anatomical location. Histologically, conventional perihilar/distal cholangiocarcinomas are mucin-producing adenocarcinomas or papillary tumours; intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas are more heterogeneous and can be sub-classified according to the level or size of the displayed bile duct. Cholangiocarcinoma develops through multistep carcinogenesis and is preceded by dysplastic and in situ lesions. Definition and clinical significance of precursor lesions, including biliary intraepithelial neoplasia, intraductal papillary neoplasms of the bile duct, intraductal tubulopapillary neoplasms and mucinous cystic neoplasm, are discussed in this review. A main challenge in diagnosing cholangiocarcinoma is the fact that tumour tissue for histological examination is difficult to obtain. Thus, a major clinical obstacle is the establishment of the correct diagnosis at a tumour stage that is amenable to surgery which still represents the only curable therapeutic option. Current standards, methodology and criteria for diagnosis are discussed. Cholangiocarcinoma represents a heterogeneous tumour with regard to molecular alterations. In intrahepatic subtype, mainly two distinctive morpho-molecular groups can currently be discriminated. Large-duct type intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma shows a high mutation frequency of oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes, such as KRAS and TP53 while Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 1/2 mutations and Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 2-fusions are typically seen in small-duct type tumours. It is most important to ensure the separation of the given anatomical subtypes and to search for distinct subgroups within the subtypes on a molecular and morphological basis

    Assessment of the EU Member States' rules on health data in the light of GDPR

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    In the context of the Single Framework Contract Chafea/2018/Health/03 between the EUHealthSupport Consortium and the Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency (Chafea), a study was conducted with the objective to examine and present the EU Member States’ rules governing the processing of health data in light of the GDPR, with the objective of highlighting possible differences and identifying elements that might affect the cross-border exchange of health data in the EU, and examining the potential for EU level action to support health data use and re-use. We distinguish between using health data for primary purposes (for treatment of the patient) and secondary purposes (for research, registries and management of the healthcare system). The study provides an evidence-based comparison of the state of play regarding health data governance within the EU. This will help to assess in what areas EU intervention might be needed and if so, through which types of measures, be it measures such as a Code of Conduct for data processing in the health area, which could be supported by an EU level implementing act or more direct legislative action, taking into account the particularities of the health systems in the Member States. The study uses a mixed-methods approach, consisting of the following elements: - Literature review to provide an overview of best practices, bottlenecks, policy options and possible solutions already identified in the literature. - Mapping legal and technical aspects of health data usage at national level to provide an overview of the differences among countries in legislation, regulation and governance models regarding processing health data. - In-depth case studies of national governance models for health data sharing. - Workshops held with MoH representatives, experts, stakeholder representatives and experts from national data protection offices. - Stakeholder Survey to cross validate and supplement the topics addressed and identified in the Member State legal and technical aspects mapping. The results of this study allow for a detailed assessment of possible elements at Member States/EU level that might affect the movement of health data across borders. It also identifies practices that could facilitate this exchange of data, as well as possible policy options for strategies in this area. Finally, we explored possibilities for sustainable governance structures for health data collection, processing and transfer, as well as measures empowering citizens to have more control of their own health data and to ensure portability and interoperability of these data

    Fitness for purpose of routinely recorded health data to identify patients with complex diseases: The case of Sjögren's syndrome

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    Background: This study is part of the EU-funded project HarmonicSS, aimed at improving the treatment and diagnosis of primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS). pSS is an underdiagnosed, long-term autoimmune disease that affects particularly salivary and lachrymal glands. Objectives: We assessed the usability of routinely recorded primary care and hospital claims data for the identification and validation of patients with complex diseases such as pSS. Methods: pSS patients were identified in primary care by translating the formal inclusion and exclusion criteria for pSS into a patient selection algorithm using data from Nivel Primary Care Database (PCD), covering 10% of the Dutch population between 2006 and 2017. As part of a validation exercise, the pSS patients found by the algorithm were compared to Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) recorded in the national hospital insurance claims database (DIS) between 2013 and 2017. Results: International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC) coded general practitioner (GP) contacts combined with the mention of “Sjögren” in the disease episode titles, were found to best translate the formal classification criteria to a selection algorithm for pSS. A total of 1462 possible pSS patients were identified in primary care (mean prevalence 0.7‰, against 0.61‰ reported globally). The DIS contained 208 545 patients with a Sjögren related DRG or ICD10 code (prevalence 2017: 2.73‰). A total of 2 577 577 patients from Nivel PCD were linked to the DIS database. A total of 716 of the linked pSS patients (55.3%) were confirmed based on the DIS. Conclusion: Our study finds that GP electronic health records (EHRs) lack the granular information needed to apply the formal diagnostic criteria for pSS. The developed algorithm resulted in a patient selection that approximates the expected prevalence and characteristics, although only slightly over half of the patients were confirmed using the DIS. Without more detailed diagnostic information, the fitness for purpose of routine EHR data for patient identification and validation could not be determined

    Is green space in the living environment associated with people's feelings of social safety?

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    Abstract. The authors investigate whether the percentage of green space in people's living environ- ment affects their feelings of social safety positively or negatively. More specifically they investigate the extent to which this relationship varies between urban and rural areas, between groups in the community that can be identified as more or less vulnerable, and the extent to which different types of green space exert different influences. The study includes 83736 Dutch citizens who were interviewed about their feelings of social safety. The percentage of green space in the living environment of each respondent was calculated, and data analysed by use of a three-level latent variable model, controlled for individual and environmental background characteristics. The analyses suggest that more green space in people's living environment is associated with enhanced feelings of social safetyöexcept in very strongly urban areas, where enclosed green spaces are associated with reduced feelings of social safety. Contrary to the common image of green space as a dangerous hiding place for criminal activity which causes feelings of insecurity, the results suggest that green space generally enhances feelings of social safety. The results also suggest, however, that green space in the most urban areas is a matter of concern with respect to social safety.

    Is there still a role for nuchal translucency measurement in the changing paradigm of first trimester screening?

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    Objectives To give an overview of the genetic and structural abnormalities occurring in fetuses with nuchal translucency (NT) measurement exceeding the 95th percentile at first-trimester screening and to investigate which of these abnormalities would be missed if cell-free fetal DNA (cfDNA) were used as a first-tier screening test for chromosomal abnormalities. Methods This is a national study including 1901 pregnancies with NT &gt;= 95th percentile referred to seven university hospitals in the Netherlands between 1 January 2010 and 1 January 2016. All cases with unknown pregnancy outcome were excluded. Results of detailed ultrasound examinations, karyotyping, genotyping, pregnancy and neonatal outcomes, investigation by a clinical geneticist and post-mortem investigations were collected. Results In total, 821 (43%) pregnancies had at least one abnormality. The rate of abnormalities was 21% for fetuses with NT between 95(th) and 99(th) percentile and 62% for fetuses with NT &gt;= 99(th) percentile. Prevalence of single-gene disorders, submicroscopic, chromosomal and structural abnormalities was 2%, 2%, 30% and 9%, respectively. Conclusion Although cfDNA is superior to the combined test, especially for the detection of trisomy 21, 34% of the congenital abnormalities occurring in fetuses with increased NT may remain undetected in the first trimester of pregnancy, unless cfDNA is used in combination with fetal sonographic assessment, including NT measurement.</p
