172 research outputs found

    Morality in the labour world of the 21st century

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    This chapter summarizes three case studies on different work experiences in Argentina: call centres, social program beneficiaries and urban waste collectors. A particular dimension of processes related to transformations in labour so as to understand the role of emotions is discussed. In this regard, it is demonstrated how: a) socially constructed fear organizes perceptions and structures “correct ways of feeling” to guarantee not only the inexistence of conflict, but enormous profit rates for call centres; b) the “embodiment” of workers’ faces is located at the core of a business’s presentation, as a human ability to be valued and regulated for social program beneficiaries; c) the “sensibility of disposable people” displays the way a particular reality becomes unquestionable, favouring a state of occupational disposability. Finally, these changes in the labour world show particular ways of managing emotions, becoming an axis of the “morality” at the current stage in expansion of capitalism.Fil: Scribano, Adrián Oscar. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones "Gino Germani"; ArgentinaFil: Vergara, Gabriela del Valle. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Lisdero, Pedro Matías. Universidad Nacional de Villa María; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; ArgentinaFil: Quattrini, Diego. Universidad Nacional de Villa María; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Democracy in Tumultuous Times: Protests, Pandemic and Plebiscite in Chile

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    En 2020, Chile llevó a cabo un plebiscito histórico que decidió por amplio margen comenzar un proceso constituyente. La votación ocurrió en un contexto tumultuoso, marcado por el estallido social de 2019 y la pandemia de COVID-19. Este artículo explica cómo estas circunstancias estuvieron asociadas a la participación electoral, que experimentó una leve alza respecto a elecciones anteriores. Regresiones a nivel municipal de las 345 comunas de Chile sugieren que diferentes impactos de la pandemia se asociaron tanto positiva como negativamente con la participación. Adicionalmente, la exposición a protestas violentas y no violentas deprimió la participación electoral, particularmente en comunas más de derecha.In 2020, Chile held a historic plebiscite that decided, by a broad margin, to hold a constitution-making process. The vote took place in a tumultuous context, marked by the 2019 social outburst and the COVID-19 pandemic. This article explains how these circumstances were associated with turnout, which increased slightly compared to previous elections. District-level regression analyses of Chile’s 345 municipalities suggest that different impacts of the pandemic were both positively and negatively associated with turnout. Additionally, exposure to both nonviolent and violent protests during the social outburst depressed turnout, particularly in more right-wing districts


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    Resumen · El Loro Tricahue (Cyanoliseus patagonus bloxami) es una subespecie endémica de Chile amenazada de extinción, siendo la caza, la captura de pollos para su comercio como mascotas y la pérdida de hábitat sus principales amenazas. Abundante y ampliamente distribuida en el pasado, su población está fragmentada y en 1985 no superaba los 3300 ejemplares. Por medio de censos sistemáticos se estudió la variación temporal en la abundancia de los Tricahues en el río Cachapoal (región de O’Higgins, Chile), entre 1985 y 2015, determinando un aumento poblacional de 217 individuos en 1985 hasta 2979 individuos en 2014–2015. El aumento poblacional se debe probablemente a la creación de la Reserva Nacional Río de los Cipreses, la protección directa de las loreras en época de reproducción y campañas de educación ambiental dirigidas a los habitantes de las localidades cercanas.Abstract · The Burrowing Parrot (Cyanoliseus patagonus bloxami, Aves: Psittaciformes) colony from Alto Cachapoal, Chile: variations in population size between 1985 and 2015 The endangered endemic subspecies of the Burrowing Parrot from Chile (Cyanoliseus patagonus bloxami) is threatened by hunting, pet trade, and loss of its habitat. Abundant and widely distributed in the past, its population has become fragmented and, by 1985, consisted of only about 3300 birds in Chile. Based on a systematic monitoring we studied population dynamics at the Cachapoal River (O’Higgins region, Central Chile), documenting a population increase from 217 individuals in 1985 to 2979 in 2014–2015. This growth is probably related to the creation of the Rio Cipreses National Reserve, as well as the direct protection of its colonies and a campaign of environmental awareness aimed at the local people

