1,707 research outputs found

    Cidade e práticas urbanas: nas fronteiras incertas entre o ilegal, o informal e o ilícito

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    Neste artigo, pretende-se abordar o tráfico de drogas a partir de suas capilaridades no mundo social e nas tramas urbanas, tomando como "posto de observação" alguns de seus pontos de ancoramento na periferia da cidade de São Paulo. Essa é uma perspectiva descritiva (e analítica) que permite situar as práticas criminosas nas suas relações com o que poderíamos definir como a gestão das ilegalidades inscritas nos agenciamentos concretos da vida cotidiana. A rigor, esse é o foco da discussão a ser desenvolvida: as evidências de uma crescente e expansiva trama de ilegalidades (nova e velhas) entrelaçadas nas práticas urbanas, seus circuitos e redes sociais, e que são urdidas nas relações hoje redefinidas (e a serem bem compreendidas) entre o ilegal, o informal e o ilícito. Com base em resultados de pesquisa recente, o artigo pretende o exercício de "etnografia experimental" para tentar flagrar as mediações e conexões pelas quais esses deslocamentos das fronteiras do legal e do ilegal vêm se processando. São essas conexões e mediações que precisam ser bem compreendidas: é nelas que se tem uma chave para identificar e compreender a porosidade entre o legal e ilegal, e as fronteiras borradas entre o trabalho, expedientes de sobrevivência e práticas ilícitas; é nelas que se podem identificar e compreender as capilaridades do tráfico de drogas no mundo social, capilaridades urdidas nessas formas de junção e conjugação da trama urbana.This article intends to approach the drug trade from the perspective of its capillary network in the social world and in urban weaves, using one of its trafficking points in São Paulos periphery as an "observation station". This is a descriptive (and analytic) perspective that allows us to consider criminal practices in relation to what could be defined as the illegality management, which is present in concrete every-day life administration practices. This is, indeed, the focus of the discussion: evidences of a growing and expansive mesh of illegalities (both old and new ones), their circuits and social networks, which are woven in urban practices and warped in the redefined relations among the illegal, the informal and the illicit. Based on the results of a recent research, the article aims to put an "experimental ethnography" into practice, in an attempt to find out the mediations and connections through which the movements of the boundaries between the legal and the illegal have been taking place. These connections and mediations must be well understood for they contain the key to identifying and understanding the porosity existent between the legal and the illegal, and the blurry boundaries among work, survival expedients and illicit practices. In them, one may identify and comprehend the capillary network of the drug trade in the social world, which is warped in the junctions and conjunctions of the urban weave


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    Gait is one of the most important means for the maintenance of an independent life and gait pattern (GP) seems to be associated with falls and, therefore, with the quality of life in the elderly. On the other side, exercise is associated with the maintenance of the physical function and quality of life. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to determine if moderate/vigorous exercise could retain GP with aging. The sample had two groups of subjects: one of five young males (21.8 (0.45) y) and the other of three old males (69.3 (8.4) y). Kinematics data were determined and compared between groups. No significant differences were found between the groups and therefore exercise practise seems to maintain GP trough aging. However, these results should be seen in a conservative way due to the small number of participants of this study


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    The purpose of this study was to identify if, on very active elderly male, the undesirables effects of age in gait dynamic variables where minimized. The gait cycle of 3 healthy and active elderly males (ages: 69.30±1.41 years) and 5 health and active young males (ages: 21.80±0.45 years) was compared in order to verify if the differences (between young and older adults) usually reported in the literature were present. The following kinetics variables were studied: ground reaction force (vertical and anterior-posterior components), joint torques and joint power (ankle, knee and hip joints). The dynamic variables were collected using the inverse dynamics technique. The results show no significant differences between the two groups in ground reaction force, joint torques and joint power. Our results seem to indicate that elderly functional decline is minimized with exercise


