269 research outputs found

    Implementation of Massive Artificial Neural Networks with CUDA

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    Surface Water Movement, Western Lake Erie

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    Author Institution: F. T. Stone Institute of Hydrobiology, The Ohio State University, Put-in-Ba

    Design, fabrication and evaluation of chalcogenide glass Luneburg lenses for LiNbO3 integrated optical devices

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    Optical waveguide Luneburg lenses of arsenic trisulfide glass are described. The lenses are formed by thermal evaporation of As2S3 through suitably placed masks onto the surface of LiNbO3:Ti indiffused waveguides. The lenses are designed for input apertures up to 1 cm and for speeds of f/5 or better. They are designed to focus the TM sub 0 guided mode of a beam of wavelength, external to the guide, of 633 nm. The refractive index of the As2S3 films and the changes induced in the refractive index by exposure to short wavelength light were measured. Some correlation between film thickness and optical properties was noted. The short wavelength photosensitivity was used to shorten the lens focal length from the as deposited value. Lenses of rectangular shape, as viewed from above the guide, as well as conventional circular Luneburg lenses, were made. Measurements made on the lenses include thickness profile, general optical quality, focal length, quality of focal spot, and effect of ultraviolet irradiation on optical properties

    Operating System Kernel Coprocessor for Embedded Applications

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    Real-Time Strategy Games Bot Based on a Non- Simultaneous Human-Like Movement Characteristic

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    This paper discusses how to improve the behaviour ofartificial intelligence (AI) algorithms during real-time strategygames so as to behave more like human players. If we want toachieve this goal we must take into consideration several aspectsof human psychology – human characteristics. Here we focusedon the limited reaction times of the players in contrast to theenormous speed of modern computers. We propose an approachthat mimics the limitations of the human reaction times. In orderto work properly, the AI must know the average reaction times ofthe players. Some techniques and proposed algorithm outline arepresented on how to achieve this

    Applications of electro-optic gratings in integrated optical signal processing devices

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    A variety of applications of electro-optically induced Bragg gratings in integrated optical signal processing and computation devices are shown. The gratings are easy to fabricate, operate efficiently on relatively low voltages and have design principles which are well known and reliable. The component allows a rapid and efficient interaction with an optical wave in a planar electro-optic waveguide. The operation of such gratings and their use as intensity modulators, spatial light modulators, and components in correlators and in a variety of computational units is described

    Pairwise comparison device

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    Apparatus for comparing first and second sets of voltages having one-to-one correspondence, and providing an indication responsive to the magnitudes of the pairwise differences of the voltages; typically comprising a plurality of channel waveguides (11), each having a first electrode (12) on one side of the channel (11) and a second electrode (13) on the opposite side of the channel (11); contacts (14) and conductors (16) for connecting each voltage of the first set to the first electrode (12) of one waveguide (11); contacts (b 15) and conductors (17) for connecting each voltage of the second set to the second electrode (13) of the waveguide (11) to the first electrode (12) of which the corresponding voltage of the first set is connected; a coupling prism (18), a beam splitter (19), and a waveguide portion (20) for directing to the input end (21,22) of each waveguide (11) a substantially plane wave of coherent light (as indicated at 23,24,25) having predetermined relative intensity and phase; and a detector (51) and associated circuitry (52,58) responsive to the light emerging (as indicated at 26) from the output end (28,29) of the waveguides (11) (via a beam splitter 44 and a coupling prism 45) for providing an indication that is a function of the pairwise relative magnitudes of the first set of voltages and the second set of voltages

    An investigation for the development of an integrated optical data preprocessor

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    A laboratory model of a 16 channel integrated optical data preprocessor was fabricated and tested in response to a need for a device to evaluate the outputs of a set of remote sensors. It does this by accepting the outputs of these sensors, in parallel, as the components of a multidimensional vector descriptive of the data and comparing this vector to one or more reference vectors which are used to classify the data set. The comparison is performed by taking the difference between the signal and reference vectors. The preprocessor is wholly integrated upon the surface of a LiNbO3 single crystal with the exceptions of the source and the detector. He-Ne laser light is coupled in and out of the waveguide by prism couplers. The integrated optical circuit consists of a titanium infused waveguide pattern, electrode structures and grating beam splitters. The waveguide and electrode patterns, by virtue of their complexity, make the vector subtraction device the most complex integrated optical structure fabricated to date