14 research outputs found

    Leser:innenschaft erziehungswissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften. Untersuchung von Zitations- und Downloadverhalten

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    Die Untersuchung erziehungswissenschaftlicher Wissensproduktion anhand von Zeitschriften- und Autor:innenanalysen ist ein gängiges methodisches Verfahren. Die Autor*innen verschieben den Fokus von den Schreibenden auf die Leser:innenschaft erziehungswissenschaftlicher Texte und Zielgruppen erziehungswissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften. Sie gehen dabei der Frage nach, ob sich Korrelationen im Zitations- und Downloadverhalten bei der Leser:innenschaft erziehungswissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften zeigen lassen. (DIPF/Orig.

    Eine bibliometrische Analyse. 10 Jahre FrĂĽhe Bildung

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    Anlässlich des zehnten Jubiläums der Zeitschrift skizziert der Beitrag die Wirkung der Zeitschrift anhand bibliometrischer Analysen. Die deskriptiven Analysen geben einen Überblick über die Autor_innen und Beitragsarten der Zeitschrift. Referenzanalysen zeigen das wissenschaftliche Netzwerk der Autor_innen der Frühen Bildung auf. Zitationsanalysen geben einen Überblick darüber, wie das Wissen aus Frühe Bildung im Forschungsfeld weitergetragen wird. Zur Untersuchung werden die Verlags- sowie Zitations- und Referenzdaten aus dem Web of Science herangezogen. (DIPF/Orig.)On the occasion of the journal\u27s tenth anniversary, the article outlines the impact it has had using bibliometric analyses. The descriptive analyses provide an overview of the authors and the types of publications that appear in the journal. Reference analyses show the scientific network of the authors of Frühe Bildung. Citation analyses provide an overview of how knowledge from Frühe Bildung is passed on in the research field. Data from the publisher as well as citation and reference data from the Web of Science are used for the analyses. (DIPF/Orig.

    Inhibition of lysyl oxidases synergizes with 5-azacytidine to restore erythropoiesis in myelodysplastic and myeloid malignancies

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    Limited response rates and frequent relapses during standard of care with hypomethylating agents in myelodysplastic neoplasms (MN) require urgent improvement of this treatment indication. Here, by combining 5-azacytidine (5-AZA) with the pan-lysyl oxidase inhibitor PXS-5505, we demonstrate superior restoration of erythroid differentiation in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) of MN patients in 20/31 cases (65%) versus 9/31 cases (29%) treated with 5-AZA alone. This effect requires direct contact of HSPCs with bone marrow stroma components and is dependent on integrin signaling. We further confirm these results in vivo using a bone marrow niche-dependent MN xenograft model in female NSG mice, in which we additionally demonstrate an enforced reduction of dominant clones as well as significant attenuation of disease expansion and normalization of spleen sizes. Overall, these results lay out a strong pre-clinical rationale for efficacy of combination treatment of 5-AZA with PXS-5505 especially for anemic MN

    Intracellular lumen extension requires ERM-1-dependent apical membrane expansion and AQP-8-mediated flux

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    SUMMARY Many unicellular tubes such as capillaries form lumens intracellularly, a process that is not well understood. Here we show that the cortical membrane organizer ERM-1 is required to expand the intracellular apical/lumenal membrane and its actin undercoat during single-cell C.elegans excretory canal morphogenesis. We characterize AQP-8, identified in an ERM-1 overexpression (ERM-1[++]) suppressor screen, as a canalicular aquaporin that interacts with ERM-1 in lumen extension in a mercury-sensitive manner, implicating water-channel activity. AQP-8 is transiently recruited to the lumen by ERM-1, co-localizing in peri-lumenal cuffs interspaced along expanding canals. An ERM-1[++]-mediated increase in the number of lumen-associated canaliculi is reversed by AQP-8 depletion. We propose that the ERM-1-AQP-8 interaction propels lumen extension by translumenal flux, suggesting a direct morphogenetic effect of water-channel-regulated fluid pressure

    Teaching as Part of Open Scholarship – Scientometric Indicators for Open Educational Resources

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    <p>Scientometric indicators for recording Open Educational Resources (OER) could provide a way of quantitatively representing openness in higher education teaching. They could serve science policy monitoring and lead to greater visibility of higher education teaching in the recognition and reward system which is currently not the case. In order to explore opportunities and risks as well as potential effects of such OER indicators, focus group discussions with experts from the OER and/or scientometric community were conducted in summer 2022. This paper presents the results. In the group discussions, the complexity of OER materials became clear and participants also highlighted that their representation through scientometric indicators has to take into account specificities. The participants rated usage of OER indicators on an individual level, e. g. in the context of appointment procedures for academic staff, as highly problematic and not desirable. Scientometric indicators in general represent a reduction of complexity in this respect and do not reflect quality adequately. Institutional applications and applications to identify a cultural change towards open teaching practices, on the other hand, are rated rather positively. By such applications, the implementation of OER policies could be monitored and universities could develop a teaching profile based on openness.</p&gt

