26 research outputs found

    Study of the nutritionals effects of the pulp flour and muciagens extracted from okra (Hibiscus esculentus L.)

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    Orientador: Jaime Amaya-FarfanTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de AlimentosResumo: As fibras alimentares são entendidas como carboidratos ou substâncias poliméricas afins em alimentos que não sendo digeridas nem absorvidas no intestino superior, possuem vários efeitos fisiológicos e bioquímicos no intestino baixo e no restante do organismo, incluindo a modulação da população microbiótica, alterações na dinâmica dos fluídos fisiológicos, produção de diversos tipos de nutrientes, caracterizando-se como componente essencial da alimentação. A primeira fase deste trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar in vitro o efeito bifidogênico da mucilagem extraída da farinha da polpa do quiabo (Hibiscus esculentus, L.), como controle do crescimento de Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5, foi utilizado o meio de cultura MRS (Man, Rogosa, Sharpe), e para a cultura de Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12, o MRS enriquecido com L-cisteína denominado MRS modificado (MRSm). A segunda fase consistiu de um estudo comparativo dos efeitos ocorridos em ratos da linhagem Wistar, recém-desmamados (RD) com os que consumiam dietas AIN-93G, tendo como fontes de fibras: celulose (CC), inulina (CI) e a polpa de quiabo liofilizada (EQ). Nesse ensaio biológico foi avaliado o impacto da fibra na ingestão alimentar, trânsito intestinal, excreta fecal e morfologia intestinal, assim como os conteúdos: estomacal, cecal, colônico e do intestino delgado. Foram determinadas também as concentrações dos ácidos biliares fecais, a produção de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (AGCC) e lactato no ceco e cólon. Adicionalmente foi estudado o impacto que esta fibra poderia exercer sobre o metabolismo da glicose em ratos diabéticos. Os resultados do ensaio in vitro, mostraram que a mucilagem na concentração de 1,0%, promoveu aumento expressivo do número de células, de 17,57% para Lactobacillus acidophilus, e de 70% para Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12, em relação ao controle de crescimento MRS e MRSm, respectivamente. As análises microbiológicas aos 28 dias de alimentação demonstraram que a população de lactobacilos do grupo EQ foi superior em 0,680 log ufc/g de fezes, em relação ao RD. E aos 14 dias a população de bifidobactérias no grupo EQ foi superior em 0,382 log ufc/g de fezes, em relação ao CIA soma dos níveis de acetato, lactato, propionato e butirato colônico foram superiores para o grupo EQ quando comparados aos grupos CC e CI, indicando efeito positivo na produção destes ácidos orgânicos pela fibra do quiabo. A morfologia intestinal mostrou ser independente do tipo de fibra utilizado na dieta. Os níveis de ácidos biliares secundários foram excretados em maiores quantidades pelo grupo EQ, estes resultados associados ao menor tempo de trânsito intestinal resultaram em menor tempo de permanência destes metabólitos toxicogênicos no lúmem. No ensaio de indução de diabetes pela estreptozotocina, em ratos diabéticos alimentados com polpa de quiabo (EQD) a taxa de insulina foi superior aos ratos diabéticos alimentados com inulina (CID) e celulose (CCD). As reservas de gorduras epididimárias do grupo EQD foram menores em relação aos CCD e CID (P<0,05), sendo que o fator positivo para o grupo EQD foi ter apresentado menor perda de peso corporal, menor consumo de água e menor excreção urinária. Diante destes resultados, foi possível verificar um efeito global positivo associado ao consumo da fibra de quiabo pelo rato, sugerindo que o consumo do quiabo como parte integral da dieta poderá proporcionar efeitos fisiológicos benéficos ao individuoAbstract: Dietary fiber is understood as any polymer normally occurring in foods, generally of carbohydrate nature, that is not digested and absorbed in the upper digestive tract and that is responsible for various physiological and biochemical effects in the lower gastrointestinal tract and the rest of the body, including alteration of the distribution of the bowel microbiota, improvement of physiological fluid dynamics, the production of some micronutrients, and which can be considered as essential components the human diet. This work consists of two sections. The first section consisted of an in vitro study of the bifidogenic effects of the mucilage extracted from okra (Hibiscus esculentus, L.). The second section was an in vivo study with Wistar rats just weaned, as initial group (IG), compared with fed with standard (AIN-93G) diets, formulated utilizing as source of dietary fiber: cellulose control (group CC), inulin control (IC) and okra experimental (OE), estimating such parameters as feed uptake, fecal output, transit time, GI tissue mass, and the stomach, cecal, fecal and small intestine contents. Additionally the impact of the fiber on the concentration of bile acids, gut morphology, short chain fatty acid (SCFA) and lactate production in cecum and colon and the fiber effect on the metabolism in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats were also studied. The results of the in vitro assay showed that mucilage concentration by 1% mucilage resulted in a substantial rise in cell counts, 17.57% Lactobacillus acidophilus and 70% Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12, when compared to the MRS and MRSm medium, respectively. Microbiological analyses of the assay showed that the lactobacillus in the experimental OE group on the 28th day was over 0.680 log cfu/g of feces larger when compared to the IG. On the 14th day, the levels of bifidobacteria in the group OE were higher by 0.382 log ufc/g of feces than in the IC group. The results suggested there was a selective stimulation of the lactobacillus and bifidobacteria populations in the OE group. Meanwhile, the OE diet elicited higher levels of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and lactate in cecum and colon as opposed to the IC and CC groups, showing that the okra fiber stimulates intestinal organic acid production. The intestinal morphology showed independent of the type of fiber. The amounts of secondary bile acids (lithocholic and deoxicholic) were excreted more by OE group. This results associated the lesser transit time, results time lesser this toxigenic metabolic at lumen. With regard to the induction of diabetes by streptozotocin, diabetic rats feeding with okra (OED) the serum insulin was biggest when compared than diabetic rats feeding inulin (ICD) and cellulose (CCD). These results confirm that in the diabetics rats of OED the insulin production was bigger, maybe the fiber of okra had protector effects in these animals. The epididymal fats and kidney was smaller than CCD and ICD, although the OED showed the lowest body weight loss. These results showed that the okra mucilage was beneficial to the rat when introduced in the diet, suggesting that this fiber may exhibit similar effects in human beingsDoutoradoNutrição Experimental e Aplicada à Tecnologia de AlimentosDoutor em Alimentos e Nutriçã

