6,946 research outputs found

    The compact radio structure of the high-redshift blazar J1430+4204 before and after a major outburst

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    The high-redshift (z=4.72) blazar J1430+4204 produced an exceptional radio outburst in 2006. We analyzed 15-GHz radio interferometric images obtained with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) before and after the outburst, to search for possible structural changes on milli-arcsecond angular scales and to determine physical parameters of the source.Comment: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Budapest, 2009; to be published in J. Phys.: Conf. Series (JPCS); 4 pages, 3 figure

    Searching for galactic sources in the Swift GRB catalog

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    Since the early 1990s Gamma Ray Bursts have been accepted to be of extra-galactic origin due to the isotropic distribution observed by BATSE and the redshifts observed via absorption line spectroscopy. Nevertheless, upon further examination at least one case turned out to be of galactic origin. This particular event presented a Fast Rise, Exponential Decay (FRED) structure which leads us to believe that other FRED sources might also be Galactic. This study was set out to estimate the most probable degree of contamination by galactic sources that certain samples of FREDs have. In order to quantify the degree of anisotropy the average dipolar and quadripolar moments of each sample of GRBs with respect to the galactic plane were calculated. This was then compared to the probability distribution of simulated samples comprised of a combination of isotropically generated sources and galactic sources. We observe that the dipolar and quadripolar moments of the selected subsamples of FREDs are found more than two standard deviations outside those of random isotropically generated samples.The most probable degree of contamination by galactic sources for the FRED GRBs of the Swift catalog detected until February 2011 that do not have a known redshift is about 21 out of 77 sources which is roughly equal to 27%. Furthermore we observe, that by removing from this sample those bursts that may have any type of indirect redshift indicator and multiple peaks gives the most probable contamination increases up to 34% (17 out of 49 sources). It is probable that a high degree of contamination by galactic sources occurs among the single peak FREDs observed by Swift.Comment: Published to A&A, 4 pages, 5 figures, this arXiv version includes appended table with all the bursts considered in this stud

    Feedforward Inhibition Underlies the Propagation of Cholinergically Induced Gamma Oscillations from Hippocampal CA3 to CA1.

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    Gamma frequency (30-80 Hz) oscillations are implicated in memory processing. Such rhythmic activity can be generated intrinsically in the CA3 region of the hippocampus from where it can propagate to the CA1 area. To uncover the synaptic mechanisms underlying the intrahippocampal spread of gamma oscillations, we recorded local field potentials, as well as action potentials and synaptic currents in anatomically identified CA1 and CA3 neurons during carbachol-induced gamma oscillations in mouse hippocampal slices. The firing of the vast majority of CA1 neurons and all CA3 neurons was phase-coupled to the oscillations recorded in the stratum pyramidale of the CA1 region. The predominant synaptic input to CA1 interneurons was excitatory, and their discharge followed the firing of CA3 pyramidal cells at a latency indicative of monosynaptic connections. Correlation analysis of the input-output characteristics of the neurons and local pharmacological block of inhibition both agree with a model in which glutamatergic CA3 input controls the firing of CA1 interneurons, with local pyramidal cell activity having a minimal role. The firing of phase-coupled CA1 pyramidal cells was controlled principally by their inhibitory inputs, which dominated over excitation. Our results indicate that the synchronous firing of CA3 pyramidal cells rhythmically recruits CA1 interneurons and that this feedforward inhibition generates the oscillatory activity in CA1. These findings identify distinct synaptic mechanisms underlying the generation of gamma frequency oscillations in neighboring hippocampal subregions

    Structure-property and composition-property relationships for poly(ethylene terephthalate) surfaces modified by helium plasma-based ion implantation

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    The surfaces of untreated and helium plasma-based ion implantation (He PBII) treated poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) samples were characterised by reflectance colorimetry, contact angle studies and measurements of surface electrical resistance. The results were related to the structural and compositional data obtained by the authors earlier on parallel samples by XPS and Raman spectroscopy. Inverse correlations between lightness and ID/IG ratio and between chroma and ID/IG ratio were obtained, suggesting that the PBII-treated PET samples darken and their colourfulness decreases with the increase of the portion of aromatic sp2 carbon rings in the chemical structure of the modified layer. Direct correlation between water contact angle and the ID/IG ratio and inverse correlations between surface energy and ID/IG ratio and between dispersive component of surface energy and ID/IG ratio were found, reflecting that surface wettability, surface energy and its dispersive component decrease with the formation of surface structure, characterised again by enhanced portion of aromatic sp2 carbon rings. The surface electrical resistance decreased with the increase of the surface C-content determined by XPS and also with the increase of the surface concentration of conjugated double bonds, reflected by the increase of the pi-pi* shake-up satellite of the C 1s peak

    Disordered proteins and network disorder in network descriptions of protein structure, dynamics and function. Hypotheses and a comprehensive review

