48 research outputs found

    Diseño de un producto de ortopedia en plástico para animales discapacitados: silla de ruedas para perros

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    [ES] "Proyecto Balú" es un producto dirigido a un caso real de un perro con Displasia de cadera (DC). Busca una solución creativa e innovadora de acuerdo a las necesidades físicas, médicas y estéticas que se requieren. Un producto ortopédico que evita los movimientos y posturas inadecuadas del animal. El proyecto desarrollado se ha realizado con ayuda obtenida de internet pero, sobre todo, siguiendo las indicaciones de veterinarios especializados y los conocimientos adquiridos en el grado. En la memoria queda reflejada toda la información necesaria y las conclusiones finales del proyecto.[EN] "Proyecto Balú" is a product intended for a real case of a dog who suffers from hip dysplasia. It looks for a creative and innovative solution in accordance with the physical, medical and aesthetic needs that are required. An orthopaedic gadget which avoids the inappropriate movements and positions of the animal. The developed project has been done mostly with the help of specialized vets, as well as the knowledge acquired during the degree and the internet too. The document shows all the information needed and the final conclusions of the project.Verdú Ruiz, I. (2017). Diseño de un producto de ortopedia en plástico para animales discapacitados: silla de ruedas para perros. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/98710TFG

    Is elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic safe? A multi-center prospective study in a high incidence area

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    Elective surgery; COVID-19 pandemicCirugía electiva; Pandemia de COVID-19Cirurgia electiva; Pandèmia de COVID-19Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the evolution of patients admitted for elective orthopaedic surgery during the immediate post-COVID-19 peak of the pandemic. Methods: This is a multi-center, observational study conducted in 8 high complexity hospitals of Catalonia, one of the highest COVID-19 incidence areas in Spain. We included patients ≥18 years of age undergoing elective surgery (total knee or hip arthroplasty, knee or hip revision arthroplasty, shoulder or knee arthroscopy, hand or wrist surgery, forefoot surgery, or hardware removal) after the COVID-19 peak (between May 5th and June 30th, 2020). The main exclusion criterion was a positive result for SARS-CoV-2 PCR within the 7 days before the surgery. The primary outcomes were postoperative complications within 60 days (+/-30) or hospital readmission due to a COVID-19 infection. Following the recommendations of the International Consensus Group (ICM), elective surgeries were re-started when the nationwide lockdown was lifted. Before the surgery, patients were contacted by phone to rule out any exposure to confirmed COVID-19 cases, a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was performed in all patients 48-72 hours before hospital admission, and they were asked to maintain home confinement until the day of the surgery. Results: 675 patients were included: 189 patients in the arthroplasty group (28%) and 486 in the ambulatory surgery group (72%). Mean [SD] age was 57.6 [15.3] years. The mean Charlson Comorbidity Index score was 2.21 (SD = 2.01, Min = 0, Max = 13). A total of 84 patients (12.75%) obtained an American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score ≥ 3, showing no association between the ASA score and the risk of developing COVID-19 symptoms at follow-up (χ 2 (4) = 0.77, P = 0.94). The mean occupation rate of hospital beds for COVID-19 patients was 13% and the mean occupation rate of critical care beds for COVID-19 patients was 27% at the time of re-introducing elective surgeries. These were important rates to consider to decide when to reintroduce elective surgeries after lockdown. Surgical time, time of ischemia and intra-operative bleeding were not related with a higher risk of developing COVID-19 post-operatively (χ 2 (1) = 0.00, P = 0.98); (χ 2 (2) = 2.05, P = 0.36); (χ 2 (2) = 0.37, P = 0.83). Only 2 patients (0.3 %) presented with a suspected COVID-19 infection at follow-up. None of them presented with pneumonia or required confirmation by a reverse transcription PCR assay. Hospital re-admission was not needed for these patients. Conclusion: The risk of developing COVID-19 during the immediate post-COVID-19 peak in a region with a high incidence of COVID-19 has not been proved. These data suggest that elective orthopaedic surgeries can be resumed when assertive and strict protocols are followed

    Microplastics as vectors of the antibiotics azithromycin and clarithromycin: effects towards freshwater microalgae

