1,705 research outputs found

    La dermatitis alérgica a la picadura de pulga : estudio de factores epidemiológicos en el área urbana de Zaragoza. :

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    Se estudiaron 101 casos seleccionados de entre los que llegaron a la consulta de dermatologia a lo largo de un año y se analizaron los resultados de un cuestionario epidemiologico que se aplico a cada uno de los casos. Despues de aplicar el tratamiento estadistico a los datos, se encontraron cuatro factores significativos (p<0, 05)que interfieren en la presentacion de la enfermedad. Tres de estos factores se consideran factores de riesgo: edad de presentacion de los primeros signos clinicos, estacion en la qeu se manifiesta el prurito e infestacion por pulgas. El control de las pulgas se manifesto como un factor de proteccion

    Panleucopenia felina : una revisión

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    En este trabajo se realiza una revisión bibliográfica sobre la panleucopenia del gato, Se describe la etiología, patogenia, cuadro clínico, tratamiento y profilaxis, Se discuten en profundidad el mecanismo patogénico y las diferentes pautas vacunales.This paper concerns a bibliographic revision on panleukopaenia in the cat. The aetiology, pathogeny, clinical picture, treatrnent and propbylaxis are described Details of the pathogenic mechanism and diverse vaccination are discussed

    Lesiones radiográficas y participación de factores individuales en la espondilosis deformante y la esclerosis vertebral en perros

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    Este estudio resalta la importancia de dos procesos degenerativos de la columna vertebral de la especie canina, espondilosis deformante y esclerosis laminar, abordando aspectos ligados a la descripción y gravedad de las lesiones radiográficas y la participación decisiva de las características del individuo en perros asintomáticos

    Trapped atoms in spatially-structured vector light fields

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    Spatially-structured laser beams, eventually carrying orbital angular momentum, affect electronic transitions of atoms and their motional states in a complex way. We present a general framework, based on the spherical tensor decomposition of the interaction Hamiltonian, for computing atomic transition matrix elements for light fields of arbitrary spatial mode and polarization structures. We study both the bare electronic matrix elements, corresponding to transitions with no coupling to the atomic center-of-mass motion, as well as the matrix elements describing the coupling to the quantized atomic motion in the resolved side-band regime. We calculate the spatial dependence of electronic and motional matrix elements for tightly focused Hermite-Gaussian, Laguerre-Gaussian and for radially and azimuthally polarized beams. We show that near the diffraction limit, all these beams exhibit longitudinal fields and field gradients, which strongly affect the selection rules and could be used to tailor the light-matter interaction. The presented framework is useful for describing trapped atoms or ions in spatially-structured light fields and therefore for designing new protocols and setups in quantum optics, -sensing and -information processing

    The Embioptera from the Strait of Sicily Islands: first records from Pantelleria and Lampedusa and new data from Lampione (Sicily, Italy)

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    The occurrence of Embioptera in the Strait of Sicily islands was up to date known only from Lampione (the smallest of the Pelagie islands), where the only species reported was provisionally assigned to Embia ramburi Rimski-Korsakow, 1905. Based on material recently collected by the authors, the presence of Embioptera is here reported for the first time in the Islands of Pantelleria (Sicily, Trapani) and Lampedusa (Sicily, Agrigento). In the Island of Pantelleria the occurrence of the typical small silky tunnels produced by Embioptera has been verified in many sites, from sea level to Montagna Grande (836 m). In many of these sites, several juveniles and some adult or subadult specimens were collected and reared, obtaining an adult male belonging to Cleomia guareschii Stefani, 1953. Moreover, a single adult male of E. ramburi was collected in Lampedusa, the largest of the Pelagian Islands. Finally, the fauna of Embioptera from Lampione remains still poorly known, as it was possible to examine only two females recently collected in the island, and identified as Embia sp