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    The purpose of this study was to analyse whether athletes of different skill level present different relative joint moment contributions to the power generated in a martial arts kick. This investigation was carried out using the induced power analysis, a method based on the dynamic coupling inherent to ultiarticulated systems. The comparison was done among three male karatekas, considered to be experienced, intermediate and novice. The results show that the hip extension moment was the major contributor in the production of mechanical energy in the kicking foot at impact. Similarly the hip internal rotation and ankle dorsiflexion moments worked to build up the foot’s energy for most of movement. The experienced athlete seems to benefit more from these by potentiating the moments produced in these joints

    The inclusion of the educator in preschool music lessons, as an influence on musical development

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    The current paper presents a study on the relationship between music learning development, and the inclusion of a general preschool educator in music lessons, by children aged between 3 and 5 years old. Three study groups (n=51) consisting of existing preschool classes were differentiated by their exposure to a series of ten music lessons with or without the assistance of their habitual educator. One group had both lessons and educator assisting, a second group had lessons but their educator wasn’t present. A third was used as a control group in order to define musical development that was only related with cognitive growth. Participant’s performance concerning reproduction of learned rhythm patterns, melodic patterns and a familiar song were audio recorded in two recordings: once before the ten given lessons and the other after them. These were evaluated by professional music judges that had to choose the best recording of each individual child, without knowing if they were evaluating either from the first or second moment of recording. The study concept was developed using existing research based on Vygotsky (1978) and Brofenberner’s (1979, 1989) theories of learning, and on the basis that effectiveness, emotions and feelings, have a prior role in knowledge construction (Damásio, 2001, Bowman, 2004, Johnson, 2006, 2007). The paper concludes that as the study group with lessons and educator assisting scored higher in the final musical test, this is presented as evidence to the notion that musical knowledge is a cognitive construction deeply embedded in the social and emotional webs created by the child

    Excesso de peso em idade pr?-escolar: a influ?ncia da literacia em sa?de do cuidador