    Impact of gluten-free sorghum bread genotypes on glycemic and antioxidant responses in healthy adults

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    Sorghum is used to provide good quality gluten-free products due to phytochemicals and low glycemic index (GI). This study aimed to determine the chemical composition, the antioxidant activity and capacity, and the glycemic and insulinemic responses of gluten-free (GF) sorghum bread. GF bread samples were produced with three different sorghum genotypes. The samples were analyzed for chemical composition, resistant starch and dietary fiber content; antioxidant activity by ORAC; antioxidant capacity by FRAP; GI; and insulinemic responses. This double-blind, crossover, randomized clinical trial was conducted with 10 healthy men aged 28.0 ± 4.9 years (77.6 ± 11.7 kg and 24.2 ± 2.3 kg/m2). All sorghum bread showed significantly more fiber than rice bread (control). Brown sorghum bread was classified as low GI, bronze and white as medium GI, and control as high GI. Brown sorghum bread presented a low carbohydrate content, a significant amount of fiber, and a significantly lower 3 h AUC glucose response than those of the control, aside from the highest antioxidant activity value (p ≤ 0.001). Therefore, brown sorghum was superior to other genotypes analyzed in this study, and its production should be encouraged to provide gluten-free products with a better nutritional profile. More research is required to explore the effects of different sorghum genotypes in food products on human health


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    Em razão da falta de material específico de consulta que consolide as principais referências científicas e o acúmulo do conhecimento técnico sobre as metodologias de amostragem, coleta e análise de dados relativos aos quelônios continentais brasileiros, materializou-se este trabalho, há muito almejado pela sociedade interessada no assunto. Houve um grande esforço para compatibilizar metodologicamente as particularidades das espécies e ambientes em áreas com lacunas de amostragem, cujos parâmetros se adequam prioritariamente aos inventários e, em áreas com ocorrência conhecida de espécie(s) alvo de estudos de maior duração, aos monitoramentos populacionais. Sendo assim, essencialmente, este guia metodológico ou manual técnico inédito se constitui em roteiros de procedimentos fundamentados pela consolidação do estado da arte do conhecimento técnico-científico e pelas perspectivas, harmonizadas, dos principais grupos de pesquisa e entidades conservacionistas que atuam com esses animais. Essa iniciativa é oportuna, pois favorecerá a tão esperada padronização instrumental e analítica, segundo orientações validadas pelas experiências práticas dos autores, a serem adotados de forma consonante por diversas instituições ou grupos de pesquisa. Em consequência, poder-se-á integrar diferentes bancos de dados, compilar informações de séries históricas de dados de projetos correlatos, e assim, desenvolver análises comparativas das variáveis decorrentes dos componentes de pesquisa e conservação realizados de forma sistematizada por espécie, família, região, bioma etc., por meio de diferentes fontes de informação. E ainda, esta publicação tem o propósito de estimular a realização de estudos de caracterização do estado de conservação do grupo animal foco, especialmente em áreas protegidas, por meio da promoção de pesquisas básicas relativas à dinâmica de suas populações