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    Water pollution due to microplastics (MPs) is recognized as a major anthropogenic impact. Once MPs reach the ecosystems, they are exposed to a variety of other pollutants, which can be sorbed on them, transported and eventually desorbed. In this work, we tested the hypothesis that MPs can behave as conveyors for delivering chemicals toxic to aquatic microorganisms by investigating the vector role of MPs of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polylactic acid (PLA), polyoxymethylene (POM) and polystyrene (PS) to the macrolide antibiotics azithromycin (AZI) and clarithromycin (CLA). AZI and CLA were chosen, as they are included in the Watch List for EU monitoring concerning water policy by Decision (EU) 2018/840. MPs were loaded in contact with 500 μg/L of AZI or 1000 μg/L of CLA. Results showed that both antibiotics were sorbed on all tested MPs. The more hydrophobic AZI was sorbed in higher proportion than CLA. Both antibiotics were desorbed from MPs upon contact with water with percentages between 14.6 ± 2.6% for AZI and 1.9 ± 1.4% for CLA of the concentrations to which the MPs were initially exposed. Virgin MPs were not toxic to the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC7120. However, antibiotic-loaded MPs significantly inhibited the growth and chlorophyll content of the cyanobacterium. Most of the sorbed antibiotics became released upon contact with cyanobacterial cultures, which was the cause for the observed toxicity. Therefore, MPs can play a role as vectors of antibiotics in freshwaters systems affecting the basic trophic level of photosynthetic microorganismsFinancial support was provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CTM2016-74927C2-1-R/2-R). We also thank the EnviroPlaNet Network Thematic Network of Micro and Nanoplastics in the Environment (RED2018-102345-T; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades

    A survey for gregarines (Protozoa: Apicomplexa) in arthropods in Spain

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    Gregarines thrive in the digestive tract of arthropods and may be deleterious to their hosts, especially when present in high densities. The impact of parasites on these invertebrates may affect both the ecosystem equilibrium and human economic activities. However, information available on gregarines in Spain is limited. Therefore, a microscopic study on prevalence of gregarine infection in 560 insects and crustaceans was undertaken in Madrid and Tarragona. Gregarina ormierei (78% prevalence), Stylocephalus gigas (56 %), Oocephalus hispanus (13 %) and Actinocephalus permagnus (only one infected out of six beetles examined) were found in coleopteran hosts. Gregarina ovata and G. chelidurellae showed moderate frequency of infection (35 %) in dermapterans. An undescribed Gregarina sp. (76 % prevalence) was observed for the first time in freshwater decapod crustaceans. Interestingly, G. ormierei showed a noticeable phenotypic dimorphism, which justifies its redescription based on modern taxonomic criteria. Sequences of the 18S rRNA gene could be obtained only in the presence of highly prevalent gregarines. G. ormierei and Gregarina sp. were related (85 and 94 % identity by BLASTN, respectively) to G. basiconstrictonea and G. cloptoni, respectively, whereas S. gigas was closely related to both Xiphocephalus ellisi and S. giganteus (> 97 % identity). Phylogenetic trees based on ribosomal sequences unequivocally grouped these new isolates either with the Gregarinidae (G. ormierei and Gregarina sp.) or the Stylocephalidae (S. gigas)

    Laboratory analysis of soil respiration using oxygen-sensitive microplates

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    Soil respiration is usually monitored by measuring CO2 efflux. Most techniques available for such kind of analyses are inconvenient and difficult to adapt to micro-method format. The present study evaluates a new microplate-based method for studying soil respiration in the laboratory. Second-generation oxygen-sensitive microplates (OSM - containing a fluorescent probe attached to the bottom of the well which provides time-resolved fluorescence data) were used to measure soil respiration either in microcosm assays or in soil water extracts. The latter procedure (water extracts) was the least cumbersome, hence it was selected for further experiments. Soil respiration curves generally showed no lag phase, starting with an exponential oxygen consumption phase, followed by a period where respiration became stable after 8-10 h of incubation at 25 ºC. Once the procedure for measurement of oxygen consumption in soil was established, the acute toxic effect of diverse chemicals on soil was analysed with OSM. Streptomycin and penicillin failed to reduce soil respiration. Kanamycin plus neomycin, trimethoprim and 5-fluorocytosine exhibited limited inhibitory effects. In contrast, some chemicals (copper sulphate and amphotericin B) and fungicides (such as dodine and fosetyl) noticeably reduced fluorescence readings, showing concentrations to give half-maximal inhibition of respiration (ICR50) ranging from 0.0064 to 0.082 g/L. Finally, some insecticides and soil amendments assayed were either neutral or increased respiration. It is concluded that OSM are reliable, convenient, and yield quantitative results. Moreover, the system is relatively inexpensive and amenable to automation. However, results obtained using soil water extracts may be different from those derived from undisturbed soil aggregates, clods or slurries studied under field conditions