    Liderazgo transformacional y su impacto en el Work Engagement desde la perspectiva del modelo HERO: un meta-análisis

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    34 p.El presente meta-análisis tiene por objetivo evaluar el impacto del liderazgo transformacional en el work engagement, desde la perspectiva del Modelo de Organizaciones Saludables y Resilientes HERO (Healthy and Resilient Organizations Model; Salanova et al., 2012). Este meta-análisis se desarrolló bajo las directrices PRISMA y recomendaciones del Manual Cochrane (Prefered Reporting Items Systematic Review and Meta Analysis; Page et al., 2021). Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de artículos científicos con las palabras clave en las bases de datos online PubMed, Scopus y Web of Science. Se encontraron 972 artículos en total, tras aplicar los criterios de exclusión e inclusión finalmente se redujo a cinco estudios. Los resultados indican que aquellos empleados/as que son liderados bajo un estilo transformacional, aumentan en 16,3 veces las posibilidades de desarrollar work engagement. En conclusión, siguiendo el lineamiento del modelo HERO, el liderazgo transformacional como recurso social aumenta las posibilidades de incrementar el vigor, dedicación y absorción de los/as trabajadores/as. Basado en el Modelo HERO, se discuten los resultados del presente meta-análisis en términos teóricos y prácticos, teniendo especial alcance en las intervenciones en liderazgo transformacional que deberían plantearse en las organizaciones para mejorar el bienestar psicosocial laboral de los/las trabajadores/as como es el work engagement. // ABSTRACT: This meta-analysis aims to assess the impact of transformational leadership on work engagement, based on the HERO model (HEalthy and Resilient Organizations Model; Salanova et al., 2012). This meta-analysis was developed according to the PRISMA and the Cochrane Manual guidelines (Prefered Reporting Items Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis; Page et al., 2021). A systematic search of scientific articles with the keywords was done, using the data found on PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases. A total of 972 articles were found, after applying the exclusion and inclusion criteria, it was reduced to five studies. The results show that those employees who are guided by a transformational leader have 16.3 more possibilities of developing work engagement. In conclusion, following the HERO model guidelines, transformational leadership, as a social resource, increases the employee’s possibilities of increasing vigor, dedication and absorption. Based on the HERO model the results are discussed in theoretical and practical terms, having special scope on the transformational leadership interventions that should be considered in the organizations so that the employees’ wellbeing is promoted as the work engagement

    Data-driven estimation of the invisible energy of cosmic ray showers with the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The determination of the primary energy of extensive air showers using the uorescence detection technique requires an estimation of the energy carried away by particles that do not deposit all their energy in the atmosphere. This estimation is typically made using Monte Carlo simulations and thus depends on the assumed primary particle mass and on model predictions for neutrino and muon production. In this work we present a new method to obtain the invisible energy from events detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory. The method uses measurements of the muon number at ground level, and it allows us to reduce signi cantly the systematic uncertainties related to the mass composition and the high energy hadronic interaction models, and consequently to improve the estimation of the energy scale of the Observatory.La nómina completa de autores puede verse en el archivo asociado al ítem.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Search for High-energy Neutrinos from Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817 with ANTARES, IceCube, and the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo observatories recently discovered gravitational waves from a binary neutron star inspiral. A short gamma-ray burst (GRB) that followed the merger of this binary was also recorded by the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (Fermi-GBM), and the Anti-Coincidence Shield for the Spectrometer for the International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL), indicating particle acceleration by the source. The precise location of the event was determined by optical detections of emission following the merger. We searched for high-energy neutrinos from the merger in the GeV-EeV energy range using the Antares, IceCube, and Pierre Auger Observatories. No neutrinos directionally coincident with the source were detected within ± 500 s around the merger time. Additionally, no MeV neutrino burst signal was detected coincident with the merger. We further carried out an extended search in the direction of the source for high-energy neutrinos within the 14 day period following the merger, but found no evidence of emission. We used these results to probe dissipation mechanisms in relativistic outflows driven by the binary neutron star merger. The non-detection is consistent with model predictions of short GRBs observed at a large off-axis angle.La lista completa de autores que integran el documento puede consultarse en el archivo.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Física La Plat