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    Disserta??o de Mestrado em Enfermagem de Sa?de Comunit?ria apresentada na Escola Superior de Sa?de do Instituto Polit?cnico de Viana do CasteloEnquadramento: A Obesidade infantil ? considerada um grave problema de sa?de p?blica, com v?rias consequ?ncias para as crian?as. Pelos riscos e pelas repercuss?es que continuar? a implicar na idade adulta, torna-se indispens?vel a interven??o precoce junto das crian?as e fam?lias, com vista ? sua capacita??o e obten??o de ganhos em sa?de. Uma das estrat?gias capazes de envolver v?rios Determinantes Sociais da Sa?de (DSS), passa por promover o aumento dos n?veis de literacia para a sa?de (LS) dos cuidadores, apoiandoos e capacitando-os para o desempenho do papel. Objetivos: Analisar a rela??o entre o n?vel de LS da m?e e a preval?ncia de excesso de peso da crian?a em idade pr?-escolar das crian?as da coorte de 2013, numa Unidade de Sa?de Familiar (USF) do ACeS C?vado I; avaliar a associa??o entre carater?sticas sociodemogr?ficas, cl?nicas e de estilos de vida das crian?as e das m?es, e o ?ndice de Massa Corporal (IMC) das crian?as na coorte de 2013, numa USF do ACeS C?vado I e avaliar a rela??o entre o IMC das crian?as e o IMC das m?es. Op??es metodol?gicas: Estudo transversal, explorat?rio, descritivo-correlacional, realizado numa amostra n?o probabil?stica de volunt?rios com 94 crian?as com idades entre os 56 e 69 meses de idade e respetivas m?es. A idade m?dia das m?es foi de 36,71?4,83 anos. Para a recolha dos dados, utilizou-se um question?rio sociodemogr?fico e o question?rio ?Conhecimento dos Pais sobre Alimenta??o Infantil (QAI)? de Apar?cio [et al.] (2012). A avalia??o antropom?trica das crian?as e das m?es foi realizada no ?mbito da consulta de sa?de infantil da USF.Resultados: Na amostra 71,3% das crian?as eram normo-ponderais, 6,4% tinham baixo peso e 22,3% apresentavam sobrepeso, com valores de 10,6% de excesso de peso e 11,7% de obesidade. A preval?ncia de m?es com sobrepeso foi de 36,2%. Relativamente aos conhecimentos sobre alimenta??o infantil, 22,3% das m?es apresentavam conhecimentos suficientes, seguida por 34,0% com um n?vel de conhecimentos bom e, 43,6% apresentavam conhecimentos insuficientes. Encontrou-se correla??o positiva estatisticamente significativa entre o desenvolvimento estato-ponderal das crian?as e o IMC materno [antes da gravidez (rs = 0,0291, p = 0,004) e atualmente (rs = 0,0331, p = iii 0,001)]; correla??o negativa estatisticamente significativa entre o IMC da crian?a e a escolaridade materna (rs = -0,333, p = 0,001); e a leitura dos r?tulos alimentares (?2 (2) = 10,98, p = 0,004) por parte da m?e; verificou-se correla??o baixa e negativa entre os conhecimentos da m?e sobre a Variedade e diversidade do padr?o alimentar (fator 4) e o desenvolvimento ponderal das crian?as (rs = -0,226, p = 0,028). Observou-se ainda uma correla??o bordline, negativa e baixa, entre o fator Cren?as Alimentares Familiares e o IMC da Crian?a (rs = -0,203, p = 0,050). N?o se observaram outras correla??es. Conclus?es: Os pais desempenham um papel significativo em influenciar a sa?de e o desenvolvimento ponderal dos seus filhos. Promover o aumento da LS, de forma a capacitar os pais a desenvolver os seus conhecimentos, habilidades e confian?a em rela??o ? crian?a, ? sa?de e ao desenvolvimento ? uma relevante estrat?gia de sa?de p?blica,Context: Child Obesity is considered a serious public health problem. Due to the risks and repercussions in adulthood, it is essential to provide early intervention in children and families, in order to enpower them to obtain health gains. One possibe strategies involving several SHD?s is to increase caregivers? health literacy levels by supporting and empowering them. Objectives: To evaluate the association between the mother's health literacy and children BMI in a cohort of 2013 in a family health unity of ACeS C?vado I; to evaluate the association between sociodemographic and clinical characteristics and lifestyle of children and their mothers and to children?s BMI in that cohort; to evaluate the association between the children and their mothers BMI. Methods: A cross-sectional, exploratory, descriptive-correlational study was carried out on a nonprobabilistic sample of volunteers with 94 children aged 56-69 months and their respective mothers. The average age of the mothers was 36.71 ? 4.83 years. A sociodemographic questionnaire and the questionnaire "Parents' Knowledge on Infant Feeding (QAI)", by Apar?cio [et al.] (2012), were used to collect the data. The anthropometric evaluation of children and mothers were carried out within the framework of the Children's health consultation of the Family Health Unit.Results: In the sample, 71.3% of the children were normoponderal, 6.4% were underweight and 22.3% were overweight, with values of 10.6% overweight and 11.7% % of obesity. The prevalence of overweight mothers was 36.2%. Concerning the knowledge about the infant feeding, 22,3% of mothers had sufficient knowledge, followed by 34.0% of mothers with a good level of knowledge; yet 43,6% of the mothers had insufficient knowledge. There was a statistically significant positive correlation between the maternal-infant development and maternal BMI [before pregnancy (rs = 0.0291, p = 0.004) and currently (rs = 0.0331, p = 0.001)]; statistically significant negative correlation between the child's BMI and maternal schooling (rs = -0.333, p = 0.001); and the reading of the food labels (?2 (2) = 10.98, p = 0.004) by the mother; it was found low and negative correlation between the mother's knowledge about the variety v and diversity of the eating pattern (factor 4) and the children's weight development (rs = -0.226, p = 0.028). There was also a negative and low bordline correlation between the Family Eating Beliefs factor and the child's BMI (rs = -0.203, p = 0.050). No other correlations were found.Conclusions: Parents play a significant role in influencing the health and weight development of their children. A relevant public health strategy may go through the increase of parents? health literacy, improving their knowledge, skills and confidence

