54 research outputs found

    Karsztformák mészkőfeküjének vizsgálata = The investigation of limestone substrate of the karst forms

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    Vizsgálataink kiterjedtek a teljesen és részben vagy egyáltalán nem fedett karsztokra. A fedett karsztos mélyedések elhelyezkedhetnek a fekü kiemelkedése, oldallejtője és mélyedése felett. A Bakony-hegységben a fedett karsztos mélyedések elsősorban magaslat felett alakultak ki, ahol a fedőüledék vékony. A kitöltött mélyedések felett főleg posztgenetikus fedett karsztos formák képződnek. A Bakonyban a fedőüledékekben képződött nagyobb formák (depressziók) ott alakulnak ki, ahol fedett karsztos formák fordulnak elő, ill. a fekü magaslatokat formál. A mecseki fedett karsztos formák magaslatok felett, valamint idősebb karsztosodás során kialakult részben, vagy teljesen kitöltött dolinák felett képződtek. E formák agyagösszletek elvégződésénél fejlődtek ki. Fedetlen karsztokon idősebb uvalák kitöltődése miatt (Bükk-h.) lokális fedett karsztos térszínek (depressziók) alakultak ki. Területükön fedett karsztosodás megy végbe. A hegység tányéros töbrei olyan áltöbrök, amelyek elfedődött (kibélelt) uvalák. A sortöbrökben (Kis-fennsík) végrehajtott vizsgálataink szerint a völgytalp nagyobb kiterjedésű leoldódása történt. E hely felett elhelyezkedő sortöbrök a fedőüledékek lokális tömörödésével jöttek létre. Az Aggteleki karszton kőzethatár mentén végrehajtott vizsgálatok arra utalnak, hogy itt hosszabb ideje folyik karsztosodás. Ez részben víznyelőképződés, részben fedett karsztosodás. | We examined karsts which are partly or totally covered and uncovered karsts. Covered karst forms can be found above the elevation of the limestone floor, above its side slopes and its depression. Covered karst forms are above elevations in the Bakony Mountains where the covering sedimentary rock is thin. Mainly postgenetycal covered karst forms develop above filled depressions. Greater forms of the covered sedimentary rock develop in the Bakony Mountains, where elevations occur on the limestone floor. Covered karst forms of the Mecsek Mountains occur above elevations of the limestone floor, but mainly they developed above older dolinas. These covered karst forms occur where muds beds wedge out. Due to the infilling of older uvalas of the uncovered karst (Bükk Mountains) locally covered karst surfaces develop. Covered karstification happens in their areas. Plate dolinas of the mountain are pseudodolinas which developed from the filling of the uvalas. According to our research and examinations performed in a few dolinas (Kis Plateau), dissolution occurred in a great expansion on the bottom of the valley. By local gathering of the covering sedimentary rock dolinas are created above this place. According to our investigation on Aggtelek karst which happened along junction, there has been karstification in this place for longer period of time. The karstification is partly the development of sinkholes or covered karstification

    New data on the development of the Baradla Cave (Hungary, Aggtelek karst)

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    The development of karst landforms of the Aggtelek Plateau was investigated concerning the role of these valleys in the genesis of the Baradla Cave, which is located on the Plateau. New data were collected by geophysical method (Vertical Electrical Sounding) from a few dolines of a selected valley of the Aggtelek Plateau. The geophysical profiles confirm that the dolines of the valley bottom did not develop from sinkholes, but they are solution dolines. Morphological characteristics of the valleys of the Plateau suggest that these valleys are not the continuation of the valley of the recent covered karst. The former catchment area of these valleys might have been on the Plateau and north of Kecső valley. Their bottoms tilted into southern direction. Therefore the subsurface capture places of their streams might have been near to the recent sinking line.The sediments (Borsodi Gravel Formation) which were eroded from the above mentioned areas also contributed to the genesis of the Baradla Cave

    The Effect of Mining Activities on the Paleokarstic Features, Recent Karstic Features, and Karst Water of the Bakony Region (Hungary)

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    This study describes the direct and indirect effects of mining on the karst of the Bakony Region. For this, the results of geological and mining research of the last century, the results of hydrological research of fifty years, as well as the investigations of several decades on the karst of the mountain region are used. Direct effects include the exploitation of filling materials (limonite, kaolinite, manganese ore, and bauxite) from paleokarst features, dolomite rubble, activities exploring or destroying cavities, and the pollution of cavity systems with mining waste (dirt). An indirect effect is karst water extraction. Mining activities (coal and quarrying) resulting in the development of pseudokarstic features are also mentioned here. It can be stated that the effects on the karst and karst features may be permanent and even renewing, but the original state may also have returned or can be expected in the near future. Damages may be local or regional. A regional effect is the decrease in karst water level, which has the most significant effect on the environment, but it has already reached its original state by now

    Razkrivanje razvoja lokalnih vdolbin v žlebičih na podlagi terenskih podatkov (Visoke Ture (Totes Gebirge), Avstrija) in simulacije različnega števila kanalskih stičišč

