5,366 research outputs found

    Characterization and evolution of the sediments of a Mediterranean coastal lagoon located next to a former mining area

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    Coastal lagoons are ecosystems that are relatively enclosed water bodies under the influence of both the terrestrial and themarine environment, being vulnerable to human impacts. Human activities, such asmining extraction, are significant anthropogenic coastal stressors that can negatively affect ecosystems and communities. In light of the above, the objective of this research is to examine the influence ofmetal mining activities on the composition of sediments of a Mediterranean coastal lagoon, named Mar Menor. This paper presents a comprehensive characterization for grain size, mineralogy, geochemistry and organic matter of sediments of this coastal lagoon, investigating their variation along space and time. Sedimentation dynamics are ruling clearly the grain size predominant in each area of the MarMenor coastal lagoon, determining the existence of entrainment, transport and sedimentation areas. Forminerals, elements and organic matter, sedimentation dynamics are also determining their distribution.The authors would like to thank Fundación Séneca for funding the project 12038/PI/09. In addition, they want to acknowledge the cooperation of J.M. Peñas, R. Baños, J. Saura, M. Saura and B. Villaescusa who helped us to improve this research and to Mr. and Mrs. Purves for their English grammar supervision

    Bursaphelenchus antoniae sp. n. (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchidae) associated with Hylobius sp. from Pinus pinaster in Portugal

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    Bursaphelenchus antoniae sp. n. is described and illustrated. Dauer juveniles were isolated from the body of the large pine weevil, Hylobius sp., collected from maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) stumps, in Portugal. Bursaphelenchus antoniae sp. n. was reared and maintained in P. pinaster wood segments and on Petri dish cultures of the fungi Botrytis cinerea and Monilinia fructicola. The new species is characterised by a relatively small body length of ca 583 μm (females) and 578 μm (males), a lateral field with two incisures, presence of a small vulval flap and a conoid female tail with a rounded or pointed terminus. Males have stout spicules with a disc-like cucullus and seven caudal papillae arranged as a single midventral precloacal papilla, one precloacal pair and two postcloacal pairs. In the character of the lateral field, B. antoniae sp. n. comes close to B. abietinus, B. rainulfi and B. hylobianum, whilst spicule characters place it within the piniperdae-group sensu Ryss et al. Morphologically, B. antoniae sp. n. is closest to B. hylobianum; the spicules of these two species having flattened, wing-like, alae on the distal third of the lamina. Bursaphelenchus antoniae sp. n. is distinguished from B. hylobianum on the arrangement of the caudal papillae (two vs three pairs). ITS-RFLP profiles and the failure to hybridise support the separation of the two species. Phylogenetic analysis of the new species, based on the 18S rDNA sequence, supports the inclusion of this new species in the B. hylobianum-group sensu Braasch. Sequence analysis of the 28S rDNA D2/D3 domain did not place the new species in a definite group

    Detailed morphobiometric studies of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and characterisation of other Bursaphelenchus species (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchidae) associated with Pinus pinaster in Portugal

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    Detailed studies on Bursaphelenchus xylophilus are provided in this contribution. Comparative observations between field and cultured populations of this species demonstrated significant size differences: cultured specimens overall displayed larger size in all morphometric parameters. A principal component analysis (PCA) of the individuals undergoing moulting allowed their separation in four groups namely J2-J3, J3-J4, J4F-F, and J4M-M; gonad length mean values of these four groups made possible to distinguish the non-moulting groups J2, J3, J4F, J4M and adults. Seven Bursaphelenchus species (B. hellenicus, B. leoni, B. pinasteri, B. sexdentati, B. teratospicularis, B. tusciae and B. xylophilus), associated with Pinus pinaster in Portugal, were charaterized, including biometrical measurements and ratios as well excised spicules observed under SEM; furthermore, B. hellenicus, B. pinasteri, B. sexdentati, B. tusciae and B. xylophilus were characterised on the basis of their ITS-RFLP profiles. B. sexdentati and B. xylophilus were the only species found in high numbers in some of the samples

    La amenaza indefinida del radicalismo islámico en Andalucía

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Periodism

    Ciudadanía, democracia y bioética

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    El tema central del artículo es el de la ciudadanía democrática y las condiciones posibilitadoras para su realización. El "ciudadano democrático", concepto interpretado desde la acepción de "sujeto" de Alain Touraine, es un individuoactor, capaz de construir proyectos de vida propios, ser agente participante y potencialmente transformador de su medio social y/o cultural. Las posibilidades para la realización de dicho sujeto dependen, por un lado, de las condiciones de la democracia entendida fundamentalmente como voluntad y cultura democrática, así como, de los modos de educación tendientes a la formación del juicio moral en seres humanos en desarrollo. Finalmente, se propone la reflexión bioética como una valiosa instancia y herramienta pedagógica para contribuir a la formación de sujetos autónomos en un contexto democrático.  