    Ilegalismos e jogos de poder em São Paulo

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    This article's sets out by exploring the web of illegalisms - new, old or redefined - connected to today's expanding informal economy (and city), the trade in illegal goods and drug trafficking, and their diffusion into urban social networks and practices. Taking as its base concept the differential management of illegalisms (Foucault), the text explores what happens precisely on the thresholds of legal-illegal, formal-informal: the play of power, relations of force, fields of dispute. Its working hypothesis is that these illegalisms form the centre point for the structuring of fields of force and power games that dislocate, make and remake the boundaries between the legal and extralegal, justice and force, pacts and violence, order and disorder. At the core of the economies and dynamics of our cities are fields of force in which the meanings of law, justice, order and their opposite are under dispute. This approach, the text argues, allows us to understand the political dynamics involved in informal markets, as well as the retail market of illegal drugs and its diffusion within the urban fabric.O ponto de partida deste artigo diz respeito à teia de ilegalismos - novos, velhos ou redefinidos - que passam pelos circuitos da hoje expansiva economia (e cidade) informal, o comércio de bens ilegais, o tráfico de drogas e suas capilaridades nas redes sociais e nas práticas urbanas. Tendo como referência a noção de gestão diferencial dos ilegalismos (Foucault), trata-se de interrogar o que acontece justamente nas dobras do legal-ilegal, formal-informal: jogos de poder, relações de força, campos de disputa. A hipótese com a qual trabalhamos é a de que, em torno desses ilegalismos, se estruturam campos de força e jogos de poder que deslocam, fazem e refazem a demarcação entre a lei e o extralegal, entre a justiça e a força, entre acordos pactuados e a violência, e também entre a ordem e seu avesso. No núcleo das economias e das dinâmicas de nossas cidades, são campos de força nos quais parecem estar em disputa os sentidos de lei, justiça, ordem e seu avesso. É nessa chave que podemos entender, assim nos parece, as dinâmicas políticas implicadas nos mercados informais, bem como no mercado varejista de drogas ilícitas e suas capilaridades nas tramas urbanas

    Uso abusivo de aditivos alimentares e transtornos de comportamento: há uma relação?

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    Introduction: Food additive is any ingredient added without the purpose of nurturing, employed during any stage of food production to modify physical, chemical, biological or sensory features. The earliest record of its use was in ancient Egyptian’s papyri, about 1500 BC. Spices were used to turn meals more attractive. The consumption of these elements has intensified considerably - in the last 50 years it increased 500% - and, therefore, doubts about their safety have emerged. There is contradiction between studies and their pathological effects, but those who demonstrate pathological effects highlight the behavioral disorders as the most relevant. Objective: To identify if there is any risk in the use of food additives relative to behavior disorders. Methods: A systematic review of literature between 2000 and 2015, using the databases SciELO, PubMed, Lilacs, MedLine was performed. The methodological evaluation of the articles was implemented using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP). A total of 13 articles were included in this review. Results: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder was the most prevalent behavioral disorder. Children appear as a vulnerable group because of the potential consumption of food containing additives, especially dyes, and also because of the immaturity of their immune and digestive systems. Discussion: Many studies not only correlate food additives to behavioral disorders but also consider their removal from the diet as a prophylactic and therapeutic treatment of hyperactive behavior. Conclusion: In Brazil, the relationship between food additives and behavioral disorders was not yet investigated. Besides, there seem to be a negative influence of existing research results, often distorted by the industry, which masks the amount of additives used. However, the effects on the consumption of these ingredients can no longer be ignored, and this study should provide data for the design of food and nutrition strategies, to protect the population and to promote public health

    Produção e uso de bases de dados em países em desenvolvimento: um enfoque para a América Latina

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    Data bases and brazilian information policy. It's production and uses: advantage and disvantage. Primary documents and it's accessAs bases de dados e a política nacional de informação. Sua produção e uso. Vantagens e desvantagens. Fatores que interferem na produção e uso de bases de dados. O acesso à informação bibliográfica primária
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