    Eine bibliometrische Analyse

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    In Silico Pan-Cancer Analysis Reveals Prognostic Role of the Erythroferrone (ERFE) Gene in Human Malignancies

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    The erythroferrone gene (ERFE), also termed CTRP15, belongs to the C1q tumor necrosis factor-related protein (CTRP) family. Despite multiple reports about the involvement of CTRPs in cancer, the role of ERFE in cancer progression is largely unknown. We previously found that ERFE was upregulated in erythroid progenitors in myelodysplastic syndromes and strongly predicted overall survival. To understand the potential molecular interactions and identify cues for further functional investigation and the prognostic impact of ERFE in other malignancies, we performed a pan-cancer in silico analysis utilizing the Cancer Genome Atlas datasets. Our analysis shows that the ERFE mRNA is significantly overexpressed in 22 tumors and affects the prognosis in 11 cancer types. In certain tumors such as breast cancer and adrenocortical carcinoma, ERFE overexpression has been associated with the presence of oncogenic mutations and a higher tumor mutational burden. The expression of ERFE is co-regulated with the factors and pathways involved in cancer progression and metastasis, including activated pathways of the cell cycle, extracellular matrix/tumor microenvironment, G protein-coupled receptor, NOTCH, WNT, and PI3 kinase-AKT. Moreover, ERFE expression influences intratumoral immune cell infiltration. Conclusively, ERFE is aberrantly expressed in pan-cancer and can potentially function as a prognostic biomarker based on its putative functions during tumorigenesis and tumor development

    Preclinical evaluation of eltrombopag in a PDX model of myelodysplastic syndromes

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    Preclinical research of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDSs) is hampered by a lack of feasible disease models. Previously, we have established a robust patient-derived xenograft (PDX) model for MDS. Here we demonstrate for the first time that this model is applicable as a preclinical platform to address pending clinical questions by interrogating the efficacy and safety of the thrombopoietin receptor agonist eltrombopag. Our preclinical study included n = 49 xenografts generated from n = 9 MDS patient samples. Substance efficacy was evidenced by FACS-based human platelet quantification and clonal bone marrow evolution was reconstructed by serial whole-exome sequencing of the PDX samples. In contrast to clinical trials in humans, this experimental setup allowed vehicle- and replicate-controlled analyses on a patient-individual level deciphering substance-specific effects from natural disease progression. We found that eltrombopag effectively stimulated thrombopoiesis in MDS PDX without adversely affecting the patients' clonal composition. In conclusion, our MDS PDX model is a useful tool for testing new therapeutic concepts in MDS preceding clinical trials

    Significant improvement of bone marrow-derived MSC expansion from MDS patients by defined xeno-free medium

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    Abstract Background Robust and reliable in vitro and in vivo models of primary cells are necessary to study the pathomechanisms of Myelodysplastic Neoplasms (MDS) and identify novel therapeutic strategies. MDS-derived hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) are reliant on the support of bone marrow (BM) derived mesenchymal stroma cells (MSCs). Therefore, isolation and expansion of MCSs are essential for successfully modeling this disease. For the clinical use of healthy MSCs isolated from human BM, umbilical cord blood or adipose tissue, several studies showed that xeno-free (XF) culture conditions resulted in superior growth kinetics compared to MSCs cultured in the presence of fetal bovine serum (FBS). In this present study, we investigate, whether the replacement of a commercially available MSC expansion medium containing FBS with a XF medium is beneficial for the expansion of MSCs derived from BM of MDS patients which are often difficult to cultivate. Methods MSCs isolated from BM of MDS patients were cultured and expanded in MSC expansion medium with FBS or XF supplement. Subsequently, the impact of culture media on growth kinetics, morphology, immunophenotype, clonogenic potential, differentiation capacity, gene expression profiles and ability to engraft in immunodeficient mouse models was evaluated. Results Significant higher cell numbers with an increase in clonogenic potential were observed during culture of MDS MSCs with XF medium compared to medium containing FBS. Differential gene expression showed an increase in transcripts associated with MSC stemness after expansion with XF. Furthermore, immunophenotypes of the MSCs and their ability to differentiate into osteoblasts, adipocytes or chondroblasts remained stable. MSCs expanded with XF media were similarly supportive for creating MDS xenografts in vivo as MSCs expanded with FBS. Conclusion Our data indicate that with XF media, higher cell numbers of MDS MSCs can be obtained with overall improved characteristics in in vitro and in vivo experimental models