    Predictors of active loyalty: The case of hotel group X

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    Loyalty programs are now considered industry standards in the hotel sector. Such programs aim to encourage repeat purchases, attract new customers, reward loyal ones, increase retention rates and market share, and collect customer information. Nonetheless, simple participation in a loyalty program does not imply active loyalty. This in-company project seeks to identify Hotel Group X's active loyal customers and provide the company with insights into who these guests are today and who may become one in the future, allowing them to design appropriate marketing strategies. The CRISP-DM methodology was employed in this study, and its data mining goals were to uncover the most important predictors of reward redemptions, which translate into active loyalty. Two predictive models were used in this study – C&RT and Logistic Regression. According to the C&RT model, reservations made on the company's website are the best predictor of reward redemptions, followed by stays in the Algarve region and city hotels. The Logistic Regression model suggests that there is a significant predictive power for the corporate customers, followed by all the direct booking channels. Our results can help enhance the practical direction for hotel managers who deal with vast volumes of data that can be further integrated into the model built in this study to generate novel insights on consumers.Os programas de fidelização são, atualmente, considerados padrões da indústria no sector hoteleiro. Tais programas visam encorajar compras recorrentes, recompensar clientes fiéis, assim como atrair novos, aumentar as taxas de retenção e a quota de mercado, e melhorar a recolha de informação sobre os clientes. No entanto, a simples participação num programa de fidelização não implica uma lealdade ativa. Este projeto in-company procura identificar os clientes leais ativos do Grupo Hoteleiro X, fornecendo à empresa informações sobre quem são agora esses hóspedes e quais poderão vir a sê-lo no futuro, permitindo-lhes conceber estratégias de marketing apropriadas. Neste estudo foi utilizada a metodologia CRISP-DM com o principal objetivo de descobrir as variáveis que mais influenciam a troca de pontos por recompensas, e que, por sua vez, se traduzem em lealdade ativa. Foram utilizados dois modelos: C&RT e a Regressão Logística. De acordo com os resultados do C&RT, as reservas feitas no website da empresa são as preditoras mais importantes de recompensas redimidas, seguidos de estadias na região do Algarve e estadias em hotéis urbanos. Já no modelo de Regressão Logística foi possível concluir que os clientes corporate são muito significativos nesta previsão. Para além disso, pudemos concluir que todos os canais diretos de marcação de estadias são, também, preditores. Os nossos resultados podem, assim, ajudar a melhorar a direção prática da empresa, que lida com um grande volume de dados, podendo estes serem eventualmente integrados nos modelos construídos neste estudo, de forma a gerar novos conhecimentos sobre os consumidores

    Mortalidad por Meningitis por Pasteurella canis. Oportunidades de aprendizaje

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    La meningitis bacteriana es una enfermedad importante de distribución mundial, causa mayor y sustancial de mortalidad y morbilidad en países en desarrollo.  La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) sostiene que la meningitis es una de las diez afecciones principales del ser humano y debe ser considerada como una emergencia infectológica, por eso es fundamental reconocer que esta enfermedad es causa de muerte en niños de todo el mundo sin distinción de raza, nivel económico o socio cultural. Se adelantó una  investigación de caso en menor de 53 días de nacido, que cumplía con los criterios clínicos y de laboratorio compatible con meningitis bacteriana, con el propósito de analizar y fortalecer la toma de decisiones en salud pública  por parte de la secretaría local de salud del municipio de Valledupar (Colombia). Dentro de los hallazgos se encontró antecedentes infecciosos en el menor, coloración de Gram y cultivo de LCR donde se identificó cocobacilos Gram negativos, aislándose como agente causal Pasteurella canis. Este estudio pretende sensibilizar a los  prestadores de salud para que cuenten con personal altamente capacitado para brindar tratamientos adecuados y prevenir complicaciones en la meningitis bacteriana en niños y así disminuir la posibilidad de secuelas o muerte, tanto en pacientes con y sin compromiso inmunológico

    Advantages and disadvantages of the thinkpair-share technique to enhance speaking skill

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    The Think-Pair-Share technique in classroom teaching can be a very useful and effective tool to help students improve oral communication skills in cooperative work. This study will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the Think-Pair-Share technique considering the challenges that hinder its continuous practice in institutions. The problem is based on drawbacks such as group distractions leading to students wasting time in non-classroom-related talks and activities, as well as certain limitations such as the arrangement of classroom furniture. These factors have a negative influence on the academic performance of students due to low motivation and lack of confidence in speaking because oral expression skills are not good. Within the research using a teacher interview, we seek to explore perceptions and experiences when applying the Think-Pair-Share technique. This research will provide valuable information for educators about the think-pair-share technique and its benefits in speaking skills, as well as strategies to overcome obstacles in its implementation