1,619 research outputs found

    No new cosmological concordance with massive sterile neutrinos

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    It has been claimed recently that massive sterile neutrinos could bring about a new concordance between observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the large-scale structure (LSS) of the Universe, and local measurements of the Hubble constant, H0H_0. We demonstrate that this apparent concordance results from combining datasets which are in significant tension, even within this extended model, possibly indicating remaining systematic biases in the measurements. We further show that this tension remains when the cosmological model is further extended to include significant tensor modes, as suggested by the recent BICEP2 results. Using the Bayesian evidence, we show that the minimal Λ\LambdaCDM model is strongly favoured over its neutrino extensions by various combinations of datasets. Robust data combinations yield stringent limits of ∑mν≲0.3\sum m_\nu\lesssim0.3 eV and mν,sterileeff≲0.3m_{\nu,{\rm sterile}}^{\rm eff} \lesssim 0.3 eV at 95%95\% CL for the sum of active and sterile neutrinos, respectively.Comment: 6 pages, version accepted by PR

    Is there evidence for additional neutrino species from cosmology?

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    It has been suggested that recent cosmological and flavor-oscillation data favor the existence of additional neutrino species beyond the three predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics. We apply Bayesian model selection to determine whether there is indeed any evidence from current cosmological datasets for the standard cosmological model to be extended to include additional neutrino flavors. The datasets employed include cosmic microwave background temperature, polarization and lensing power spectra, and measurements of the baryon acoustic oscillation scale and the Hubble constant. We also consider other extensions to the standard neutrino model, such as massive neutrinos, and possible degeneracies with other cosmological parameters. The Bayesian evidence indicates that current cosmological data do not require any non-standard neutrino properties.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures. v3: replaced with version published in JCAP (typo fixes, including Figure 1 units

    No Place to Hide that Bytes won't Reveal: Sniffing Location-Based Encrypted Traffic to Track a User's Position

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    News reports of the last few years indicated that several intelligence agencies are able to monitor large networks or entire portions of the Internet backbone. Such a powerful adversary has only recently been considered by the academic literature. In this paper, we propose a new adversary model for Location Based Services (LBSs). The model takes into account an unauthorized third party, different from the LBS provider itself, that wants to infer the location and monitor the movements of a LBS user. We show that such an adversary can extrapolate the position of a target user by just analyzing the size and the timing of the encrypted traffic exchanged between that user and the LBS provider. We performed a thorough analysis of a widely deployed location based app that comes pre-installed with many Android devices: GoogleNow. The results are encouraging and highlight the importance of devising more effective countermeasures against powerful adversaries to preserve the privacy of LBS users.Comment: 14 pages, 9th International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS 2015

    An Emulator for the Lyman-alpha Forest

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    We present methods for interpolating between the 1-D flux power spectrum of the Lyman-α\alpha forest, as output by cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. Interpolation is necessary for cosmological parameter estimation due to the limited number of simulations possible. We construct an emulator for the Lyman-α\alpha forest flux power spectrum from 2121 small simulations using Latin hypercube sampling and Gaussian process interpolation. We show that this emulator has a typical accuracy of 1.5% and a worst-case accuracy of 4%, which compares well to the current statistical error of 3 - 5% at z<3z < 3 from BOSS DR9. We compare to the previous state of the art, quadratic polynomial interpolation. The Latin hypercube samples the entire volume of parameter space, while quadratic polynomial emulation samples only lower-dimensional subspaces. The Gaussian process provides an estimate of the emulation error and we show using test simulations that this estimate is reasonable. We construct a likelihood function and use it to show that the posterior constraints generated using the emulator are unbiased. We show that our Gaussian process emulator has lower emulation error than quadratic polynomial interpolation and thus produces tighter posterior confidence intervals, which will be essential for future Lyman-α\alpha surveys such as DESI.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures, accepted to JCAP with minor change

    No new cosmological concordance with massive sterile neutrinos

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    It has been claimed recently that massive sterile neutrinos could bring about a new concordance between observations of the cosmic microwave background, the large-scale structure of the Universe, and local measurements of the Hubble constant, H0. We demonstrate that this apparent concordance results from combining data sets which are in significant tension, even within this extended model, possibly indicating remaining systematic biases in the measurements. We further show that this tension remains when the cosmological model is further extended to include significant tensor modes, as suggested by the recent BICEP2 results. Using the Bayesian evidence, we show that the cold dark matter model with a cosmological constant is strongly favored over its neutrino extensions by various combinations of data sets. Robust data combinations yield stringent limits of ∑mν≲0.3  eV and meffν,sterile≲0.3  eV at 95% C.L. for the sum of active and sterile neutrinos, respectively

