1,096 research outputs found

    Lille : APP et mĂ©diathĂšque, l’odyssĂ©e d’un partenariat

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    Pierre Verbeke Nous allons essayer d’ĂȘtre brefs parce que je crois que le temps nous est comptĂ©. Nous allons essayer, avec ChĂ©rif Lounici Ă  mes cĂŽtĂ©s, de vous prĂ©senter le partenariat que nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© Ă  Lomme. OĂč se trouve Lomme ? Lomme est une commune de l’agglomĂ©ration de la mĂ©tropole lilloise, trente mille habitants. La mĂ©tropole lilloise totalise un peu plus d’un million d’habitants situĂ©s Ă  peu prĂšs Ă  dix kilomĂštres de Lille. Et nous sommes Ă  peu prĂšs Ă  quinze kilomĂštres de la fr..

    Challenges and prospects for consumer acceptance of cultured meat

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    Consumer acceptance of cultured meat is expected to depend on a wide diversity of determinants ranging from technologyrelated perceptions to product-specific expectations, and including wider contextual factors like media coverage, public involvement, and trust in science, policy and society. This paper discusses the case of cultured meat against this multitude of possible determinants shaping future consumer acceptance or rejection. The paper also presents insights from a primary exploratory study performed in April 2013 with consumers from Flanders (Belgium) (n=180). The concept of cultured meat was only known (unaided) by 13% of the study participants. After receiving basic information about what cultured meat is, participants expressed favorable expectations about the concept. Only 9% rejected the idea of trying cultured meat, while two thirds hesitated and about quarter indicated to be willing to try it. The provision of additional information about the environmental benefits of cultured meat compared to traditional meat resulted in 43% of the participants indicating to be willing to try this novel food, while another 51% indicated to be ‘maybe’ willing to do so. Price and sensory expectations emerged as major obstacles. Consumers eating mostly vegetarian meals were less convinced that cultured meat might be healthy, suggesting that vegetarians may not be the ideal primary target group for this novel meat substitute. Although exploratory rather than conclusive, the findings generally underscore doubts among consumers about trying this product when it would become available, and therefore also the challenge for cultured meat to mimic traditional meat in terms of sensory quality at an affordable price in order to become acceptable for future consumers

    La viande du futur sera-t-elle produite in vitro ?

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    La production de viande artificielle par culture de cellules est proposĂ©e par certains scientifiques comme une des solutions pour rĂ©pondre aux grands enjeux de l’élevage : i) rĂ©duire le mal-ĂȘtre supposĂ© des animaux dans les Ă©levages modernes, voire ne pas tuer les animaux pour les manger, ii) rĂ©duire la possible dĂ©gradation de l’environnement par l’élevage et iii) rĂ©duire la faim dans le monde en augmentant le niveau des ressources protĂ©iques alimentaires. La viande artificielle supprimerait en effet le mal-ĂȘtre supposĂ© des animaux liĂ© Ă  l’élevage et permettrait de ne pas abattre les animaux pour les manger. L’impact environnemental de la viande artificielle est difficile Ă  Ă©valuer en l’absence de donnĂ©es sur le fonctionnement d’une usine de production. La viande artificielle prĂ©senterait toutefois un intĂ©rĂȘt modĂ©rĂ© pour rĂ©duire les gaz Ă  effet de serre et la pollution par les nitrates, un intĂ©rĂȘt limitĂ© quant Ă  l’utilisation des Ă©nergies fossiles, voire trĂšs limitĂ© pour limiter les besoins en eau, mais elle libĂ©rerait des terres cultivables. Elle entraĂźnerait probablement dans l’eau des rĂ©sidus de molĂ©cules de synthĂšse. De nombreux experts estiment que les causes de la malnutrition actuelle de certaines populations sont multiples et ne sont pas directement liĂ©es Ă  un manque de ressources alimentaires. Bien que la culture de cellules soit couramment pratiquĂ©e en laboratoire, il existe des verrous techniques importants Ă  lever pour une production Ă  grande Ă©chelle, tels que le coĂ»t rĂ©dhibitoire des technologies actuelles et le manque de ressemblance du produit obtenu Ă  de la viande issue d’animaux. Sur le plan nutritionnel, la viande artificielle ne prĂ©sente pas d’avantage particulier par rapport Ă  un autre aliment Ă©laborĂ© Ă  partir de l’ensemble des nutriments nĂ©cessaires Ă  sa production. Les critĂšres d’acceptabilitĂ© de la viande artificielle renvoient, d’une part, Ă  des questions d’ordre moral ou Ă©thique concernant la technologie et les inquiĂ©tudes qu’elle soulĂšve, et d’autre part, Ă  des considĂ©rations classiques relatives aux produits alimentaires (prix, qualitĂ©, naturalitĂ©...). Par le passĂ©, les expĂ©riences de substitution des protĂ©ines animales par des produits analogues ont Ă©chouĂ© en raison, notamment, de contraintes Ă©conomiques, du temps nĂ©cessaire pour l’éventuelle acceptation des produits par les consommateurs et pour la dĂ©livrance des autorisations de mise sur le marchĂ©. Face aux questionnements importants concernant l’élevage, la production de viande artificielle ne prĂ©sente pas aujourd’hui d’avantages majeurs par comparaison Ă  la viande naturelle ou Ă  d’autres alternatives possibles telles que rĂ©Ă©quilibrer notre alimentation en diversifiant les sources de protĂ©ines vĂ©gĂ©tales et animales, ou encore dĂ©velopper des systĂšmes d’élevage plus respectueux des animaux et de l’environnement