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    During the last decade, network approaches became a powerful tool to describe protein structure and dynamics. Here we review the links between disordered proteins and the associated networks, and describe the consequences of local, mesoscopic and global network disorder on changes in protein structure and dynamics. We introduce a new classification of protein networks into ‘cumulus-type’, i.e., those similar to puffy (white) clouds, and ‘stratus-type’, i.e., those similar to flat, dense (dark) low-lying clouds, and relate these network types to protein disorder dynamics and to differences in energy transmission processes. In the first class, there is limited overlap between the modules, which implies higher rigidity of the individual units; there the conformational changes can be described by an ‘energy transfer’ mechanism. In the second class, the topology presents a compact structure with significant overlap between the modules; there the conformational changes can be described by ‘multi-trajectories’; that is, multiple highly populated pathways. We further propose that disordered protein regions evolved to help other protein segments reach ‘rarely visited’ but functionally-related states. We also show the role of disorder in ‘spatial games’ of amino acids; highlight the effects of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) on cellular networks and list some possible studies linking protein disorder and protein structure networks

    Torakalna hernijacija kraljeĆĄnične moĆŸdine

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    Herniation of the spinal cord through a dural defect is a rather rare deformity and very easily misdiagnosed as retromedullary occult intraspinal arachnoid cyst or meningocele. The possible origin of the dural defect can be traumatic, iatrogenic or unknown, so in these cases, congenital with great probability. On the thoracal part of the spinal column it shows a rather characteristic and misleading appearance. The anomaly leads to progressive Brown-Sequard syndrome, and the case history can be extremely long. Surgical repair of the dural defect results in improvement, or even complete recovery, if performed in time. These are the facts that emphasize the importance of early diagnosis.Hernijacija kraljeĆŸnične moĆŸdine kroz duralne defekte prilično je rijetka deformacija koja se vrlo lako pogreĆĄno dijagnosticira kao retromedularna okultna intraspinalna arahnoidna cista ili kao meningokela. Uzrok duralnog defekta moĆŸe biti traumatski, jatrogeni ili nepoznat, a u ovim je slučajevima vrlo vjerojatno prirođen. Torakalni dio kraljeĆŸnice pokazuje prilično karakterističan izgled, no koji moĆŸe zavarati. Poremećaj uzrokuje pojavu progresivnog Brown-SĂ©quardova sindroma, a anamneza moĆŸe biti izrazito dugotrajna. Ako se provede na vrijeme, kirurĆĄko zatvaranje duralnog defekta dovodi do poboljĆĄanja, pa čak i do potpunog oporavka, .to upućuje na vaĆŸnost rane dijagnoze

    Radiation distributions in TCV

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    Total radiative powers measured by foil bolometer and AXUV camera systems are compared to SOLPS5 simulations in low and high density deuterium and helium diverted discharges on the TCV tokamak. For low density the match between simulation and measurements is satisfactory, but at high density strongly radiating regions outside the SOLPS5 simulation grid are seen in measurements and this may indicate the presence of enhanced convective particle transport in the low field side midplane region. The chord coverage of the foil bolometer system does not, however, allow detailed resolution in this region. The comparison of foil and AXUV data also demonstrates that ageing of the AXUV diodes under plasma irradiation combined with the unevenness of the diode spectral response, strongly limits their application for total radiative power measurements. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Gamma Ray Bursts: recent results and connections to very high energy Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos

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    Gamma-ray bursts are the most concentrated explosions in the Universe. They have been detected electromagnetically at energies up to tens of GeV, and it is suspected that they could be active at least up to TeV energies. It is also speculated that they could emit cosmic rays and neutrinos at energies reaching up to the 1018−102010^{18}-10^{20} eV range. Here we review the recent developments in the photon phenomenology in the light of \swift and \fermi satellite observations, as well as recent IceCube upper limits on their neutrino luminosity. We discuss some of the theoretical models developed to explain these observations and their possible contribution to a very high energy cosmic ray and neutrino background.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Text of a plenary lecture at the PASCOS 12 conference, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, June 2012; to appear in J.Phys. (Conf. Series

    Searching for differences in Swift's intermediate GRBs

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    Gamma-ray bursts are usually classified through their high-energy emission into short-duration and long-duration bursts, which presumably reflect two different types of progenitors. However, it has been shown on statistical grounds that a third, intermediate population is needed in this classification scheme, although an extensive study of the properties of this class has so far not been done. The large amount of follow-up studies generated during the Swift era allows us to have a suficient sample to attempt a study of this third population through the properties of their prompt emission and their afterglows. Our study is focused on a sample of GRBs observed by Swift during its first four years of operation. The sample contains those bursts with measured redshift since this allows us to derive intrinsic properties. Intermediate bursts are less energetic and have dimmer afterglows than long GRBs, especially when considering the X-ray light curves, which are on average one order of magnitude fainter than long bursts. There is a less significant trend in the redshift distribution that places intermediate bursts closer than long bursts. Except for this, intermediate bursts show similar properties to long bursts. In particular, they follow the Epeak vs. Eiso correlation and have, on average, positive spectral lags with a distribution similar to that of long bursts. Like long GRBs, they normally have an associated supernova, although some intermediate bursts have shown no supernova component. This study shows that intermediate bursts are different from short bursts and, in spite of sharing many properties with long bursts, there are some differences between them as well. We suggest that the physical difference between intermediate and long bursts could be that for the first the ejecta are thin shells while for the latter they are thick shells.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 16 pages, 17 figures, 5 table