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    The development of emerging hollowing parts of the main channels of rinnenkarren systems at tributary channel junctions is interpreted in this study using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation. In the field, data from cross-sections of 505 local hollowings with one or more tributary channel junctions were investigated. The shift in the width–depth ratio of the local hollowings was studied as the number of junctions and the size of the hollowing changed. Flow was simulated through CFD in digital model channels, and the nature of the resulting vorticity was interpreted. Field data show that local hollowings emerging in the main channels of the channel systems at the junctions. In the main channels, when only a few tributary channels join in the vicinity of each other, local hollowings deepen during their growth and, most often, gradually become pits (depth is larger than width), as the morphometric analysis suggests. As the number of tributary channels increases, the local hollowing may develop into a kamenitza (width is larger than depth). The model experiment suggests the explanation that more tributary channel junctions result in more extensive vorticity, which contributes to the lateral extension (widening) of this channel section. The distance of the tributary junctions from each other also influences the downstream dimension of the local hollowing. In the field, the larger this distance, the more separated the local hollowings induced by individual tributaries. The model experiment suggests that this may occur because the intense vorticity generated by individual junctions becomes increasingly sectionalized as the tributary channel density decreases.Razvoj nastajajočih votlih delov glavnih kanalov v sistemih žlebičev na kanalskih stičiščih pritokov je v tej študiji razložen s simulacijo računalniške dinamike tekočin (CFD). Na terenu so bili proučeni podatki iz prečnih prerezov 505 lokalnih vdolbin z enim ali več stičišč pritočnih kanalov. Raziskana je bila sprememba razmerja med širino in globino lokalnih vdolbin glede na spremembe tako števila stičišč kot velikosti vdolbine. Pretok je bil s CFD simuliran v digitalnih modelnih kanalih, nato pa je bila pojasnjena narava nastalega vrtinčenja. Terenski podatki kažejo, da se v glavnih kanalih kanalnih sistemov na stičiščih pojavljajo lokalne vdolbine. V glavnih kanalih, kjer se v bližini drug drugega združi le nekaj pritočnih kanalov, se lokalne vdolbine sčasoma poglabljajo in najpogosteje postopno postanejo jame (globina je večja od širine), kot je razvidno iz morfometrične analize. S povečevanjem števila pritočnih kanalov se lahko lokalna vdolbina razvije v škavnico (širina je večja od globine). Na podlagi modelnega poskusa se predlaga razlaga, da več stičišč pritočnih kanalov povzroči obsežnejše vrtinčenje, ki prispeva k lateralni širitvi (razširitvi) zadevnega odseka kanala. Na velikost lokalne vdolbine v smeri toka vpliva tudi medsebojna oddaljenost stičišč pritočnih kanalov. Na terenu je opazno, da večja ko je ta razdalja, bolj so lokalne vdolbine, ki jih povzročajo posamezni pritoki,oddaljene druga od druge. Iz modelnega poskusa je razvidno, da se to lahko zgodi, ker se intenzivno vrtinčenje, ki nastane na posameznih stičiščih, z zmanjševanjem gostote pritočnih kanalov vedno bolj razdeli v segmente

    Raznovrstnost kraških površinskih reliefnih oblik na karbonatnem krasu

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     The diversity of small, medium, and large solution features of zonal karsts and high mountain karsts is described here. It was taken into consideration how diversity changes according to the distance from the Equator in case of small, medium and large features of various zonal karsts and how it varies based on the distance from altitude in case of the karren features (small features) of high mountain karsts. It can be established that the diversity of karst features decreases according to the distance from the Equator (independent of the size of the features), while in high mountains the diversity of karren features first increases with altitude and then it decreases. The decrease of the diversity of medium and large features moving away from the Equator can be explained by the decrease of dissolution in­tensity. The diversity change of karren features shows a rela­tion with the diversity of the inclination of the bearing slope. Since on tropical karsts and in the medium elevated areas of high mountains (1600-2100 m) where bare slopes with large expansion and various slope inclination occur, the diversity of karren is great. On tropical karsts, slopes with diverse inclina­tion were created by karstification and in high mountains by glacial erosion.V prispevku je opisana raznovrstnost majhnih, srednjih in velikih korozijskih reliefnih oblik, v krasu razliÄŤnih geografskih pasov in v visokogorskem krasu. Upoštevano je bilo, kako se raznovrstnost spreminja glede na oddaljenost od ekvatorja pri majhnih, srednjih in velikih reliefnih oblikah v razliÄŤnih geografskih pasovih ter kako se spreminja glede na spreminjanje nadmorske višine pri škrapljah (drobne oblike) na visokogorskem krasu. Ugotoviti je mogoÄŤe, da se raznovrstnost kraških reliefnih oblik zmanjšuje glede na oddaljenost od ekvatorja (neodvisno od velikosti teh oblik), v visokogorju pa se raznovrstnost škrapelj z višanjem nadmorske višine sprva poveÄŤuje, nato pa se zmanjšuje. Zmanjševanje raznovrstnosti srednjih in velikih reliefnih oblik, znaÄŤilno za ÄŤedalje veÄŤjo oddaljenost od ekvatorja, je mogoÄŤe pojasniti z zmanjševanjem intenzivnosti raztapljanja. Spreminjanje raznovrstnosti škrapelj pa kaĹľe povezavo z raznovrstnostjo naklona poboÄŤja, na katerem nastajajo. Na obmoÄŤjih tropskega krasa in na srednje visokih obmoÄŤjih visokogorja (1600–2100 m), kjer se pojavljajo obseĹľna gola poboÄŤja z razliÄŤnim naklonom poboÄŤja, je raznovrstnost škrapelj zelo velika. Na tropskem krasu so poboÄŤja z razliÄŤnim naklonom nastala z zakrasevanjem, v visokogorju pa z ledeniško erozijo
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