    Amoebicidal activity of cationic carbosilane dendrons derived with 4-phenylbutyric acid against Acanthamoeba griffini and Acanthamoeba polyphaga trophozoites and cysts

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    Amoebae from the genus Acanthamoeba are important pathogens responsible for severe illnesses in humans such as Acanthamoeba keratitis and granulomatous amoebic encephalitis. In the last few decades, AK diagnoses have steadily increased. Most patients suffering from AK were contact lens users and the infection was related to poor hygiene. However, therapy is not yet well established, and treatments may last for several months due to resistance. Moreover, these treatments have been described to generate cytotoxicity. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop new therapeutic strategies against AK. In this study, the amoebicidal activity of different generation cationic carbosilane dendrons derived with 4-phenylbutyric acid was demonstrated against Acanthamoeba polyphaga and Acanthamoeba griffini trophozoites and cysts. In addition, the combination of chlorhexidine digluconate and the most effective dendron (ArCO(2)G(2)(SNMe3I)(4)) showed an in vitro effect against Acanthamoeba trophozoites and cysts, reducing the minimal trophozoite amoebicidal concentration as well as concentrations with cysticidal activity.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadUniversidad de AlcaláComunidad de Madri

    Restauración de los colores exteriores del Palacete Burgos de Valencia

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    [ES] Se describe el estudio desarrollado para restaurar los colores exteriores del Palacete Burgos (1921), un edificio ecléctico del arquitecto D. Javier Goerlich Lleó, ubicado en la Avda. del Puerto de Valencia. El estudio incluye un análisis histórico del edificio, un análisis visual de los restos de colores encontrados y su medición cromática, así como la extracción y análisis de muestras de morteros coloreados. Estos análisis permiten formalizar una carta de colores y una propuesta de restauración que se basa en 6 criterios: (1) recuperar en la fachada la policromía frente a la monocromía actual, basándose en las características generales de la arquitectura ecléctica valenciana y los numerosos restos de colores encontrados; (2) emplear los colores para favorecer una mejor lectura de la estructura compositiva del edificio, diferenciando paños de fondo, elementos arquitectónicos y ornamentación, un criterio que expresa la voluntad de Goerlich de ir ordenando el proyecto en sus distintas versiones; (3) disponer en el paño de fondo y elementos decorativos un color siena rojizo de valor alto y baja saturación (NCS S2030-Y30R), habitual en la edilicia valenciana y equivalente a los restos encontrados in situ y caracterizados con ayuda de microscopía; (4) disponer en los elementos arquitectónicos verticales un color más claro y menos saturado (S1020-Y30R) equivalente a los ocres observados en microscopio óptico; (5) disponer en el resto de elementos arquitectónicos un color grisáceo similar a la piedra (S2005- Y40R), coherente con el análisis de las muestras y con la teoría arquitectónica del periodo, que establecía el empleo de piedra en los elementos más expuestos al desgaste; (6) y por último asegurar la coherencia de la nueva intervención con la composición mineralógica de los enlucidos originales. En definitiva, se recuperan los valores cromáticos originales de tan singular edificio para potenciar una mejor lectura de sus características estilísticas y compositivas.[EN] The objective of this study is the restoration of the exterior colours of the Palacete Burgos (1921), an eclectic building by the architect Mr. Javier Goerlich Lleó, located at Avda. Del Puerto in Valencia. The study includes a historical analysis of the building, a visual analysis of the coloured remains and their chromatic measurement, as well as the extraction and analysis of samples of coloured mortars. These analysis make it possible to formalize a colour chart and a restoration proposal that is based on 6 criteria: (1) recover the polychromy on the facade exceeding the current monochromy, based on the general characteristics of Valencian eclectic architecture and in the finding of numerous colour remainings; (2) use colours to favor a better reading of the building's compositional structure, differentiating background, architectural elements and ornamentation, a criterion that emphasizes Goerlich's desire to set a good organization of elements in the different versions of the project; (3) arrange on the background and decorative elements a reddish sienna color with high value and low saturation (NCS S2030-Y30R), common in the Valencian eclectic buildings and equivalent to the remains found in situ and characterized with microscopy; (4) provide the vertical architectural elements with a lighter and less saturated color (S1020-Y30R) equivalent to the other observed with the optical microscope; (5) arrange on the rest of the architectural elements a grayish color similar to stone (S2005-Y40R), consistent with the analysis of the samples and with the architectural theory of the period, which established the use of stone in those elements most exposed to the erosion; (6) and finally to ensure the coherence of the new intervention with the mineralogical composition of the original plasters. In short, the original chromatic values of such a unique building are recovered to enhance a better reading of its stylisticand compositional characteristics.Torres Barchino, AM.; Serra Lluch, JDR.; Llopis Verdú, J.; De La Torre, I.; Hidalgo, J. (2020). Restauración de los colores exteriores del Palacete Burgos de Valencia. Arché. (13 - 14 - 15):217-226. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/15657421722613 - 14 - 1