    International comparative study of low back pain care pathways and analysis of key interventions

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    Purpose Low back pain (LBP) is a major public health problem worldwide. Significant practice variation exists despite guidelines, including strong interventionist focus by some practitioners. Translation of guidelines into pathways as integrated treatment plans is a next step to improve implementation. The goal of the present study was to analyze international examples of LBP pathways in order to identify key interventions as building elements for care pathway for LBP and radicular pain. Methods International examples of LBP pathways were searched in literature and grey literature. Authors of pathways were invited to fill a questionnaire and to participate in an in-depth telephone interview. Pathways were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed, to enable the identification of key interventions to serve as pathway building elements. Results Eleven international LBP care pathways were identified. Regional pathways were strongly organized and included significant training efforts for primary care providers and an intermediate level of caregivers in between general practitioners and hospital specialists. Hospital pathways had a focus on multidisciplinary collaboration and stepwise approach trajectories. Key elements common to all pathways included the consecutive screening for red flags, radicular pain and psychosocial risk factors, the emphasis on patient empowerment and self-management, the development of evidence-based consultable protocols, the focus on a multidisciplinary work mode and the monitoring of patient-reported outcome measures. Conclusion Essential building elements for the construction of LBP care pathways were identified from a transversal analysis of key interventions in a study of 11 international examples of LBP pathways

    BibliothĂšques et autoformation

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    Dans un univers oĂč les nouvelles technologies Ă©voluent constamment et oĂč l'individu est rĂ©guliĂšrement amenĂ© Ă  se recycler dans sa carriĂšre professionnelle ou Ă  maĂźtriser les outils de dĂ©veloppement personnel, la bibliothĂšque est aujourd'hui le lieu d'expression d'une demande nouvelle en autoformation. Cette demande, dĂ©pendante pour partie de l'offre de la bibliothĂšque et du niveau de formation de l'usager, remet Ă©galement en question le rĂŽle des bibliothĂ©caires et de leur mĂ©diation. Reprenant les actes du colloque organisĂ© Ă  la BibliothĂšque publique d'information en dĂ©cembre 2005, ainsi que le rapport de l'enquĂȘte rĂ©alisĂ©e par le service Études et recherche de la Bpi sur l'espace Autoformation de la Bpi, cet ouvrage se veut un outil de rĂ©flexion pour les professionnels des bibliothĂšques. Reformulant les questions auxquelles les bibliothĂ©caires sont confrontĂ©es dans leur pratique quotidienne, s'appuyant sur leurs expĂ©riences et sur l'analyse thĂ©orique de chercheurs en sciences de l'information, il tente d'ouvrir de nouvelles pistes de travail pour Ă©tablir Ă  l'avenir, peut-ĂȘtre une « charte de l'autoformation en bibliothĂšque »