    Evaluación de la función adrenal en perros

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    En 30 perros sanos, hemos estudiado los niveles de cortisol plasmático antes y después de la administración de hormona adrenocórticotropa (ACTH sintético, vía i.m.) y de dexametasona (dosis de 0,01 y 0,02 mg/Kg p.v., vía i.v.), Las pruebas se iniciaron siempre antes de las 10 horas de la mañana y las determinaciones de cortisol plasmático se evaluaron mediante técnicas de RIA. En nuestras condiciones de trabajo, hemos encontrado unos niveles basales de cortisol cuyo rango va de 0,17 a 7,95 ug/ dl. Se ha observado que, en perros sin sintomatología adrenal y con perfiles hematológicos y bioquímicos normales, la prueba de estimulación con ACTH exógeno, a las dos horas de su administración, es capaz de discriminar como animales sanos el 76,7% de los individuos (23 animales), dando falsos resultados positivos en el 10% (3 animales) y una estimulación baja en el U)% (4 animales). La prueba con dexametasona (0,01 mg/Kg p.v.), a las 8 horas de su aplicación, sólo es capaz de ejercer efecto inhibitorio en el 40% de los casos (12 individuos); pero cuando se incrementa la dosis al doble (dexametasona 0,02 mg/Kg p.v.) se 49 obtienen los mejores resultados de toda la experiencia porque se produce el efecto supresor esperado en el 96,7% de los individuos (29 animales).Thirty healty dogs uiere evaluated for plasma cortisol values before and after adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACm, administered i.m.) and low dose dexamethasone (0.01 and 0.02 mglKgp.v. administered i.u.). The assays started always before 10 hour A.M.} and cortisol plasma concentrations were determined by RIA. In our laboratory we have obserued the normal baseline morning cortisol concentration was between 0.17 and 7.95 ¡..tgldl. ACTH-estimulation test wasfound abnormal bypereponse in 10% (J animals), anormallow stimulation in 11.1% (a dogs) and a expected byperreponse in 76.7% (23) ofthe normal dogs.Dexamethasone-screening test (0.01 mg/Kgp.v.) bring us supressed effect in 40% (12 animals). But wefound the best reliable results when screening test was applied with 0.02 mg/Kgp.v. dexamethasone dose. the suppressed especting effect wasfound in 06. 7% (29 dogs)

    An effective theory of accelerated expansion

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    We work out an effective theory of accelerated expansion to describe general phenomena of inflation and acceleration (dark energy) in the Universe. Our aim is to determine from theoretical grounds, in a physically-motivated and model independent way, which and how many (free) parameters are needed to broadly capture the physics of a theory describing cosmic acceleration. Our goal is to make as much as possible transparent the physical interpretation of the parameters describing the expansion. We show that, at leading order, there are five independent parameters, of which one can be constrained via general relativity tests. The other four parameters need to be determined by observing and measuring the cosmic expansion rate only, H(z). Therefore we suggest that future cosmology surveys focus on obtaining an accurate as possible measurement of H(z)H(z) to constrain the nature of accelerated expansion (dark energy and/or inflation).Comment: In press; minor changes, results unchange

    Prospects in Constraining the Dark Energy Potential

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    We generalize to non-flat geometries the formalism of Simon et al. (2005) to reconstruct the dark energy potential. This formalism makes use of quantities similar to the Horizon-flow parameters in inflation, can, in principle, be made non-parametric and is general enough to be applied outside the simple, single scalar field quintessence. Since presently available and forthcoming data do not allow a non-parametric and exact reconstruction of the potential, we consider a general parametric description in term of Chebyshev polynomials. We then consider present and future measurements of H(z), Baryon Acoustic Oscillations surveys and Supernovae type 1A surveys, and investigate their constraints on the dark energy potential. We find that, relaxing the flatness assumption increases the errors on the reconstructed dark energy evolution but does not open up significant degeneracies, provided that a modest prior on geometry is imposed. Direct measurements of H(z), such as those provided by BAO surveys, are crucially important to constrain the evolution of the dark energy potential and the dark energy equation of state, especially for non-trivial deviations from the standard LambdaCDM model.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures. 2 references correcte