    Hiponatremia no calazar

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    There are few reports linking hyponatremia and visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar). This is a study of 55 consecutive kala-azar patients and 20 normal individuals as a control group. Hyponatremia and serum hypo-osmolality were detected in 100% of kala-azar patients. High first morning urine osmolality (750.0 ± 52.0 vs. 894.5 ± 30.0mOsm/kg H2O, p < 0.05), and high 24-hour urine osmolality (426.0 ± 167.0 vs. 514.6 ± 132.0 mOsm/kg H2O, p < 0.05) demonstrated persistent antidiuretic hormone secretion. Urinary sodium was high (82.3 ± 44.2 vs.110.3 ± 34.7 mEq/L, p < 0.05). Low seric uric acid occurred in 61.8% of patients and increased fractional urinary uric acid excretion was detected in 74.5% of them. Increased glomerular filtration rate was present in 25.4% of patients. There was no evidence of extracellular volume depletion. Normal plasma ADH levels were observed in kala-azar patients. No endocrine or renal dysfunction was detected. It is possible that most hyponatremic kala-azar patients present the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion.Existem poucos relatos relacionando hiponatremia com a leshmaniose visceral (calazar). Este é um estudo de 55 pacientes portadores de calazar e um grupo controle de 20 indivíduos normais. Hiponatremia e hipo-osmolalidade sérica foram detectados em 100% dos pacientes portadores de calazar. A presença de alta osmolalidade da primeira urina da manhã (750,0 ± 52,0 vs. 894,5 ± 30 mOsm/Kg H2O, p < 0,05) e da urina de 24h (426,0 ± 167,0 vs. 514,6 ± 132,0 mOsm/Kg H2O, p < 0,05), demonstraram a presença de persistente secreção de hormônio antidiurético. A concentração de sódio urinário foi elevada (82,3 ± 44,2 vs. 110,3 ± 34,7 mEq/L, p < 0,05). Hipouricemia ocorreu em 61,8% dos pacientes e aumento da fração de excreção urinária de ácido úrico foi detectada em 74,5% dos casos. Aumento da velocidade de filtração glomerular estava presente em 25,4% dos pacientes. Não havia evidência clínica de depleção de volume extracelular. Valores normais de ADH plasmático foram observados nos pacientes com calazar. Não foi detectada disfunção renal ou endócrina. É provável, que a maioria dos pacientes com calazar apresente uma síndrome de secreção inapropriada de hormônio antidiurético

    Is there evidence for additional neutrino species from cosmology?

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    It has been suggested that recent cosmological and flavor-oscillation data favor the existence of additional neutrino species beyond the three predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics. We apply Bayesian model selection to determine whether there is indeed any evidence from current cosmological datasets for the standard cosmological model to be extended to include additional neutrino flavors. The datasets employed include cosmic microwave background temperature, polarization and lensing power spectra, and measurements of the baryon acoustic oscillation scale and the Hubble constant. We also consider other extensions to the standard neutrino model, such as massive neutrinos, and possible degeneracies with other cosmological parameters. The Bayesian evidence indicates that current cosmological data do not require any non-standard neutrino properties

    Bayesian Analysis of Inflation III: Slow Roll Reconstruction Using Model Selection

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    We implement Slow Roll Reconstruction -- an optimal solution to the inverse problem for inflationary cosmology -- within ModeCode, a publicly available solver for the inflationary dynamics. We obtain up-to-date constraints on the reconstructed inflationary potential, derived from the WMAP 7-year dataset and South Pole Telescope observations, combined with large scale structure data derived from SDSS Data Release 7. Using ModeCode in conjunction with the MultiNest sampler, we compute Bayesian evidence for the reconstructed potential at each order in the truncated slow roll hierarchy. We find that the data are well-described by the first two slow roll parameters, \epsilon and \eta, and that there is no need to include a nontrivial \xi parameter.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, minor changes; final version; accepted in PR
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