    Seguimiento y mejora de las asignaturas de segundo curso del Grado en Ingeniería Informática durante el curso 2013-2014

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    En esta memoria se describe el trabajo de la red docente para el seguimiento y control de calidad de las asignaturas del segundo curso del Grado en Ingeniería Informática impartido en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante. En esta edición, el trabajo de la red se ha centrado en el estudio de las necesidades formativas y los contenidos impartidos en las asignaturas. El resultado ha sido la creación de un grafo de dependencias entre asignaturas de segundo y primer curso (y de segundo curso entre sí), un mapa de necesidades formativas para acceder a las asignaturas de segundo curso y un mapa de los contenidos impartidos en éstas. Asimismo, se ha elaborado un calendario on-line de evaluaciones para el curso 2014-2015

    La Recuperación del color de la Rua Junqueira de Lisboa

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    La ciudad como ente vivo es un compendio de momentos históricos, un conjunto de acontecimientos donde permanecen diferentes lenguajes que coexisten entre sí. En la medida que seamos capaces de armonizar este conjunto aparentemente caótico, dándole a cada episodio su verdadera dimensión, tratando de recuperar los valores que en su día hicieron posible su aparición, seremos capaces de salvaguardar los valores de nuestro propio pasado y de nuestra historia más o menos reciente. En nuestro caso, la recuperación se sitúa en el ámbito del color, entendido éste como un valor antropológico de contenido plural, que guarda en si mismo valores culturales, sociales, artísticos y finalmente emocionales. El presente texto la búsqueda y análisis de los colores históricos de la rua Junqueira de Lisboa, el cual requiere de una metodología compleja, que se desarrolla en torno a varios aspectos relevantes que nos darán el resultado de la investigación histórico-tecnológica que planteamos: la contextualización del elemento a investigar, el análisis y la caracterización de las tipologías arquitectónicas y constructivas más representativas del edificado constituyente de Rua da Junqueira y la tecnología cromática que permitirá, finalmente, la descripción de los resultados que serán concluyentes para la elaboración de las Carta Cromática. Este conjunto de acciones, descritas en el presente artículo, componen la metodología empleada para la recuperación de los colores de la Rua Junqueira de Lisboa reflejado en el libro publicado recientemente titulad: Cor da rua da Junqueria.García Codoñer, Á.; Braz De Oliveira, I.; Torres Barchino, AM.; Serra Lluch, JDR.; Llopis Verdú, J.; Torre Fornés, IDL. (2015). La Recuperación del color de la Rua Junqueira de Lisboa. Arché. (10):271-280. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/847772712801