    Proteolise com a-quimotripsina do isolado proteico de soja maleilado

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    Orientador: Jaime Amaya FarfanDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de AlimentosResumo: Os efeitos da reação de maleilação no isolado protéico de soja (IPS) têm sido muito pouco investigados. O presente trabalho consistiu em estudar a modificação do IPS usando anidrido maléico, acompanhando seu efeito na concentração de lisina disponível, atividade dos inibidores de tripsina, grau de hidrofobicidade superficial e comportamento do IPS maleilado quando submetido à hidrólise enzimática com aquimotripsina. O IPS foi tratado com anidrido maléico nas concentrações molares de 0,0170 (IPSM1); 0,0505 (IPSM2); 0,0809 (IPSM3) e 0,1535 (IPSM4). Via de comparação, uma amostra do IPS foi desnaturada tennicamente a 80°C, por 10 minutos. A concentração de reagente de 0,0809M foi suficiente para atingir um grau de maleilação de 86,7%. O uso de benzoila-DL-arginina-p-nitroanilida (BAPNA) indicou que os níveis de atividade do inibidor correlacionaram inversamente com os graus de maleilação e que, excetuando o nível mais baixo de maleilação, a modificação química foi mais efetiva em eliminar a atividade inibitória do que tratamento ténnico ...Observação: O resumo, na íntegra poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digital.Abstract: Chemical modification of soybean protein isolates (SPI) with maleic anhydride has not been studied to any great extent. The objective of the present work was to investigate the effect of maleylation of SPI on the total trypsin inhibitory activity, available lysine content, polyacrylamide-gel electrophoretic (SDS-PAGE) mobility, surface hydrophobicity of the SPI components and the effect on proteolysis of the isolate with a-chymotrypsin. The SPI suspension was reacted with maleic anhydride in the concentrations of (mole/L) 0.017 (SPIM1), 0.0505 (SPIM2), 0.0809 (SPIM3) and 0.1535 (SPIM4). For comparison, a sample of the isolate was thermally denatured at 80°C for 10 minutes. The SPI treatments showed corresponding lysine modification (maleylation) extents of (%) 3.2, 50.7, 86.7 and 92.4. Use of benzqyl-DL-arginine-p-nitroanylide (BAPNA) indicated that the levels of active inhibitor varied inversely with respect to the degree of maleylation and that, except for the least modified product, all of the chemical treatments were more effective at removing the antitryptic activity than thermal treatment ...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations.MestradoMestre em Ciência da Nutriçã

    Evaluation of allicin stability in processed garlic of different cultivars

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    This research aimed at evaluating the suitability of five different garlic cultivars for the processing of unsalted garlic paste, chopped fried garlic, and fried sliced garlic. The concentration of allicin in the products was evaluated immediately after processing and at 45-day intervals during 180 days of storage. Allicin concentrations in raw garlic of the varieties under study differed (20.73 a 24.31mg of allicin g- 1 garlic). Stability exhibited a similar between the varieties according to the type of processing utilized. Processing into paste was more favorable to the preservation of allicin than the other processes. The amount of allicin lost during the process to obtain paste for the different varieties was less than 9.5%, and it reached a maximum loss of 22% for the commercial varieties during storage (180 days). All fried garlic samples showed a decrease by 99% in the content of allicin right after processing. The processing of garlic in the form of acidified paste preserved its bioactive characteristics during storage

    Cataracts and strabismus associated with hand rearing using artificial milk formulas in Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris spp tigris) cubs

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    The aim of this investigation is to describe the potential contributing nutritional factors involved in the development of ophthalmic and dermatologic changes in four Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris spp tigris) cubs fed an artificial milk formula. The affected animals were compared with two other tiger cubs that had been nursed by their dam naturally. After the first clinical signs appeared, the tiger cubs underwent ophthalmic evaluation. Severe symmetric generalized alopecia over the trunk, sparing the head and distal portion of the front and rear limbs, bilateral cataracts and strabismus were noticed. Milk and blood from the mother, as well as blood from the healthy and affected cubs were collected in order to evaluate complete blood counts, serum chemistry values, and amino acid levels. The amino acid concentrations in the artificial formula were also evaluated for comparison to the milk from the dam. The concentration of taurine, arginine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and histidine were very low in the artificial formulas as compared to the dam´s milk. The tiger cubs that received the artificial formula had lower levels of the amino acids listed previously as compared to those that nursed from the dam naturally. Taurine, as well as arginine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and histidine deficiency appeared to be possible causes of the development of skin problems, cataracts and strabismus in the tiger cubs fed with these particular artificial milk replacers. In the future, special attention should be given in order to make sure that adequate levels of these amino acids are present in artificial milk for tiger cubs

    Stability of gluten free sweet biscuit elaborated with rice bran, broken rice and okara

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    Abstract A challenge to the food sector has been the development of new products incorporating co-products from the food processing industry with minimal impact on their pre-determined structures and adding nutritional quality. In order to add value and develop alternatives for the use of co-products generated during the agroindustrial processing, this work aimed to study the stability of gluten-free sweet biscuits developed with soybean okara, rice bran and broken rice. The formulations were elaborated with increasing percentages of these ingredients and compared with the standard (commercial sweet biscuit) for ten months. The analyses were: weight, diameters (internal and external), thickness, specific volume, instrumental parameters of color, texture, scanning electron microscopy, water activity, proximal composition and isoflavones. The experimental sweet biscuits had characteristics of color, weight, volume and diameters (internal and external) very similar to the commercial, whereas texture, lipids and energy value decreased, and aw, moisture and protein increased during storage. The sweet biscuits showed the same stability when compared to the standard, and th