19 research outputs found

    Direct formulation to Cholesky decomposition of a general nonsingular correlation matrix

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    We present two novel, explicit representations of Cholesky factor of a nonsingular correlation matrix. The first representation uses semi-partial correlation coefficients as its entries. The second, uses an equivalent form of the square roots of the differences between two ratios of successive determinants. Each of the two new forms enjoys parsimony of notations and offers a simpler alternative to both spherical factorization and the multiplicative partial correlation Cholesky matrix (Cooke et al 2011). Two relevant applications are offered for each form: a simple tt-test for assessing the independence of a single variable in a multivariate normal structure, and a straightforward algorithm for generating random positive-definite correlation matrix. The second representation is also extended to any nonsingular hermitian matrix.Comment: Accepted to Statistics and Probability Letters, March 201

    seeQTL: a searchable database for human eQTLs

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    Summary: seeQTL is a comprehensive and versatile eQTL database, including various eQTL studies and a meta-analysis of HapMap eQTL information. The database presents eQTL association results in a convenient browser, using both segmented local-association plots and genome-wide Manhattan plots

    Gene Expression in Transformed Lymphocytes Reveals Variation in Endomembrane and HLA Pathways Modifying Cystic Fibrosis Pulmonary Phenotypes

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    Variation in cystic fibrosis (CF) phenotypes, including lung disease severity, age of onset of persistent Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) lung infection, and presence of meconium ileus (MI), has been partially explained by genome-wide association studies (GWASs). It is not expected that GWASs alone are sufficiently powered to uncover all heritable traits associated with CF phenotypic diversity. Therefore, we utilized gene expression association from lymphoblastoid cells lines from 754 p.Phe508del CF-affected homozygous individuals to identify genes and pathways. LPAR6, a G protein coupled receptor, associated with lung disease severity (false discovery rate q value = 0.0006). Additional pathway analyses, utilizing a stringent permutation-based approach, identified unique signals for all three phenotypes. Pathways associated with lung disease severity were annotated in three broad categories: (1) endomembrane function, containing p.Phe508del processing genes, providing evidence of the importance of p.Phe508del processing to explain lung phenotype variation; (2) HLA class I genes, extending previous GWAS findings in the HLA region; and (3) endoplasmic reticulum stress response genes. Expression pathways associated with lung disease were concordant for some endosome and HLA pathways, with pathways identified using GWAS associations from 1,978 CF-affected individuals. Pathways associated with age of onset of persistent P. aeruginosa infection were enriched for HLA class II genes, and those associated with MI were related to oxidative phosphorylation. Formal testing demonstrated that genes showing differential expression associated with lung disease severity were enriched for heritable genetic variation and expression quantitative traits. Gene expression provided a powerful tool to identify unrecognized heritable variation, complementing ongoing GWASs in this rare disease