    Cross-validated stepwise regression for identification of novel non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor resistance associated mutations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Linear regression models are used to quantitatively predict drug resistance, the phenotype, from the HIV-1 viral genotype. As new antiretroviral drugs become available, new resistance pathways emerge and the number of resistance associated mutations continues to increase. To accurately identify which drug options are left, the main goal of the modeling has been to maximize predictivity and not interpretability. However, we originally selected linear regression as the preferred method for its transparency as opposed to other techniques such as neural networks. Here, we apply a method to lower the complexity of these phenotype prediction models using a 3-fold cross-validated selection of mutations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared to standard stepwise regression we were able to reduce the number of mutations in the reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitor models as well as the number of interaction terms accounting for synergistic and antagonistic effects. This reduction in complexity was most significant for the non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) models, while maintaining prediction accuracy and retaining virtually all known resistance associated mutations as first order terms in the models. Furthermore, for etravirine (ETR) a better performance was seen on two years of unseen data. By analyzing the phenotype prediction models we identified a list of forty novel NNRTI mutations, putatively associated with resistance. The resistance association of novel variants at known NNRTI resistance positions: 100, 101, 181, 190, 221 and of mutations at positions not previously linked with NNRTI resistance: 102, 139, 219, 241, 376 and 382 was confirmed by phenotyping site-directed mutants.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We successfully identified and validated novel NNRTI resistance associated mutations by developing parsimonious resistance prediction models in which repeated cross-validation within the stepwise regression was applied. Our model selection technique is computationally feasible for large data sets and provides an approach to the continued identification of resistance-causing mutations.</p


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    L’autoformation Ă  la Bpi, lorsqu’elle est Ă©voquĂ©e par nos usagers, est dotĂ©e de significations diffĂ©rentes. Si cette notion se rĂ©fĂšre parfois pour eux Ă  une façon d’apprendre spĂ©cifique, reposant sur un projet autogĂ©rĂ©, l’autoformation renvoie Ă©galement Ă  une norme d’usage qui consiste Ă  se dĂ©brouiller seul. L’autonomie est alors vĂ©cue comme un point de passage obligĂ©, pour accĂ©der Ă  des ressources difficiles d’accĂšs et pourtant nĂ©cessaires. Nos usagers ressentent une certaine gratitude Ă  l’é..


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    Ce micro-trottoir a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© aux alentours du Centre Pompidou en juin 2005. L’équipe « Autoformation » de la BibliothĂšque publique d’information, avec l’aide d’un preneur de son, a posĂ© la question : « Si je vous dis autoformation, Ă  quoi cela vous fait-il penser ? » Les rĂ©ponses Ă  ces questions, dont nous vous proposons ici une sĂ©lection, ont Ă©tĂ© diffusĂ©es en toile de fond lors du colloque. Nous remercions celles et ceux qui ont acceptĂ© de prendre le temps de nous rĂ©pondre. « Se former so..

    Identification of heavy-flavour jets with the CMS detector in pp collisions at 13 TeV

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    Many measurements and searches for physics beyond the standard model at the LHC rely on the efficient identification of heavy-flavour jets, i.e. jets originating from bottom or charm quarks. In this paper, the discriminating variables and the algorithms used for heavy-flavour jet identification during the first years of operation of the CMS experiment in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, are presented. Heavy-flavour jet identification algorithms have been improved compared to those used previously at centre-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV. For jets with transverse momenta in the range expected in simulated tt‟\mathrm{t}\overline{\mathrm{t}} events, these new developments result in an efficiency of 68% for the correct identification of a b jet for a probability of 1% of misidentifying a light-flavour jet. The improvement in relative efficiency at this misidentification probability is about 15%, compared to previous CMS algorithms. In addition, for the first time algorithms have been developed to identify jets containing two b hadrons in Lorentz-boosted event topologies, as well as to tag c jets. The large data sample recorded in 2016 at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV has also allowed the development of new methods to measure the efficiency and misidentification probability of heavy-flavour jet identification algorithms. The heavy-flavour jet identification efficiency is measured with a precision of a few per cent at moderate jet transverse momenta (between 30 and 300 GeV) and about 5% at the highest jet transverse momenta (between 500 and 1000 GeV)

    Search for heavy resonances decaying to a top quark and a bottom quark in the lepton+jets final state in proton–proton collisions at 13 TeV

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